HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-12-07, Page 5John C, Brewer, board
member, presented the Certifi-
las Ewing, Barbara Ferguson,
Mary Finlayson, Alexandra
cates of Training at the annual Fischer.
high school commencement on Terry Gardner, Ann Gibson,
Friday evening, assisted by
teachers Mrs. Wm. Lockridge
and B. Brandon. The follow-
ing students received certifi-
Douglas Gibson, Wayne Gordon,
David Gowing, Ronald Goy,
James Graham, David Grant,
Ian Grant, Dianne Grove,
Brenda Hall, Carman Hamilton,
John Hanna, Ronald Harkness, Two-year: Glen Bridge, Cheryl Haskins, Roy Henhoeffer, Harvey Craig, Shirley Fisher, Barbara Henry, Elizabeth Heth- Sharon Fitch, George Frieburg-
er, Robert Harkness, Ronald erington, Brian Hopper, Betty
Herd, Gerald Hyndman, Joan Horsburgh, David Huether,
Kieswetter, Ann Marie Leddy, Verna Hunter, Ian Inglis, Keith
Bonnie MacDonald; Barrington Ireland, Sheila Ireland, Wendy
McCauley, Duncan McEwen, Ireland, George Jardine, Helen
Donald Pollard, Brian Pollock. Johnston, Janette Johnston,
One-year: Sheila Edward, Lynda Johnston, Terry Johnston,
Marlene Elliott, Barbara Gower, Yvonne Johnston, Helen John-
James Green, James Humphrey, stone, Judith King, Pamela
Larry Mayberry, James Schies- King, Allan Leggatt, Mary
tel, Walter Whitehead. Lillow, Margaret Lockwood,
Secondary School Gradua- • Garry Long, Ann Lowe.
tion Diplomas were presented Barry MacLean, Renate
by G.C. King. He was assisted Manjin, Harvey Mann, Linda
by K.E. Wood and Mrs. Colin Mann, Linda Martin, Ruth
Campbell for the 5-year, all
branches; E.L. Stuckey and R.
Mathers, Ronald McBurney,
Randolph McGlynn, Brian Mc-
N. Gavreluk, 4-year B & C; Kague, Ann McKercher, David
E.C. Beard and T.R. Willis, McLean, Ruth McLennan,
4-year St. & T. The following
received diplomas:
Donald Meyer, Brian Moffatt,
Donald Morrison, Virginia Mur-
Trevor Adams, Mary Ahara, ray, Harold Mutter, Evelyn
Edith Austin, Bonnie Baker, Ortlieb, John Perrott, James
Beverley Ballagh, Dean Balser, Phelan, Donald Rae, Lynda
Dawna Bennett, Frances Ben- Reavie, Gloria Reed, Neil
ninger, Mary-Ann Borho, Renwick, Keith Richmond,
Marni Bronson, Harry Brooks, Wendy Roane, James Robertson,
Peter Callan, Gordon Camp-
bell, Gary Carter, Trino Casa-
grande, Diane Casemore,
Vana Rosenhagen, Betty Ross,
Malcolm Ross, Gordon Rutledge,
Ray Schiefele, Ronald Schneid-
Leone Chambers, Allan Col- er, Kenneth Skinn, Marvin
well, Alma Conn, Norman Skinn, Lloyd Sleightholm,
Corrin, Margaret Craig, Dixie Elaine Snell, William Snow-
Cretier, Donald Cronin, Christ-
ina Czerniawski, Douglas
den, Gary Steinback, Kerry
Stuckey, Larry Sutcliffe, Ar-
Davidson, Jane Day, Barbara chie Thompson, Paul Tiffin,
Detzler, Shirley Devries, John Van Beers, Murray Vin-
Carol Dinsmore, George Dob- cent, Bryan Walden, Joyce
son, Gary Douglas, James Walker, Edna Wall, Marion
Douglas, John Douglas, Carl Wall, David Wallace, Laura
Ellacott, Brian Elliott, Joanne Walper, Diane Wamsley, Mark
Elliott, Dianne Elston, Murray Wardley, Anita Welsher, Jean
Elston, Barbara Eskritt, Doug- Welwood, Harvey Wheeler,
Howick Lions
Christmas party
Robert Grant McBurney, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McBurney and
Marie Paule Caron, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Caron of New
Liskeard, were married in a quiet ceremony at Ottawa on Novem-
ber 3. They will reside at 90 Willow St., Ottawa.
