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Page 1l—Lnelmgw Sentinel, Wednesday, January 3, 1979
• Before Christmas on
Tuesday : evening -
December 19 the Rock
family of Ripley - Qraen,
Doris, Robert, Richard
and Ronald visited ;
•Huronvilla, Ripley's
Senior .Citizen's' Home.
Ronnie , Played his ..
electric:' guitar and sang, '
Christmas carols;
country and .'western
music, The evening was
completed by a visit from -,
Santa. Claus and cookies
were passed"' out by ;the.
Rock boys.
Visitors with . Mrs.
Marjorie Reid in Ripley
were BettyAckert, Alice
Nimmo and, Ruth Nor-
, man all of Kincardine;
Jim and Doug Harris of
12th, Con. west; _Elmer,
Joyce and Ann Coin -they;
Frances Elliott, Lenore
and Mervyn : Hooey of
Ripley, Jack and . Linda
Campbell, of, Amberley,.
Mr. and Mrs.' Ed Howe'
'and Audrey of Paisley
Mr. and Mrs, Ken Lawrie...
of Port Elgin and Mr. and..
Mrs. Rowly Rees, of
Kitchener.,, •
Don and Anne IVIcCosh
visited with Mr. and Mrs,
Roy Webster ,.in London,
and with Mr. and Mrs..
Brian Webster.. •• •
Betty MacDonald of
Creemorevisited with
Gertie•Kfdney. •
Ken - MacLennan of
with his ,jrandparents. ' Jii7n. and Isabel Brooks in
Mr. and Mrs; Walter • Ripley. Norman gave us
Forster... ' " . -- • - a listing of his entries at
Mr, and 'Mrs. Donald ' the 'Royal 'Winter Fair
Anderson of Waterford held in the Coliseum.;
spentChristmaswith'the.- Toronto A in mid
latter's mother Mrs. W.J.' November, • .
Mackay. Mrs. Mack. ay's - . Showing for the Rosnor
immediate family came Farms of -0 Carrick
to .the Christmas din er township he had eleven
Toronto visited with Mrs. _and spent a ple.asa • ribbons ,ih the field crop
I;lorma MacLennan. evening. division - grain, hay,
Mrs. Mary (John A.) Visiting with Marga?et sheaye�s, �. turnips or
MacDonald returned andFrances Gemmell at rather. - rutabagas. The
home to Ripley .last .. their home on Tain Street two top sheaf builders in
Sunday after._ spending in Ripley for Christmas Canada, Roy .Goltz of
last week in Kincardine, were their son Frank Falkenburg and Norman
and District Hospital. , Gemmell from tram.. -split the top prizes in the
Mr: ,and Mrs. Leslie; •pton, their daughter Ann ' grain . sheaves as they
Gawley of Powell River, ,and.Dr.. Ken Smithfrom have done in the past
British Columbia is Kitchener, also Dr: and Years;- -u-
visiting with Mr. ' and. 'Mrs. Ken Smith Sr., Dr. On Wednesday af-
Mrs Victor Gawley and Sharon Lunney -and Dr. terpoon, December 27,
with: Lettie ..and Eine-1--f a eLT """- -' `d-° fo ks at -the -Rine Crest
Gawley in Ripley. Jamie from Kitchener, Manor Nursing Home in
During _ the • recent 'Mrs.. Mary Smith Sr.
Christmas and New Year from Stratford and Miss
holidays Doug -Benjamin Susan Lunney from
of William /St. was the , Edmonton. -
delivery•boy for the daily Norman Schmidt of
newspaper in .Ripley. He Walkerton 'visited last
was doing thejob, ' for Friday afternoon,
Darryl Robinson who was
December 29, with Fran
-down in Florida visiting and Ab Wylds and with
Lucknow were treated to
a musical program. Allan
Miller of Langside and
his Kountry •Kats band
played. As did. 'Mrs.
Margaret Harkness. ' of
Bervie with her electric
organ. 'Brenda Nicholson,
and Allan ,Miller's
ost pe. pie use guns
a few don't.
