HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-01-10, Page 14Pam "14--Liciumew Sewibiel, Wednesday, ,awry 10, 1979
Ripley rink advances
Congratulations of the
folks in this area go to the
ladies curling `team from
the Ripley district.
Taking part' in the bon -
spiel held last Wednesday ,
and; Thursday were
teat& from Kingsville,
Guelph, and London-.
along with Ripley -all
winners of preliminary
rounds. and representing
their W districts. The
bonspiel was: held in
Kincardine curling ritik
and at the peak of the cold
snowy and frosty:weather
this past week..
Playing for Ripley
Diane Brooks the skip,.
Hilda Andrew vice,
Dianne Farrell second,
and June Paquette lead.
On the first day, last
Wed. Jan.. 3, they got
away to a bad start losing
13 to 3 to London. Diane
informs us that this
London team .won the
championship last year.
In the next game against
Guelph the Ripley ladies
got an early lead and
stayed out in front all the
way winning 7 to •4.
Kingsville won their two
games and :London' and
-Ripley:had .won one game
and .lost_ one with Guelph
taut.In the play'. ,offs on
Thursday` morning once
again it `was London
against Ripley -believe.. it
or not: -:This time Diane
and her team were :back
to steady curling..: They
took th.e •lead and stayted
there..: In -act in winning
12 to 7. Ripley': did : not
have .to•. play ;:.their Iasi
end=like the. ninth :inning.
in'baseball. Diane and
her teammates feel that
'London 1.ost their._. -big
'chance for :a corn:eback o.n
the eighth end: Kingsville.
and,. Ripley now go to'
Peterborough on Jan. 15
Onta-rio Provincial
to take part in an eight
team round robin, so best
wishes to . the Ripley
ladies -next Monday.
Mrs. Donna Benjamin
, of William Street called
to inform us that a benefit
dance for Ned and Elaine
Cote will be held this
Saturday evening, Jan,
13. The Glooseap Har-,.
bour-lites orchestra will
furnishthe music and the.
dance will be held in the
auditorium of the Ripley
District Community
Centre Complex: ..Folks
will remember' that Mr.
and Mrs. Cote were
struck bya car at
Kingsbridge: after at-
tending Christmas Eve
mass there. Both were `
severely injured in the.
accident. Ned is at home
recovering from bruises
suffered when he was
thrown some distance.
Elaine suffered broken
and' shattered thigh;.
bones. Shehas had to
undergo surgery in
University Hospital in ..
London where the doctors.•
arerepairing the bones:
And , for "thedance party
would the ladies please
bring lunch..
Visiting with, Mrs
Marion McTavish in
Ripley ,last Sunday were
her datight'er.,Bonnie,
husband. and family.
Deanna, Michael, and
Vicki etTiverton .....
ornitti '. last week from
those 16lks staging a
musical afternoon
program s at .- the Pine -
Crest Manor :Nursing
Home in Lucknow was
the name of Miss. Dawn''
Griffiths'•. daughter of Mr.
and Mrs 'Percy :Griffith
of Ber.vie. Dawn per
formed a' number of tar •
dances accompanied. b:
Allan. Miller of Langsidr
on his violin. .
Last Tuesday Carol
Fiudder accompanied by
Evelyn Johnson and Fran
Wylds motored to . Owen
Sound where it was like a.
banana land for weather.
On their way back home
they first met the storm
at Port Elgin and through
Thursday and Friday it
seemed like "Siberia
around here.
Despite the frosty
snowy weather the ladies
of • the Ripley l;women's
Institute met. on Friday
afternoon at thehome of
Mrs.- Amelia Cumming.
Mrs. Margaret Gemmell
has written up a:report of
the meeting. '
Mr. and Mrs. Hartley
MacTavish of .Montreal
"and' 'farmer Ripleyites
spent the past. two weeks
visiting .their relatives
and fr`.iend s in Ontario:
Mrs: MacTavish . is the
former Marjorie.
