HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-11-09, Page 5 Ai, ^ r." • .. Closed SATURDAY November 11 REMEMBRANCE DAY to, Brewers Retail Operated by Brewers Warehousing Company Ltd. MEDICAL CLINIC BRUSSELS, ONTARIO NOW OPEN OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY-2 to 4 p.m.; 7 to 8 p.m. TUESDAY-2 to 4 p.m. WEDNESDAY-3 to 5 p.m.; Baby Clinic, 2 to 3 p.m. THURSDAY-2 to 4 p.m.; 7 to 8 p.m. FRIDAY-2 to 4 p.m.; 7 to 8 p.m. SATURDAY-10 a.m. to 12 noon MATERNITY CLINIC—By Appointment CONSULTATIONS—Any other time—by Appointment Office Telephone 99 — Residence 39 tfettfentettliitttettl/IttlettlittittlitlftIfttifflettlettlefit/tIelttlfttltifffetTfeltfIffIftf/tt: ARTEX 5 — )3 ROLL-ON-EMBROIDERY )71 ▪ Our Rexdale plant is the ONLY Canadian production )1... centre for these products. Consequently, delivery of )-1 your orders are completed within a week. ri ▪ ARTEX HOSTESSES, PAST AND PRESENT — FREE )1 E -..... GIFTS await you. Tour our plant Sunday, 12th Nov- )3 ember, 1:00 p.m. till 4:00 p.m. )3 ARTEX needs INSTRUCTORS in this area. Enthusi- ft astic, bondable ladies with spare time can enjoy rich ft rewards. FREE CHRISTMAS pattern book of 85 r.... Canadian-made items now available. )74 See and Hear ANNA MEYER, Chan. 8-TV, Dial 920; ft 1"-- Radio, 10th November, at 2:30 p.m. g)7.1. Artex Hobby Products, Ltd. 56 Shaft Road, Rexdale, Ontario LT-. Y1 Phone 247-6128 3 •404,0iiiiiiiiiiiiwilowiiiiiiiiiiii,,,a,,,,44siiimihowiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,01,0 wiiiiiiiii 41 t MUSTANG FANS at one of the home games at WDHS were Cathy Grant, Grade XI; Susan McKague, Grade IX, and Don Collar, Grade XI.—Stuckey. LAKELET Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wylie on Sunday were Mrs. Agnes Neill and son Fred from Woodstock, Mrs. Lulu Dustow from Wingham, Mrs. Grace Dustow, Go*, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wylie, Marvin, Joan and Robin and Mr, Wm. Smith. Glen Hickling of Toronto spent the week-end with his grandparents, Mi. and Mrs. Norman Harper, Mr. and Mrs. James Wal- lace and family of Beaverton and Carl and Douglas Dennis visited Mr, and Mrs. Stan Den- nis on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Harry -Guenth- er, of Windsor visited their daughter, Mrs, Michael Ross, and Mr. Ross, at the week-end. Mt. and Mrs. Gus Hunt and Danny of Kitchener and Mr,. Dessert euchre held at Bluevale BLUBVALE-- When Bluevale Women's Institute held a des- sert euchre on Wednesday after- noon there was a full house of members and their friends, centennial dresst.s being a fea- ture. Dessert was served attractive- ly on card tables, followed by games of progressive euchre. Prize winners were, high scores, Mrs. Ross King, Wing- ham and Mrs. Glen Sellers, Bluevale; low scores, Mrs. Stanley Moffatt, Bluevale and Miss Ruby Duff, Bluevale; nov- elty prize, Mrs. Frank Shaw, Brussels. 11411460 NAS PONE IT k SANTA1 LUCKY BUCK$ WIN $500 PRIZE MONEY S • EACH WEEK FROM NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS Draws will be made for One $25, Two $10 and One $5 winners. • FINAL DRAW DECEMBER 23rd. One $100, Two $50, Two $25 Winners. • ENTRY TICKETS FREE. Simply do your shopping in Wingham and you are entitled to enter tickets at stores showing Lucky Buck posters. Sri S • TO ENTER — Simply fill out the Lucky Buck tickets as you do your shopping in Wingham. • DRAWS WILL BE MADE EACH MONDAY at the Town Hall and announced in The Advance-Times and over CKNX. • DON'T MISS SANTA'S ARRIVAL IN WINGHAM ON DECEMBER 16th with entertainment and gifts for the kiddies at the Town Hall, --spoittotid bv the Winghani Business Attestation and Mrs„ Stanley Marks of Brussels, visited. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Taylor on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Keith. Moffatt spent Sunday at Guelph. Harvey Mann was a week- end visitor at Chatham with Bob Bitton. