HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-11-09, Page 7Dewan-MacConnell vows
1:00 P.M.
Saturday, November 11
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111 ........ .001...••• iiiiiiiii iii 04111ifiais
THE MOUNT HAMILTON Savation Army Band marched
to the WIrigharn arid District Hospital on Sunday afternoon
to play for the patients. The Band visited Wingham to
aid in -the celebration- of the. Witighahi Corps' ttlst
----.Advahee,Tirhes Photd.
Grey-Bruce area W.I. holds
convention at Markdale
General. meeting
of Fordwich UCW
FORDWICH-- The general
Meeting of the Fordwich
W, was held in the Sunday
School rooms Thursday after ,-
noon. Mrs. Warren Zurbrigg
opened the meeting with, an
invocation on peace.
The worship service was
taken by Mrs. Jack Wilson and
Mrs. Morley Johnston around a
worship centre, focusing on a
white cross and red poppies
against a red backdrop on which
were lighted candles and a sil-
ver communion cup.
The Scripture was read by
Mrs. Morley Johnston who also
offered prayer. The meditation
on the theme, "The Brother-
hood of Man" was given by
Mrs. Jack Wilson.
Mrs. Elmer Harding was in
charge of the program, assisted
by Mrs. Jim Warrell. The
theme was "Righteousness exalt-
ed a nation", A solo, "My
Mother's Bible" was sung by
Miss Minnie McElwain. Mrs.
Elmer Harding gave an article,
"Christian Stewardship Is a Way
of Life".
A special feature, "In Time
of Rememberance" was given
by Mrs. Harold Wallace.
Mrs. Austin Stinson reported
on the regional meeting at St.
Helens. Plans were formulated
for the bazaar to be held in
-- Jim Mitchell of the Uni-
versity of Guelph spent the
week-end with his mother,
Mrs. A. Mitchell.
The ninth annual Grey..
Bruce Area Women's Institute
convention was held in Mark-
dale, Oet. 26 and 27. Presi-
dent Mrs. Ernmerson Knott,
Meaford, presided, assisted by
vice-presidents Mrs. Percy
Radbourne of Owen Sound and
Mrs. Harold Biasing of Neust-
Mrs. Everett Small of Essex
provincial president, congratu-
lated the Institutes on their
many centennial projects. She
said this year had shown the
value of the Tweedsmuir His-
tory Books when people from
all walks of life were seeking
information from their pages.
Fifteen entrance awards will be
given this year to students en-
tering Macdonald Institute
through the Scholarship Fund.
Three Indian girls are studying
at Mysore, India, made possible
through the International Schol-
arship Fund, and will return to
their communities to teach nu-
trition, food preservation and
general help to better living.
Miss Helen McKercher, dir-
ector of home economics ser-
vice branch, Department of
Agriculture and Food reported
on courses available, She spoke
of the tremendous work the
leaders are doing in 4H courses.
She said," Let's be enthusiastic
in our Institute work. Strive
for excellence."
Miss Lera McCormick and
Miss Kathy Cowborg, Grey-
Bruce home economists were
in charge of the 4H displays
and junior activities. Mrs.
Russell Halliday gave a report
as junior representative, and
asked if more junior institutes
could be formed to fill the gap
between 41-I and the senior
Attendance for the two days
was 434, Voting delegates
numbered 187„
The president in her report
spoke on the theme, "Live in
the present for the future,
guided by the past," Mrs. Gor-
don Crawford in the treasurer's
report showed a balance of
Board directors, Mrs. Don
McCosh of Ripley, Mrs. Wm.
Clugston of Markdale and Mrs.
Percy Radbourne of Owen Sound
reported on the general work
of the Provincial Board. Report
of the public relations officer
was given by Mrs. Robert Hur-
ley of Owen Sound. Standing
committee conveners reports
were given by Mrs. Robert At-
kinson of Paisley, Mrs. Harry
Lavis of Lucknow, Mrs. Harold
Garlick of Hanover, Mrs. Ar-
chie Givens of Wiarton, Tweeds-
muir History Book report for
Mrs. Victor Emerson of White-
church by Mrs. R. McGuire of
Catering for the banquet
and noon luncheons were wo-
men from the United and Ang-
lican churches, the Catholic
Women's League and the Coun-
try Club.
