The Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-10-26, Page 2Par 2 W''•''fAUrtsharA AdvantqetTirr405, Thursday, Oct, 26, 1967 it PRES$YTERIAN MINISTERS from a wide area attended tne Hamilton-London Synod meeting he4 O at St. Andrew's Church, Wingham, Monday to Wednesday. Look- in9 over the program are Rev. David Craw- ford, Listowel; Rev. Harold Mair, Norwich, and Rev, Robert Currie of Wailacebure. --Advance-Times Photo. MISS BARBARA WOODRUFF, regional sec- retary for Christian Education, was one of the busy delegates at the Hamilton-London Synod meetings of the Presbyterian Church held in Wingham. She is pictured discus- sing the sessions with Rev. D. G. Cassidy, St. Thomas, and Rev. Russell Gordon of London.—A-T Photo. Edmonton couple visits family in Ireland ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 11:00 ,a.m. message — "STRIKES, PROTESTS AND PROTESTANTISM."Observing the 450th anniver- sary of Protestantism. No evening service—withdrawn in favour of inter- church service at St. Paul's Anglican Church. 8:30 p.m.—The original, feature length theatre ver- sion film, "MARTIN LUTHER," will be shown in the Fellowship Hall, Everyone welcome. aurz eburc (ANGLICAN) tngbam REV, H. W. HAMILTON, Dip. Th., Rector. Organist: MRS. GORDON DAVIDSON. W.".•••••~WWWwwwWWW.N. TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY—OCT. 29 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Church School 7:00 p.m. Community Centennial Service Guest Preacher: Bishop C. J. Queen, B.A,, D.D. Guest Musicians: Wingham Salvation Army Band. Order of Service: The Canadian Council of Churches. ANNOUNCEMENTS AREA YOUTH CONFERENCE—This Saturday, Oct, 28, beginning at 11..00 a.m. This Conference is open to all who may care to come. Age limits 14 to 21. Registration fee $2.00. For further information call 357-1207 or 357-1402 after school. CHRISTMAS TEA—November 29, in Parish Hall. PROCLAMATION THE TOWN OF WINGHAM STANDARD TIME Sunday, October 29 at 2:00 a.m. DEWITT MILLER, Mayor, MY THANKS TO YOU WHO VOTED FOR ME LAST WEEK, AND A SPECIAL THANKS TO THOSE WHO WORKED SO HARD ON MY REI-IALP. SINCERELY, OGER WEST red by Ntirein4rOce PoogressIve tonseriative AssoeletIon. WE MUST ADMIT YOU CAN'T BEAT A PHONE CALL HOME WHEN YOU'RE AWAY AT SCHOOL BUT Sometimes Dad gets a little excited when he sees the phone bill. Letters aren't so expensive and are much appreciated . WHAM PSSTI DADII A good way to keep her in the know, just fill out the coupon and mail today! BUT THE BEST WAY TO KEEP UP WITH THE NEWS FROM HOME IS ingbaut Attbancoeimeo SPECIAL STUDENT SUBSCRIPTION 6 MONTHS $2.00 • •••••ii A.11 04•041. At a special Student Rate of $2.60 (Nov: 1 to Apr. 1) send rho Advancelintes NAMt .... .„ ..... ...... „„„., ... . .. ,„,.,44 ,..,..4 . . . . u: ..... . . .... .I ..:..:,:.... .... .• . 4••••,•4•4 ADDRESS ... El Cheque enclosed ($3.00 to U.S,) W44 4,4 0,44. AA .0%4 ;KA' inA, ' DRUG FACTS r HAPPY WITH HER REFLECTION IS THE WOMAN WHO BUYS HER COSMETICS AT NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM, 10-oz. ..$1.69 BAN SPRAY DEODORANT, 3-oz., 99c value 77c BRECK SHAMPOO, 6-oz., and CREME RINSE, $1.68 value $1.19 BRYLCREEM HAIRDRESSING and Free Shampoo, 2-oz., $1.39 val. , .89c LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC, 14-oz., $1.19 value „ „ „ . $1.09 WILKINSON SWORD EDGE BLADES, reg. 5/75c 59c V AN PRESCRIPT/ON DRUGGIST ONOW.Wev,,. DIAL 357.2170 Emergency: 357-2992 ance's PHARMACY -C) LOCAL TRADEMARKS, Inc. 16 Blue-vale Personals at Leamington. Wk. and ,Mrs, Percy Vii10,11;. were Monday visitors at Bel, grave with Mr, anti Mrs. Albert Vineent., -- Mrs, j. W. Leeson of ▪ Blair spent the past week with Mrs. D, S. IviacNaughton. • Mr. and Mrs, Wilmer Harcourt left on Saturday to spend a few days this week at Expo. • Ward Harrison of West- ern University spent the week- end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. R., Harrison. -- Mr, and Mrs. Ab Nethery and Mr. and Mrs. Terry Neth- ery were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kennedy and family at Keswick, Esther and Ruth Nethery spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. L. Bannerman and family of Gre- enock and Elizabeth and Keith Nethery