The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-01-24, Page 15• ,s
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Lucknow Sentinel, Wedzteiday, slinuary 24, 1979—Page Li•
Former Dungannon minister dies
Reverend Gladstone' (Pet-
er) E. Packenham passed
away in London on Tuesday, •
• January 16th in his 81st year.
Many former parishioners of
St. Paula, Dungannon, will
remember Rev. Packenham
•as rector between 1965 and
October 1969.
is survived by his wife
Anne, two stepchildren and
three step grandchildren as
well as three sisters. Funeral
services were held on Thurs-
day, January 18th in London,
• Mrs. Brenda Fancy had some of the banana crops,
the 'misfortune tofall on ice but at the time of writing his
at the Suncoast mail in letter. to Jack and Evelyn
Goderich. She was hospital-
Errington, it was lovely,
. •
ized for 5 days with torn warmweather;
ligaments, returning home a Several members of the
week ago Tuesday. Pentland families are getting
There were 5 tables of away from the ice and snow
euchre at the card party, held by wintering in. -_Florida at
on Wednesday evening at .ZephyrHills., Enjoying all
the Agriculture Han. The that sunshine are Laverne
and Dorothy, Wif :and Marj.
high score for ladies arate.
Margaret Errington and low
orie, Benson and Rhena from.
• was Debbie Park. Milte-Aus
London and Allan_of Callend•
tin was high man and also ar.
won the door prize. Sandy Mrs. Evelyn Westhaver
McWhinney had the low card was released from University
for tie. den. (sandy. was Hospital, London, on Sun-
piayini a's a than). day, but remained in London
A ball party held Saturday- !ith members. of her fainilY
. .•
evening at , the Agriculture' overnight RevWesthaver
Hall saw a goodcrowd The left followin'g the services at —
' .
party was held for the Nile-
Nile to join her.
Eager Beavers', the Dungan- DUNGANNON UNITED
non men and • 'Greg's C1-1uRCH NEWS
Girls", who won :the ladies' :Rev. C. G.. Westhaver
consolation trophy this past preached his sermon on
season, in the Ashfield rec The Anglican United Hymn
reation league. :Musk was Book - a Treasury of Things
supplied,' b D J Brian New and Old". During thin.
Eirn5lie. • service Mrs: Arny Wiggins,
son, in Bridgeport on Satur-
day,January the 20th in his
53rd year. The late Mr. Dick-
-son was a son of Mr. and
Mrs. Tom, Dickson of Goder-
ich, formerly of the second of
West Wawanosh. He is
survived by his wife, the
former Lois Nivins, as well as
four sons and two daughters.
Mrs. Evelyn Errington is
spending a few days in
Clinton with her sister, Mrs.
Melinda Nivins.
Harve Sproule writes from
Brownsville, Texas, that they
had'a frost there that touched
hymn book to the"minister to
receive for the congregation
who joined with him in a
responsive litany of - dedica-
tion. The new books were
then used for the remaining
two hymns in the service.
Miss Helen Elliott sang a
solo, "What a Friend We
Have in Jesus".
An opinion poll was insert-
ed in each church folder
concerning hour of service.
At the October meeting of
the Offcial Board a motion
was.introduced by the Nile
members that the Nile Con-
gregation request the privil-
Sympathy is extended. to ,president of the U.C.W.
the Dickson families on the presented fifty copies of the
sudden death offlarold Dick vviards edition of the new
I attended a meeting this
past week with the topic
Citizenship and the thought -
I-foW good a citizen are you?
The thought, left to 13 -cinder
was the following. - •
There are twd,seas joine4
by.the &Tine river: One Where'.
on , the banki , are trees and
houses inhabited by birds
and people, whd bring joy to
the world around. From this
sea comes food in fish,\• in fun
in boating, swimming, life
from ',the . refreshing gift. of
water. On the other; no trees
grow on the banks., nobody
builds, a house and no food or
life is derived from the water
therein. One is the Sea of
Galilee and the other is the
Dead. Sea.
Which can you be 'likened •
to, in your community, as a
,citizen? In this new year let
strive to be a good citizen
like, the Sea of Galilee -
giving of ourselves.
k Master Michael MacDon-
• ald; son of Mr. and Mrs.
George MacDonald, return-
• ed home from the hospital in
It was brought to our
attention that Mrs. Effie Cul-
bert celebrated her 90tf1
birthday on Christmas Day.
Mrs. Culbert is the mother of
Elmer thlbert of thig area.'
' Congratulations to Mr. .
and Mrs.' Jack Hayes on the
birth of a baby„daughter, in
Goderich Hospital.
Me:- and Mrs. Elmer Cul-
bert visited with Edna's
mother ih London recently.,
•Mesetillian SiMpson re-
turned home from a holiday
in Florida.
• The annual congregational
meeting of Ashfield Presby-
terian Church was, cancelled
due to stormy weather on
• Tuesday the 16th and scheduledfor. January 23rd4
• The W.M.S. meeting of
• the same church was to , be
held at the home of Mrs.
Ross MacKenzie on Thurs-
day and it tod had to be
Visitors with Oliver and
• Marion McCharles were Mr.
and Mrs. John McChatles
and. Ryan and Mr. and Mrs.
Gary Griffiths of Woodstock.
Mary. Anne and Gayle are
grandchildren of the late
Fred Ritchie -and all attended
his funeral on WednesdaA in
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Luther
returned home . from an ex-
tended holiday in Ridgetown.
• More, than two million Canadians
have quit.
Join the Majority —
Be a Non-SmOker.
ege of. having their church
service g moo or 11.15 Lin,
for four 'months' (1/3) of the
year. Since this matter will
'come up for discussion at the
Dungannsoh annual meeting
-in early 'February, the reac-
tion of the church -Attending
peciple of Dungannon charge
should be explored in ad-
• 'vance, especially since Sun-
day . School is -also involved.
farming folk find it
difficult or impossible to
come out at 10.00 a.m. in late
fall and wintet months it
. would that this propos-
al, if accepted, would be
Workable only in the summer
months, May, June, July and
September, if August is vac-
ation month. Would Dungan-
non consider a 12 o'clock
hour if Nile would take a
10.45 a.m. time? Perhaps
lunch time could be more
flexible on Sunday especially
if one rises late and this time
would still leave a good part
of the afternoon for relaxa-
tion or recreation. -
The ping pong tourna-
ments are going well.
ice the fun!
Once again public .speak.
lag 'will be in.procese -in the
school. The best two speak,
ers from each division will
attend. the Lucknow Public
SChtiol, on Friday, February
23, 1979.
, • On Friday, January 19 the
Brookside senior girls' -hock-.
ey team played •against .Rip-
ley girt's team, the score
tieing 1 .- 0 for Brookside.
Donna. Freeman from
• Grade 8 and Peter Thomson
from Grade 5 received Ord
that they placed second and
third in the Legion Essay
Contest at Zone level.
• . •
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