McGillivray of Cori-'
cession 4, .Huron town-
ship -a sister of Marion,.,:
Tillie and Jean. While
Hartley spent some of his
younger years where
Mrs. Marron McTavish
now 'lives at the :north
edge of ,Ripley. In. this
area they visited- with
Oliver and ' 'Marion
McCharles, Mrs. Tillie
Smith in Kincardine, and
with 'Lloyd .' and Jean
Wylds in FiurrnviIle,with.
his brother Watt and wife
Amelia MacTavish in
'Kincardine' •and they
called 'on Marion "in
Ripley Whowas not home
at the' time. They Visited•
his sister Mrs..; "Bessie
Osborne . in Hanover.
They visited : with their
son David, his wife Marg.
and ,family in Peter-.
borough. ;They also.
visited with their friends
Florence and • Cliff
outern. ;Ontario
Webster in London and
with their daughter and
husband Mr, and Mrs.
John Naprawa. in Oak-
ville. Both Hartley and
Marjorie attended the
Ripley continuation
school• in the thirties and,
Hartley ' learned
-,telegraphy- at the old
Ripley C.N:.R. Station.
Mrs.oss . Martyn'• is
back at iher home in
Ripley. Adeline was with
her daughter Bernice and
husband. Rod MacLennan
and family in Toronto. •
The annual, meeting of
the Ripley and District
Horticultural meeting is
on: .next Tuesday af-
ternoon at two at the
home of Mrs. Verna
Finlayson in Ripley.
Ken • McEwan of the
•University of -Guelph and
Jamie McEwan of the'
University of Waterloo
and AAriend visited last
'Styeday with their
grandmother Mrs.
Gladys Arnold in Ripley.
George :MacLennan,
:who was a. patient in
'Kincardine . and District
hospital, wasable to
leave the; hospital last
Thursday and on Friday
he returned to hr:s home in:
Agincourt .where • he. is
recuperating:Ripley folks
are glad , to learn that
George is some better.
Riple visitors.: with.
-Mrs,. Margaret Campbell.
at • Princes :: Court.' ' in
Kincardine last Sunday
were her niece Florence
MacDonald '. and Rev..
Hugh Nugent : of ; Knox
Clarence • Wylds, . who
has been in "Kincardine
and District •Hosp•ital
since right` after
Christmas is . at .present
back Ni ' his home in,
Ripley. Earlier , in
December Clarence was
WINV r4,
Dianne Final shots lar binning .style as t member of the Southern • Ontario Phials. Kingsville will alto .
the ililpley rink �t+ribicll defeated Gaelpilb t Wedrieedt►y .'
•advance to the finals from last week's match fni
tad Went ar to best Leadoiu ami Thnrtiday to . advance to Kincardine., [Don Hall 'Photo]
a patient in St: •Joe's
Hospital in London.
Ripley area friends wish
him better days ahead.
Miss Sherry Pollock,
daughter of Wally and
Elaine Pollock, is slowly
recovering from_ her
recent illness. Early in
• -December Sherry was a
patient for three weeks in
Toronto General-tiospital
• undergoing treatment for
an infection. Sherry, who
is a nurse at the Queen's
Street Mental . Health
• Centre, is now back home
to her apartment in.
.Toronto. Ripley area
folks wish Sherri con-
tinued recovery.
Writing the Purple
Grove News Column now
is Mrs, Paul Greenwood
of Ripley. Presumably
Nancy will . bethe
reporter for the month of
January. '
Our thanks to Anne
McCosh and Marjorie
Reid for 'their : news
contribution and •'to..
Elaine Pollock for her
weekly hockey write up.
Also to :Mrs. Margaret.
Gemmell for her report. -
on the Ripley Women's
Institute °January
meeting. .
John • Alex Wittig has .
returned to his home sin
Ripley after spending.
couple of weeks with his'
sister . Mrs; Robert'
Kearns in Kincardine. . •
AND • ,
• Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne.