were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Keith of Tees- water. -- Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Hickson and daughter of Lind- sey spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Fisher. -- Mrs. Ellen Maguire of Winnipeg and Mrs. Etta Tripp of Ninga, Man., visited over the week-end at the home of their cousins, Eldred and Mrs. Nichol, Shuter Street. Mrs. Harold Norman of Kincardine visited on Thursday at the same home. -- Dr. and Mrs. Henrique Hedderich of Caracas, Vene- zuela, are spending a vacation with her mother, Mrs. R, A, Currie. -- Mr, and Mrs. Murray McLean of Owen Sound spent the week-end with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Len Phil- lips and Mr. Ira McLean of Wroxeter, -- Mrs, Annie Nicol spent the week-end in Brampton and attended the baptism of her grandson, John Steven, son of Mr. and. Mrs, Wayne Nicol in St. Paul's United Church, Bra- mpton on Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Bed- ford and Mark of Niagara Falls and Mr. and Mrs. Norval Sti- more of Seaforth spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Nils. John R. Templeman. -- Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Jones are attending their daugh- ter's wedding in Glasgow, Scot- land. George Jones of Belle- ville is also attending his sis- ter's wedding. -- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mc- Lean, Miss Ann Holt, Miss Lynda Stokes and Miss Shirley Donaldson spent the week-end at Expo. -- Miss Sandra Cameron of London spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Fer- guson of Edmonton, subscribers of the Advance-Times for many years, have returned home from a trip overseas where they visited with their daughter in Fermanagh, Ireland. Their trip by chartered plane with 110 passengers took only eight hours from Edmonton to Shan- non with a 25-minute refuel- ling stop in Greenland. Mr. Ferguson was born at Orange Hill and lived in the Gorrie area. He went west as a young man but has always remained interested in boyhood friends and the people in the Howick and Wingham district. The following account of their visit in Ireland appeared in the Enniskillen News; THREE 80-YEAR-OLDS Talking to Leon Ferguson, the Managing Director of the Ulster-Swift plant in Enniskil- len, I discovered that his wife's mother and father, and his own mother, all from Edmon- ton, Alberta, had been spend- ing a holiday with them in Fermanagh, The combined ages of the three was over 250 years. It took me a little while getting the relationship sorted out, because they were all named Ferguson. Leon's wife Margaret's maiden name was the same as his, and once this was explained, the whole thing became clear. The three vis- itors were William George Fer- guson (85), arid his wife Zella (82), who are Mrs. Ferguson's mother and father; arid Lena Ferguson (86), Mr. Ferguson's mother. Their main object was to visit their respective son and daughter, but there was another important motive in- volved for William. THE OLD HOME This was to visit the house where his father, Edward Fer- MR. AND MRS. W. guson, and his grandfather, were born, now occupied by a cousin, James Earls. It was a memorable occasion, and was followed by a return visit to Enniskillen. I can imagine the shyness at first, followed by great "crack" as they reminis- ced about their common ances- try. The Edward Ferguson men- tioned emigrated with four other members of his family about 1850 and he settled in Huron, Ontario, where he farm- ed. His wife was a Montgom- ery from County Donegal. One member of the family, John Ferguson, returned to Ireland and settled at Amcor, but never married. CLOSE LINKS Thinking over this story, I was struck by the coincidence of Mrs. Margaret Ferguson coming, quite by chance to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Robin, son, Judy and Janice visited in London on Sunday. Mrs. Wesley Jefferson had a hobo tea for the U.C.W. mem- bers on. Friday. Mrs. Ernest Snowden had one Wednesdays Little Miss Doreen Jefferson, who has been spending a couple of weeks with her grandparents at Londesboro, returned home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Willows Moun- tain, Mt. and Mrs. Elgin Josi- ing, all