WingbaRt Advance -Times, Thursday, Pee. t POI .s10'00 S. -
features from
The World of Women
Fischer - McGlynn
vows at Sacred Heart
Are medicines always
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After all, a fellow's bound to get a little mussy
'; sliding down all those sooty chimneys, but Santa's 2,
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Next time you go into Winghain Dry Cleaners, you'll
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Ingham Dry Cleaners
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70th wedding anniversary is marked.
by family dinner and open house
BELGRAVE-- A family din..
ner was held at the home of
Mr. And Mrs, Clare Van Camp
on November 29 in honor of
the 70th wedding anniversary
of her grandparents, Mr, and
Mrs. Ira Campbell. Those in
attendance besides the guests
of honour were Mrs, Glenwood.
Campbell and Bernard, Mrs.
Jake Hunter of Lucknow, Mr.
and Mrs, Floyd Campbell, Mrs.
Stuart Cloakey, Sandra and.
Lorne, Allan, Bruce and Gar -
don Campbell, all of Beigrave.
On Friday Mr. and Mrs, Ira
Campbell held "open house" at
their home in aelgrave on the
occasion of their 70th wedding
anniversary when over 100
friends and relatives called to
offer their congratulations,
Several former neighbours from
Lucknow were also in attend-
Mrs. Campbell wore an or-
chid corsage, a gift from her
great-grandchildren. The din-
ing table was centred with a
3-storey wedding cake surround.
ed by many bouquets of flowers
and cards sent by well wishers.
They were pleased to receive
a telegram from Her Majesty,
Queen Elizabeth, as well as
others from relatives in Thessa-
Ion, Kapuskasing and Vancou-
ver,, A framed plaque from
the Ontario Government was
presented by Murray Gaunt,
M.P. for Huron-Bruce.
Letters of congratulations
were received from Prime
Minister Lester B. Pearson,
Robert McKinley and other
government officials.
Serving tea to the guests
were Mrs. Mac Scott, Mrs,
William Stewart, Miss Nora
Van Camp, Mrs. Stuart Cloak-
ey, Mrs. Floyd Campbell and
Mrs. Clare Van Camp. Mrs.
Edwin Ansley was in charge of
the guest book,
-- Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mc-
Michael of Orillia visited on
Sunday with his sister, Mrs.
Hugh Sinnamon who has been
seriously ill during the past
week. Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Hertel and family of Kitchener
also visited with her mother.
Howick Lions Club mem-
bers, their wives and guests,
numbering about 90, tnet in
the Kurtzville community
centre on Monday evening for
the club's annual Christmas
In the absence of the pres-
ident,Lion,George Timm, con-
fined to his hotne through ill-
ness, the 2nd vice-president,
Lion Alex Graham, presided.
A turkey banquet began
with Lion Warren Zurbrigg say-
ing grace and the singing of
"0, Canada". Head table
guests, which Included Lion
Alex and Mrs. Graham, Mr.
,and Mrs. Earl King, Miss Erna
lietka, Litt Warren arid Mrs.
Zurbrigg, and Lion Wray and
Md. Cooper, Were introduced
by the chairman, as Were
members of the Orchettra.
Members' guests We're intro-
duded during roll call,
Lion Jim Alcorn proposed
a toast to the ladies, which was
responded to by Mrs. Stanley
Bride; 'God Save the Queen"
was sung, with Mrs. Jack Wil-
son accompanying at the piano.
