The Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-01-10, Page 1211
_1 _ %rdusew Se.ynet, lireNdavr January 10, 1979 •
December ' 30 with 17 pies-
Mr. and Mrs•. Ken Scott
spent New Years day with his
parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Scott and. Donald.
Mr. and Mrs. Rob*
Wynne of Kitchener enter-
tained relatives at their farm
home in Kinloss Township on
New Years day.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Young and William visited
on New Years clay with his.
- sister, Mrs,. May Richardson,'
of Wingham. 'Mr. and Mrs.
Wallace Richardsonlso vis
ited at the same home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young
and family visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Springer and
family on Sunday. evening,
'December 3.1.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron George
entertained a number . of
friends at their farm; snow-
mobiling, on the . weekend. '
Mr. and Mrs.. John Boss of
Auburn spent New Years day
with•;his -cousins, Mr, 'dpd
Ml's. Bob Bregman, - and
family and enjoyed some
snowmobiling while there.
Donald Scott left on •the
3rd of January for a visit in -
Holland and .plans to' return,
on the 14th of the month.
Visitors with Mr. andMrs.
Clifford Young last week
were Mr. and Mrs. Ron
George, Liane Young, and
Mr. and'' Mrs. Len ;Coughlin.
and family:
The Langside Whitechurch
Young Peoples held a youth,
rally �on. Saturday and- Sun--
day, January 6 and 7' 'with:`
young people. fromdifferent
towns being invited. A snow-
mobile and tobogganing'
• probably carol singers you
party was held Saturday
,afternoon with about 55
present, followed by a Sup.
per in the Whitechurch Hall,
In the .evening games were
played in the Lucknow School
gym followed by an informal
meeting at the Whitechurcl►'
Hall .with . doughnuts and hot
chocolate being served. On
Sunday, church service as at
eleven'° o'clock with 'Garth
Hunt of Campbellville being'
guest speaker. The theme
was "A New Beginning".
This was followed with a pot
luck dinner for everyone to
allow the congregation to
meet the visitors. ' It was a
. busy weekend for the Young
-. Itotendedfor lastw
If you heard musk in the
air.- the--Saturday--eveni i
before Christmas , it ° was
heard. The ' Whitechurch
Young People visited various
homes in the ;Langside and
Whitechurch „ ea that even-
ing. Carol singing is an old
Christmas tradition anis one
that is much . enjoyed by
everyone, especially the old-
er generation.
The Teeswater Girl Guides
held their Christmas party in
the Teeswater Town Hall on
Wednesday evening, Dec-
ember 21. They had a good
attendanc e.although the rain
and ice made travelling-.
The ' Whitechurch Presby-
terian Sunday School -held
their Christmas Cencert
the basement of the church
on Friday evening, Decent
and plays and ending wt
g ---the arrival_ of Santa to
• present the gifts.
We received a letter from
Mr. and Mrs, ehester Fea'g„
.an, formerly of .Langside.
They wish all their friends in
Lucknow, Langside,'White.
church and .Teeswater, "all
the love, hope, peace and joy
of this wonderful season and
many blessings in 1979". ,
They would be pleased to see
any of their friends who' get
to Goderich where they now
We are sorry to report that
Mrs. Gordon Wall of Wing -
ham, formerly of Langside; is
a patient in ,St. Joseph's
Hospital,. London, after fal-
ling on the ice and breaking
her hip on Wednesday; Dec-
ember 20, She is doing well
and hopes to be moved to
Wingham- in a few days:
• Mr. andaMrs • Ron George
Day with
the 26th visited relatives at
Strathroy, before returning
ham, Mr. and Ml's, Wesley,
Young and George Young of
Lucknow; Russell Young of
Toronto and Debbie Fee; �. us -
on pf Newmarket. On 'Dec.
ember 26, Mr. and Mrs. Len
Coughlin, Rick, Kelly; Kin
and Karey, .. were dinner*
guests at the same home.
On Tuesday, December
•26, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young,
Karen and Liane and Mrs.
Don Wall, Krista and Karah
travelled td London to have
Christmas dinner with rela-
tives at the home of their
brother, . Mr. and • Mrs.
