HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-01-10, Page 132 Jiungannon BY MARY BERE Robert Irvin entered Vi oris Hospital, London as patient on New Year's Day and underwentsurgery on Wednesday for the removal of his spleen, He is progres- sing favourably. Mrs. Evelyn Westhaver went into University Hospital on Saturday Band is facing surgery. on Thursday. Mrs. Cecil Blake has 'been confined to her home all week with ear infection and sinus trouble.;. Mr. and •Mrs. Terry''Hod- ' ges hosted a New Year's Day gathering of the Hodges - clan. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Waller (nee Debbie, Dodges) of -. Belleville spent a few days with her parents and family over• Christmas. •DUNGANNON UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G... Westhaver spoke on the • topic, "How Jesus Handled : Fear", on . -Mr., , and . Mr's.. Dynes Campbell were welcomed into the congregation by • transfer certificate .from the Trinity . Ashfield United Church. The choir sang the and them, "Sons of God, hear His Holy Word"~ The.. leaflet,. "A Contem- porary Communion Service" was .followed.:as, the congre- • gation partook of the Sacra- ment of .the . Lord's. Supper.. A new list of volunteers for the nursery with schedule of, dates .has been printed. Those who•have been serving in' the',nurs8ry are; asked 'to pick up a copy.._., • Tyros meet : at . th& .:manse. en .Tuesday evening for. this -'week only:. Meetings. _ will. revert to Wednesday another week: A box has been ,placed at the back of the church to receive small donations" from those who would like to asist this . new ,boy's group with . starting expenses. Persons , reonsible 'for • compiling annual reports of church organizations are re-, minded that "that time is here again". Although the annual meeting ispostponed until January 31', the book of :annual reports must be com piled and printed•in advance. Intended for last week SOCIAL NEWS., New Year's Visitors with. Mr. and Mrs.. Bill Park were Mr. and Mrs. .Roy 'Ashton Of-Gtsdea ieh ; Vicki and Valerie Park of Goderich; Mike Bendig of Goderich.; • Betty ` Skid-. - more and Joe Bent, of Yarmouth, N.S.; and Tammy: Skidmore of Kitchener. - Mrs. Cecil Blake, ,Miss • Beth McConnell, and Mr. • Ab Brown were dinner guests on Monday evening, • Decembe'r 25 with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sherwood: Mrs. Kay , Wright of Thamesville. spent Christr-ias with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs.. Bob Wright, Jimmy, Johnny and Joel. The New Year's. :Eve dance at the Agricultural Hall was enjoyed by all o lrest.music provided by Brian Elmslie of CKNK ails conducted by his assistant. i'i'okets were all sold out for •this event, which Was sponsored by Dungannon Ag riculturai Society.' I, your correspondent, Mary Pere have resigned at the .end of 198.. I have enjoyed the contact..with people but feel I must give up the job for per, sonal reasons. I hope .you will soon have .a new correspondent and I know you will give' her the same friendly cooperation you gave me. Happy New Year to all, • -., Dungannon _United CTiurch The. United . Church service began .with a fitting New Year's hymn, "Standing at. the Pottal of the OpeningYear". The Reverend C.G: Westhavei spoke on the topic, "Stars . that Guide into the Unknown". The children's story was, "Message to Ear- th, The ..choir sang the 'anthem, "For thy Mercy and. thy Grace from the nevi_ red ' hymn book, accompanied by organist Mrs. Jean Elliott. The flowers • in the church • were placed in memory of. Marvin Durnin whopassed away on December 23. H'e' was .a along time resident of Dungannon whose passing is niourne&'by a wide circle of "friends in this area. Explorers . meet on Tuesday evening to begin their program for the new year: Boys eligible -for Tyro (ages 9 to 12, or a little older) are called to meet on Wednesday at 7'p.m. in ,.the Sunday school room. Boys from Nile congregation . are welcome to join.. Choir practice will' be on Wednesday evening at the same time. This time, they will' try to, make: it more : convenient for parents who are coring. out . with •' their boys anywayand the church will be. heated once rather than twice. . Next Sunday, January 7 will be a Communion. Sunday in the Dungan non -Nile' charge.. The Sacrament of . Holy Communion will be •ob- Served ` and members welcomed; by ••'transfer certificate. The 1979 duplex en- velopes are at the back of the church. Each package contains a blue envelope for the United Churhh Observer. ';If you wish, ° to renew your • Lucknow .Sentinel,, Wednepday, January 14, 1979 --Page 13 MURRAY MOFFAT Electrical•Contractor LUCKNOW Phone 528-2913 or 392-6061 The Co-operators HOME - AUTO COMMERCIAL "INSURANCE AGENT "Observer subscription,' put $3 in it and return it in the near future by placing it on the offering plate or sending it to, Mrs. Bessie McNee. 