HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-01-10, Page 1720. 'Public ,:RWWtl6es. The business of W. Clarke Ferguson Limited. will be„ closed for holidays January 10 to February 7. --2ar. I, Ronald Edward Wisser, • Lucknow, will not be respon- sible for'any debts other than those contracted by me on or after January 8, 1979. -2, 3,4x A. • 31., • Cards of thanks" ATTENTION VETERANS EX=SERYICE MEN& WOMEN & DEPENDENTS The Royal Canadian Legion Service Bureau Officer, Mr. C. Wail, Proiincial Service Officer;' London; Ontario, will be visiting in the; area. 'Anyone wishing information; advice .or assistance, regard- ing:' (a) . War. Disability "Pensions' (b)- Treatment for entitled 'veterans • (c) Application for Benevo- • ent .Funds • • (d) Appeals against adverse originalapplications' for War Veterans and Widdws Allow-' ance,is . uested to contact the Service Officer or Secret- ary of the Local branch,. whose • name . appears below, not later than January 15, to arrange an interview, Irvine Eedy,. Service .Officer. -2ar • • TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANOSH' The . Township .of -West. Wawanosh and its snowplow operators willnot be respon: - sible for damage to vehicles, or'matlboxes which are in.the way of snowplow.• Tle Mun- icipality cipality reserves the•right. to tow away;', at the owner's expense; any' vehicle' which interferes with snowplowing operations.. • -2ar • . TOWNSHIP OF WEST :WAWANOSH ' :Residents are reminded that the West Wawanosh's Waste -. Disposal • Site ' is , open • on" Saturdays only, during• the months of January,. February and March.. -2ar e 21.. 'Personal HAPPY BIRTHDAY; Father (Gilbert Van Sligtenhorst) from the Girls; 'Isaiah 60, verses -A. -4o 5. We love yal. ma 2x DO ' YOU NEED' MONEY?. (mortgages,.. debt consolida- 'tions, loans). Call Committ More Investments Ltd., Rob- ert Hiller, Mitchell 348-9548 or Gary Emmerson,. Kitch- ener 745-8418. -50tf 22. •Lost and found ' , LOST Would the • person' who mis- takenly took a pair of size 12 BJs New Years Eve at' Kevin Murraysand left the size 10 in place, \please • call John Hamilton, 528-3616. -2,3 25. To give away, 2 FOUR MONTH Maid kits ens, orange. Phone 528- 2629.52;1,2 .............. ...::.•,; • 1 31. Cards of thanks ADAMS ANDERSON i would like to say thanks to Lucknow U.C.W.,, Trinity U.C,W., Lucknow Lawn Bowling Club, to all our families and friends for kind - 'fess shown to Charlie and to myself at•Christmas: Also for visits, cards and treats over the past Year white . Charlie has been a patient.in, hospital and at present in Huronview. Anne Anderson XMAS BASH. SUCCESS On behalf of the members of the .band "By Special Ap- pointment" I, Rick Passmore would likelp take this oppor- tunity to 'Thank each and every person who came out. to our dance for The Crippled Childiren on December 29,, 197$. Although a representa-. tive could not attend • on behalf of the Crippled Child- ren, we are proud to say that a sizeable cheque has been forwarded to the Owen Sound Division of Ontario Crippled Chiidren Associa-' We wish to express our warmest thanks to all who so thoughtfully helped during our • recent bereavement. Thank you, to the ladies who brought food and. the neigh-. bours for flowers and kind acts. A special thanks to Dr. MacGregor, Rev: Wilena Brown and the MacKenzie and McCreath Funeral Home and donations to the Ontario Heart ,Fund. ' - .Pauline Adams and -Family, -2x PINECREST MANOR. The residents, . staff and management of Pinecrest Manor 'wish to thank :all for Christmas gifts, entertain- ment and visits in 1978. The best to all in 1979. -2ar PRITCHARD A most. appreciated ::thank you. to : all my Toronto Star -customers ,for their gifts at Xmas time., Danny Pritchard -2x PRITCHARD •Our sincere thanks to those on the mail route who remembered us at Christ= mas; also , those on, the bus route who remembered ns.' :Best wishesto all for the coining year. - John and Ruth Pritchard 'tion. Thanks to all. -'2x Societ Luno c w• Se ..a , Wedne/Iiliy, January 10, 1979.