HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-01-10, Page 7hy• e�► _ Wawanosh cQunci MeetS West ' Wawanosh•. • Town- 1Council authorize the sale: to ship • Council . met for its the. Ontario. Municipal Im- regular monthly meeting on provement Corporation of Wednesday afternoon, Jana- debentures for $15,000 for a ary 3, 1979, in the. office of term of ten years to cover the the Public Works Building. purchase by the Township of AlLmemhers w_ere4;nattend..-..•a---one='`ter-interest in a ance, with Reeve Foran new fire truck, and its share • presiding. . • of the cost of acquiring a The minutes of the Decem- one-quarter• interest" in all ber meeting were read and fire -fighting equipment pres- •adoptedon-motion of Conn- ently owned by the Corpora- cillors Hickey and Cranston. tion of the Village of Luck - A letter from the,, Huron now..' ' County Chief Librarian, deal- By -Law #2, 1979, was ing with _ the Dungannon given third reading ; and Branch of the Public Library, finally passed oni►motion of was read•to Council. Council- lor Durnin agreed to investi- gate the -possibilities for the relocation of the Dungannon Branch, and the Clerk was" directed to reply to the Chief Librarian to this effect.. •A letter from Ron. Fleming, Huron County Agricultural Engineer,' was read. The Clerk was directed, to write Mr, Fleming and ;invite him- self and Mr. Bradshaw to the February Council meeting, or whenever they could at- tend. - Motion by Councillors Ait- • chison and Cranston "That West Wawanosh • Township donate $2501.00 to,- Auburn Centennial Committee for, . assistance. with- ;a 'working" ;fund' before the celebrations, and toconsider a further. advance. if the Committee. finds it necessary:'' A resolution from the Town of Oakville; .concerning the exploitation, of women, and the distribution Of prone=. graphic material, was, eridor-' sed by Council en a motion o€. ! Councillors• Hickey and Aft- chison: I: .Motion by . Councillors Hickey` • and ..Durnin "That West , Wawanosh Towtrship ..0,!, , :are Councillors Hickey .and Ait- chison. This by-law appoitfts the various .municipal `offici- als and sets out their•respec- tive salaries' or fees. A 10% raise was given to all employ- ees negotiating salaries, in- cluding the Council mem- bers' honoraria. By=law #2, 1979, was given third reading and finally passed on motion of 'Coun- cillors Hickey and Cranston: This 'by-law authorizes the borrowing of sufficient funds during 1979 to cover expend- itures necessary before taxes are collected. , Motion by Councillors Ait- chison and Durnin `.'That the salary of: Road Superintend- ent, -:George . Humphrey, be raised by 100 'tp $6.10 per hour.' .The Clerk was directed to `•advertise in:'Ideal ,-papers to. the effect that the. Township :Waste Disposal site is now open on Saturdays .only. until . April; and that the Township nor :its: snowplowingopera., ors is responsible for damage to vehicles left parked .on roadsides during' the winter Council set down the Holi1 days for which road employ- ees will be paid. There are: • New Year's Day;;. Good Fri- Councillors Cranston and day; Victoria Day; Dominion Aitchison, era Day;" 'Civic Holiday; Labour IQ The general, accounts were Day; Thanksgiving Day;. passed for payment on mo. Christmas • Day and Boxing tion of Councillors Durnin Day. , + and,. Hickey-.-- -- - ° The road accounts- were • Council adjourned to Feb - ordered paid. on motion of ruary 6,+i979, at 1.00 p.m. souse League Kevin Lindsay scored five 'League Hockey action at the • , • Laebmow Sent el, Wedli feday, . Jath $4r,.,*,''1 :--Pas.- 7.,.- c goals to lead the way for the gena this • -week. Gerald Martin with two and Dean .Lindsay with one goal were the other Canadiens to score. Red Wing goals ' were. scored by Mark Haldenby -and John. Husk. Canadiens8 - 2 victory over the Red Wings in House ' Atom h�.key . BY .GEORGE GIBSON Just, one game to report this week .--t- a Saturday game in Wingham. , . The team started slow; perhaps the.. result of three, shut -out victories ;in a row. Although they wontwo per- iods of hockey, ` Wingham won the game 3 - 2. In the ::first, .Dean Dickson • scored at 5:45 assisted by Chris Irwin. •• ' 1•" The Bruins defeated the Rangers .6 3. Ray :Martin had a hat trick and :Steve' Frayne, Chris . Naylor and Jim Hawthorne assisted in the victory with one each. Jim Van Osch,' Brent Van Osch and Brian Smith tallied for the Rangers. The Black . Hawks edged past the Maple Leafs 3 - Pon two goals by Robert Steffer. and one ..by . John Hopf. Wayne . Phillips scored the . lone gal for the Leafs. The second period belong- . - ed to Wingham as. O'Dono Lucknow hue scored two, unassisted goals 20 seconds: apart and`ena „Jeff Walden added,, a third. 