HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-01-24, Page 16hate Se.duel, Wednesday, Jrpawy Z4, 1979
Ripley rink
Last Mon, Jan. 15 the
weather was so
miserable all over
Western Ontario, no
buses, were running.
Schools were cancelled
and CKNX, Wingham
radio broadcasters were
busy announcing the
cancellation of post-
ponement of scheduled
meetings like theUCW in
Ripley and the funeral in
Somehow Diane. Brooks
and her curling ' team
mates Hilda Andrew,
Dianne Farrell, and June
Paquette must have
made the trip to Peter-
borough the day before.
There. they were in the
Southern Ontario, curling
bonspiel in Peterborough
on. Mondaymorning
playing Stayner. The
sportscast news later
said Ripley 9, Stayner 5.
However it was a case of
winning the first battle
and 'losing the 'war. Just
the reverse of the bon -
spiel in Kincardine. They
played six more teams in
the eight learn round
robin series to .represent
Southern Ontario. They
Were OrilIia, Oshawa,
Kingsville, Toronto:
Kingston, and St.
Catharines. To get tothis.
play down, Diane's team
won . bonspiels at
Wingham and Kincardine
to represent the Districts
in this .part of Western.
Ontario. Everyone Jere
agrees they did wells. in
this - their first year as a
team and are proud of
Mrs. Reg Moore is back
home to Ripley after
visiting with her son John
in. Grenoble, France
during the Christmas,
New Year's holidays and
into January. It is
reported that Mr. and
Mrs. Reg ,Godfrey met
Mrs. Moore in Toronto
airport and drove her
home. At the present time
Reg is on holidays.
Miss Mary MacDonald
of Ripley, retired Toronto
school principal, is on a
vacation tour in South
Despite the inclement
weather, the ladies of the
Ripley and District
Horticultural Society.
held their annual meeting
at the home of Mrs.
Verna Finlayson .in
Ripley on Tuesday af-
of last week.
Mrs.' Minnie Wyld of
Huron Villain Ripley has,
been a patient in Kin-
cardine and Distriet'
Hospital sirrce the early
part of last week.
Mrs. Charles Pollock of
Ripley has been. a patient
in Kincardine and -
'District Hospital for the
Ripley District School is now. accepting
Day School Registration
For second semester beginning
Tuesday, January 30
Any; person interested in returning to school
for one 'semester can ..complete up to four
credits by the end of school in June: For
;further information. calm 395-26.95.
Ripley and District lions.
Annual Midget
Satur day,
Teeswater vS Lucknow at 8 a.m.
Ripley` vs Monkton at 9:15 a.mr
Howick vs Mansell at 10:30 a.m.
Paisley vs Lions Head at 11.:45 a.m.
Admission: Adults $2.00 Childl•en $1..00
Tickets. good for *II day
Roast Reef Dlimer available *t $3.75
ti .
n attle but lose war
past several weeks. On
S'tinday .Mr.' and Mrs.
Harvey Pollock drove his
mother -a? St. Joseph's in
London, where she will be
under the care of Dr.
G.E.• Meads.
Back home from
Victoria Hospital in
London is Mrs. Elizabeth
Marion an'd Jack
Lawrie of the Tiverton.
area visited last Thur-
sday evening in Ripley
with her' mother • and
husband Evelyn and Jack
Johnson. "
The ladies of the Ripley
Huron Legion. Auxiliary
'held a dinner meeting
last Friday noon in the.
Ripley Huron Legion hall.
Using Frank Zipfel's
Garage truck the boys of
the Scouts etc. made a
tour of Ripley last
Satiarday. morning
gathering up donations of
Everyone getting up
early in the morning to
drive to work.- at the
Ni}clear Plant, drives a
school bus route a rural
mail route, or go back
and forth toKincardine
or Lucknow knows the
wintery conditions of :.the
roads.' And those
operating the snow .plows
deterve special mention •
for their work: Another'
fellow deserving mention .•
here in Ripley' is • Brian •
Moffat 'Brian drives„ up
everyday from his ,home
in Bluevale to operate the
Rip:l<ey chopping :,and •
-Feed Mill for owner Ron
Stanley. • of 'Bervie: This.
means 56 mites., of daily
driving and Brian 'ha's
only missed. one ' day.
putting ,his Datsun.' F10`
over the roads. That was
Thursday Jan. 4 - which'
has.meant that if farmers
'needed grain ground 'for
their livestock and could
make it to the, mill, they
cduld get it .done.
