HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-01-31, Page 22Pace 21—Ltksw Sentinel, Wednesday, January 31, 1979 , Lucknow Skating CIO Carnival Sunday, February llth Lucknow Arena LES PETTER SHOES LUCKNOW LORNE REID . PHONE 528-2011 SHOE REPAIR We Still Hive Winter Boots Ana"Skates STAY ALERT STAY ALIVE MCOONAGH EAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, LTD: PRICED REDUCED $4,100 on a two storey, 3 bedroom, brick house in Lucknow, • priced for quick sale. Askng $35,500. 4 BEDROOM HOUSE in -.Rip- . Icy. Asking. $22,500. • 3 BEDROOM HOUSE plus garage on Havelock . Street, • Lucknow. Robert. Campbell .•' Res.529-7417 Wm. Adamson Res. 528-2113 Barry McDonagh Res. 528-3821 a DRAMA CLUB The Drama Club has always been siccessful in their Once again the Drama Clubis off to a terrific start with plans for "Anne of Green Gables" well under- way. Things have been pro- gressing very quickly, scripts have been distributed, audi- tions held, the cast has been carefully chosen and the time has once again- begun for those long .awaited. rehears- als. It was difficult to choose from all .the talent that was displayed at the auditions but Mr. Elgie has picked the following people to play the main roles: Anne Shirty will° be, played by".Marni' Walsh, --Marilla ,Cuthbert. by •Gail Thompson, Mathew Cuth- b.ert by Steve Pritchard, .Gilbert Blythe by Rob Hend- erson, Diana Berry `by Jo- ai ,ne Wood and Josie Pye by Rachel' Wallace. Costumes and props have already been discussed ..and everyone's • high spirits arelaced, with eagerness and excitement., HUT •WAWANOSH 200.. acres dairy farm. ;Good 3 . bedroom house with'all conveniences This outstanding set up has a 230' x 36' barn with. capacity for 90 cows, with double herringbone milking system. Other features include' Dari Kool bulk 'tank,, 3 silos with Patz and VanD:aleonloaders. Second barn for young stock 75' x .50'. Milk quota both Pool. #1: and M.S.Q. of 630,-0000 lbs. included; This. 'ultra modern set up is priced for quick sale. WHITECHURCH . This handyman's special is priced. in the teens and is offered to' • close an estate, lot 66' x 132', 3 bedrooms,, newkitchen cupboards; new chimney, good oil furnace.- Just try your offer. w9 „ LUCKNOW AREA - '100 acres with choice land all level and workable, rnodern- ized house, good barn with newer .addition, implement shed, a real good farm at an affordable price. LUCKNOW - , one, storey house on a • large treed lot close to downtown, features include two bedrooms with closets, sunrooin, living room with brick fireplace, dining: room, kitchen and four piece bath. MEL ,MATHERS Wingham !Phial* 3574208t. Rep. L. W. Hutton Ileal Estate Ltd: k Broker., Kincardine dine undertakings and this year's musical is sure to come Off with equally good results. We wish the Drama Club ,luck and much enjoyment in the new project. RACHEL WALLACE SENIOR VOLLEYBALL Miss Schofield reports, that she is. quite pleased with the success of tlie senior team. last Wednesday. The "tealii"- was able to correct he of its ' most serious problems -- allowing: the opposition —to • build up early leads. By having intensive 'warmups the team was able to _get off nn the tight foot, tosoundly defeat Seaforth and split :with , Goderich. Service errors con tinue to plague.the team., and the practices this week will concentrate on remedying. that : defect, In the : game f d ' Linda Taylor made several. .very impressive spikes; and Esther Nethery was the best defen*e player. JUNIOR VOLLEYBALL Wednesday's trip to Clin- ton turned out to be a profit- able one for our.Junior Girls . Volleyball team. They had a relatively easy time against Seaforth and bumped, set and spiked well.. However; against . Goder- ich..,they, seemed to tense up and gave up a 7 - 3 lead to. lose 8 - 15 to them in the first game. Storming. back. inthe second :ganie, they won 15 9.. Highlights ofthe. games were several great ."digs" on opposition , spikes' by At ne Simpson and Lori Goodall` in particular, and a super back - row spike for a point against. Goderich by Kim Letteau. Coach Simpson reports that although his teams over the years have practised the ` manouver, 'Kim • is the only player'rhe has seen ••in eight years .who. scored , from it, Everyone played well and with hard work, the season should continue to b a good one.. The 'next conte `t is in Goderich on .J'anuan . . 3.1: . he ST HELENS' check ` this beautifully maintained 4 bedroom home, family room with fieldstone fireplace, taxes only $13000.. DUNGANNON. - 3' bedroom home with garage, 1 aluminum siding, well located, close tostores and church; also extra lot; has sunporch and mature shade trees. 3 BEDROOM HOME, Elgin St., Lucknow, approx= imately 4 years old in immaculate condition. 2 BEDROOM. HOME on Stauffer - St., Lucknow, with electric heat. Excellent lot asking price reduced tor. $23,500. Immediate possession. „BRICKED 4 BEDROOM home well located on 4% acres in Ashfield Tbwnship. INTERESTED IN HAVING a business of your own? Inquire about therecently vacated Coop building on Main Stiieet..This is an excellent building.�`"has-:oil. heat, office space, and washrooms, approx.- 2500 sq.. ft, of. area, with a full basement: FARMS 39r5 . ACRE FARM, highway location, Lucknow area, presently'feeding beef cattle. Additional land avfiilable up to 550 acres, ideal for partnership or fatherand son, inquirefor further particulars.. • . HIGHWAY #21 dairy farm - can be purchased with cows and quota; modern 4 bedroom home and above average buildings. 