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall attended the wedding of their grandaughter, Karen. Hall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hall, to Fred Bowles at Chat- ham on Saturday, On Sunday, October 29. Rev. B.R. Hawkes of Knox Presbyter- ian Church baptized Diane Marie, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Peter Campbell and Tim- othy Raymond, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Thompson. So what if you're 40 and you've lived half your life. Look at the bright side. If you were a horse, you'd already be dead IS years, Money and Gardening are much alike. Savings grow rapidly at your Credit Union, and in case of crop failure, we're there to help you fast! See Jack Garbutt at the WINGHAM COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION DIAGONAL_ -ROAD 1. itopitorivirevirAvirorvirNewirrevirevrvirev4slwrivrwev ...4g t V PLAY IT SAFE...BE SURE THAT st, e. 4,„ • INSURANCE •• • y •• •,• • ies• IS ON THE JOB it ic. .. 4,.. •i. • • , v • itik• wig, .Coer, A AP. .,,,„,...ril rio-zeg en ti0A± 6V •;,• 11 + + 4; + + + e + l ++ + + + ++ it •• +• + 111, • • • * • e •• • In case of accident, our Auto Insurance protects against financial loss, covers every- thing from repairs to per- sonal liability. W B. CONON, CLU INSURANCE AGENCY Complete Insurance Coverage Agents for—Manufacturers Life Insurance Company 4;•• S JOHN ST. W. WINGHAM PH. 357-2636 3 '1- 1.. 1.. 1_ 1. FOR THE GIRL ... with Engaging fr Ideas Watches Now's the time to drop the hint that Christmas would be the perfect time for engaging gifts. And it's time also to see the wide selection of engagement and wedding rings now in stock. Don't wait. Do it now! BY BLUE BIRD AND COLUMBIA A perfect gift for anyone who is extra special on your Christmas list.. A full range in price. Use our lay-away plan BY LONGINE WITTNAUER BULOVA TIMEX CARAVELLE HAFERMEHL S JEWELLER PHONE 357-2670 WINGHAM, ONT. V. 1. Cub meeting The Wingham Club Pack met in the public school last Thursday with 30 boys present. The open, exercises were taken by Bob Brooks (Kaa, as he is called by the boys). Following inspection Linda Hastings (Chil) took the attendance. After two games the boys were divid- ed into five groups to start studying the work of the differ- ent Stars. Bernie Wehmeyer, Steven and Carey MacDonald were presented with their House Or- derly badges. Saugeen District and First Wingham badges were presented to the new boys. Mrs. Bruce Roberson (Raksha) closed the meeting with the Grand Howl. Weekly euchre BELGRAVE-- The weekly euchre was held last Wednes- day night in the arena with seven tables in play. High lady was Miss Annie Kennedy; high man, Edgar Wightman; low lady, Mrs. Ro- bert Higgins; low man, Gersh- om Johnston; novelty prize for most lone hands, Mrs. Jack Anderson. Guild meets at Blyth rectory BELGRAVE-- The November meeting of the Ladies' Guild of Trinity Anglican Church was held in the rectory, Blyth. Mrs. Pakenham welcomed fourteen members to the meeting, which was in charge of Mrs. Robert Procter, the president. She opened the meeting with prayer and Scripture reading. The minutes were read by Mrs. Clara Van Camp. An in- vitation was received to join with the congregation of the United Church to hear the Jap- anese Consul General to Canada on Thursday evening. The roll call was answered by telling what impressed each most of the centennial celebrations. The travelling apron was passed and the dues were col- lected. The plans were final- ized for the bazaar, bake sale and tea, which will be held this Saturday. ,Miss Nora Van Camp read "In Flanders Fields" and con- ducted a contest. Mrs. Richard Procter won the raffle. The president closed the meeting with prayer, Grace was sung and lunch served by the hostess. By Jim Ward In today's society, because of increased leisure time broughtabout by automation, shorter working hours and ear- lier retirement, recreation is fast becoming one of the most important aspects in a person's life, comparable to education and health. The word recreation implies re-creation of the mind and body through useful leisure time, activities and pursuits. In order to make our lives more personally satisfying and worthwhile we must learn to live with leisure time, much in the same way we become educated. A startling example of our inability to cope with leisure time is evident in the much talked about teenager who "hangs around" with nothing to do. Can we blame him? Did programs of recreation provide him, as a youngster, with meaningful activities and skills that have value to him in teen and adult years? Or did we stress that the all important thing in life was to make the team in highly competitive sports? Recreation