HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-01-10, Page 1818--LackDow Sentinel, Wednesday, Jawing 10, 1979
p1ed., es -to 'help
crippled children
BY HENRY HESS meal and snacks' fo all
• participants.
He said his' committee,
which takes in both the Lions
and the snowmobile club, is . .
working to get some celebrit--;
•ies such asthe mayor and
local MPP into the run to
drum .up interest. The five
entrants with the most mon-
ey in pledges will be dinner „
.guests of the Lions Club at its
next regular meeting.
Mr. Ritskes •had nothing
but praise for the'-'co-oper-
he `-co-oper- °
ation his committee' has re-
ceived since it. began plan-
ning last October,. Everyone
approached to help in any
way was more than willings
He noted that while the tions
will be manning the ; check-
point and doing all the paper-
work, the snowmobile club
and the local CB radio club
have donated their service's
to groom and patrol the trails
fot the .run.
The Wingham- Lions are
praying for gorgeous weath-
er and a huge turnout of
riders for the fifth annual
Whipper Watson Snowarama
for Timmy later this month.
The more riders and . the
more pledgees there aro, the
better chance the Lions have
of meeting their goal: raising
$3,000 t9 help crippled child-
renaround this area..
The local Lions Club is the
Easter Seal organization for
this district and that means it
can be called upon to help
physically handicapped
children. The help can take
the form of providing wheel-
chairs or _ prosthetic ;.device's
(artificial limbs) or transpo-
tation to therapy sessions as
well ` as helping support a
summer catty for the child-
ren. e,,
This year the :club has
budgeted $3,000 for its. wor
with the children ` - it • i
currently helping'. three and
two more have applied for
assistance - and it hopes to.
raise most of the• money,
through the Snowaray ;a.,..
The Snowarama, perhaps
better known as the Timmy'
run", .is an annual event
which during, the past four'
years has • raised . over a
million . dollars for crippled'
children in Ontario. Last year
thei Snowaram'as took place.
wini, ,Q, c ifferent- area's across
`thee .province, including the
Bruce •regional . one field . `at l
This winter, for the first •
time, the route of the local
Snowaraina . will stake in_
Wingham and, the Lions in
rarpet^atitin with the.. Wing-
ham:and District: Snowmobile
-Association, have gotten :in
Lion Andy ltitskes,. chair-
man of•the local: committee
for the event, explained
Wingham will be a starting
point and checkpoint for the
.100 mile, run and.,upwarl of
400'machines areexpected to
pass here that day, :January
He• said any s.nowrnobiler-
with 530 or more in pledges
-is:free to enter, 'rind the Lions
are hoping, for., a lot. of local
entries,:. Entry ^ forms are
available at McGee Auto,
Electric,' Lynn Hoy ' Enter-
prises or from any member of
the snowmobile club.
Half of the money pledged;
to a rider goes to the Easter
Seal ,service club named at
the top of his .or her ' entry
sheet,. Mr. Ritskes explain-
ed, so the Lions are encour-
aging local ridersto put
"Wingham Lioiis Club" in
that • space. Last year, with
the start ' at Mildmay,. the •
Wingham... Lions received
about $600 from local pled-
ges and this year, with one of
the starting points here (the,
others are at Chepstow and
Mildmay), 'they hope to do. -
considerably better.
Every penny of •the money
the club receives through the
pledges is , used to - help
crippled children, »Mr. kits.
kes emphasized; theclub
doesn't make a cent, In fact ,,
he expects it will cost the
club between $500 and. $600
for its pact in running the' •
event, which includes a .free
Wird ... •
1�{ew.O L
Save On. •
. Winter Footwear
PHONE 528-2011
10'39%. OR
Meat, Wowen''s
And'Childreu's -, .
° Winter Boots •
'eminars for. dairymen
Educational events are
berrl'g . planned for
dairymen throughout the
province at this time of
'During 1978• a
significant number of
producers expressed a
concern for handling and
feeding high moisture
corn to dairy cows --this.
willbe one of jour topics
co ,tired. dihhint a oiie-day
program being planned in
two different' locations
throu'ghout Huron.
County. The subject
matter is identical at
each meeting and all
Huron County dairymen
are welcome to attend.
In •the;.north part of the
county, a meeting will be
held on Tuesday, January
16, from 10 a:m:to 3 p.m:
in the Howick Com-
Topics covered in the
morning will be:
maxiniiiing. Milk :quality
and cow • care through
sound .:functional milking
egi}ipment and: mastitis.
control - programs;and.
use of ,:p.rostaglandins in
da; ry cows. The resource
people' will. be Dr. Rom
Finley; Animal Health;
Division; 4Tuco • Products
Company,: ;Orangeville
and . John Thompson,
Sales Representative
with •Tu,co Products
Company. •
Partici:pants• are
A.. SPE 1AAL 15 DAY CIRCLE TOUR .0 :Florida -
departure Jan.' 20th -: a 5% discount on the•'rates-listed
fares of this tour: Other . departures.. of 15 day Circle
$ Tour »Florida are 'Feb. 10th, Feb. 24th.
27 DAYS - LONG TERM stay Florida by Motor Coach -
S ,departure Feb. 12th; quad pricej6l7.00 each.