-.Puse 32. Coming events 32. Coming events ;HEM;HEMBINGO Bingo every Saturday even- ing at,,, the Blyth Memorial Hall, Blyth, at 8 p.m. Regul- ar .games, share -the -wealth and jackpot $150. First Bingo September 16.-37tfar ' LES CANADIENS' Theatre Passe Muraille's play about Hockey, Hockey Hockey written by Rick Sal- utin assist . Ken Dryden, performed on roller skates at Blyth Memorial Hall, Janu- ary 17, 8 p :m., Admission, . adults $4.00, 'children $2.50. ‘Reservations 523-9403. -17- 2ar ' • RECEPTION A. reception for Mr. and Mrs. Mel Ritchie (nee Jane Wat- son) will be held Saturday, January 13,' '1979 at the Lucknow District Community Centre. Music will be prov- ided by Cactas Graz. -52, 1,2 ' y w .;,ANNUAL MEETING The Lucknow Agricultural ill hold their annual • MOLE . Harvey and Belle Mole 'wish to thank the Cancer Society for Harvey's gifts and also all Others - for •their cards • and gifts ~ received at Christmas :,time, -2x I wish to say a: sincere thanks to all my friends and relativ- DRENNAN .es for their :kind- -get- well - My sincere thanks to all •who -sent cards and gifts and • visited while Lee and I were. patients in Winpham Hospit- al. Special thanks to Drs. Cortin, 'McKim and Bradley, and ,nurses, ; on 2nd 'floor. • Annette Drennan HUSTON' My sincere thanks•:^to friends, relatives and -everyone who, sent cards, letters, .gifts •and flowers to me while 1 was. in hospital and since returning home Your -kindness will. 4 .^ always be' remembered .° Martha Huston -2x PINE LODGE REST HOME The residents and staff of Pine Lodge R6st Home' wish. to: thank' everyone for the treats, visits_ and carolers at • Xmas..' We wish: everyone. a Happy New Year. -2x ADAMS The brothers and sisters. of the late Robert Adams: wish to 'thanktheir friends, rela- tives and neighbours for floral tributes, donations to the • Heart Fund and fpod 'brought to our homes •and other acts of kindness shown to ;us 'during the sudden loss of a dear brother. These kindnesses 'will long be re- membered. Lenore Glenn, Jeanette Duggan,; Maybelle Hoffman, ' Raymond and Clarence Adams -2,c • HILLCREST HAVEN- On behalf .:of our .Residents, we wish to extend thanks to all who remembered the fellows at Christmas, espec- ially the Lucknow Kinettes, Alex Andrew, Ripley Wom- en's Institute and Presbyter- •ia'n W.M.S. Ripley. Your generosity really made Christmas meaningful • for them, Betty find Austin O'Donnell -2x wishes and cards while I was s in University Hospital. I , Mrs. Prances Wraith -2x, OPEN RECEPTION - On Friday, January •19 for Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beyers- bergen in the Lucknow Com-. mutiny :Centre. ' Music "By Special Appointment" from Lucknow. Dancing from. 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Lunch prov-. ided. -2,3x supper meeting on Thurs- day, January 18' at 7 p.m. in the Lucknow United Church. Members wishing tickets call 528-2073. -=1,2ar BENEFIT DANCE A benefit dance for Ned and Elaine Cote will be heldat the Ripley Complex, Satur- day, January 13, at 9 p.m. Music by Glooscap Harbour "fil=es. ' Ladies. please bring lunch. -2nc ENTERTAINMENT AT BRUSSELS Entertainment ,.at -Queen's :...Hotel, Brussels January 12, . , 13 and also Sunday '• after- noon, JanOary fter-noon,January 1.4th between • 4:30 and 8:30 will••be ' the. Kountry Kats. ^2ar - CLEARWATER.AND CENTRAL FLORIDA TOUR Thisfourteen day A11 ` -Star Tour combines • sightseeing. PANCAKE SUPPER and. relaxation. It's an ideal Pancake Supper to be served tour for those who�want to , Friday, January 19"from 6:00 see Florida's . Major' tourist, till 8:00 at the Lucknow. attractions• without being Christian Reformed Church. rushed. 