99 An ' announcement will be • made next, Sunday concerning the dedication of • the new hymn books purchased by, the UCW for the church. "1 went to the throne with a quivering soul, • The old year was done. "Dear Father, hast thou a new leaf for me? I have spoiled this one." He took the old leaf, stained and'blotted, And gave me a new one all unspotted; And into my• sad eyes smiled: ' "Do better . now, my child." • JEAN-wxtrer--- LUCKNOW , • •CHISHOLM 1FUELS •HEATING OILS SUNOCO DISTRIBUTORS . . LUCKNOW Phone 529.7524 or 524.701 'BURNER SERVICE `'Proddcts,For Farm,.Home •,. and .Industry ( PLUMBING AND HEATING. REPAIRS AND RENOVATIONS' Industrial- Commercial and Residential „ FREE ESTIMATES 395-5771 INSURANCE AUTO. -'FARM HOME COTTAGES' COMMERCIAL INi4 ESTMENTS R.S.P. and Trust Cedilla -Ws - Victoria and Grey - City Standard Premier1rrust Companies :McDonagh Wilma Agency Ltd. BARRY -ROD Phone 528.3423 or 528-2031 • SAND BLASTING BRICK BUILDINGS • ALL STEEL WORK AIR HAMMER WORK BACK HOEING ARNOLD STOTHERS , • PHONE 529.7403 FOR ESTIMATES VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST CO. For Information on TRUST CERTIFICATES INCOME AVERAGING REGISTERED " RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLANS' • STANDARD. TRUST Cal{ Their Representative• LLOYD [HAP] HALL 52$-2045 Mac;ENZIE and MC'CREATK• . FUNERAL HOMES A: MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED FUNERAL DIRECTORS SERVICE FUNERAL SERVICE , Services conducted 'accord ing to your wishes at your Home, your Church, or at our Funeral Home at no ' additional charge.' Lucknow, Phone 528-3432 - dr Ripley,' Phone 395-2969 Day or Night . Garry Carruthers . 395-5268 Rep: Wingliam Memorials • KARL C. LENTZ CHARTERD • ACCOI/NTANT WINGHAM, ONTARIO TEL. 357.1087 .. WM. A [BUD] HAMILTON , AGENT FOR BP OIL LTD; Gasoline 'Heating ' Fuels Burner Service and Furnace Installations Trucks Radio: Equipped For Better Service' Dia1.528.3006 Res. 528-3616 Wholesale and Retail ,WiM R NELSON CARPENTRY a . Area Representative For TRALEE KITCHEN CABINETS AND VA'NITWSJ Free Estimates No Obligation LUCKNOW. PHONE 528-2949 R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST GODERICH ;The Square [Phone 524.7661]' ` Reiff & Peterson CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS WINGHAM 357-1522 Phone 52.8+2016 J. A. Peterson, C.A:. P.O. Box 29 Lucknow, Ont. NOG 2H0 Anderson. Flax Products Ltd. .Division of Mike Snobelen Farms Ltd,• • DEALERS IN ALL TYPES OF GRAIN • „After Hours: -•MIkeSnobelen 395-5167 • Sandy Liddle 395-5052 • Business 1519] 528-3203 Askes Bios. Construction • Custom, Homes Cottages - Additions . Farm Buildings - Renovations - RICHARD ASKES •- BERTASKES. OFFICE, LUCKNOW, 525.2726 WINGHAM, 357-3053 WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES,•._ CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Rep: , MacKenzie Funeral Home. Bus. Phone 357.1910... ° Res. Phone 357-1015 INVESTMENT THE STERLING TRUST.CORP;- .FIRST CITY TRUST CO.. Prevailing Interest Rates Your Representative ALEX'MacNA:Y LUCKNOW Rep: Stratford Memorials MacGillivray 8 Co CHARTEREDACCOUNTANTS 380 Wallace Ave:, N.,: Listowel, Ontario 291-1251 , 40 The Square Goderich, Ontario, 524.-2677 Montreal Toronto Brampton Hamilton St. Catharines ' Pott Colborne Listowel Winnipeg Calgary Edmonton • Vancouver Gode.rich Telephone 529-7848 RR 7 Lucknow, Ontario CAMERON REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING SALES - SERVICE - INSTALLATION , Commercial - Industrial- Residential JACK CAMERON LALSSIFIE DEADLINE . FOR THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL IS. Mondaysat5 The Sentinel is open on Mondays with the exception of a Monday statutory. holiday. To place one of these ads, just ardrop in at The Sentinel Office. PHONE 528-2822