HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-10-05, Page 17Sep activities The great days of vaudeville were brought back to life with the first Bob Hope Special of the year. They were truly the 'good old days' I Many of to- day's finest performers got their first big break in vaudeville, and their popularity will con- tinue much longer than that of today's so-called stars. Bob was his ever-funny self during his monologue and num- bers with his guests. Phyllis Diller shines better in comedy sketches than alone, but she is good anywhere. Jack Jones and Jimmy Durante were in fine voice, and with the star, they provided a few moments of great vaudeville entertainment. To me, the most fabulous act there, even outshining the guests, was the comedy team of Dan Rowan and Dick Martin who gave an old favourite 'charades' routine. Their split-second timing and great teamwork, are the success of their act, and they have never been funnier than they were on Bob's show. I've said it before and I'll say it again, 'Would it ever be great to bring back the days of vaude- ville". Red Star, Blue Star, Green Star, Black Star ard Tat; ,y Star, Keith deserves a great o.al of credit as he worked hard dun the summer to accomplish this goal, This is an example to the other boys; a great deal can be done on your own. The more you put into the organiza- tipn the more you gain. We are happy to welcome seven new leaders, Mr. and Mo.' Bruce•.Robersor4 Linda Hastings, John Rankin, Irwiii Lanious, Greg Stewart and Bob Brooks. We are looking forward to another interesting and enjoy- able year but parents, please keep in mind that we often need your support. Assistance is al- ways welcomed on Apple Day, October 14 and paper drive, October 21. The next Cub meeting will be Thursday, October 5 at 7 p.m. in the public school gym- nasium. Two men were seated in a bus. One of them noticed that his friend had his eyes closed. "What's the matter, Bill?" he asked. "Feeling ill?" "No, I'm all right," answered Bill. "It's just that I hate to see all these ladies standing." e•P•144•41,P0•••••••••Ne4,1•04.4.4••••Y••••••"•••ted, BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE — CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8:00 •5•11•••71/4Z C•1•111••••••• FRIDAY & SATURDAY OCTOBER 6 and 7 — DOUBLE FEATURE — "MADAME X" Showing at 8.30 Only Lana Turner-John Forsythe In Color — Plus "BLINDFOLD" Showing at 10.15 Only Rock Hudson - Claudia Cardinale — In Color Cartoon ▪ AMIN, Sunday hildniite OCTOBER 8 — DOUBLE FEATURE — "DRACULA PRINCE OF DARKNESS" (Adult Entertainment) CHRISTOPHER LEE In Color Plus "Plague Of The Zonibies" (Adult Entertainment) Andra Morelli Color Cartoon Coming Next. Weekend: "BOEING BOEING" 'Adult Entertainment) and "BEACH BALL!' COMING — DURING OCTOBER FRIDAY.SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13.14 "DON'T MAKE WAVES" T. Curtis Claudia Cardinale "BUTTERFIELD 8"—Elizabeth Taylor-Eddie Fisher FRIDAY-SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20.21 ''ELVIS - GIRL HAPPY"--Shelley' rabares "AFRICA TEXAS STYLE" FRIDAY SATURDAY; OCTOBER 27.28 4ROAD TO NASHVILLE"—Marty Robbins TIMES—Sonny & Cher FRIDAY - SATURDAY ROARING OUT OF THE DUST! 111111NYELS' ONIVISS THE SHATTERING TRUE STORY OF THE HELLS ANGELS fri Smelling COLOR Orik A FANFARE FILMS PRODUCTION • A U. S. FILMS RELEASE SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8 Art 0,1416 4 t4* see 41;* rtaiNico PARAMOUNT 124" lite Wurieg r - • ••/1 iA - Asia I'Molink "Ivi* 7 kdig .