HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-01-10, Page 9Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, January 1141,1',79-44ap ifs
Edna Cook, Owen Sound,
a sister of Rhoda} MacKenzie
Lucknow and Viola ' Cook,
Detroit, has worked as head
of the, obstetnes floor - at
Owen Sound General' : and
Marine Hospital for 25 years.
The 'following article appear-
ed in the Owen Sotind Sun
Times and is reprinted here
for the interest of our read -
era. '
Family Living Editor
If your baby was born
within the last 25 years in the
'Owen Sound General and
Marine Hospital; : Miss Edna
Gook may 'have Supervised.
tie little , one's beginning
days hi this' world.
Miss ' Cook, a quiet, mod-
est, efficient nurse, this
month marked 25 years as
supervisor .of:the-okbstetrisal
floor at the local hospital. Ia
terms of numbers, Dr. Ge+
urge Taylor estimates • the
years span some 20,000
births., "If you talce two
children per family as. an
°average, Miss Cook has beep
• involved with 10,000 famil-'
ies. When it ,comes to award-
ing • Silver Jubilee Medals,
she's one person that des-
erves one,"• 'he added.-
Miss Cook's brown eyes
'smile when; 'the subject of
babies is ' dis:cussed.
"There''s something cute ab-
out the ugliest baby: I love
either boys, or girls," Miss.
Cook admitted. "Actually
you don't. see a homely baby,
at least very, very seldom.
—Each: one -is -- diiterent ane
:each one has its own person-
ality.'' -
Despite the names,chosen
by ,parents, Miss Cok says'
that nurses sometimes name
the babies themselves, just.
because the name seems to
suit. She admitted that on an
occasion she has named a
Miss Cook, daughter of the
late Mr. and. Mrs. Albert
Cook, came to the .Owen
Sound General and Marine
Hospital from Lucknow,.
"I didn't know a single
soul• here, .I just sent in my
application and was accept -
ed." With .the exception of
time out for graduate courses
in obstetrics and gynecology,
she -has been hereever since.
The -Cook name --isn=t unus-
ual . at the Owen Sound
General and 'Marine Hospit-
al. There were four girls in
the Albert Cook family and
three of ' them . trained as
nurses in Owen Sound. Miss
Alice. Cook came :the year.
after' her sister and is still on.
'staff. Miss Viola Cook also
trained•locally but is nursing.
in. Detroit.
Miss - Edit Cook credits
much of her Success in, nurs-
ing to Dr. George Taylor. ''I t
couldn't•have done it without
his 'support. If you went to
him and told him a' mistake
you had made,, he'd never
Youth rally at 1'h!tfh1U'dh -
BY VALETTA EMERSON On Sunday' at Chalmers admitted to Wingham Hosp ' for thein.
Presbyterian . 'Church.. the ,jtal° Her •• home community Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tiffi
On the: weekend at Chal- Young Peoples Society joined here wish. her a most speedy, Joey and Mrs Orvil Tiffin
niers` Presbyterian: Church' the ' congregation for the recovery.were dinner : s on Satur
the Young. Peoples Society morning service led by Mr: The United Church are day wi •- 1 r and Mrs. Bill
held :a' Rally- On Saturday Harvey Osborne: Garth Hunt going to hold their Sundae .wden and Bill "Jr:, Goder=
afternoon the . Y.P.S. of accompanied the Young Services for the ' .wt" ich to celebrate .Joey's 15th
Wingham; Ripley, Ashfield, People and choir ...on his months in the Sun • ° chool 'birthday. .
Lucknow, South Kinloss and 'guitar, Mr° Hunt gave the room '• Mr° and Mrs. Athol. Pur-
Bluevale joined Whitechurch .me sage,';to: the Y.P.S. and T High and :Public don of Port.:Colborne spent
°and all wen(to' the 'hills A94,:°
the eoirgregation..After the-- schoolers, last 'week due to • the weekend with his sister,
enjoy tobogganing• and snook- service;;'dinner was, -served. winter .storms, were fortu- Mrs. Robert Mowbray and
mobile riding Arriving back by the Y. P°S' • e'Sun Sunday y nate . to 'have the 'holidays Mr Mowbray°" • .
at Whitechurch Communit t two weeks With • Mr: and, Mrs. Lorne- Flow-
Y � nded �,:
Memorial Hall., theyenjoyed A ninetieth birthday. party no. 'school,, and the . storm, es, Sandra and Joann of
School. .room. erre
an evening: meal. 'Then they was„celebrat•ed 'on, Saturday things were ver' quiet :in this Teeswater visited on Satur=
went to. Lucknow Public ' evening for Robert Mowbray community. with . the . only day ;evening with Mr. and
School' gym for : Volleyball at Lee's Restaurant; Wing- activity,.. -being the snowmo- Mts. Carl McClenaghan.
and other games enjoyed` by ham. Present -for•• the urea- biles. The' mail; due' to 4-11 Workshops..' for the
' around 80: They returned' to sion were Mr .and Mrs. visibility and' drifting snow, sewing course, . The Final
Whitechurch Hall for the Angus Mowbray; br°• Doug- was unalfte to make the runs Touch, are being held. Janu:
evening 'where' ` songs were las Mowbray. and .,his wife,for two gays, seineth.ing„new •:ary '16: and :.19,
enjoyed with Garth Hunt Dr Cathy Mowbray, Mr° and { / 1
accompanying on his guitar , Mrs Carl Mowbray, Mr and; f
and'talks were given by Mr. Mrs Jim Wilson,., Mrs Judy j�,,]� D' lOSndM;�V■ v ids IVews
and Mrs, 'Hunt, who come g
from ' Cainpbellville: Mr;.:.and Mrs. ' Ronald Seddon, q:
Hunt is a leader at the , Brantford, Mr and Mrs..