has to be more • than this. It must open the door for a person to enjoy a variety of activities, both in- dividual and team, quiet and active. Recreation is fishing and hunting, arts and crafts, sing- ing and dancing, athletics and team sports, golf, tennis and archery, bridge, euchre and discussion groups. It is play- grounds and swimming, and family picnics, the library and the museum, belonging to ser- vice clubs and social groups. It is all of these things -- and many more. Recreation is any activity the individual may choose according to personal need and interest. If, however, the adult is to make the greatest use of his leisure time, then we must channel his interests while he is young. We must teach the younger generation the value of recreation -- to appreciate re- creation -- so that in later BELGRAVE-- Mrs. Jack Tay- lor was hostess to the evening unit of U.C.W. last Thursday with 22 members present. Mrs. Murray Scott was in charge of the worship. A hymn was followed by Scripture and prayer. The offering was re- ceived and dedicated. Mrs. Bill Coultes conducted the business. Minutes were read and penny collection re- ceived and visits to sick and shut-ins recorded seven home and 16 hospital calls. Mrs. Lloyd Freethy and Mrs. John Roberts gave a report of the regional meeting held in St. Helens on October 25. It was decided to draw names for the 1968 hostesses which are as follows: January, Mrs. Stanley Hopper; February, Mrs. John Roberts; March, Mrs. Robert Grasby; April, Mrs. Clarence White; May, Mrs. Sam Pletch; June, Mrs. George Johnston; July, Mrs. Harold Vincent; August, Mrs. Albert Bieman; September, Mrs. Laura Johns- ton; October, Mrs. Lloyd Free- thy; November, Mrs. William Coultes; December, Mrs. George Michie, The December meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ross Anderson: lunch, Mrs. Murky Scott; Bible study, Mrs. Clarence White; mission Bill Coultes is choir president BELGRAVE— Practice and the annual meeting of the Bel- grave United Church choir were held at the home of the organ- ist, Roy Mundy of Wingham. Bill Coultes presided and thanked Mr. Mundy for the in- vitation to his home. Rev. John Roberts conducted the election of officers which resulted as follows; President, Bill Coultes; secretary, Mrs. Carl Procter; gown committee, Mrs. Leslie Bolt, Miss Mary Grasby and Mrs. Jake lvluilwyk; social committee, George John. 'stop, Kenneth Wheeler, Mrs. George Procter, Miss Barbara Muilywk and Mrs, George Michie; attendance secretary, Ross Anderson; librarians, Miss Mary Ann Wheeler and Miss ' Brenda Johnston. A social hour was enjoyed with contests and singing. Lune!' was served. Rec. Director years his occupation of his leisure time will be, for him, a meaningful experience. We must ensure that adults derive the greatest possible value from their leisure, that they do not become just older teenagers "with nothing to do" The ultimate is a community that provides recreation oppor- tunities which encompass all areas of individual interests and needs, be they social, physical or cultural. This can only be accomplished through community groups, agencies and individuals who are willing to co-operate and co-ordinate their efforts towards the com- munity as a whole , Wingham could be that community. study, Miss Annie Cook, wor- ship, Mrs. Cliff Logan. A A9ruplirmnta„ry late t was received fromthe Markdale U.C.W. introducing their for- mer member, Mrs. Lloyd Free- thy. Roll call was answered by each member telling what ar- ticle she had located on Japan. The items were discussed by the group. Each member re- ceived a pamphlet "The Way in Japan". Mrs. Cliff Logan used the method and divided the group for mission study. Questions on Japan were dis- cussed and answered. Mrs. Stanley Hopper read "Between Two World Wars" and Mrs. William Coultes read "National Consciousness Ex- pands". The Bible study, "The Con- dition Is Serious" was taken by Mrs. Harold Vincent. A dis- cussion and question and ans- wer period followed. Benedic- tion was pronounced by Mrs, William Coultes. Miss Annie Cook led in re- creation. Lunch was served by Mrs. Clarence White's group. Recreation: Your leisure time activity Name hostesses for next year at unit meeting Wingham Mivance,Tign Thigsday., 110v, 9 197 p 0 6 Bluevale Personals