The gathering assembled
again in the Community Centre
for the evening's entertainment
Miss Angela Armitt, Western
University, London was guest
speaker. Miss Armitt, with her
Irish wit, brought pleasure and
much to remember in following
her chosen theme "Catch a
Falling Star", She said the
stars are the many happy, plea-
sant, funny things we are able
to laugh at through life, if we
will just take them out on the
rainy days.
Resolutions were presented
by the convener. The one in
regard to glue sniffing was lost,
as there were several different
points to this resolution. The
branch is asked to give it fur-
ther study and it can be sent as
an emergency resolution direct
to the FWIQ board. Resolution
re trees destroyed through road
construction and Dutch Elm
disease was sustained but re-
worded. The one dealing with
woodlots, etc., was lost.
The election of officers was
conducted by Mrs. E. Small:
past president, Mrs. A. Maun-
drell, Southampton; president,
Mrs. Emmerson Knott, Meaford
1st vice, Mrs. Percy Radbourne,
Owen Sound; 2nd vice, Mrs.
Harold Biasing, Neustadt; 3rd
vice, Mrs. George Woefle,
Paisley; secretary, Mrs. Edward
A. Carson, Lesboro; treasurer,
Mrs. Gordon Crawford, Wirt El-
gin; public relations officer,
Mrs. James Coyne, Wiarton;
curator, Mrs. Victor Emerson,
Whitechurch; Jr. W.I. repre-
sentative, Miss Marion Ruttan,
Teeswater; F.W.I.0, directors,
Sub. 14, Mrs. William Clugs-
ton; Markdale; Sub. 15, Mrs.
Percy Radbourne, Owen Sound;
Sub. 16, Mrs. Arthur Teasdale,
Dobbinton; alternates, Mrs.
George Alderdice, Meaford,
Mrs. Norman Smith, Owen
Sound, Mrs. Thomas J. Cornish,
Standing Committee conven-
ers: agriculture and Canadian
industries, Mrs. Alvin Thomp-
sett, Chatsworth; citizenship
and education, Mrs. Morris
Gowanlock, Allenford; historic-
al research and current events
Mrs. Harry Lavis, Lucknow;
home economics and health,
Mrs. Clifford Sutcliffe, Des-
bore; resolutions, Mrs. Archie
Givens, Wiarton; auditors, Mrs.
0. Gateman, Southampton,
Mrs. Wilmer Ribey, North
-- Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Haines of Morris Township and
Rev. T. C. Wilkinson of Tor-
onto visited on Thursday last
at the home of their sister,
Rev. and Mrs. Duncan MacTav-
ish of London.
--Mrs. F.L. Creighton of
Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Oliv-
er H. Kirk of Birmingham,
Mich., visited on Wednesday
last with their sister, Mrs. J, D.
Beecroft, John Street.
-- Miss Mary White, nurse-
in-training at St. Joseph's Hos-
pital, Guelph was a week-end
visitor with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilfred White. Miss
Betty Hetherington, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George Hether-
ington and Mary Craig, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Craig,
who are also in training at St.
Joseph's Hospital, spent the
week-end at their homes in
-- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Buchanan left Tuesday for Day-
tona Beach, Florida.
-- Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Moffat visited recently for two
weeks with each of their daugh-
ters and sons-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Woods of Pembroke
and Mr. and Mrs. George Forler
of Barrie.
-- Mrs. S. Cowan, Mr. and
Mrs. Ken Stapleton, Mr. and
Mrs. Ken Thompson, Mr. Harry
Brown and Mrs. Ken Saxton of
Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Clare
Hodgins of Parkhill and Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Wilson of Streets-
ville attended the funeral of
Mr. Jack Cowan of Exeter last
Tuesday. Burial took place in
Blyth Cemetery.
Miss Heather MacConnell,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
MacConnell of London was
married to Leo W. Dewan, son
of Mr. and Mrs. James Dewan,
Lucan on Saturday, October 28,
in Blessed Sacrament Church.
Rev. Father P. Dill officiated.