A number of people were lucky
winners in a draw.
A short business session
WAS held befOre the tables were
cleared for the program. The
guests participated in the pro-
gram, which consisted of a
number of stunts and skits,- con-
ducted.by Jim Alcorn and Ken
Edgar. Those present signed a
card for'the president.
Dancing was enjoyed to
the music of Sant Tittles or-
chestra, from Listowel and
Santa paid his annual visit and
presented each lady with
gilt from the Chrittmas tree.
A gift was also presented to
Lion Keri Edgar in appreciation
Of his work.
The rDecember meeting of
the Efelgrave Institute Will, be
held the eQrrtillttnity rooms
on December aril, at
m. Mrs, Clarke Johnston is
the convener. The address
will be given by Mrs., Walter
Scott, The lunch committee
is Mrs. Leslie Bolt and Mrs.
Garner Nicholson.
Mr. and. Mrs, Donald Camp-
bell and. family of Belmont,
Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Campbell
and family of London spent the
week-end with their parents.
Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Campbell
also visited their grandparents,
Mr, and Mrs. Ira Campbell,
who celebrated their 70th an-
niversary last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs, Allan SCOtt
of Barrie spent the week-end
with his parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Walter Scott.
Mr. and Mrs, Ross Robinson
of Auburn visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook.
Mrs. Alfred Stickney of Al-
ma and Mrs. Ivan McArter of
Brussels spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Anderson.
Mrs. Dave Armstrong visited
with relatives at Listowel last
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ansley
of Thessalon are spending a
few days with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ira Campbell.
Mary White, Paul Wilson,
Lynne Workman.
Presentation of the Second -
ary School Honour Graduation
Diplomas was made by Dr. W.
A. McKibbon, assisted by Z.
J. Gnay and C.R. Morrison.
Receiving the diplomas were;
Donald Andrew, Robert
Beattie, John Blackwell, John
Bradley, Larry Brooks, Barbara
Cameron, Linda Casemore,
Brian Caslick, Brian Clark,
Bryon Collar, Muriel Conn,
Raymond Corrin, Lynda Coul-
tes, Patricia Currah, Katherine
Fear, Lois. Ferguson, -Sally
Galbraith, David Gibson, Ron-
ald Goy, Jean Grant, Rae
Gurney, Kay Marie Hardie,
Anne Heffernan, Rosemary
Herd, Gaye Hollingshead,
Wayne Jamieson, Robert
Johnston, Grant Kilpatrick,
Joseph Manjin, Lloyd Martin,
John Marlyn, Archibald Mc-
Donald, James McKague, Alex,
ander McQuillan, Stella Mee-
chan, Margaret Nichol, Marj-
orie Nickel, MaryAnn Phelan,
Karen Powell, Mary Rathbun,
Gary Reed, John Ross, Mary
Mae Schwartzentruber, Mary
Ann Skinn, Susan Spry, Sharon
Stanley, Jean Sutton, Robert
Taylor, Gary Walden, David
Walsh, Gail Wamsley, Elliott
General meeting
of U.C.W. held
Monday night
The general meeting of the
U.C.W. was held in the Sun-
day School room Monday even-
Mrs. E. Tapp opened the
meeting with the call to wor-
ship and led in the worship ser-
vice, assisted by Mrs. A. Lunn
and Mrs. F. Madill. Mrs.
Tapp read the Christmas mes-
sage, "Putting Christ into
Mrs. W.B. Cruickshank il-
lustrated the "Doors to Christ-
ian Service". Each Unit gave
a 4-minute talk on a different
phase of mission work -- Home
Missions, World Missions, In-
formation, Board of Christian
Education, Evangelism and
Social Service.
Delegates to the Regional
conference gave one-minute
reports on their impressions,
,They were Mrs. T. Jardin,
Mrs. W. Tiffin and Mrs, C.