Allanr.' .Miller.. of
Langsi.de. called to say
'that a benefit dance for.
Mr. and Mrs. John Meyer '
and family of : Holyrood
Will be held in the
auditorium of the •Ripley
,.and District Community
Complex Centre • on
Saturday evening, Feb.
• 9 to 1 p.m.
The. Kountry . Rats
orchestra will: play and
lunch will be 'provided.
Mrs.,Meyer is known in
the Huron Ripley area as
she is the former Kinn
Middelka.mp daughter of
Mr. and. Mrs. Henry
Middelkamp. They have
two- chilldren'`. in their -
family Andrew, 12, and
Susan, 10 years. About
four years ago Mr. and
Mrs. Meyer and family
moved irony Dunnville to
Holyrood to live ` in the
house across the road
from . the ..Holyrood
general store . and. post
office'. This' past 'simmer
they remodelled this.
place into a seven room
modern home. One
evening recently after the
family had retired, John
went downstairs to check
the house plants against
frost when • he detected
smoke. The fire, cause
unknown, spread quickly
and the 'house and its
Contents were completely
destroyed. All are hoping
for favourable weather
and a good response to
this benefit dance a week
from this Saturday
This Sat., Jan, 27 is the
timeof the Ripley and
District Annual Midget
Hockey Tournament. It
will be held in the arena
at the Ripley Complex
starting 'at eight in.•"'the . .
morning. The fee for the
day is two dollars for
adults and one dollar for
children and you can
have a whole day` of
watching hockey. Besides
the Lion Ladies will be
serving hot 'roast beef.
dinnersupstairs for the
tearns .and: anyone else
will be able to buy the.
same meal for the
reasbnable price of three
dollars and seventy five
cents. In the first round of
the tournament it will be
Teeswater versus
Luc -know, then Ripley
by Howiek vers Hensall
and finally •,; Paisley
versus , Lion's Head.
According to Murray
Ferguson • of the 4th •
- concession west in Haror,}'
township, they hope toget.
the first round over in the.
forenoon. Then the 'losers:
-will enter ,a consolation
series and the winners a
championship series with
.the finalzame ,to .start at
7:30 .p.m. As ;far as; this.
writer ,knows this is ,the;
first tournament . this
winter -in .' the Ripley
.arena;.- and would it :be
possible for a few details
about it for next.. week's!'
On' Tuesday. of • .last.
week. Mrs. A Alex
". MacAuley ',was able to
return home to Ripley.,
Muriel had been a patient
in University Hospital in
London. •
Ripley people are sorry
to'. learn that Miss''Ger-
• trade Kidney ki'ecante..'
'sick at a meeting last
Thursday afternoon'. ;;On
Friday she wag. taken to
Kineardine and ;District.
Hospital where.' she is
being treated. Miss Betty
MacDonald came, up
in London.
Last Thursday the
United Church Women in
Ripley held shower for
'the Meyers family ' 'of
Holyrood• who recently
lost everything When
their home was destroyed
by fire.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Lowry, RR 1, Kincardine
and Stewart Shielis of
Ripley visited • on
Saturday with Mr. and'
Mrs.. Lester Ferguson
and *family, concession
six west in Huron
Mr. Wayne Webster
and Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Webster of London
visited with her mother
Mrs. Gladys. Mason and
with Don and, Anne
MCCosh in Ripley. Also
Currie Colwell of
Lucknow: visited with
them .
A note dropped iri the
bags inside the -front door
here or a call to 2910 bac
Sunday evening assures
getting your news in this
column as it gives us time
to get It written• in tirrie
for collection,
Anne Huber of Ripley
and daughter Patti Huber
of Kincardine had
rough' wintery,.; trip .back
home from' London
during the early. hours of,
`darkness, last Monday
after taking Murray. to
the; city:
Visiting with Doug and
Eileen MacDonald at. the •
family. homestead , on
concession eight •west of
Ripley forthe holidays
yeas, their daughter Patti
from Queen's University
in Kingston. • Also here
was Doug's sister, Mrs.
Margaret Hill of Arthur.
from Creemore.
Alsothe folks in.,this
area were sorry to learn
of the death of M.
Heritage in Toronto.
Sympathy is extended to
his wife, they former, Vera
Crawford, and to" all
family. members..
