HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1979-01-03, Page 191,•• 1 • . . 1 • • • • el • CONTINUED FROIVI P. le a surprise starter iti,goal as Todd was a little late for the game. Todd said he- could stop anything on ice but that didn't include the family car . on Saturday's icy roads. The score sheet: against Harriston read Chria Collyer from •Chris Irwin, Chris Col- lyer from Rick Bechard, ,Panny Gilchrist from Chris Irwin, Danny Gilchrist from • Jamie. Humphrey and Chris Irwin unassisted. Against Arthur, the Atoms had a nail -biter for the first period. The boys controlled almost all of the play and had may scoring, chances but were unable to beat the Arthur goalie, at - S.17 of the second, Dean Dickson picked up a loose puck-and:beat the goalie before he could get set. After the team found it done, the scored again. in 35 sAconds when Donde Murray tipped in Richard MacDonald's shot from the point. In the third perkid, when Arthur threatened, to come alive Christ Irwin scored. from Chris, Collyer and Brad Priestap and, 37 seconds liter, Dean 'Dickson scored his second goal, unassisted: Chris Irwin toMpleted the scoring, on a break, set-up by Chris -Collyer. • As Champs, the players received individual tourna-, rnent crests and 'Medallions and the team name will be • . . . . • . .. _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . e e . r -- 3'7' • 0,9 el,. • inscribed on a 'trophy •that remains in Palmerston. In recognition for excellent two-way play in both games, tournament officials chose Danny Gilchrist as Luck- now's. M.V,P, Congratula- tions, Danny, for that extra effort and your reward. The team would like to thank. the Palnierston Minor Hockey Association for al- lowing us to be part of an excellent tournament. House league • In Houseleague this week, the Rangers took a 5-3 win over the Red, 'Wings on goals by Perry* Van Osch who sCorect • .',twice, as did Jitt Van •Osch and Kevin ,Swan who had one. Gerry Van Beers,, Pier—Dore—and- Eric Haldenby scored for . the Wings. ' The Canadians trounced the • Black Hawks 41 on --goals by ' Wayne Bursma. • and Kevin ,Lindsay Who each had 2. Hawksonly goal " was scored by j•3110. Hoff. , The Bruins 'Were vic- torious ovet the Leafs in a. • 7-5 match. Scoring for the • Bruins were Steve- Frayne • and Steve Errington .each with tWo. • and Paul Van Rooy,' Colin Cameron, and Blair Alton , who each Scored once.., MRS.- ALLIE 'FIELDER- M Mrs. •Allie. Fielder of R.R. 33 -Cambridge, Ontario died suddenly in South Waterloo Memorial • 'Hospital, Cambridge on Sunday, December 10 at the Age of 67. , •She was born --on' 12eceniber 30,,: 1910 • in ' Goderich 'Jo Maude • (Young) arid William - Nelson Brown, - • She lived in Ashfield Township until moving to Cambridge, about 1 .35 • yeariago. • She married- ' Nresley • Fielder in Goderich. He predeceased her in 1940. She Was an adherent of KnoxPresbyterian Church in Goderich. She, is survived by eight" children, George of Ask field TOWri5hip,'Mrs. Ray (Eunice) Adam -of Sault Ste. Marie, Wiam.' of Cambridge, Mrs. Wilfred (Rose) Goss of: Cam- bridge, Mrs. John (GladYs) Cooley of, .Kitchener, Mrs. Thomas (Ethel) • Hillcote of Kit- chener, Mrs. James (Annie) Sapsworth Cambridge. .and, °E1mer Moore also of ,tam. bridge; three brothers, William A.,. Benson and Charles Brown all of Ash- field .Township; 'grandchildren and ten greatgrandchildren. — A funeral service was held at Stiles 'Funeral Home on 'Wednesday, December 13 at 2 p.m. The ReVerend G.L. Royi officiated. Ititerinent was in DUngantion.Cemetety. Pallbearers were Ross Andrews; Ross Daer, John Fielder, Doug Young, Elton Draper and • Sam Brown. ies THOMAS MARVIN DlURNIN • Thorrias Marvin Durnin of Colborne , Township • died . ,suddenly on Saturday, December 23 in Alexandra Marine and General 'Hospital, Goderich at the age of 82. He was born- -DUngannon on August 5, 1896 •to •Barbara (Dreaney) and° Thomas ' Durnip. " He worked asLa banker, Starting in Auburn; ,sold cars in Cornwall for a short time; and