°1 '4P / *VW° CI KINCARDINE OCTOBER 6 - 7 ALSO M S A.IMEAS Jr's PA 11 worm .COLORSCOPE ST ARRING TOMMY WALLEY AND KIRK MIDNIGHT TO DAWN SHOW Tit tItAN • Nie.1'4RTI'a"I'PI" ~ RILE coloi m Omit WISE I ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ALSO CHAIN SAW By PIONEER new light lightweight . • extra low price for casual users PIONEER CHAIN SAWS 966432 SEE YOUR NEAREST PIONEER DEACER RAYM9ND SCHMIDT BLUEVALE, ONTARIO When did Niagara come into the picture? A medical bill. A clothing bill. A car repair bill. They all seemed to come at once. Jack needed money in a hurry. Answer: A Niagara Loan. Jack talked it over with the manager of the nearest Niagara Office. Besides getting the money, he got a lot of good advice on budgeting. With a Niagara Loan, Jack was able to pay all his bills at one time. And repay the loan on easy terms to suit his budget. When you need extra money for any good reason, you can expect the same courteous, quick service at any one of 300 Niagara offices. NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED Member of the Group of Comperiles 216 Josephine Street 357-1421 I CALLAN SHOES YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE JOSEPHINE STREET PHONE WINGHAM 357-1840 I Wingharn.. Advanco ,TImes, Monday, Oct. Op 1967 Page? vening Classes at the High School commence October 11, Anyone interested in taking a course should contact the school by letter or phone. 11111111111111 '11111•1110111. Now in Stock A complete line of Back-To-School Footwear for Boys & Girls 411111111111111W Strikes & Spares A party was held at Silver Lake on Saturday evening for the Brussels Juvenile Girls' ball team. The girls won the championship by eliminating Milibank, St. Marys and Wing- ham in three games straight in each series. Team members were each presented with a crest. The players presented their coaches, Maxine Morrison with a pair of earrings and Joe Machan with a lighter, in appreciation for their time and efforts spent with the team. During the evening a draw was made fol. $25.00. Steven Morrison drew the lucky ticket and Murray Gaunt was the win- CROWN THEATRE HARRISTON — Admission Prices — Adults $1.00 Students 75c Children 40c WED. 4 • THUR. 5 FRI. 6 Action, suspense and murder are all here in generous meas- ure with Doris Day and Richard Harris in "CAPRICE" in Color by Deluxe Wed. and Thurs. at 8:00 p.m. Friday, 7:15 and 9:15 p.m. SAT. 7 - MON. 9 • TUES. 10 "CASINO ROYALE" in Technicolor — Stars Peter Sellers - Ursula Andress The biggest spy story of them all Saturday 7:00 and 9:15 p.m. Mon. and Tues. at 8:00 p.m. COMING NEXT: WED4V,I,THUR. 12 - FRI. 13 "DOC766)YoU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING" ner. The evening was spent in contests and dancing and a cold chicken and salad lunch was served by the coaches; Members of the champion- ship team are Joyce Taylor, Doris Coultes, Karen Mutter, Nancy Gowing, Linda Wilson, Dianne Machan, Colleen Car- diff, Anne Machan, Bonnie Pletch, Shirley Pipe, Pat Mac- han and Debbie McCall, The Howell system was used at last week's bridge session: 1st, Mrs. F. Forgie and C. Hod- gins; 2nd, Mrs. G. Gannett and Mrs. H. Justenson; 3rd, Mrs. J. H. Craw ford and Mrs. C. Hod- gins. 11111111111111111111M111M11101111111111111111111111 HARRISTON DRIVE-IN THEATRE STARTS WED., OCT. 4 FOR FOUR DAYS "HELL'S ANGELS ON WHEELS" Plus — "TRUNK TO CAIRO" Stars Audie Murphy (Adult Entertainment) SUNDAY HOLIDAY — OCT. 8 LATE SHOW 3 Features — Starts 11 p.m. "DIARY OF A BACHELOR" "A WEEK-END WITH LULU" — Plus — 'DAMAGED. ZOODS" (Adult Entertainment) ii11•111111111111111IMMIIIIII;lals1121111111 COMMERCIAL LEAGUE President Eric Walden wel- comed the Commercial League bowlers back for another season of fun and excitement. There were a few old faces missing and we welcome the new bowl- ers who will take their places -- Fred and Betty Lee and Roe and Dorothy Croskill. Thanks to the spares who helped us out to- night, Carl Goodyear, Bill and Joan Crawford, Don Rae, Len- ieta Statia, Brian Mustard, Bruce Machan and Edith Walker. The standings are; Dorothy's Ontario 6; Maxine's Saskatche- wan 