HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-12-14, Page 5THIS LITTLE ANGEL is nearly 500 years old and is own-
ed by George Allen, who has used it as the centrepiece of
a Christmas scene in his home. George picked up the
carving during one of his trips to Spain a few years ago.
It was probably part of a larger display originally.—A-T
New officers elected at
meeting at Farrier home
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Advance - Times
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Mary Hastings
makes donations
The. Christmas meeting
of the Mary Hastings Club was
held in the Legion Home on
December 6. A most delicious
turkey banquet was enjoyed by
39 members, served by the
ladies of the Auxiliary.
A business meeting follow-
ed and reports were read. Sev-
eral donations were made, $25.
to the local Salvation Army;
$26. to a committee for the
sick and shut ins and $6. to
War Memorial SickChildren
Hospital, London.
Several thank you notes
were read and carols were sung,
accompanied by Mrs. Charles
Christmas gifts were ex-
Studio recital
and party held
BRUSSELS-- Mrs. Edwin
Martin held a piano recital
Saturday morning. The various
numbers were interspersed with
candy and small token draws.
The early door prize was
won by Louise Alcock. The
lucky glass token was won by
Vonne McCutcheon. Other
draws were won by Carol,
Colleen and Keith Raymond;
Jackie and Connie McWhirter;
Mary Ellen and Nancy Knight;
Catherine and David Sweeney;
Frances and Charley Exel; Shir-
ley Pipe; Lori McCutcheon;
Dianne Thomas; Anne Straty-
chuk; Doreen Riley; Joan Ste -
phenson; Pauline McCutcheon;
Doreen Cardiff; and Beverly
Lunch was served by Mr.
and Mrs. Martin. The young
pianists are to be compliment-
ed for their efforts.
Family gathers
in Sarnia
day 34 members of the Farrier
and Gillespie families gathered
at the Darlene Restaurant and
Motel, London, for dinner at
12:30 to celebrate with Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Gillespie of
(Sarnia their 25th wedding anni-
The entertainment during
the afternoon was the playing
of games and contests. The
friends presented Mr. and Mrs.
Gillespie with a pole lamp. It
was also the occasion of Mrs.
Gillespie's birthday.
Lunch was enjoyed by all
before they left for home.
Those attending from here
were Mr. and Mrs. Garnet
Farrier and Janice, Mrs. Gib-
son Gillespie, and Mrs. Mel G
Greer and Mrs. Sam Reid of
Lucknow accompanied the for-
-- Miss Irene O'Connor of
Fort Bruce visited a few days
last week with Mrs. J.C. Robin-
son and with St. Augustine
nesday afternoon the U.C.W.
met at the home of Mrs. Gar-
net Farrier.
The call to worship was
given by Mrs. Russel Gaunt.
Mrs. Clifford Laidlaw read the
Scripture. Prayer was given by
Mrs. George Thompson. A
carol was sung and Mrs. Milian
Moore gave readings, "God's
Love Letter to the World", and
a story of a family who moved
from the Southern States to
Canada and their first Christ-
mas in Canada, and "Christ-
mas Present". She read a
poem, "The Nicest Gift".
Mrs. Russell Gaunt read a
letter' she had received from
Mrs. Grace Richardson of San
Mrs. Millan Moore con-
ducted an interesting contest,
"Take Your Choice". More
carols were sung.
Mrs. Ezra Scholtz presided
for the business meeting. The
minutes and correspondence
were read by Mrs. Carl Weber
and the financial statement wa:
given by the treasurer, Mrs.
Albert Coultes. Members
signed their names on a birth-
day card and two cards for sick
All standing committee
conveners gave their reports.
The chairman of the nomina-
ting committee gave her report
and the following officers were
Hon. pres., Mrs. Michael
Ross; pres., Mrs. Ezra Scholtz;
1st vice, Mrs. Garnet Farrier;
2nd vice, Mrs. Russel Gaunt;
treas., Mrs. Albert Coultes;
recording sec., Mrs. Carl
Weber; corresponding secretary,
Mrs. Carl McCienaghan.
