HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-01-17, Page 184 Pr
• • .
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Toronto Cash Prizes
totalling $24,300. will -he
won when big horses and
big tractors test their.
pulling power at the 1979
Canada Farm Show in
Toronto, Jan. 30 to Feb. 2.
Championship draft
horse draws for purses
totalling $4,090 and Can-
ada's only ihdoor tractor
pull for $20,300 in prizes
are features of the annual
show which will take over
the Coliseum complex of
buildings at Exhibition
• .:0""--
indoor, tractor ptill
• '
"a`a itat
Sponsoredly the Ontario
Relginn Horse Assoc- ,
Draft horse draws and tractor pulls for cash prizes totalling $24,31)0 will be 'among features
of this year'sCanadafarm Show in Toronto, Jan. 30 to FeW2.
• •
iation, championship:draft •
horse draws will be held in
the Coliseum arena On the:
show's,sec,ond night, Wed-
nesday, Jan.°31, starting at::
6:30 p.m. A light horse,
draw for teams Weighing 14r;
to 3,300 lbs. and a heavy
draw for teams over,..3,300
lbs will each award $2,000
in prize money.. Winners of
each class will compete in a
final draw to decide a grand
The association will also
sponsor a., championship
draft horse sale at the
show. The...sale, to be held
throughout ..the day • on
. Wednesday, Jan. 31 in: the
horse palace which adjoins
the Coliseum complex, will
include more than 100 head
of Registered and Grade
Belgian, Clydesdale, •Per-
cheron and Commercial
horses as well as a variety
of horse 'equipment and
*acCessories. A shOWing 'of
the sale animals .will 'be
held on Tuesday afternoon,
• Jan. 30 in the horse palace.
Information about entries:
in the horse pull and sale is
available from Jack. Wood,
secretary-inanager, Ontario
Belgian Horse Association
285 Yonge St. S., Aurora,
,,,Ont. LOG 1N1. Entries.
were scheduled to close
Jan. 10.
Your fine new building is
a tremendous addition lo
to the business community
- Sanctioned, by the Can-
adian Tractor " Pullers
Association, Canada's only
indoor tractor pull will be
held in the Coliseum arena'
on the show's last two
nights, Thursday and Fri-
day, Feb. 1 and 2, starting
at 6:30 p.m,
• International in sape,
the tractor 7pulling events
attract the leading pullers
from both Canada and the
United States to compete
for purses totalling
$20,300. Seven events for
modified and super stock
tractors in various weight
• classes will each award
$2,700 in Purses to winning
In addition to the con-.
testi for the big , tractors,
two events for mini:tractors
will be held under the
sanction of the Canadian
Mini -Tractor Pullers Assoc-
iation. Each event will
award purses amounting to
$600. -Additional mini
• events offer $200 in prizes.
Table -top tract,ors will be
in the show spotlight on
Friday afternoon, Feb. -2..
The small judging ring
between the Coliseum's
north and south extensions
will ge .used for this:event.
in which micro -mini model
--tractors will tesi their
pulling skill on a table -top
. •
Other special attractions .
at the 1979 show include an
Old Time Fiddler's Contest
organized and presented by.
CKVll-TV, Barrie, a,special
ladies program featuring
demonstrations of arts and
crafts and microwave oven
cooking, and an Aberdeen
Angus cattle sale..
The special events will be
staged in conjunction with
displays of latest farm
equipment, and supplies
by more than 400 exhibitors
including the major, farm
tractor manufacturers,
• Sponsored by the Ontario
Retail, Farm Equipment
Dealers Association,- the
sbow is recognized as one.
of North America's largest
indoor agricultural equip-,
ment exhibitions*.
Food specialists at the
Ontario Ministry of
• .Agriculture and Food say'
fresh Ontario carrots,
. available topped .in
plastic bags, area great
buy. The plastic bags
help protect the carrots
from bruising extend
'their shelflife and enable
the consumer to check
the quality and size Of the
contents • before pur-
chasing. .•
. • •
11be Lucknow Co-op
We were pleased to have
been chosen to
install the pump
your new building
Dawson's Pump Service
Phone 529-7981 Dungannon
. , •
• • ,
• '
To the
LucknoW District Co=op
Pointing By
01111allei Paint & Aluminum
Alone 392-6163 Teeswater, Ontario
, • i