14 DAYS - TOP OF FLORID ACircle Tour - .departure.
Feb. 16th, quad prioe1429.00 each. -
19 DAYS - YELLOW ROSE' OF TEXAS Circle Tour -•
two departures,' 'Feb. 17 and Mara, 28th., quad . price
5612.00 each.
15.DAYS TOUR to Arizona - Nevada - California via
Air and Motor . Coach - departures on March 8, . quad
price 5865.00. each. • , .
10 DAYS each - all by Motor Coach departure. March
16 to Ormond Beach. departure Margh 16 to Orlando,,
Florida. Departure March 16th for 10 -day tour = Top. of
Florida. Circle Tour:
For information contact
Mrs. Rhoda MacKenzie
Phone 523-3335,_ Lucknow •
Your representative for the
Hanover Holiday Tours Ltd.
•Y�"'!'eW`,, fYMWn.1�w r.# X.?�cu. Ht . M fW°`^';W* fWIRNM:':�'BMAI'�.
1, °
•.rv,`l•%+^rxM� r,...fi'n`Mdrn'Y,r«.: �ygar.r+rsroPY}• �r
requested. to bring ,lunch.
Coffee,' mills and donuts
will be available.
Topics covered in the
afternoon program in-
clude balancing high
moisture corn programs
for high producing dairy
cows, use of feed ad-
di•tivesand preser-
vatives -hay savor, silo •
guard and• 'chez istore,
etc; and a summary of .
county feed analysis and
feed formulation
program -1978; The
resource people will be
Jack» Rodenburg, : dairy
cattle specialist, OMAF;
Mike Miller, • •Associat'e
Agr. Rep. Huron Co.; and
LUC;KNOW - One 'storey
home on a beautiful treed lot,
' close; to..;downtown features
include two bedrooms »with
closets„ sunroom, , living
room with brick fireplace,
dining , room, • kitchenand
bath. Reduced to sell. '
DUNGANNON - Completely
restyled . 2 . , bedroom home
with, all the comforts ofa new
home including new broad-
loom, new drywall interior,.
real nice custom cupbboards.
and . 4 . • pc '`bath.. Asking
Our farm listings include.,
100 ACRES Lucknow area' -
all level and workable, an
excellent farm. • .
94 ACRES adjoining. Wing -
ham, large ; barn, asking
574,000.. .. -
100., ACRES Practically all
workable, small .brick .house,
asking $49,500. "
100 ACRES near Wingham,
- hog set-up, "beautiful stone
house, inground , • manure
tank, 2 silos. .
100 ACRES Turnberry Twp.,
• hogs and ` beef, , Farmatic
feeding system, barn» 100' x
•78'• •
1.16 ACRES: hwy. No.. 4,
excellent stone house, 'sow
barn, excellent buildings, 7
acres hardwood bush, bal-
ance level and workable.
'13 ACRES near .Blyth - 2
steel: hog b'a'ns 24' It 75',
older barn, stable cleaner,
asking $43.,000. -
142 ACRES Turnberry Twp. -,
real good buildings, barn
Phone 357`-3208
Rep. L. W. Hutton
Real Estate ltd.
Broker, Kincardine
• ..,
Dennis Martin,; Associate
Agr. Rep. Huron County.
,. In • the south central
part of the •county , a
meeting will be held on
•Thursday, January 18
from 10 a.rn. to 3 p.m in
the Clinton Legion `Mall.
Topics covered and the
resource people will be
the same as the first
4 Bedroom . House' in Ripley, Asking, $22,500.
3 Bedroom .House. plus garage on, Havelock
-Street, Lucknovil.
Edge of Lucknow » 1 4 bedroom .home; 34
acres, lots ofdtrees, asking .$36,500,
Robert Campbell
Res. 529-7417
Wm. "Adamson.
Res. 528-2113.
Barry McDonagh
Rees., 528-3824
'INTERESTED IN HAVING. a business of your own?'
Inquire about the recently vacated Co-op building on
Main Street.: This is an.gxcellent;building, h•as'oil.heat,
office space, and washrooms, approx..2500sq. ft. of
area, with a full basement. •
3 BEDROOM:'"HOME,:. Elgin » St., Lucknow, approx.,
itnately 4 years. old in immaculate- condition.
2 BEDROOM HOME on Stauffer St., Lucknow, with
electric. heat. Excellent lot -• asking price reduced to
$23,500. Inim' ediate possession.
3 ACRES with; desirable 4 bedroom home on paved road
in Ashfield Township.
BRICKED 4 BEDROOM home well:ideated on 41/4 acres ..1
in Ashfield 'Township.
HIGHWAY #21 'dairy farm can be purchased with
cows and quota; modern 4 bedroom 'home and above
average buildings. • •'
100. ACRES hop and beef farm in Greenock Twp.. •
Excellent home:
200 ACRES in West Wawanolh Twp. with brick home,
2 bathrooms, oil furnace and 200 amp. hydro. Modern
• stabling,fer farrow to finish, stable cleaner; silo; cattle
barn 30' x 60'.
86 ACRES in Ashfield Twp.; 4 'bedroom field stone -
home; barn' and silo:
$16 ACRES with approximately 600 productive »crop..
land. Good brick' home. Barn and silo is capable of
feeding 500 beef cattle.
:Warren Zinn
PHONE -5297350