The offering was received
by Mrs. Russel Gaunt. Courtesy
remarks were given by Mrs.
Ezra Scholtz. A birthday tea
was then enjoyed.
GORRIE-- The Kansas
Farmer of Brussels entertained
a capacity audience in the
Gorrie Community Hall on
Saturday, prior to Santa's visit
when 350 bags of candy were
handed out to the children.
-- Mrs. Alex Leaver re-
turned home this week-end
from Wingham and District
Hospital where she had been a
-- Mr. James H. Currie
left on Sunday, accompanied
by his sister, Miss Violet Cur-
rie, for San Francisco where
he will spend a month before
leaving on a trip to Australia,
Japan and other places. Miss
Currie has spent the past two
months in Wingham.
Officers ond
WROXETER--The Christ-
mas meeting of the United
Church Women was held in the
church on Wednesday evening
of last week.
The Scripture lesson on the
Christmas story was read by
Mrs, J. McLean . The com-
mentary, "Where Will You Be
At Christmas" was read by Mrs.
C. L. Dobson. Several Christ-
mas carols were sung with Mrs.
Ron McMichael as pianist. Mrs.
Stanley Lockwood gave the
topic "Joy to the World" telling
of the different dates on which
Christmas was celebrated until
it was decided by law to cele-
brate it on December 25.
Mrs. Lockwood occupied
the chair for the business per -
iod. Reports were given of the
year's work. The slate of
officers was read by Miss Joy
Longstaff. Rev. Sweeney in-
stalled the following new offi-
cers for 1968.
President, Mrs. S.J. Lock-
wood; recording secretary, Mrs.
S. Gallaher; corresponding
secretary, Mrs. H. Coupland;
treasurer, Mrs. G. McMichael;
representative on the Official
Board, Mrs. H. Wylie; Repre-
sentative on Board of Stewarts,
Mrs. Wm. Hart; pianist, Mrs.
H. Coupland; assistant, Mrs.
Ron McMichael.
Committees: flowers; Mrs.
R. Sander= and Mrs. J. San-
derson; program, Mrs, R. Lout-
tit, Mrs, A. Miller, Mrs,
Lockwood; community friend-
ship, Mrs. H. Wylie, Mrs,
Ken Edgar, Mrs. Wearring,
Mrs. E. Gibson; cards, Mrs.
Mabel McLean; social and
supply, Mrs, I. McLean, Mrs.
S. Higgins, Stewardship, Mrs.
G. Gibson; Christian education,
Mrs. L. Douglas; missionary
education, Mrs. J., Snell; lit-
erature and communications,
Mrs. G. L. Dobson; nomina-
tions, Miss Joy Longstaff, Mrs.
R. Sanderson, Mrs. S.J. Lock-
wood; social committee, Mrs.
H. Wylie, convener.
The meeting closed, fol-
lowed by lunch served by the
Friendship Unit.
-- Miss Annie Kennedy is
a patient in the Wingham and
District Hospital.
Storing your
Christmas cake
To keep your Christmas
cake fresh and moist for a long
time, allow it to cool in the
pan in which it was baked.
The moisture will not escape,
but will condense within the
cake. For storage do not re-
move the paper in which the
cake was cooked. Just cover
your Christmas cake carefully
with wax paper or aluminum
foil and store it in a tin box,
stone crock, or polyethylene
Wingbam AdvarloormTimas. Thursday,. Pao. N, 067 -
features from
The World of Women
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Wingham, Ontario. •
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MR. AND MRS, RAYMOND FISCHER were married in
Sacred Heart Church. The bride is the former Julia Mc-
Glynn, daughter of Mrs. Gus McGlynn of R. R. 2 Winghani,
and the groom it the son of Mrs, Greg Fischer, R. R. 2
Mildmay. Photo Studio
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