HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-01-10, Page 19•
Sunday dinner guests
with "Mr. and Mrs,
.William Van Rooyen
were Ricky and Anne
Stamm of Kinlough.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Boyle. and Miss Bonnie
-Boyle of London visited
with Mr..and Mrs„ Earl
Elliott and' Ia1 on
Mr: Marty Bolti visited
'with Mr. Ian Elliott on
Saturday. Miss Sharon
Bolte has transferred to
•Kincardine High School.
Recent visitors with
Mr. ;and Mrs.. Pon
Robertson were .Mr. and
Mrs. George Harkness of
Bervie Mr. and Mrs.
Aurel Arinstrong,. Mr.
Walter Collins of Kinloss
Township, and Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Reid and
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
McFarlane of Greenock
were Saturday evening
guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Stuart Lane.° •
_ and Mrs. Miller
Hartwick of Kincardine
• visited with Mr. arid Mrs.
Ben: $cOtt for $unday
dinner. Mrs. , Marjorie.
ThompsOn Visited also on,
• Sunday.: • '
•• Mrs. y Margaret Ban-
nerman.visited b' nd
Mrs. Ben Scott on
• Monday.
Mrs. .Irene Boyle is
spending a few days in
London with her daughter
Miss Bonnie Boyle who
supervises., 'Central Day
Care in London.
Miss Linda MacDonald
of Ripley visited with
Miss Corrine &vie.
Mr. Wray. Thompsonreturned to' Fanshawe
College _inLondon. He.
recently returned frOno
Ottawa . Where, he was
working ' in. computer
programming for the
Ministry of Natural
Restnirces, .• Dept. of
Wildlife "and -Environ-
inent Wray is now taking
a final year in Business
Administration at,
• Fanshaive College. „
Mr. and Mrs. John L.
Farrell: were visited by
Mrs. Elva Needharn of
Ripley. and Miss Donna'
• Needham - ef Liflibridge
Alberta on Sunday
,eVening.. • •
•' The Purple Grove
Women's Institute was
postponed one week due
to stormy weather on
'Sympathy is extended
16 Mr, and Mrs. John'
Meyers of Holyroodrwho
lost their home in a tragic'
Mr. and Mrs. Don
Robertson spent • New
Year's Day with Miss
, Margaret 'Robertson of
Lucknow. „.
Mr. and Mrs. William
•Wood, Sherri, Donnie,
Denise, Lisa, Bill, Brian,
Besse and. Norma -Jean. of
Kenora visited over New
Year's with Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Dore.. Other holiday
visitors were Cathy and
Vickie Dore of. Kin-
.cardine, fsim Dore of
Wingham, Mrs. Elizabeth
Wood i and. Davey of
Durham, Ian and Robert
Fournier of. Durham and
Bridgette Laurence
of Kincardine.
Mr. and' Mrs. Harvie
Thompson, Mr. and Mrs.
Randy MacDonald,
• Tammy arid- Kim, Wray
Thompson and 1Virs.
Annetta Dere spent New
Year's Day -with Mr..and
Mrs. Bob Thompson'
Mr. and Mrs. Burton
ColIins spent New Year's,
•1,* h lsh
There's much to be said, for
a place in the sun,
• Where cares seem to -float
•clean away.
No worries, no sorrows - just
laughter and, -fun .
• From' morning, ' till close , of
the day.
Ant a flower will shrivel and
• wither and die
If.the rain never darkens the
sky, , •
And the soul, that knows
• none of life's shadows, my
. friend
Is the soul that life's true joys
pass by. •
Miss Florence MacLennan
is visiting in Sarnia and
caring for sister, Margaret's'
children, while Margaret re-
• covers from surgery on her
back. •
Mrs: Jean •Pollock .of Kin-
• catdine spent the weekend
, with her sister, Mrs.' Frank .
MacLennan. Mr...MaCLennan
is a ''patient in Wingham
•, Mr. and Mrs. Atlee Wise
and Patricia of Akron, Ohio,
• visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Wellington 'Webster. Mr.
Cecil. Webster returned back
• home with them, having
spent the holidays in Ohio.
• Storms during the past
week were the means • of
many cancellations„ among
them schools and several
Mr. and Mrs, George Mac-
Donald spent a few days
visiting in London with
friends, recently.
Congratulations to Mrs.
