HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-10-19, Page 11YOUNGSTERS ON THE lookout for bar. gaios had a big time at the rummage sale held in the Arena on Saturday afternoon. This group shows its interest in the sales talk of one of the clerks. —Acfyance-Times Photo. -- PLUS -- US J. PCRite" MENU PRODUCTION piAN 08 mats Sync ! A PARAMOuNt OCTUAt COLOR KINCARDINE enter the 'lively one contest and win exciting ski-doo prizes Come in and see the live- liest snowmobile ever built —the 1968 Ski-Door And, be sure to enter "The Lively One Contest." It's easy to enter. And it's easy to win exciting prizes like Ski-Doo suits, or Ski-Doo boots, or even the family trailer we call the Ski-Boose! ski-doo the light-footed snowmobile BLUEVALE TRAILERS At Danny's Restaurant HWY, 86, East of Wingham and managed a triple of 808. Meanwhile, over on alley 5, Andy Henderson was bowling 332, 262, 226 for the best tri- ple, 820. Over 250 club: Walt Drown 293; Bill Hotchkiss 288; Bob Foxton 284; Paul Rintoul 254; Ross Gordon 251; John Phillips 258; Ken Simmons 292; Bob An- gus 258; Ken Saxton Jr. 261. After six weeks, standings are: Canadiens 30, Bruins 26, M. Leafs 23, B. Hawks 19, Rangers 18, Red Wings 10. All the contests this week wound up 5-2 and now we have 20 points between top and bottom. When did Niagara come into the picture? Now in Stock A complete line of Back-To-School Footwear for Boys & Girls (ALLAN SHOES YOUR FAMILY SHOE STARE JOSEPHINE STREET PHONE WINGHAM 3574840 Wingttam AdVance,TiMes, 'Thursday, g014 19. 1967 0 11 Give generously to aid Winghom fireman's Muscular Dystrophy Canvass Next Monday Evening eit Ian Shepherd tops Juniors with 289 single BOY SCOUT NEWS In the point division "things went better with Cokes" as the Cokes took 5 points from Pepsis, while the Tabs and Sprites took the extra point from the 7 Ups and Frescos. JUNIORS Marilyn Irwin topped the gals with 174 single, 304double. Bradley Simmons nosed out Tom Lee for the high single as Brad- ley rolled 213 to Tom's 203 (nice to see you hitting that '200 mark so early in the season Tom and Larry). As for the double it was all Bradley Sim- mons as he rolled 401 with no Strikes & Spares BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8:00 FRIDAY & SATURDAY October 20-21 — DOUBLE FEATURE — "KALEIDO SCOPE" Showing at 8.15 p.m, Warren Beatty & Susannah York — In Color Plus "A BIG HAND FOR THE LITTLE LADY" Showing at 10.15 p.m. Henry Fonda, Joanne Woodward & Jason Roberts Color Cartoon * * * The Management and Staff of Brownie's Drive-In Theatre wish to say Thank You for your patronage , . We'll see you early next spring, "00#4,1M1,044.0#0,11410.". CROWN THEATRE HARRISTON — Admission Prices — Adults $1.00 Students 75c Children 40c WED. 18 • THUR. 19 • FRI. 20 The world's immortal adventure "BEAU GESTE" U. In Color—Stars ' Stockwell • Doug McClure A great classic adventure, pack- ed with thrills and excitement. Wed, and Thurs. at 8:00 p.m. Friday, 7:15 and 9:15 p.m. SAT. 21 • MON. 23 • TUES. 24 "THE ROAD . TO NASHVILLE" ' with MARTY ROBBINS in gay Technicolor The biggest country jamboree ever! 60 Country Music Stars. Johnny Cash, Hank Snow, The Stonemans and many other fav- orites, It's pickin' and swingin' time with the Nashville Sound! "Y' All Come!" — On the same program — "HELICOPTER CANADA" Saturday at 7:15 and 8:40 p.m. Mon. and Tues. at 8:00 p.m. COMING NEXT: WED. 25 to TUESDAY 31 Sean Connery is James Bond "YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE" In the theatres, recording studios, and the television stu- dios, it is a magic word. Next year at this time it will be a magic word in the movie in- dustiny as well. It will make Hollywood people sit up and take notice- and Hollywood studios sit up all night and count their money. It will make the ordinary Joe turn up the radio, sit agape before the television set, or flock out in the heaviest downpour of rain to see a movie. You wonder what the word is? STREISAND! Mention it anywhere in a short while, and 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i110 1 I111IIIII HARRISTON DRIVE-IN THEATRE FRIDAY 20 • SATURDAY 21 "THAT MAN FROM ISTANBUL" In Color — Stars Horst Bucholz and Sylvia Kosci na — Plus — "YOU CAN'T RUN AWAY FROM IT" In Color — Stars Jack Lemmon and June Allyson 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111•111111111B IIIIII:1111.1311i132114.111111111111111!11111111111 iveectot Monday to Thursday at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday — 2 shows at 7:15 and 9:15: Sat. Matinee at 2 p.m., unless otherwise noted Prices: Adults $1.00; Students 75c; Children 40c WED,THUR.