5; Isobel's British Colum- bia 4; Nora's Manitoba 3; Vic- ki's Nova Scotia 2; Ann's Al- berta 1. Men's high single went to Don Cameron with 267 while Jim Bain took triple with 662. Dorothy Bain took both honors with a 236 and 619, WEDNESDAY NIGHT LADIES' LEAGUE Everyone is recovered from stiff and sore muscles after the second week of bowling. We would like to thank the spares for filling in for our absent members and we could have us- ed a few more. One team on- ly had three girls bowling and they were getting pretty tired until Gwen took pity on them and filled in. High single for the night went to Ruby McLennan and high triple to Shirley Storey with a 667. The team standings are: Wheaties 12, Trix 4, Fluffs 12, Muffets 5, Shreddies 4 and Cherrios 5. JRS. TO ORGANIZE Registration for junior bowl- ers, ages 6 to 18, will be held ' at the bowling alley on Satur- day, October 7, between 10 a.m. and 12 noon. Registra- tion fee is 500. Anyone in this age group is welcome and free instruction will be given to new bowlers. Regular S.aturclay bowling will begin on October 14. 111111111111i111111111311111101Kar1111111111IN ••••••91. Monday to Thursday at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday — 2 shows at 7:15 and 9:15; Sat. Matinee at 2 p.m., unless otherwise noted Prices: Adults $1.00; Students 75c; Children 40c WED.-THUR.-FRI. OCT. 45-6 "CAPRICE" Colour-CinemaScope - Starring: Doris Day - Richard Harris - Ray Walston Hold on tight for a new ex- perience in espionage, murder and comedy. SATURDAY MATINEE Oct. 7 "For the Love of Mike" SAT.-MON.-TUES. OCT. 7-9.10 ADMITTANCE RE'STRICTED TO PEASOP41 II VILAIM CO AGE CO OVER "HELL'S ANGELS ON WHEELS" Colour Starring: An all-star cast COMING NEXT — WED.•THUR.-FRI. OCT. 1112-13 "DOUBLE TROUBLE" 11111111111111111111111111111111111111M1111111111111111 MEN'S TOWN LEAGUE The warm weather on Mon- day took its toll, as it always seems to bother the Men's Town League. There were only five games over 250. Bill Johnston, who didn't have to wait in line at Expo, came up with both the high single and triple coming through with a 318 and 761. Bill Hotchkiss 264, Duane Fen- wick 262, Bob Hurnbey 260, Ian MacLaurin 255. There were two white wash- ings this week and the remain- ing tussle wound up 5-2. Standings after four weeks: Bruins 22, Canadiens 20, Maple Leafs 14, Rangers 13, Black Hawks 9, Red Wings 6. This is just a preview of the National Hockey League standings around Christmas. On Wednesday of last week eight new boys from Cubs were welcomed into Scouts at the annual Coming-Up -ceremony. A. S.M. Ken Henry led a dis- cussion on ducks, with samples of wings and pamphlets to illus- trate his topic. Basketball was enjoyed. A.S.M. Don Rintoul led a sing-song with his guitar. Following the sing-song the boys were told about an over- night campout which was held on Friday, September 29th. The nine boys attending depart- ed from Wingham Public School accompanied by three leaders. Camp was set up on a farm north of Wingham which has been donated for scouting pur- poses. After a strenuous eve- ning of preparation, the fellows enjoyed a singsong around the campfire. Hot chocolate and , some of Mrs. Ken Foxton's , homemade cookies were enjoy- ed by all before hitting the sack (sleeping bags) for the night. The boys rose at seven Sat- urday morning (the leaders rose shortly thereafter). Everyone enjoyed breakfast cooked on an open fire: porridge, fried bolo- gna and eggs, toast and milk -- just like home. During the morning, wood was collected and stored in the farm house basement for future outings. Lunch of grilled cheese sand- wiches cooked on the open fire along with hot chocolate and oranges was a welcome sight at noon. After dinner a clean-up operation was the main activity. Tired but happy boys arrived home late