Operated ' horse riding schools in Grand 'Bend -and Port Elgin for many Years. He was the secretary of the, Dungannon Agriculttiral :Society for over 30 yearsi; a meMber ofi;_the Ashfield School • BMA for several years.; and —President of the. Dungannon (Red Cross Society durint„yldrld War. II. . ' • He belonged •to the Dungannon_ United Churth. He Married the former Dell Elizabeth McIntyre. - She survives • . Also surviving him are two sisters; Mrs, Charles (Birdie) Whitely of GOderich and- Mrs. H. R. (Florence) Hall, Mao of Goderich. A funeral' service was .held at " the McCalluit • =Funeral Home in Goderich on Wednesday, December 27 at 2 pan, The Reverend C. G. Westhaver Officiated. Interment 'Was -in .the Dun gannOt Cemeery. • ORES MO GAME IN THE OM NT /IDS • a • ligelMow4Sentinel, Wednesday, .January 3, 1978rnPaite 19 . 1-i4 0tori co.unty.:• • . • Board Of EducationSSe C •CENTRAL, HURON.SECQN, DARY • MONDAY NIGHT (starting Jan. 8, 1979) BOOKKEEPING (Introductory) - 10 weeks CROCHET - 10 weeks FURNITURE• REFINISHING AND REPAIR (with .Beginning. Upholstery) - 10 weeks GYMNASTICS FOR BEGINNERS CLINTON - PHONE 4$2-347:1- • " • TUESDAY WIGHT. -(starting Jan. 9, 1979) ART - 10 weeks FIRST AID - 8 weeks HAIRDRESSING* -'18 week' HUNTER SAFETY - 10 weeks INTRODUCTION TO ANTIQUES, COLLECTLBLES AN'D' CANADIANA - 10 weeks SE -WING (Advauced - 10 weeks-,WOME'S FITNESS 10 weeks INTRODUCTION TO PHOtOGRAPHY AN'D DARKROOM- TECHNIQUES 10 weeks SEWING (Basic) WELDING 10 ."7 .1 . 10 .weeks weeks • WEDNESDAY NIGHT (starting Jan. 197 1979' KNITTING :*10 weeks . MACRAME'- 18 weeks SKIING 10 weeks ' MONDAYNIGHT (starting Mar. 5, 1979)' CERAMICS.- 8 weeks TUESDAY NIGHT (starting Fe: 15, 1979) GOLF - 10 weeks SOME COURSES MAY NAVE TO fit CANCELLED IF INSUFFICIENT INTEREST IS 'INDICATED BY 'ENROLMENT ,..SEAFPRTH.:DtsTRIcT HIGH. SCHOOL •• PHONE 52741311L,..: • .. . • TUESDAY NIGHT • Astarting Jan .9; 1979). •. • COSS COUNTRY - one • Class on Tueday, Jan. 9, tt;i' followed by '4 Sunday . afternoOtr"' •sesaiOns . •• . , • (Ad4lt.couoles • onl3).1:5 Wqek-g (at SeafortiP.S.): • 'MACRAME - 10 weeks '• • 1 • SEWING'AND TAILORING MONDAY NIGHT • (statting.4an. 8, 1979)- - FOLK. DANCING 10 weelc.a' ' F.E. :MADILL SECONDARY SCHOOL WINGHAM - MOM 357-111118 •TUESDAy NIGHT (starting. Jan 9, 1979) 'FIRST AID STANDARD - 8 Weeks :LADIES AUTO ,MECHANICS - 10 weeks ; ' MACRAME - 8 weeks POTTERY WITHOUT A WHEEL - '10 weeks. • 1 ' . • r: 1 • , WEDNESDAY.N (starting Jan. 10, 1979) ALTERNATE ENETRGY SOURCES. , - 9 weeks BASIC ARM WELDING -, 8 weeks CERAMICS (Full) - 10 weeks • LADIES -FITNESS - 10 weeks , • MONDAY NIGHT (starting April 9; 1979) GOLF FOR BEGINNERS - 8 weeks -STRETCH "KNIT . FABRICS, (Beginners) - 10 weeks THURSDAY NIGHT ' (starting April 12, 1979 STRETCH KNIT FABRICS (Ad- vanced) - 1 weekS FORFURTHER: INFORMATION „PHONE ,TE SCHOOL °SOUTFI HURON DISTkICT HIGH SCHOOL EXETER - PHONE 235-01110 4 • 7 MONDAY NIGHT (starting Jan. 15, 1979) . POTTERY - 10 weeks TUESDAY NIGHf (starting Jan. 16, SEWING (Ladies Knit Tops) r 6 weeks WEAVING - 10 weeks 1979) 'Pants and , • WEDNESDAY NIGHT Isthrting Jan. 17, 1979) PERSONAL'AND SMALL BUSINESS INCOME TAX - 10 weeks TAILORING -.10 weeks THURSDAY NIGHT (stirting Jan. 18, 1979) AUTO MECHANICS FOR WOMEN.- 5 weeks FIRST AID (St. John's) - 10 weeks GOURMET COOKING -.10 weeks 'TUESDAY NIGHT • (starting March 6, 1979) SEWING (Advanced Lingerie) 10 weeks GODERICKDISTRICTCOLLEGIATE INSTITUTE . , GODERICH - PHONE 524-7353 . MONDAY NIGHT • TUESDAY NIGHT- . WEDNESDAY NIGHT (starting Jan. 8, 1979) . \ (starting -Jan. 9, 1979) . (starting Jan 10, ion) ALTERNATIVE ENERGY AUTO MECHANICS (Owner- LADIES SPORT NIGHT - 10 weeks SOURCES' - 8 weeks ‘ Drive) - 10 weeks VOLLEYBALL - 10 weeks. (at 'BADMINTON - 16 weeks SEWING (Pattern Design) '- 10 C5lborne Central P.g.) CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH - 10 weeks weeks GOLF - 10 weeks - , TYPEWRITING (Beginners) - 10 Week4 • THURSDAY NIGHT (starting Jan. 11, 19$), STRETCH SEWING (Advanced) -i. weeks \