Wayne Martin and family.
Mr. and .:Mrs. Wesley.,,
Youjg of Lucknow held
Christmas dinner for their
family on Tuesday, Decem-
ber 26:
Bussell Young and Debbie
.---Purguson :returned to Toron- _ _ _ -- -
to on Friday after . spend g
alrriosta-w a at the hotne-ef--1
relatives in Hamilton and on
er d foung.
Mr. and : Mrs. ' Eldon
Wraith and ' family . spent
Christmas with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Scott:
. Christmas Day visitors
with Mr. and Mrs... Philip
'Steer�were Mr, and Mrs. Don
Bell, Wayne and Beverley, of
Kinloss, -Mr.' and Mrs.•. Ian..
Wallace,'Nancyand Susan of
London and. Mr. and Mrs..
Peter Steer, .'Tracey and:
Heather, of Lucknow.
Mr.; and Mrs. John Breg-
inan and son ' of Winnipeg
visited with' Mr. and Mrs.
. Bob Bregran. and family for
two days before Christmas.
They spent,about a: week
visiting relatives, before re-
turning "home
Happy New. Year to every-
Mr. and Mrs. Tm- rings
id family -en ertainedk28-
eit relatives at Christmas
nne ' .iday, December
and on . Monday visited
ith her brother, Mr. and
:rs. Norinan Coultes, Fran=
s and'Gary of Milton. They
_ter visited friends in Bur-,
igton, returning home
ednesday edening. '
Mr:. 'and Mr's. Elmer Scott
id Donald spent Christmas
w, with Mr. and 'Mrs. Ken
Christinas .'Day visitors
.ithyr: and Mrs. Clifford
oung..and „William were'Mr:
'Mrs. „Jim .Y•oung, `Marty; .
ant Karen and;., Liane;
en • Young and Russell.
pringer, all .`of . Langgide,
Irs. May Richardson- ,and'
Wallace Richardson of Wing-
:Everyone is welcome tSattend ,a COOP
Annual 'MeetingHowever, as a:member.
and owner Of your Co-operative,.the'Annual
Meeting is an ;opportunity to express your
ideas. and opinionsconcerning the COOP
.. whatgoods and services should be .
offered=- and so on! . .
Your Council of Delegates.and CO-OP
Managernent welcomevour suggestions
and core n3ents•—ltheyWant to know your
likes and dislikes so they can formulate •
' policies, make decisions, utilize resources.
• and carry out programs for the maximum
benefit of all members,
So, make it a date Pianto participate inr
the next CO-OP Annual Meeting. You're •
welcome... .you're invited :-= and you're
needed! In today's economy, the •
co-operative way of doing -business is
more retevant'than :ever. ..'
of the
in The Nei/ Co-op lwarehotlse, Huron County Road 1
" South of 'LOcknow
Banquet at 7:00 'p.m. • Official Opening New Store 9:00 p.m.
Banquet tickets available from ;tirectors-.or,at'the co-op store
iru ntisik Mr u.y;cwu rty
PHONE 357;3862
1978 :CHRYSLER LE BARO,, fully 'equipped
197.8 CH tii.ii sit CORDO$A, fully equipped
19/;8 PLYMOUTH -FLIRT -2' door' hardtop:
1977 CHRYSLER NEW 'YORKER, 4 door, hardtop
1976 PLYMOUTH GRAND •FURY, 4 door 'sedan
1975 PONTIAC LE MANS; 4 door sedan`
l 1975 DOIDGE :ROYAL MONACO; 4 •door Sedan, VII
automatic, power Steering, power brakes 'nod rsdlo
1975 CHEV, 4 door
1975 CORONET; 22 door hardtop
1975 DODGE, 'h ton, club cab
1974 DODGE CLUB CAB,•-ptekup, 3/4 ton
1974 CHEV, 4 door, V8 automatie, power steering
and brakes
1974 OLDS DELTA 88, 2 door hardtop
1974 PONTIAC, 4 door sedan
1974 FORD, % ton
1974 DODGE MONACO; 4 door sedan
1974 . E0DGE; 3/4 ton
1970 OLDSMOBTLE,, 4 door hardtop