Saturday afternoon. Cold weather didn't seem to dampen their spirits during the week-end. welcomed The first Cub meeting of the year was held on Wednesday in the gymnasium of the public school, in conjunction with the Boy Scouts. This was a Flying- Up ceremony in which the fol- lowing boys were welcomed in- to the Scout Troop: Paul Ben- nett, Randy Elliott, Ricky Hod- gins, Keith Hodgkinson, Brian Pollock, Kerry Sallows, Doug Vanderwoude, Ken Robinson and Bobby Shepperd. Akela presented Doug Van- derwoude with his Red Star and Keith Hodgkinson was awarded all five stars in the Cub course, Another past era of popular- ity was brought back on Mon- day evening when "Show of the Week" presented the Hollywood Musical. This, too, is a thing of the past which is too bad, Rock Hudson was the host of this show, and although he may never make the Metropolitan Opera, he has a better-than- average voice. Connie Stevens is cute as a button and getting more talented every year. No wonder she is packing 'em in every night on Broadway. Bobby Van, who often starred in the old musicals, was back looking very different but certainly dancing as well as ever. An un- known, Michele Lee, was the fourth guest - a gal who can really belt a song and if given the chance, could probably be a fine comedienne, The Hudson-Stevens takeoff on Nelson Eddy and Jeanette. Mc- Donald was an outstanding piece of timing; and although the dancing was weak in much of the show, the opening number was fabulous, and Bobby Van's medley a masterpiece. 0-0-0 On October 10th, the great- est, Barbra Streisand, will star in her own special entitled "Belle of 14th Street". It will be one hour in length, and will recall, again, the days of Am- erican vaudeville, going back to the turn-of-the-century era and all the glamour and humour of that time. Her guest will be Jason Robards, star of Broadway and the movies, and real-life husband of Lauren 13acall, Dane- er John Bubbles will also be a featured performer. On October 25th, we will be taken to Rome, this time to meet a great lady of the movies Sophia Loren, who will star in her own hour-long special "With Love Sophia". That show has been filmed on loca- tion at Miss Loren's home in suburban Rome.. She will take us on a tour of the mansion, and sing some songs. Her guests will be Marcella Iviastroianni, Peter Sellers, and Jonathan Win,- tens. Circle those two dates on your calendar; those shows should be worth watching! • Brussels girls celebrate championship with party PARK THEATRE, GODERICH OCTOBER MOVIE CALENDAR Normal Showtimes 7:30 p.m. • 9:30 p.m. Phone 524.7811 after 7:00 p.m. for actual times THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY OCT. 5.6•7 "BAREFOOT IN THE PARK""" Adult Comedy — Don't miss this one! "Barefoot in the Park" holds the all-time record for the longest running motion picture in the 35 year history of the world famous Radio City Music Hall MONDAY-TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY OCT. 9.10-11 "TWO FOR THE ROAD"*" Adult Entertainment — Romance THUR.-FRI,SAT.-MON,TUES,WED. 1243-1446-1748 "THE DIRTY DOZEN"**** Adult Entertainment — Melodrama — A must see picture! THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY OCT. 19.20-21 "THE GNOME-MOBILE" — Plus — "BOY AND THE EAGLE" Family Entertainment by Walt Disney MONDAY-TUESDAY•WEDNESDAY OCT, 23.24.25 "ARRIVEDERCI BABY" Adult Entertainment — Comedy THUR.-FRI.-SAT.-MON.-TUES.-WED. 26.27•28•30-31•1st "TO SIR, WITH LOVE"**** Adult Entertainment — Drama — A really big shoo! EVERY SATURDAY AFTERNOON a show suitable for children (35c). We have a matron in attendance. Want to go shopping without the kids? Program subject to change without notice. Tear this out and keep as a hari'dy reference. — RATINGS — **Good; ***Very Good; ****Excellent—in our opinion!