-FRI. OCT. 18.19.20 "THE BIG MOUTH" Colour — Starring: Jerry Lewis This is Jerry Lewis at his fun- niest. It's fun for all the fam- ily. SATURDAY MATINEE Oct. 21 "Around the World in a Daze" SAT.-MON.-TUES. Oct. 21.23-24 "BAREFOOT IN THE PARK" Colour — Starring: Jane Fonda - Robert Redford Charles Boyer Their honeymoon was a ball and then came the dawn. COMING NEXT — WED.•THUR,FRIAATAION. TUES. (6 days) Oct, 25 to 31 "YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE" 111111r1 15111111111V11111111111 1 1111111111111111111111111111 I —COMING— FR MAY SATURDAY OCTOBER 27 - 28 "Road to Nashville" MARTY ROBBINS — Pills — "Good Times" Sonny and Cher 'Tis Show Biz not one person will have to ask "What's that?". 'That' is a tall, slender, not-too-beautiful lump of Jewish talent, who has a big mouth and seems to know what to make come out of it when she opens it. She is Barbra, and that's not a spelling error. She entertained us royally last week on her special, "Belle of 14th Street". In an hour- long show that seemed much shorter, she brought back the days of vaudeville, those won- derful days when an evening of entertainment was really that, and when the password was variety - from song-and-dance men, to opera singers, to funny- faced comedians, to Shakes- peare, to jugglers and magi- cians. Where else could you have latched onto a star that could be all of these and so • much more? No one - - - but STREISAND! She is no raving beauty -- her nose even beats Durante, her face is not of the exquisite structure that many Hollywood queens boast, her gigantic hands and long fingers make her look like a leftover from Hallciwe'en. But when she stands on stage, there is an air of excitement and glamour about it. And when she opens her mouth to sing, you feel as though all the most wonderful things in the world are happen- ing to you in that very moment. In case the first paragraph of this column, and the talk of Hollywood , etc., puzzled you here is the explanation: Barbra is now in Hollywood where she is starring in her first three mo- tion pictures. They are all huge Broadway successes; the first of course, is her own show- stopper, "Funny Girl", which started her on the road to fame. It is the story of the young Fanny Brice, and Barbra played her role marvellously on Broad- way. She is also playing Dolly in the ever-favourite "Hello Dolly", and will then go into "On a Clear Day You Can See Forever", another Broadway hit. I predict when these mo- vies are released that STREI- SAND will be on everyone's lips and she will be the most in-demand performer in Holly- wood. Bridge club The Howell system was used: First, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spry; second, Mrs. R. H. Lloyd and 0. Haselgrove; third, Mrs. F. Forgie and A. Wilson. 43 BLIND PERSONS AT TWEEDSMUIR HALL Forty-three blind people en- joy residential care at Tweeds- muir Hall in London. Your contribution to the current cam- paign of the CNIB provides the understanding care that makes this residence a home. THURSDAY NIGHT MIXED LEAGUE Some team has to be fium- ber one in the league -- it makes the others try harder. Hilda's Humbugs have taken on the job. Here are the standings: Hil- da's Humbugs 26: Marilyn's Maple Buds 19; Par's Smarties 19; Gail's Gum Drops 14; Marg' s Mints 14; Laura's Se- cords 13, Laura Richardson rolled the ladies' high triple of 571. Pat Fryfogle captured the high sin- gle with 256. In the men's de- partment Mac Ritchie had a 751 triple and Wayne Brownhad a 326 single. More news next week! 0-0-0 WEDNESDAY NIGHT LADIES' LEAGUE Some of the girls had a shocking time on Wednesday night, thanks to Joyce. I won- der if the shock improved their bowling or made it worse. Hilda Brown had both the high single and high triple with a 306 and a 733. Hilda doesn't seem to be in the first of the season slump like most of us. The team standings are: Wheaties 17, Trix '7, Fluffs 21, Muffets 12, Shreddies 16 and Cheerios 11. Thanks again to the spares, we even had one extra this week. 0--0--0 COMMERCIAL LEAGUE There was no hoopin' and .hollerin', no gossip nor any- thing new and exciting in the league tonight -- everyone was just trying to bowl their best. The standings are as follows: Ontario 13, British Columbia 12, Manitoba 11, Saskatche- wan 11, Nova Scotia 10 and Alberta 7. Women's single went to Dot Templeman with 229 and Dor- othy Cameron was in there again with the triple of 621. George, not to be outdone by his wife, took the single with 271, while our old standby Jim took triple with 678. Special thanks to our spares Joan and Bill Crawford, Shirley Stevenson, Bill Johnston and Bruce Machan. 