Lorne Cook and- Miss Lor-
raine Hamilton, fernier res-
idents of this area, who won
the $1„000 in Lucknow last
• Many hunters were node.:
edit) the area during the past
• Mr. and Mrs.' Jim Mac-
Kenzie and family had an
extended holiday in Deep
• River due to • the stormy
Suzanne Bell of Ripley
visited with her aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
McCharles, on the weekend.
at Mr, and. Mrs. Ed
McGillivray's in Ripley.
•Mt, John Collins who
• teaches at Pine house
North -ern
Saskatchewan was home
•for. Christmas holidays.
On Tuesday, they all
attendeddinner at Mr.'
and Mrs. Jerogie _Sch-
midt at Mildmay..'
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Rhody, Mary -Anne and
Michelle and Mandy Mr.
and Mrs. Allan Rhody,
Matthew Brad and Don,
Miss • Merle Stuart of
LucknoW and ., Mrs.
• Annetta . Dore , spent
Sunday with Mr.and Mrs. .
Gerald Rhody •_and •
family. •
0 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Rhody and girls spent
New Year's DayAt M.
and Mrs. Earl Wiliam's
of Godericji. •t
Mr. and Mr.' Morley
Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Doupe of Millarton, Mr.
. and Mrs. Fred Doupe of
• Kincardine township .Mr.
and Mrs. Art Helm and
family of Tiverton spent
ChriStinas with Mr. and
.Mrs. Norval Stanley.
_ Mr. and Mrs. 'Norval
Stanley, and Mr. and
" Lielmow Senthiel„ Wednesday, January 10, 1979—Pais 19.
Mrs. Morley Scott spent
New Year's Day at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Art.
Helm in Tiverten.
Christmas Saturday,
Mr, •and Mrs. Norval
Stanley and Mrs. A. Blue
spent with Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Peter -of Wiarton.
-- Mr. torrid' tiate of
rororito -VA-S-41onie for the
holidays. He is taking a
Culinary • Course at
George Brown College. -
On Nev:- Year's Dy, he
and, his' .grandmother
Mrs* Violet,. Wood.
Motored back tell'orento.
Mr. •and Mrs. Jake
Middlekamp Nickie and
Ryan spent • Christmas
Day in Chatham With Mr.
and Mrs ..1) grin is, Rapely: •
Ther was
spent with Mr. and Mrs.
'Carl NichOlsOn in Win-
dsor. -
Holiday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Elliott
and family were Mr. and,
Mrs. Stephen Elliott, Lea
and baby .Lyn of Upsala,
• Mr-. and Mrs. Paul
. Greenwood, . Jean-Paul
and Joel, Mr. and Mrs.
john L:: 'Farrell); Tania
and Teresa, and Mr. and
Mrs. , Torn McMillan of
Toronin. •
Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Elliott and Mrs. John L.
Farrell; Tania ' and
Teresa Were New Year's
Eve dinner guests. of Mr.
and Mrs. Delbert Stanley
in Ripley. .
• The Ladies Community
•_Bible Study held a pot
luck lunch •for their
families onBoxing Day.
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Robert John'. Adams, lot
• 24, :concessitin 1, Kinloss
• Township,. died at home on
-December 29, 1978, after a
short illness. He was 57• .
A farmer, he- was born in
• Howick Township.. on Islov-
‘ ember 7,1921, the on of the
late William Adams, of How-
• ick and the late Beatrice
• Griffith of Howick.
He is survived by his wife,
Pauline Inglis, formerly Of
West Wawanosh, 'Whom h
married in 19,47, •
'He is also survive by his
daughters, Andrea, Mrs.
• Ken 'Pettigrew of Kenora;
Carolyn, Mrs. Jim Smith of
Blyth; Janet of Thompson,
Manitoba and Colleen • at
lipmf4-2and two sons, John of
• Windsor and David at home
• and five grandchildren. • "
Three sisters Jeanette.
Mrs. Leo Dugganof Stayner;
May; Mrs. Ken 'Hoffman of
Toronto and Lenore; Mrs.
• Oliver Glenn of Lucknow,
,and two brothers, Clarence
of Whitechurch and Ray-
mond of • Kitchener, also
survive. • °
The funeral was held on.
January 1, 1979 at 2 p.m.
from the MacKenzie and
McCreath Funeral Home,
Lucknow. Rev.-Wilena
Brown conducted he serv-
• Pallbearers Were David
Inglis of West Wa anosh,
• Douglas Inglis of Earlton,
Lew Daugharty of Windsor,
Howard Pickard of Kinloss,
Tom Inglis. of lucknow and
Oliver.Glenn °of Lucknow.