The bride's mother is the form-
er Catherine Currie,
Wedding music was provided
by Connie Shack, organist, and
Frank Rockwood, soloist.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a full-
length white satin gown with a
lace overlay of daisies, and a
detachable chapel train which
cascaded from the shoulders,
She carried red and white car-
Miss Carol MacConnell was /
The First United Church at
Wawa was decorated with yel-
low and bronze mums for a
double-ring ceremony which
was performed by the Rev. Jack-
son Strapp, when Judith Arlene
Cawley, only daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Greer Cawley of.
Wawa became the bride of
Lyle Eldon Smith, youngest
son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C.
Smith, Belgrave.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a full-
length satin sheath dress with
scooped neckline, lily-point
sleeves, Alencon lace appli-
ques and detachable train. Her
veil was held in place by a
satin pillbox. She earth d a
cascade bouquet of red roses,
Mrs. Linda Dawyd was
matron of honor wearing a short
sleeved moss green, brocaded,
floor-length gown. Her he 1-
piece and bouquet were of at-
ching yellow and bronze m,
Mark Cawley, nephel,. or
the bride, was train bearer.
The best man was Alan
Comfort of Sault Ste. Marie,
and the ushers were Jack Caw-
ley, brother of the bride of
Nashville, Tennesee and Gor-
don R. Smith, brother of the
groom of Waterloo.
Following the ceremony a
maid of honor and bridesmaids
were Miss Sandra Sharman,
Miss Jo-Anne Dewan and Miss
Wendy MacConnell. Miss
Debbie MacConnell was her
sister's flower girl. They were
dressed alike in blue velvet
and carried blue and white
Thomas Dewan was best
man and ushers were Courtney
Carmichael, Frank Harrigan,
and Michael Dewan. Master
Allan MacConnell was ring
Following a reception at the
Barn Restaurant the couple left
for a wedding trip to Nashville,
Tennessee. On their return
they will reside at R. R. 3,
dinner and reception were held
at the Wawa Motor Hotel. Re-
ceiving the guests the bride's
mother wore a two-piece navy
ensemble with matching fea-
ther hat and white accessories.
The groom's mother assisted,
wearing a powder blue crepe
dress with lace trim and mat-
ching accessories. Both wore
corsages of pink and white car-
Guests were present from
Victoria, Regina, Winnipeg,
Waterloo, Belgrave, Sault Ste.
Marie, Wawa, Kingston, Ot-
tawa and Nashville.
For travelling the bride wore
a medium green two-piece
knitted suit and matching ac-
Lyle is a graduate of Water-
loo University and is teaching
in Sault Ste. Marie. They
will be at home to their many
friends at 99 Pine Street, Sault
Ste. Marie.
Bridge Club
The Howell system was us-
ed. First, Mrs. D.B. Porter
and C. Hodgins; second, Mrs.
W. Caslick and Mrs. H. Fisher;
third, G. Baird and A.M. For-
Patricia Ann Marie, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Petrychyn of Toronto, and
William Barry Pletch, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pletch of
R. R. 5, Brussels exchanged
marriage vows at St. John's
Chapel of St. Michael's Cathe-
dral, Toronto on October 28 in
a double-ring ceremony, Rev.
Jacques Day officiated,
The bride's father gave her
in marriage. She wore a white
satin brocade gown accented
with scalloped lace, a shoulder-
length veil and carried a bou-
quet of red carnations.
Her only attendant was her
cousin, Miss Kathy Spruce of
Toronto. She wore a dress of
apple green chiffon with a pink
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown
attended the Lowrie-Hindman
wedding in Kelvin on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey De-
merling are visiting this week
with their daughter and son-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Tozer, in New Brunswick.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Klaassen,
Gary, Wert and Teddy visited
Sunday with friends in St. Tho-
Mrs. Pearl Patterson return-
ed home Saturday after spend - ,
ing the past week with Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Patterson and Mr. and
Mrs. Willoughby Patterson, in
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jacklin
and little daughter of St. Jacobs
visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Dinsmore.
Mrs. Alex Keith and Mrs.
Earl Moore spent one day last
week in Kitchener.
Mr. Ray Kennedy and Mr.
and Mrs. Noah Reis spent Fri-
day in London.