0-0-0 MEN'S TOWN LEAGUE The. town league was really bowling this week as there were two triples over 800 and 15 games over 250, Jim Bain took the single honors with a 344 Previous to the opening flag break last Wednesday the Scouts played an active game of bas- ketball. The public school gym provides wonderful facilities for such activities, 'enjoyed by both leaders and boys. Apple Day procedure was explained, followed by the weekly study period and discus- sion. The. boys called their ses- sion Kooligan's Quarry and names for the farm were discuss- ed. Steve Sallows and Ron Orien passed Scout Law and Promises. Congratulations to Ron, as this completes his Tenderfoot. Each patrol selected names which are, Cougar, Flaming Arrow and Gold Bar. After a rousing With a full turnout of begin- ners many of the bowlers moved up to a higher group and two in particular, Ian Shepherd in Intermediates and Bradley Sim- mons in Juniors, took full hon- ors. BANTAMS Jeff Croskill certainly was in fine form as be rolledgames of 131, 117 and a double of 248 to take full honors. Lynn Foxton continued where she left off last spring and had high single 132 and double 242. Keep up the good work, Lynn. W.O.A.A. PeeWee Championship Winners WINGHAM PEE WEES — Front, left to right: Paul Skinn, Steven Tiffin, Jeff Lockridge, Doug. Leitch, Bruce Skinn; middle: Bill Hilbert, Tommy Lee, Larry Simmons, Bill Brown, Don and Ron Murray; back: Charlie Lee, coach, Bob La- Rose, Gerald Skinn, Ivan Gardner, man- ager. Absent: Bill Kerr, coach. —Listowel Banner Photo. 11111111111111110.11111111111111111111111111111111 0000000 1 ....... 11111111111.111011111111111111110111.1 iiiii 111.1111, iiiiiii Itolitliiit10.11 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii llllllll lllllll t lllll ttin.1 Me.14•11.3111.661190•1•441•01W0,011••••• singsong the meeting was clos- ed. The Scouts and Cubs thank the people of Wingham and area for the response to Apple Day. Approximately $210.00 was raised for equipment and camps for the boys. As a matter of interest, Bobby Shepherd won the prize for the best basket in the Scout Division. We would like to remind the people of Wingham of the fall Paper Drive. We hope many fathers will turn out to help, as two leaders will be away for a week's leadership camp in Osh- awa. Dad's help is greatly needed and will he much ap- preciated. one within 50 pins of this double, Pointwi ,.e it was Byrds and Monkees 5 each, Animals 3, Raiders 2 and as for the Beatles and Hermits -- well wait till next week. (Dig those crazy names!) INTERMEDIATES The girls sure had a run to the wire for high single with Joanne King 194, Barb 1.1 auphin 185, Patti King 177, Ruth Ann Currie 176 (welcome hack Ruth Ann). For the boys it was all my good neighbour Ian Shep- herd as he rolled '289 single and 402 double--nice rollin' Ian. Three others hit the '200 marks : Brian Cronkwright 225, Bill Brown 218, Larry Gordon 206. Still room for a few more bowlers in this group, Come on, guys and gals! FRIDAY - SATURDAY OCTOBER 20 - 21 ,,goyings his beat to the beachY t Plks;;,. MCA IETASseig A JO Ati PROOUCI1ON :14Eui-Y EV ECFGIVIMg:fritillt • A WIRE PICOIRE .,,,PANAvisfr*.e.or,d merRoccxcv A medical bill. A clothing bill. A car repair bill. They all seemed to come at once. Jack needed money in a hurry. Answer: A Niagara Loan. Jack talked it over with the manager of the nearest Niagara Office. Besides getting the money, he got a lot of good advice on budgeting. With a Niagara Loan, Jack was able to pay all his bills at one time. And repay the loan on easy terms to suit his budget. When you need extra money for any good reason, you can expect the same courteous, quick service at any one of 300 Niagara offices. NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED Member of the (1';‘c )Group of Companies 216 Josephine Stree t 357-1421