HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-01-03, Page 20•
, •
Page 20-44 cknOw Sendnel, Wednesday, .3
Wilbur and •Thelma Day .with Mrs. •Bertha
Brown returned home Holland of Goderich. „
this week _afte_r_a _5_ week —m. ---r. ai—w--i7tsiiit
holiday spent with their S
son, ' Kenneth, his wife, Steer, Tracy and Heather
Denise, and family. visited his .parents Mr.
and Mrs., Philip Steer on
From there they spent.
• a couple of weeks touring .. Christmas Pay.
Washington, Oregon, New Year visitors with
Lake Tahoe aid Reno and Mr. and Mrs. Keith
othe t f Cr nston Jim and Darrel
and Catiforniaand visited of RR 2 Lucknow. were
friends in Vancouver on Brian Cranston of
their return home. - Waterloo and Mr. and
- "Mrs. Charlie McDonald -
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon•
' and Allan of LucknoW.
Barger Sr. celebrated •
their 40th wedding an- Mr. and ' Mrs. Peter
niversary on Boxing Day. Cook, Mr. and Mr..
Their family' and gran- Williarn Humphrey .and
dohildren were present. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
for the occasion. The day McDonald attended• the
was made special by the Reid -Barwick wedding on
arrival^ home from the December 22nd at the
hospital Of their new Knox Presbyterian
granddaughter, Tara Church Goderich and the
Melanie, daughter of reception at the Saltford
Herb and Rosalene "Hall.
Barger, who had been in
hospitaisince her birth on Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
,December 2. She weighed Livingston and. Kirk had her
, 4 lbs. 3 ozwhen born parents, Mr. and Mrs. Khem.
.. and remained in hospital Kuipersi and boys, as visit-
? kir ,24 days - gaining ors over the 'Christmas Holi
weight to 5 113s. JO Oz. '
When. she went home. -
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Livingston and Mr. and
McNaughton .visited mis.' Clifford Livingston and
t. over the Christmas family, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
holiday with" Maureen Kemp and family and Laurie
and Jim McNaughton at Hackett spent Boxing Day_
• RR 2 • Betwood. Since witirMrs: Martha Livingston
/ July, Jim 'has been •and' Dorothy Beamish in
working in Fergus where Brampton. • •
he is the town's building
inspector. Mr, and Mrs. Tony Bed-
ford and Mr. Mrs. Dan
Town and Country
Town and Country Club of • zens to join them and hope to
Lucknow will meet on Janu- see all their own Members
ary 17 at 2 p.m. in the back. •,
Lucknow Legion, They are ° 1978 was 'a successful year.
holding their meetings in the for the .club.
afternoonjor the months of The new executive are-
January,-Februar*--andreside -ntr-4,4m.---Peter Mac -
March from 2 - 4 p.m. • Donald; 1st vice president,
They wish all senior citi- Bill Ross; 2nd vice president,
o -• Mrs. Clare Johnstone; sec-
retary, Fred Martin and'
treasurer, Al Irwin.
'Wishing all meMbers a
Happy' New • Year and a
Prosperous 1979.,
William and Irene
Dickie' are proud to an-
nounce the birth of their
daughter, Karissa
Lorraine, on December
,31, 1978 weighing 8 "lb. 8
oz. ninth grandchild 'for
Mr: and Mrs. Evert
Parker, Teeswater . and
first grandchild for Mr.
and Mrs. Ira Dickie,
CHESTER, - Bill and Linda
are pleased to announce the
safe arrival.of their son Ian
Christophes:, on December
11, 1978, in the Brandon
General Hospital, Brandon,
Manitoba. Proud grandpar-
ents are. Mr. and. Mrs.
Kenneth Chester of Lucknow
and Mr. and Mts. Joseph
Czech, ?Brandon.
Visitors. with Mr. and : llefson and fainily f Mis•-,
Mrs'. JOe AgneW, Pain
sauga, Mr. and: Mr Doug
'and Joanne over the Stanley, and family of Cul -
.holiday • season' Were
rcss, Mr. and, "Mrs.. Floyd
Howard and Margaret '
Stanley, of Ripley, Mrs. J,. R.
• Agnew . of Walkerten,
Kaake and Cindy•Of Walker-
• : Jim, Judy, Michele and -
ton and Mr. and Mrs, Ezra
: ' Kevin Lukas; Walled
StanIek.and Arthur of, Luck:
Lake; Michigan and Bob,
, nOw, all spent-Christrnas DaY-, Gayleand p ta a eY with Mr. and 'Mrs. Leonard
1 ' ' Feeney, Scarborough,. Stanley, Kinlongh
. .; ' -. ' •
Mr.and Mrs. Peter . ... • . • ..-
Steer, Tracy and Heather .Lartir Stanley Of Waterloo,
.of Lucknow had for Ne l.y Mr: and MrS., Floyd Stanley,
Year's Eve dinner guests • Ripley, Mt. and Mrs. Leon -
Mr .,and Mrs Lorne 'Cook ard Stanley, Kirdeugh, visit-
and family, Mrand•MrS.1'ed with Mr and Mrs. Ezra
' . Ivan Cook and lanai•ly of . Stanley and Arthur on New
;:: • lily and Mr. and Mrs.. Nears pa • . .
Peter Cook of Ltleitnoir. - -
. .< .
In the. evening Mr. and . . • :
Mrs. .Charlie McDonald Mr. and Mrs. ' Peter Chis -
called. • holm left. January 2nd for
- Deep River. 'Peter is on a
Mr: and, Mrs. Peter training course for B.N.P.D.
Cook spent Christmas. for nine 'months. . .
Briice County Heal Unit
Immunization Clinics
Date - 2nd Wednesday
monthly beginning
January 10, 1979
For Infants - Children - Adults
Time - 3-5 p.m,
° Check Coming taenta monthly'
re notice further clinic*
By The Sentinel
0 REM 111it
Elva' Ritchie of,.
Wingharn was the winner '
of a recent draw spoil-
"sOrecl by *the Lucknow-
Junior Women's Institute
for a ceramic Christmas
Tree made by the group.
32 OZ.
$1 •45
$2.29 lb.
$11 35.1#PKG
For People Or) The Go'
Simplicity Super Twins roll easily, work anywhere,,
without special plumbing or electrical servicing. Compact
size (32' x32" x 191. Washes one six pound load, while
spin drying another (twelve pounds combined). Team your
Super Twin with a compact dryer and laundry days can
4,econte leisufe-days:
Greer & Electrk
Phone \28-3112" lIcknow
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