1{u, 411,1+h11416111,1/01414540 1.04, 14111 The ":Ontario March of Dames are holding all - "awareness 'day" prograin at the Suncoast `. •Mall. ,in . Goderich on Saturday, January II, The program will feature a wheelchair slalom: demonstration as well as offer the public an op- , portnnity to try to mano'euver . a, wheelchair through . the obstacle course. An invitation is • ex- - tended to you to come out , and try your hand: at wh'eeling -yourself : through the' course. This- is• 'an excellent op- portunity for you to become bet•te:r. acquainted with some of the problems and issues 'affecting #the physically disabled citizens of .your area: There will also be a paint by • rnouth. demonstration by the March of Dimes' Com- munity. Development Worker, Larry Parker. An information booth will provide information - to the public about various groups and activities relating \ to physically disabled adults. The • purpose‘ of the 'awareness' day" program is not ortl-y to bring public attention to the problems and issues facing ,.,physically . Wuf ss imes disabled adults but to also demonstrate" that many physically. ::.disabled. adults, have , the ability and desire to function as. contributing members of society: ended • CONTINUED FROM •P 1 the . schools, and sone stat- ed returning students before they 'completed their routes. The storm was to continue on' into the weekend, but' subsided Friday ;night, and On Saturday the sun shone brightly and the weather was clear. Roads were good and travelling got back to normal. goal to:give `the home team a 3 - 1 lead at the .break The team decided to tight- en up the defense in the third and played a good period• of `hockey. At 9.14, ' the boys made it 3.2 ona goal by Rick Beckard, .assisted by Dean • . Dickson, . but that was the "scoring for the game,, as. both ,goalies made good stops': for, ,.the rest of .the game:- • . Dean Dickson,., who has been on a bit of a scoring streak of late, played .a.good two'way game for the.Purple. and Yellow. LIFY WITH YOUR LEGS, NOT • WITH YOUR BACK arm safety assoiclati'on vestigate e The storm which swept through this area • last week caused poor visibility on area reads • and Kincardine • De- tachment of the • Ontario Provincial Police Jnyestigat- ed some 20' accidents . on Highway 21, north of Kin- cardine to North Bruce and on con ssions 2 and.4. of Bruce Thwnship, on January 4, 1979. . Three 'oft. these accidents. involved injuries. A two car:collision . on. Highway 21 Kincardine Township, involving a car. driven by Joseph Ffudder'of .,Ripley and. a' car driven by Claude Morin of Tiverton resulted in approximately $800 damage to.the vehicles. Both drivers received mini- mal injuries. A three car' accident on Highway.: 21, Kincardine Township - resulted in the injury of a London man. Donald Knox was injured when his car was involved in an accident .with a van driven by Wayne Webber of Tor- onto and a car driven' by Umberto Damele of Toronto; Constable Andy.Burgess investigated a two car accid- ent involving a_ car driven by . Kevin Ackert of R. 4 Ripley and 'a car driven by Frank Thomson of R. 3 • Tiverton, Mr. Thomson received minor injtiries and there was about $350 damage ,to each of the , cars. , ' • accidents at • • Schedule WEDNESDAY, JAN. 10 1:30,. 3:30 p.m: Moms and Tots Free Skating 3:45 - 4:45 Brookside Boys THURSDAY, JAN. 11 • 7:30 p.m. BantarnHockey Tiverton vs Lucknow Industrial Hockey 9:00 Holyrood vs Kinta 1, 10:15 Lucknow vs Flying Dutchmen FRIDAY, 3AN.'12 . . House League Practice 4:45 Leafs and Canadiens 5:45 Rangers and Red Wings 7 p.m. Pee Wee Hockey' ' Ripley vs Lucknow • :SATURDAY, JAN. 13 •. House League Hockey 8 a.m. Red Wings vs Bruins':. 9:00,Canadiens vs Leafs 10:00; Hawks vs' Rangers 2 - 4 p.m."Public Skating High School and Adults 50c • Public S. & Pre S. 35c 7 p.m. Flea Hockey . 0 8:15 C.R.C. League Game Listowel vs Lucknow • SUNDAY, AN. 14 . • 11:3.0.3:15 Public Skating 3:45 Juvenile Hockey Port Elgin vs Lucknow 5:30 Older Timers Hockey MONDAY, JAN. 1S 7:30 p.m. Atom Game Ripley vs Lucknow • 8:45Midget Exhibition Goderich "'B" vs Lucknow TUESDAY, JAN..16 8:15 to 11:15 Broomball • League All six teams in action WEDNESDAY, JAN.17 1:30.3:30 p.m. Moms and Tots Free' Skating 3:45 Brookside Boys 4:45 Atom Practice 5:45 Pee Wee Game Blyth vs Lucknow • • Hockey Correspondents Hockey •correspondents must submit their reports written in sentence. structure,; , double spaced, with the name of the writer, included or they vfill' not be published_ CI RRECTION Tho.1 x 3". spruesstrapping odvortlsod in our currant flyer, "Discount Day.'s :Truck load, SOlo 1143" long, slightly loss 'than •.Ight foot es advertised. MI! rogrot'any tnconvnionco this may hall causid to our customers. • • DISCOUNT; DAVE'S • NOME CENTRES : KIIJCARDINE-GODERICH-GRAND BEND-THEDFORD. Montgomery Motors . - Have a Car To Suit You and the Price is Right HERE ARE SOME OF OUR.US'ED CARS... 1977 'PONTiAC stationwagon . 1976 FORD LTD stationwagon . 1976 MERCURY MARQUIS 1975 MERCURY M,ONTEGO stationwagon 1975 AMC MATADOR stationwagon 1974 AMC .GREMLIN, d c L, standard . , 1974 METEOR, 2 dr. hrd. 1974 LTI3, 2 dr. brd." . 1974 OLDSMOBILE . CUTLASS PICKUP TRUCKS 1976GMC, 4x.4 0 1975 F150; 8..iutomadc 1975 FORD P100, 8 standard