200 ACRES in West Wawanosh Twp. with brick hone, 2 bathrooms, oil .furnace and 200 amp. hydro. Modern stabling for farrow to finish, stable clearner; silo; cattle barn 30' x 60'. . ' • 86 ACRES in Ashfield Twp.; 4 bedroom field stone home; barn and' silo.' 816 ACRES with approximately 600; productive crop land. •Good brick home. Barn and silo is capable of feeding, 500 beef cattle. • Warren Zinn R. R. 2 LUCKNOW PHONE 529-7350 • x.7 Meals on Wheels for Huronview Huron County Council agreed Friday to spend $63,000 to get meals to residents of Huronview, the county home for the aged. Council's committee of managerrien,t of Huronview recom- •• mended to council_ that the food delivery system at the institution required modernization. That modernization • basically meant" that the com- mittee did away with meals on wheels and arranged for a new and more efficient method of getting meals from the kitchen to the residents. Huronview ad= minist'rator ..Chester Archibald' told .'council that' the decision to upgrade the food delivery system was made out of "necessity.. He said the meals on • wheels unit, which is basically a large wheeled 'unit capable of holding a'large number of food trays while .keeping the, food hot,was at the end of its road and had to' be replaced. He said the ministry. of community • rey's selvations and social services refused to •'sanction purchased of another meals on wheels unit the same' as the one now' in use because they are no longer on the market and parts,. for repairs for the units are very. difficult, if not impossible, to get. Archibald said the type Of °units the•.ministry was pushing the staff of Huronvietrilidn't l:ike..and so had •investigated a number' of systems available. He said the one chosen had the approval of the ministry and fit, right into the Huronview system. Archibald also told councilthat as of November 1878 the number of `long term extended care beds at Huronview had been increase -by 15. He said the increase now brings the total numberoflong term care beds -to 1,71, or 55 percent 'of the beds at Huronview;. The .remaining 45 percent is Made. up of residential beds which have been.. reduced to'13.9: .CONTINUED FROM -P.. 6 hand the ' hypocrisy that a great number believe that by going to church and being active initcovers •up.. I have.seen .some oft supposed believers, stand on the steps outside the church door on .Sunday.,anti transact business :deals. that ' would 'snake them. more profit than. Approve set rctncGally donated to. the. church y cost. Inflation has . hit' . the cost of severing your: property. Huron County council approved a $25 increase to the cost .:of approved : severances. Friday which, means that the$125total"cast.' of gettinga t severance, .will now be The • county's Land . division committee recommended to council that the extra '$25 be. tacked on the cost of an approved, severance to help offset act- ministrative costs the county has ' in processing land divisions. The ad- ministrative portion of. the severance'will now be. $75. . • Girvin Reed, chairman. of the land division committee, .. told . council`/ that ' an application for severance will still be $50. He explained that anyone. wishing, 'a severance applies to the land division committee for approval and . pays $50 with that application: If the application is ap- proved an extra $75 is tacked' on and' the severance processed. Reed said unapproved severances will not cost more in 1979. It still costs $50 to be told no, I have seen others have to have, someone steady them, When they went to the front: for communion. Also a great number of the ladies' on the way home could not tell you one senten:ceof the sermon, but they could, tell every woman in .the church whether' ;she had a new hat or had her dress made .over_. • Onthe other side, there were a great :number of 'very devoted' ,.people in that church,.. as there are in all others, I, in no way, am trying .to excuse myself. My purpose in writing this is that maybe in reading this someone may stop and examine themselves for a few minutes, . This does not mean 'that I do not enjoy Christmas as it is celebrated. When I was able, 1 was aright in the middle of it, but -that does not mean that we are Cot getting away from the true way in • which. we §hould celebrate. the __birth ' of our Divine Power,` which should control all our lives:' So, with those thoughts,;,I will get back home, where it has become; awful quiet due to the storm; A number of thegirls are Working. • double shifts as. some from a: distance are even afraidto try to get here, and if they did they might not' be able toget back home. Although most of 'us here, have seen a good number. of storms like this, we 'all have one thing in common. We all eat, so our only worry is that the trucks can get 'here in time• to keep the 'supply up.. tWith . Christmas over we are all looking forwardto a wine andcheese party this •month. A first of, its: kind. Mame and I would like to publicly thank all those pe- ople who were so kind to us at. Christmas''time. We re- ceived so many baskets of ' fruit, .and candy of all kinds,' ancUso many different artic- les I can not take the space to name them all and as well cardsand letters. With this kind-.of-encour agement, we will have to"try keeping on. rsee by today's paper that the town council has finally decided to put up school. signs. , Thanks friends, Aubrey Higgins. Too fat? Too thin? Too tired? Too often? Do something for somebody ...• Your body! •r •