of Londesboro, visited Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Jefferson and family. Mrs. Murray Wilson and Mrs. Margaret Leddy attended the special. Meeting at the Auburn United Church on Wednesday evening: Donnybrook U.C.W. DONNYBROOK-,, the Coto. ber meeting of the U.C, W. was held last Wednesday after- FERGUSON live in the land of her forefath- ers, and being able to discover relatives and the old home still standing. The tale does not end here, for her husband's mother was a McCutcheon, whose grandfather came from Tyrone! It is surprising how many Irish folk emigrated to North America -- I always think of the Kerryman who re- marked; "We have so many relatives in America that when the wind's in the West ye can hear them talking." Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, who resides at Killymoon, Drumclay, have an 18-year-old daughter, Patricia, at the Collegiate School. While her grandparents travelled East, to the "old Country," she flew out to spend the summer holidays working in Calgary with her 23-year-old brother, Barry, who is with the Gas and Oil Conservation Board. Yonnto t41.144...1 noon at the home of Mrs, Ha, liard Jefferson with a good at- tendance, Mr. Sam Thompson and Mrs. John Hildebrand read pas- sages on the Thanksgiving theme and the Geheral Thanks- giving was read in unison. Mrs, Hildebrand read the Scripture and led iti prayer.. Mrs, Edward Robinson intro- duced the chapter in the study book and a discussion period followed. Mrs. Margaret Led- dy gave a reading. Minutes and the financial report were read by Mrs. Stuart Chamney. Mrs, Toth Arm- strong, who conducted the bus- iness, read "Nineteen Ways to Kill your Club". Invitations to the Auburn U.C.W. and the Presbyterial meeting at Westfield were read. F`urther readings on Thanks, giving were given by Mrs. Hil- debrand and Mrs. Thompson, and Eriati Snowden received the offering, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Murch of Clinton were Saturday evening visitors with I*, and. Mrs, Percy Vincent, and on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McAllister of Teeswater visited at the same home. Visitors on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Hall were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hall and family of Avonton, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Scott and family of Newton and Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Hall and Debby of Brussels. Mrs, Jack Elliott and son Robert, of Cornwall, are visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Calvert of Paris, visited last week with Mr, and Mrs. Bert Garniss and family, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Street and family of Listowel, spent Sunday with Miss Ruby Duff and Mrs. M.L. Aitken. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Greig, of Petrolia were week-end visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Alan Campbell and children. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Elliott of Stony Beach, Sask., visited on Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.J, El- liott. Wilfred is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Elliott, of Re- gina. Relatives in the commun- ity also visiting were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mathers and Mr. and Mrs, Harold Elliott. For the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Ross Forbeck of Niagara Falls, visited Mr, and Mrs. Elliott. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ohm and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Forbeck and Jamie of Wingham, Miss Marriane MacDonald and Glenn Porter of Lucknow, were guests at the same home, also Mrs. Mary McTavish and Mrs. Tena Walters, Bob Johnston, of Saskatche- wan, is visiting Miss Emma Johnston and other relatives. R. E, McKinney, Mrs. Char- les Bosnian and Mrs. Cecil Griffiths, of Guelph, visited their brother Lyle at Northcliffe Mich„ and their brother Archie EUCHRE PARTY HUD AT SACRED HEART Winners at the Sacred Heart euchre party Tuesday evening were Miss Mary Heim and .Alex Sproul. high; Mrs1. Pearoot and Joe Burns, low; William Sadie, door prizes.. There were nine tables in play. Donnybrook News