OA •
daughters 7 and 5 years,.
sang, some nice songs.
Ronald Rock af, Ripley
sang a number of Songs to
his own accompaniment
on his'electric guitar:
Visitors 'with Anne and
Don McCosh in Ripley
w'er'e Mr. and . Mrs:
George Colwell; Mr. and
Mrs. Brace Colwell, Chris
arid Taren; ' Currie
Colwell and Anne all of
Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs.
Jim McEwan, Kenneth
and 'Sandy .of Black
• Horse's Edgar Watson of
Lucknow; Gladys Mason'
and Gladys Arnold of-'
Ripley. '
The fire • whistle
sounded in Ripley. last
Saturday tnorning about
one hour ,•before' dinner
time. John D. MacKay
and Doug Liddle were
seen in their cars headed
for the Ripley Huron
firehall and soon the fire
truck and tank truck
were headed south out the
fifteenthand then they
were seen headed down,'
the. fourth concession for
Reid's Corners: It was a
chimney fire below the
hill. at Pont'iClark and
they got it out.
LaSt Wednesday'
evening' members of the
Brownies, •Girl Guides,
and Beavers- staged . a
Christmas program for
the senior citizens. It was
• held.: in Knox
.'Presbyterian Church:
Then lunch was served
Coming , up next
Mondayevening January
8, is the annual meeting
of the Ripley Agricultural
Society with president
-Jack Farrell' in charge.
Treasurer - Mrs. Robert
' Rutledge and • the con-
veners in charge of the
committees of the dif
ferent classes of thefair
will he giving reports. _
On Friday of last week
Mr. and Mrs. Wray
Osborne of the 15th north
of, Ripley arrived home
after spending' the past
two months on an en,
joyable holiday visiting
with relatives in the
Maritimes. .
With Dorothy and Les
Wardell far the Christ-
mas week was .Miss Lois
Wardell of New Hamburg
and on Christmas Day
were Mr.and Mrs. Glen
Wardell, Tena and
Vincent of Tiverton. On
Friday last week
Mrs,Mil"dred Ashton
Barbara, Michael, and
Terrie : Lynn, df • Bright
were with them.
During. Chris as
'Week George MacLe an
became illwhile visiting
here and is a patient in
Kincardine and, District •
Hospital George and his
wife Jean Marie and son
Colin of •Agincourt were
visiting. with; 1 lorence
MacDonald for, ;Christ-
Mrs.. Nora`Frederiksen,
J was able to return .home
last ,.weekend-- for ::New
Years with • her husband
Niels at . their home on
Malcolm Street,
C anada's-gun laws require that anyone wishing to pur,-'
chase, borrow or exchange a firearm .obtain a Firearms
Acquisition Certificate from police. ;
Certificates cost $10,00 and am valid anywhere in Canada
for five years, allowing thepurchase of any number of guns
with a single certificate duting the five year period.
The purpose of the new „law is to ensure that guns are not
made readily available to those with a history of violent
behavior, mental disorders or a criminal record involving
violence. F<f
Gun Control
In Canada
Working. Together
To Sav►e\ Lives
lijk, Solicitor General $ault;iteur general'
Canada ' Canada
Vif ittphar't
,Ann Elizabeth Ackert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Aikert, Halyrood, and John Alexander Clark, son of Mr. and
Mrs; Jack Clark, )paisley,' were united In. marriage on
November 25 at Westminster Preshytertan Church, Paisley.
Revs. D. Archibald and P. Mellegers officiated.
Mrs. Bill Graham of Lucknow WAS organist and Miss Karen
Oke of London was soloist. Maid of Honour was Janice Slater,
London. Sandra Giroldi, Woodstock, and Elizabeth -Clark,
Teeswater, were bridesmaids. Groomsman was Larry Dupuis,
Detroit,' and ushers were Doug Clark, London and John.
Ackert, Holyrood. • ,
For their honeymoon, John and Ann travelled by train to
the'"weat coast, with gtopovers in Edmonton, Vancouver and
Mr. ,and Mrs. Clark are residing at R. R. 2 Paisley, near
Levitt. .