'For full ' details, Family skating at the Luck- 1 contact your. All Star rep - now Arena : from 8 till 10. resentative in Lucknow, Mrs. Everyone welcome. Proceeds: Merle Elliptt.: 2ar to. Christiana School Ladies Aiisiliary. --2,3x CHILD'HEALTH CLINIC 'The "Huron County Health Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, held at ,. the Health Unit office, Wing- ham Hospital. on Wednes- day, January 17, 1979 from 9:30 11:30 a.m.. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization 4..Fluorid'e - 2ar - • 4-H CLUB Anyone who • is 12 years old as of March1, 1979 and are interested in taking, •the spring 4-H .club, "Accessor- ies, The Final Touch". The club 'will probably start around the end of January. Please let Ruth Alton (528- 3205) 'know as soon as possible. -2 ' • HOWICK IONS. B_ INGO 'Note the 'changes in • the Howick Lions NEW Bingo starting on Friday, .January 12th, 1979, . in Wroxeter ^'Enmrnunity Hall, at 8:00 . 'p.m. Admission $1.00 + ;1 free card; cards 25c each or 5 for $1.00; 12 Regular games for • $15.00; , 2 Share the Wealth; one $25.00 Special.; Jackpot change when pres- ent pot is,•won; Purple °Ball $10.00. Draw for 8 free admissions..-2ar • Perform a death -defying act. G� Heart Fund. Give Heart Fund . Newspaper advertising .can make. a big difference.:. ask. any successful businessman. He's learned through experi- ence that tl a best way it reach people- and' bring in customers is through news- paper advertising, See for:.,. yourself -newspaper advertising pays for itself in increased sales, increased profits. Get the facts ..,..get in touch with us'. THE OUTDOOR PUBLIC RINK Daily skating afternoons and evenings .under lights* ' at the • Kinsmen Park'Attawandaron at Given Road, Point Clark. - 2,3 •• LEGION DANCE The monthly Lucknow Legion. Dance,will be held Saturday, January 20 to music by„Ian Wilbee. •Admission includes lunch Limited number,: of • tickets available at Legion 6r and from executive. -2,3ar RIPLEY LIONS BINGO Will be held on January •17. at, S;,p.m. at the Township '.. • Hall. Early bird special; 12 LUCKNOW jCKregular games at ,00;one NOW share the wealth; on515e jackpot of 5500.00 • on 60• • 'calls; SENTINEL consolathon game of $50.00. • JACK'S PLACE, Highway 86 Just East of Lucknow USED FU'RNITUR'E AND APPLIANCES LUCKNOW 528.2625 'Come,to Jack's, Place if you.want to succeed: • • In Ping Your bOusehoid Or cottage needs We Buy, :Sell Or Trade Also Stocking M1NWAX REFINISHING PRODUCTS And We Will Demonstrate How To Use Theiu ine W�rkshop W81 it Dan Hartin. R. R...1; Dungannon, Ont. New Furniture Built Old Furniture Repaired And Refinished FREE ESTIMATES Phone 529-7205 /491,'11:11,1147 IIMUIIL •••••.••••••• Conley Construction LUCKNOW Cement, Worl� Frumnrg Renovdfions For.. Free Estimates CALL 528.2338 ••••ii•••••l•11 Township of Ifenl+ IL Effective January lst, 1979.applications for building permits, will; be ;issued - by. the Township Clerk during regular.office hours et the Township: Clerk's: 'fice, at `Holyrood.. Building: -permits will be issued subject; to Township Council .:apprd sal. • Townshipof Kinloss. CLERK TREASURER,, 1.4..nNwtiiKN.,i,.\%•V,•,ti, •.. • CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for. sale 2. Mobile Homes 3. Articles for rent 4. Articles wanted, 5. Cars, trucks for. sale 6. Pets 7. Real estate for sale 8. Real estate wanted 9. Accommodation to rent 10. Wanted to rent 11..Room and board 12. Help wanted 13. Wanted [generals 16. Mortgages • 17. Auction Sales 18. Services available • 19. Notice to creditors 20. Public notices "21. Personal. 22. �stst and.,found 23. M'isc'ellaneous - 24. Business opportunitieti- 25.' To give away 26. Births ^ 27. Deaths 28. Engagements 14. Employment viarited • 29. Marriages 15. Tenders , 30. In Memoriam 31. Cards of thanks DEADLINE . • Classified Ads. • 5 P.M. MONDAY Ads cannot be accepted after 5 p.m. Monday, for that week's CLASSIFIED .10c per wor paper. ;. � d, minlmiirtt =7.00