Bnrial followed in Green.
hill Cemetery.
'Mrs. Gordon Maclnnes,
the former • Margaret Gra-
ham, of Beausejour, Mani-
toba,. died in St. Boniface
Hospital, Winnipeg on Dec-
ember 27, 1978.
Mrs. MacInnes had under• -
gone surgery some six 'weeks
ago, at which time it was
realized there -was no hope
a close _one • with Huron,
•.losing 3-2. In this action -
backed .game, Linda
MacDonald scored from
Nancy MacDonald, and
Heather MacDonald froM
• Susan Reeves' and Mary
Margaret Smith.
It was Ripley. all the
way as the Juvenile boys
shutout Lucknow
• Robbie Sutton was in
goal. Jamie Gallant
scored die hat trick, with
Keith -Pollock and Robert
Regier Milking single
tallies. Mike Pollock,
Robbie Lowry and Rick
Clampitt each made two
• aSsists, and Bill Cameron
There is lots of action
down at the arena almost
. every night, so let's get
• ,oUt Arid support Ite guys
and gals.
• • .
for • a recovery. tip until that
time she had enjoyed excel-
lent health and had visited
relatives and friends in the
• Lucknow area during the ,
past suauner.
She was born on Sept-
ember 27, 1911, ron the .4th •
concession Of Kinloss, the
• eldest daughter of the late__
, Angus Graham and Betly
MacMurchy. She received
her elementary education at
' the Grei Ox school where
1e late- returned, tkihegin
fier teaching career having:
graduation from theHamil
ton Norman School. • -
In September 1939, she
married Gordon MacInnes,
,also a native of Kinloss; in
• Toronto where they made
their home prior to taking up,
residence -in *ingharn
1945 In 1955, Margaret and
Gordan and their four sonS
• moved to. Northern Mani-
toba, where she resumed her -
teaching. career The family
pioneered in Sunday School
andgroup bible .:studies,
teaching the gospel in areas
where churches were almost'
• , non existent. •
She retired in 1976 'from
her, duties with the the
Manitoba Board of Education
but continued to be active in
Christian endeavours. '
Surviving besides her hus-,
band; Gordon, are four sons,
Malcolm, of •Prince George,
B.C.; Peter, of Lubbock,
Texas; Ross • of Calgary,
• Alberta; • and ....Finlay of
Thompson, Manitoba; two
brothers, Rennie Graham of
Toronto, Allan Graham of
Kinloss; . 3 sisters, \ Mrs.
James (Mary) Snowe, • of
Ferguson; Mrs: John (Jean)
Lowndes of Newniarket and
Mrs. Brock '(Dorothy) Mac-
Kenzie .Of Teeswater.
• She was predeceased by a
four year Old daughter, Dor-
othy Mae, her parents, Mrs
and Mrs. Angus Grahlo and
• a sister, Mrs. Havnies (Anna)
Robinson. • "
Funeral service .iVas held
in Beatisejour on January 2,
1979 with' burial in the
Beausejour Cemetery.
2- 1978 CHEV IMPALAS, 4 door sedans ".
1978 :NOVA, 6 cYlinder. aUtoinatie, power Steering and
-flower, brakes
2L . 1978 CI-IEVELLES, power steering and power
• brakes ' " • •
1978' LE MANS, 6 cylinder
1977 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS, with airconditioning
. , • . . .
• 1976 CHEV CAPRIS, full power
1976 LE MANS, stationwagon
1976 PONTIAC LE MANS, 4 door, air conditioned
- •
1976 OLDS 98, full novier
1975 'PONTIAC. LE MANS, 2 door ,• •
2 - 1975 CHEV IMPALAS, 4 dpor,,..hardtops....1,,,with-air-
' conditioning and-riiithOnt
.1973 CHEV4MPALA, 4'door hardtop'
1978, % TON :..G.gc:14; x
2 - 1978 ,3/4 TON GMCs, 8 cylinder itutotnalig,
-power steering and brakes
f976 DODGE D op, cab and chassis,
1973 FORD, 1 ton cab and chassis -
1973 CHEV, • %ton, 4 speed automatic'
1475 FORD LV 750
A nurnber of Vans from 1974-1976. Some V8s,"some
• 6 cylinder, some CHEVS and some FORDS
• •••••••1411111011,04-114•011/160441411••
BP Service Station Phone 881-6173