Miss Mary Corbett of Toron-
to visited over the week-end
with Mrs. Ruby Forester.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lynn,
Karen and Judy of Orillia visit-
ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Ridley.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bellamy
of London visited Saturday with
Mr. and Mrs. Jack King.
Mr. and Mrs. Jdhn Lepping-
ton and John and Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald D'Arcy were guests
Saturday at the Leppington-
Klein wedding in St. Andrew's
Presbyterian Church, Kitchener
and later attended the dinner
and reception.
Mrs. Carl Stewart and Mrs.
Ron McClement spent Saturday
at Hanover.
Mrs. Garfield Gibson, Mrs.
Harold Gibson and Mrs. Well-
ington Hargrave spent one day
CWL euchre
There were fourteen tables
in play at the CWL card party
Tuesday evening. High lady
-was Mrs. James Halliday; high
man, Lloyd Montgomery; low
lady, Mrs. DeGroot, low man,
Dr. K.M. MacLennan, The
door prize was won by Cy Rob-
The hostesses were Mrs.
John Strong Jr., Mrs. Alf Lock-
ridge and their committee.
Dale Pletch of R.11.6, Brus-
sels, brother of the groom was
best man.
Over 100 guests attended the
reception and buffet supper at
the Parkside Tavern, Toronto,
where they were received by
the parents of the bride and
The bride's mother chose a
dress of powder blue metallic
crepe with a coral corsage. The
groom's mother wore a winter
rose crepe dress with matching
For her wedding trip through
the United States Mrs. Pletch
wore a burgundy wool and mo-
hair boucle suit with fur collar
and black accessories,
The young couple will live
in Toronto.
last week at Hespeler.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Jordan
spent the week-end with rela-
tives in Chatham.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bast
spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Allan Witmer at St.
Clements, and with Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Witmer in Waterloo.
Mrs. Sam Johnston, Mrs.
Russel Nickel, Mrs. Lloyd Nick-
el and Mrs. Elmer Miller visit-
ed one day last week in Hespel-
er and Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Simmons
and family were Kitchener
visitors on Saturday.
Rev, and Mrs. W.R. Jackson
returned on Sunday to their
home in Elkart, Indiana, after
spending a month with Mr. and
Mrs. Sheldon Wilson.
S.A. celebrates
81st anniversary
The Mount Hamilton Cita-
del Band, under the direction
of Bandmaster R. Ramm, took
part in the week-end celebra-
tion of the local Salvation Ar-
my Corps' 81st anniversary.
On Saturday evening the
band presented a musical pro-
gram at the citadel, which was
well attended. The members
of the band were billeted in
Wingham homes.
A vigorous open air ministry
was conducted on Sunday morn-
Capt. Lloyd Eason,
ing at the Leopold and Patrick
Streets corner, followed by the
holiness meeting at the citadel.
Capt. Lloyd Eason, native
of Corner Brook, Newfoundland,
was guest speaker for the week-
end services. Capt. Eason has
been a high school teacher in
his native province, and pro-
vincial youth officer. In the
latter capacity he conducted
youth conferences and rallies
in nearly 80 corps centres.
He was later appointed dir-
ector of public relations for the
Salvation Army in Newfound-
land. Five years ago he was
transferred to the publicity and
special efforts department of
the Army's National Head-
quarters in Toronto. In 1965
Capt. Eason was appointed to
the newly-created National
Information Services Depart-,
ment. He is also responsible
for the radio production,
Thoughts for the Inner Man, a
two-Minu 'ional program
brcadcast daily on ,,; stations.
Sunday supper was served in
the hall and in the evening the
band held another open air
meeting at the hospital, fol
lowed by the salvation Meeting
at the citadel.
Guest vocalist at the public
Meetings was Corps. Sgt.-Mal.
Ernie Eason of the DavenCourt
Citadel Corps in Toronto.
Wingham Mvance,Tiws, Thursday, Nov,' 9, 1967 ,
features from
The World of Women
William Barry Pletch
wed in Toronto ceremony
1.11.1111 041
Arlene Cawley marries
Lyle Smith at Wawa
Fordwich Personals