• Retreat Centre':"'""' ' ' -' , Lowe, Paris, ,Mr .and Mrs i ” BY LJI:I.1AN YOUNGy, •Wingham,
Salvation-` Arm
George Grigg ,returned . Pon Myers, Woodstock, Mr. • was guest speaker . at the
home from WinghamHospit- and. Mrs George .Pencoxat,_ . Mrs Reuleede Boer had Presbyterian Church, White`
. al on • Friday. ''' Brantford, Mr. and • Mrs her family L home for New .church on Sunday,' December -
Mr, and Mrs.. Walter Athol.Purdon, Pot Colborne.(' Years diaper*. on . Sunday,':. 31. 1
Elliott and Karen nl; :Mrs." Jack Macintyre, Wingham, Det ember '31 'Present were •ljjr, and Mrs,. Bob 'Breg
Elliott Sr of. Wingham visit-. Mr and Mrs., Alan Falconer:, Mr. and. Mrs. Simon de Boer man and family' held ". a
and twin daughters, John de Christmas party for the Breg•
Boer and ' friends. Mr;.. And . man relatives on Saturday,
Mrs. John. Knobs and Christ- CONTINUED. ON PAGE 12
ena, Fred,,H lda and Joanne. . • l'•'
'Several from this •:district
attended the New Year spot
1(iek:supper and dance' held
in the Whitechurch Hall'
Saturday evening, December
30: A large crowd was in.
ed on Sunday with Mr;. and : Whitechurch, Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Paul Elliott and Jeffery : Wesley. TiffitLf Whitechurch.
Brussels. '\' John ,Day returned on
Tuesday last to . Toronto
'`Word has. been: received
from 'Lynda :Moore of the Air
Force that she has completed
Basic Training and for a time
:will be at Uplands, Ottawa
' till she begins Trade Train- attendance and a good 'time
" , Ing on , March 19th . had'by all' present.
•OnFriday last Miss Annie Bill Henderson, of the
Kennedy Of "Wingham was
he the first
't teltIou if You
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Hearing -Aid!
\ian� ,Pcorle
ec ith.i hearing
Pi•ahlrrit,/,,il't ,
ntg:uit' II saris .
'feel :fat al 1 'u
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well as you used to. titin
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otn icr. N11aih:Ills, there's. no
Obligation, -
Sim�ly Phone ,for.
ail 'ern-
pointnicni. 1'ou're w.elronlc-
I'o come 10 our office. 'O'r, if
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ver;' .delle lest in the PI'i%.IC1
of !Aim- ow nhoin ,
Free Cleaning and
Adjustments to Any
Make of Hearing Aid
213 ' Eighth St.,
Owen Sound
• 376.9970
Notice to Owners
of Dogs and Cats
Wednesday, January 10, 'Gerrie .Community. Hall
Friday, January 12,
Monday, January 15,..
Wingham. Town 'Shed
Dungannon Agricultural
. Hall
1ledneday, January 17, Blyth Community Centre
Friday, January 19, . Brussels Fire Hall
Monday, January 22, Ethel Fire Hall
3:00 - 7:00 'p.m.
2:00 - 8:00 p.m.
3:00 - 7:00 p.m.
2:00, - 8:00 p.m.
2:00' - 8:00 p.m.
scold yo''she said.
Miss Cook doesn't think
mothering has changed over
the years, despite all the
negatives- one hears today -
about parenting. "They had
larger families years ago, so.
you were often seeing moth-
ers who were older. Other-
wise, 1 don't see very much
The greatest satisfaction in
nursing, for Miss Cook, is a
happy patient. "1 think it's a
happy mother and baby
going'- home. Most of the
mothers are: very batppy." .
As ,a supervisor, Miss
• Cook 11 more involved with
• the overall operation of the
•-- ob-steer-ieal4loer-than--she -is:
° directly involved • with the
babies. That doesn'tmean
that she has _forgotten . the
smallest baby she has been
involved with, nor the larg,
est. There's truth in the fact
that she's been interested in
all babies in between the two
extremes as well. .
. It • wasn't ' until she was
La aw Co-op Members-
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directors or Co=op office
ucknow Dis#rict':Co-op
Phone .528•-3024
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Dealer has a livbrid'
fog you. See frim t0d0y.
R. R. 5 Lucknow
Phone 528-2299
R. R. 2.Luckr+ow -
Phone 529-7217