The . news last week
stated that,.Huronvillers
12 , miles away from
Ripley. is that•a correct
1VIrs. Isabel% Wylds of
:the sixth Concession west
in Huron township who
has been suffering from
severe facial nerve pains
is reported back . home
after receiving treatment
in London. Area folks
wish Isabel relief,
On Saturday, Niels and
Nora FrederiCksen left .
by car presumably. for
Toronto.Nora expects to
enter hospital there for
treatment. -.
_ Visiting this past
weekend - with Mr. and
Mrs. Allan Irwin. at their
home on Tain Street in
Ripley was their
daughter Nurse Joan.
Irwin who is on the staff
at the University Hospital
..The Ripley Hor-
ticulture Society held its.
meeting •at thea home of
Mrs. Verna Finlayson
Ripley at 2 p:rn. Jan. 16
with 20 members present.,•
The year was coma
pleted by ,.reports -'fro'm
various convenors.' Mrs.
Duncan ,MacLeod was
presented; . with a silver.
Rose . Bowl on behalf' of
the Royal: Bank Ripley by `
the manager Mr. Carson,.
for obtaining the most:;
points in• the Spring and
Fall flower shows for the
year ,1978. The society
also celebrated their. 50th
anniversary this past
Mrs. Ewan MacLean
thanked- the officers ,for
their' faithfulness to her
and the society during
her• two years • as
Mrs. Bert Irwin as
convenor , of ` the
nominating committee
read the new .slate '. of
officers for 4979 and Mrs.
Lloyd ` Worlthington in-
stalled therm as follows;'
Past President -Mrs.
Ewan 'MacLean;
president -Mrs. Reg.
Godfrey; 1st vice -Miss
Christine Robertsons;.
2nd vicelMrs, Walter
Black; secretary -Mrs.
Me.r_vin. Hooey;
treasurer -Mrs. - Oliver
Directors for 1979 are
Mtg. Wray Osborne, Mrs.
Russell Brooks, Mrs.
Ambrose Gamble , Mrs.
Orville Finlayson, Mrs.
Chas. Smith.
1980 direcotors are Mrs.
Stewart Shields, Mrs.
George MacDonald, Mrs.
Steve Irwin, Mrs, Warren
Wyld1 and Mrs. Frank
After th.e installation
was completed the new
president was introduced•
to the chair where—she
asked for the members'
support to be continued
as in the past..
Mrs...Ambrose arable
gave a short talk on
growing and care of the
Amaryllis; also how to
grow" Poinsettias . from
the previous Christmas
plant. Mrs. "George
MacDonald gave the
courtesy remarks and the
meeting was closed by
the Queen and grace.
A social hour was spent
with the'., committee in
The 4'anuary .general:
meting of the St. An-
drew's United Church'.
Women met in the Sun-
day • School' Room'. on
Thurs., Tan. 18, at 2 p.m.
•with'Unit,.5 in charge ,of
the worship service.
Mrs;.: Robert l-i.rris
' opened:.the business:part
.of. the; 'meeting;; with
Prayer and the U:C:.W,,•
Purpose' was.: repeated,
Theminutes of the last
general •.meeting were,'
read .arid appnoved. Mrs.
Don McTavish: gave the
areas. report. ' ,. ; . '
Anis the'custom a cash
donation was made to the
Meyer ;family who: ; had
the • misfortune; ; to.:.lose
their 'home by fire.
• The executive have set ..
the 1979 M &. S Allocation
at '$2000
The 'study for 1979 will
, be "Human Rights" and
all its aspects:
The:, Bruce"
Presbyterial willbeheld,
iii the Kincardine -United
Church on Mar. ,' 5, t 2
p.m. The theme thrs year
is VThe Child, as a
Citizen" with Elizabeth
loweth as sp.eaker.
Everyone is • urged, to
attend. •
World's Day of .Prayer
'is to be held on Mar,, 2, in
the, Knox Presbyterian
Church, Ri'ple.y, with
"Spiritual " Growth" as
the theme,
At the close : of., the
meeting the different
groups met to choose
their unit executive for
the new year..
Lunch was served. by
Unit.5 and a social time
spent: ,
In spite of the severe
storms 'of the past week.
the WMVIS of • Knox.
Presbyterian. Church
held their January
meeting do Tuesday
afternoon at the home -if
Mrs. Ross Cumming