Hodgins, Reports from all the
secretaries were read arid adop-
Mrs. R. Zurbrigg of the
,nominating committee present+.
:ed the 1968 slate of officers,
The Meeting closed with
the Lore prayer and lunch and
social half hour was enjoyed.
Mt, arid Mrs. Wilfred
Sell and family of Orangeville
visited on Saturday with their
parents, Mr, and Mrs, rim
Sell and Mr, , and Mrsi pert
Julia McGlynn, daughter
of Mrs. Gus McGlynn of R, R. 2
Wingharn and Raymond Fischer;
son of Mrs. Greg Fischer, R. R,2
Mildmay, were married in
Sacred Heart Roman Catholic
Church on November 4. Rev.
I.G. Mooney officiated. Mrs.
IR, Campeau was organist and
Mrs. Jim Fischer was the solo-
William McGlynn gave
his niece in marriage. She wore
a floor-length A-line gown of
Spanish lace with a cardinal
train. A white bow headpiece
with short veil was worn by the
bride and she carried red roses.
The matron of honor was
her sister, Mrs. Lome Curran
of Wingham. Her floor-length
gown featured a bell skirt of
pink potus with red velvet bod-
ice with empire waist. She
wore a red velvet bow head-
piece with pink accessories,
She carried a single red rose
with pink ribbon.
Bridesmaids were Leone
Fischer, Lenore Fischer, Evelyn
Ortleib and Brenda Gatecliffe
and other attendants wer,e,CindV
Lou Curran and Bernard Mc-
Glynn as pillars.
JoAnne Lang, flower girl,
wore a white floor-length
gown with empire waist and
puffy sleeves. She wore a
white velvet bow headdress,
white gloves and shoes and
carried a single pink rose with
red ribbon.
Torn McGlynn of Bluevale,
Ted Fischer of Mildmay, Pat
McGlynn of Hamilton and Bob
McGlynn, Sudbury were ushers
and Terry Curran was ring
bearer. Herbert Fischer of
Kitchener was his brother's
best man.
The reception and dinner
were held at the community
hall in Formosa.
The bride's mother chose
a green suit dress with black
accessories with yellow and
white corsage of roses. The
grooth's mother wore a black
dress, black accessories and
corsage of pink roses.
The couple spent two
4- • fh.4
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weeks in Florida. The bride's
travelling costume was a blue
and black double-breasted
suit with black fur collar and
black accessories, with a cor-
sage of white roses.
CWL makes plans
for Christmas
The December meeting of
the C. W. L. of Sacred Heart
parish took place in the form
of a Christmas banquet at the
Legion Home on Monday even-
ing with 54 attending. A sing
song of Christmas songs, ac-
companied by Mrs. Jim Meyer
at the piano, followed the de-
licious turkey supper.
The short business meeting
which was opened and closed
with prayer, was conducted by
Mrs. M. Willie, president.
Ninety-eight visits to the hos-
pital were reported for the
month of November.
A youth retreat will be
held at Sacred Heart Church on
Sunday, December 17. A sum
of money has been raised for
the missions in Peru.
Six Christmas stockings
will be filled by League mem-
bers for Ontario Hospital pat-
ients at Goderich. A motion
was passed to send Christmas
boxes to shut-ins, and Masses
will be said for hospital pat-
Mrs. Alf Lockridge con-
ducted two games with Miss
Mary Hehn and Mrs. Peter Vath
as winners. Miss Annie McKin•
non won the lucky supper draw.
Several games of euchre
were played to conclude the
evening with Mrs. W. White
winning high prize, Mrs. John
Strong Jr. won second high,
and Mrs. A. Meyer won the
-- Mr. Harold Walker of
Goderich spent Friday in town.
-- Mrs. Ellis, Edward Street
is a patient in Wingham and
District Hospital.
Diplomas and certificates
presented at commencement
4.1P. .1111