HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-01-17, Page 6Page 0-1Asciusew Sentinel, Wednesday, Janoary 17, 1979 " The Liicknow Sentinel LUCKNOW, ONTARIO "The Sepoy Town' On the Huron-Briee Boundary Established 1873 Published Wednesday Published by Signal -Star Publishing Ltd. Sharon J. Dietz - editor Anthony N. Yohnsione - advertising and general Manager Subscription rate, $11 per,year in advance Senior Citizens rate, $9 per year in advance U.S.A. and Foreign, $21-50 per year in advance '" • BusinesS and Editorial Office Telephone 528-2822- • Mailing Address P.O. Box 400, Lticknav, NOG 2H0 Second class mail registration number - 0847 • ifet*'$, to our volunteers People in Lucknow care about each other. "It's evident during thetimes of crisis when neighbourspitch in to do the seeding or harvest for : a .farmer who is sick or disabled; snowmobilers deliver groceries to the stormed -in or take. a. pregnant woman to hospital to have ••her baby, during' a winter when a. family, who suffers a tragedy.is supported by the goodwill and financial donationsof the people in the `aornmunity.. •• But .leSSevident is the feet that people in this . community care apout each other all •the tirne.• They are the it volunteers whb give so freely of their titne and money without thinking of what's in it for. them. • „ . • They are men and women who serve on the boards of important • .scicial agencies andcultural in- stitutions.. Those who belong to, community service clubs such as . the Lions and Kinsmen-Kin- ettes. They. are the canvassers whocollect money to support the • CNIB, the March of Dimes, the Canadian Cana% Scidiety, medi- cal research an'd' the arts. They are the friendly IjtGrs who go to see the derly, hospital patients, prisoners:. They are the candy -stripers who make days in hosPitals' a bit 'brighterr-The fatherly.types Who make friends of lonely boys and . ' • I ..... the grandmothers who have block parent signs in their windows. They coach hockey and base- ball and they help with classes fo'r the handicapped. ,They run „ social and recreational pro- • grams.. - • They are the hockey mothers who run the booth at the.arena to support minor hockey and,figure'. skating and they are the mothers of the figure skating •club who have organized thig year' S pro - ,gram so well.. • '' Men and: women with. cars deliver meals -on -wheels to the • "elderly1 and the. diSabled, drive cancer patients .to hospital andr the• mentally handicapped to The work of volunteers enrich- es the life of every ,one in our -community : They provide the • personal touch. •• , . They'don't. replace the profes- sionals and volunteer work is not • a way of providing cheap ser- vice. The cancer patient needs his doctor as much as his • volunteer driver. • Volunteers are working 'to nake Lucknow and • .the., sur- rounding Community a better • 'place to live. May their efforts be appreciated and may their • numbers increase. TO the Editor: • • On January 5, 1979, by the grace of the Lord, meinbers of the Lucknow and District Christian School Society vot- ed to 'begin building a Christian School this spring. We „rwill raise funds by holding drives and it is ciur hope that the doors of the Lucknow and District Christ- ian School will be open for all • in September 1980. We wish to keep you informed about this project because this is • not to be. a Christian School only open to a few families. Indeed, we heartily welcome anyone to join our society who feels in their heart that Christ' -centred education is the best way to train a child. I remember •when 1 was going to school, and. still today, you hear of matiy-k , who; before taking a job or going on with higher educa- tion, feel the need to take a year off to -travel and find themselves. What a sad commentary on their lives that after all their training iiand education they should be so confused. •But many '• people are Confused %these • • days and they are searching for answers. You . become aware of this when you think of • the popularity of occult • religions, the use of.yoga and. • :transcendental meditation to • find peact, commune living and the power .of: certain. • people . like Mr. Monie iti • Toronto or Jones. These ' groups include . teenagers, young adults and the elderly:, Couldn't these people find a better answer to their,. pro!): .4 4 • • • Ieins? That 'is why we feel it is important to give a child • Christian 'education. • If Christian ideals are woven into -overy aspect of our child's liVes they will not feel the need to search for answers in such extraordin- ary ways as these. They will knoy the peace of 'faith and. - the power of prayer. Indeed, they will have the one beautiful goal of salvation to strive for and not lose sight of even when .times are troubled. The 'Lord's Prayer and Bible stories •in school, im- portant as they are, are just not •enough to instill these ideals into, our children, nor to- fulfill the Lord's will -for us. Religious instruction is not something that should be added to the ctirriculum. We of the curriculum, ,stressing that Christ should be the, center of our Live t and that all of life is a service to -God. For it says in Colossians 3:17 : 'and whatever you do in word or deed„ do everything • in the name of . the Lord „Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through • him." Rev: St. Version: • Our constitution, which we • have drawn up; states that; The purpose'Of this associa- tion (The LuCknow'ind District Christian School:Scie- iety) is to establish, maintain and operate a school '''or schools for the daily.instruc tion •of our children. This' instruction Must be in ae- cordance .with articles of Our constitution and its academic • standard must at least meet the requirements set forth by the Ministry of Education of the Province of Ontario".. Here is a little Of' our history. elis a result of a' congregational meeting in 1966,, it was decided to estab- .0 lish a society for Christian education and a board of five members was elected. We then became part of the National Union of Christian Schools. Their headquarters Ls in GrandAapids, Michi- gan. In Canada they, have a branch called the Ontario ' Alliance of Christian Schools which we also belong tO. The • first Christian school in Ont- ario was formed at Holland Marsh itt 1933. There are now 62 Christian schools with 9,323 pupils in Ontario. In Canada itself there are 98 • Christian Schools with 14,840 tipils. Since 1970, in Luck- -now, Christian: Emphasis classes ' for children .11-14 years have been given for two terms, each year. - The , increasing enrollment and the fact that we want to do more for Christian education led us to look into several possibilities of acquiring a • school; That is why-' were so happy to be able to purchase 71/2 acres east of Lucknow on Highway 86. • NOw that we are ready ,to build we wish to let yonknow Of init. availability and wel- come your response'. The Boarditthe • Lucknow and District Christian School Society, c/o Ruth Geertstna; - •• R. it, 5, • . Lucknow, Member of Parliament, Bob McKinley, reports that the Minister of Employment and Immigration has announced the4979 Young Canada Works program'. This program, which has been employed for several years, is ilitended to' provide summer jots for students. In 1979 the emphasis will be not only on providing income for Students, but also .on helping t: • thein • gain useful experience which will enhance 'their future job prospects. , In this constituency we have presently a nine per cent official •unemployment rate among our young people between the ages of fifteen and twenty-four," says McKinley.' •"While not eradicating that problem, the Young Canada Works Program provides a • valuable 'opportunity to many students and • • • • confers belie:its on the contndunity as a whole.'" Application forms., and guidelines for -proposals tinder the program are .available from Canada Employment Centres:. Interest- ed groups and, individuals may get detailed help from Project Offices at the Job Creation Branch Office nearest them. • In- London,' the Job Creation Branch telephone number •is 679-4030. In Kitchener the number' to call is 743-4187. •• Applicants , are . advised act without • delay so that their completed applications will be returned before the, final application date. This year the date comes early. The completed proposals Must be mailed to the •:Willowdale office of the Job 'Creation Branch by February 2, 1979. • • ...because every child has the right to smile 1979 International Year of the Child Unicef Canada 6, 1.•