Greig and family, of
Elmira, . were.guests of
Mr• . and. Mrs: Marvin
Mr.. and Mrs, Stewart
Needham; ` Mr: : Harry.
Ramsay, Mr.. and Mrs...
Jim Brooks; Mr. and
Mrs:' Don McCbsh;. Mr.
and Mrs: Les Gawley of
Powell River B.C. :Mr;
and Mrs;- Barry Johnston
Lyndon and Andrew of
Holyrood, Mr. and Mrs.
peWayhe Greig; Teresa,
Debbie and Ryan. of
Elinira: visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Gawley
during the week.
Holiday . visitors with
Mr. and Mrs :Reg God-
frey were Helen and Reg.,
Reihl,• Christene,. '
Virginnia, Peter and
Ronnie of Saitford; Bill
and Thelma Godfrey,
Jeff, Jodi " and • Jerry;
Leroy and Arthur God-
frey of. Huron Twp and
Betty Anne:of London.
Visiting with Mr and
,Mrs. Elden Lowry were •
Gene and Corrine' Mor -
daunt, Nathan and
Matthew of Westhill; •
Lynn and Gayle Lowry,
Kent, Kendra and Trina
of' Amberley and Elliott
Lowry' of 4th concession •
Eldon and Alma visited
with Perrin; and Marion
Lowry, Robbie, Brian
Debbie and Kevin, David
and Shirley Lowry,
Dwain,. ' Carman and
Paul, Murray and.'
Janette Thompson
Kenneth, Janine, *i.
Adrienne and Keith,
through the holidays.
New Years Day visitors,
with Misses Ethel and
Letitia Gawley were
Gladys and Barry
Johnston . and boys;,
Victor and Wanda
Gawley; Nora and Leslie
Dawley of Powell River
Mr. and Mrs. :Gordon
Dawson and Lewis are
returning home to Perth,
Australia• Jan. 9. They
have spent '21/2 years' in
Toron.to and Ripley:
Marietta's mother Mrs.
Mary '(Donnie)
MacDonald accompanied
them to Toronto to see
them off.; The Dawsons
are spending five days in
Scotland on their way to
Perth via. Bombay and •
Mrs. Paul . Greenwood::
hosted •the.Purp1e Grdve
Bible . Study • group en
Tuesday, morning. "jean -
Paul" celebrated his -4th
'Birthday with a • party
that day tool
Grace Peet Betty
Scott;;; Annie Scott; Anne
MtCosh,; Kathy Hooper;
Veryl* .'Becker, > 'Mary
(Donnie) ::MacDonald;
Marietta Dawson, and
Lewis. enjoyed . a "Chat
and Chew" party' at
Marjorie' Reids•. on::
Wednesday. This was a
'welcome party -for Veryl
and ,Kathy;and a farewel:l`'
party. to Marietta and
Lewis who are returning•
to their home' in Perth,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Robinson . Darryl , and
Lisa -returned to their:
village home after a two
Week - holiday: with her
parents : Mr. and
Waltef' Forster in Pinellis
Park Florida...
Miss Kathy • Forster
returned home `from
Florida and spent a' few
days. with Mr. and Mrs.
Jamie. Forster.. Shehas.
now returned to Base
Borden: and will receive
her posting there.
Mr. and .Mrs. Bob,
Forster' and John of
Largan, Marjorie Reid;
Mr. and lies. Don •
M`cCosh were Sunday •
guests. of Mrs. Gladys
Mrs. Alex McAulxey is a
patient in University
Hosp.: We wish her a _ ood •
Holidays : proved too
much for the Ripley
Bantam "A" team, ',as
they suffered a 9-3 loss to
Howick., Terry Irwin,
from Ian Elliott arid.
Camille Poirer, scored
the first Ripley goal in the
second period, and then
two minutes Iat'er, scored
again from Erid Vander
Glas, _ David Gamble
combined with Harold
Peet for the other goal in
the 3rd period, ,
The Juvenile Girls had