HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-07-13, Page 9#04r1 Hi Kids! I'M GIVING AWAY FREE I3iKES and other prizes/ 0.10••••••••••••••e, SUNSET DRIVE-IN THEATRE HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 . PHONE 524.9981 THURS., FRI:, SAT. July 13-14-15 and Second Feature COIVINW iltalir re OPMEa - Mgt, CHAD EVERETT.Ezza %ION CORM "-''I.:'0(RiSlietRIBY TECHNICOLOR' HANAVISION' FROM WARNER BROS. TEtlfdltOLOV • TECONISCOPE • WARNER frIllitOS. NE 17.15 A MAN ON 111E WI! CINCI the satisfies! ) ak, Warm weather ahead „ ITALIAN $ANDALS $399 to $6.99 CALLAN SHOES YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE JOSEPHINE STREET PHONE VV INGHAM 357-1840 Winitflo AdvarKe IMO. Thursday, July 967 - ear Don't forget these dates;--, HOWICK TWP."WELCOME HOME' Friday, Saturday, Sunday - July 14-1546 Pee Wees outclass three opponents in one week CARLING A successful man is one who 9ns more than his wife can end. A successful woman is one who finds such a man, --Brandon Sun. "Watch for my Safety Contest in this newspaper" ISTHIS THE GIRL NEXT DOOR? as too urnits DAY .TATIOR GODFREY :tVe ,w2sseattig# uviaoar SUNDAY MIDNIGHT — July 16 — VUDFINCr ToNyNOND811, new No — Double W000YAD-EN- STRIKES MOT IN INC WOW COMEDY Of INC YEMI ;.•" "Or The Wingham Pee Wees ex- tended their winning streak to nine games in W. 0, A.A. competition with three lopsided victories last week. On Tues- day they journeyed to Lucknow and outclassed them by a 21 to 8 count. On Thursday they played host to Mildmay and thumped them by a 32 to 3 score and Sunday the locals clobbered Chepstow 49-4 in Chepstow. Tommy Lee, Ronnie Mur- ray and Jeff Lockridge collect- ed three hits apiece to lead the romp over Lucknow. All of Lee's hits were doubles and Donnie Murray added a triple and a home run. A. Whitby led Lucknow bat- ters with a home run and a sin- gle. Bobby LaRose and Doug JULY 13.14-15 eh BIM HASA colvillo GBRB • c.. tttttt • 2... Next Sunday • JULY 23 Sun. Midnight "The Curse of the Werewolf" -- Plus — "Blood of the Vampire" JULY 17-1819 Feature - - PLUS "THE DEVIL'S ANGELS" PETER FONDA NANCY SINATRA Leitch powered Wingham's win on Thursday collecting five hits apiece. LaRose slammed out four triples and a single and Leitch added a double and four singles. Bruce Sklar:, D, Mur- ray, R. Murray and Lockridge slapped out three hits each dur- ing the rout. Home runs went to D. Murray, Lockridge and Larry Simmons, Lee pitched the complete game, yielding only 7 hits and fanning six. Bill Brown was the locals top batter in Sunday's game with two home runs and four singles. Gerald Skinn, Bruce Skinn and 111141111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111B DRIVE-IN THEATRE HARRISTON WED. 12 • THUR. 13 • FRI. 14 `ARRIVIDERCI BABY' In Color — Stars Tony Curtis • Zsa Zsa Gabor and Nancy Kwam It's a fun film, guaranteed to chase your blues. "The Swinger" In Color — Stars Ann Margret • Tony Franciosa To tickle your funny bone and raise your temperature. (Adult Entertainment) SATURDAY ONLY July 15 "LAST OF THE SECRET AGENTS" In Color — Stars Allen and Rossi TV's comedy team in a proof spoof of the new secret agents. — Plus — "The Town Tamer" In Color — Stars Dana Andrews - Terry Moore and Pat O'Brien heads up this all-star cast. SUNDAY LATE SHOW July 16 MONDAY-17 ":" TUESDAY-18- "THE DEVIL'S ANGELS" In Color — Stars Nancy Sinatra and Peter Fonda — Plus — "Hell on Frisco Bay" ADMITTANCE RIES1PRI.CTED TO PERSONS IS MRS OF Aoe OR CNN COMING NEXT: WED. 19 - THUR. 20 - FRI. 21 "MURDERS ROW" 'RIDE BEYOND VENGEANCE' 11111111111111•1111111111111011111111111111111111111111 1 Box Office Opens at 8:00 BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE— CLINTON "AFTER THE FOX" SHOWS AT 9:15 and 11:00 Peter Sellers, Victor Mature COLOR CARTOON SAT., NON. — July 15-16 SEE THE ADVENTURES OF MATT HELM "MURDERER'S ROW" (Adult Entertainment) SHOWS AT 9:15 and 11:00 Dean Martin, Ann-Margret, Karl Madden COLOR CARTOON TUES., WED. — July 18-19 THE SINGING NUN' SHOWS AT 9:15 and 11:00 Debbie Reynolds, Ricardo M ontalban, Greer GarSen COLOR CARTOON COMING NEXT: "THE FORTUNE COOKIE" (Adult Entertairdient) Stephen Tiffin each clouted 5 hits while Bob LaRose and Sim , mons punched out four apiece. In addition to Brown's home runs B. Skinn also hit two and D, Murray and T, Lee one each. D. Murray pitched a five- Kurtzville beats Gorrie team 9-5 Kurtzville Beavers defeated Gorrie Merchants 9-5 Friday night in a Tri-County Inter- mediate "D" Softball League game. Ev Bridge led the Beavers with a pair of singles as Gorrie allowed five errors in the game. Laverne Schenke tripled for the Merchants for the only extra- bases hit of the game, R H E Kurtzville 204 0 0 002 9 9 2 Gorrie 000 000 203 5 10 5 Simpson and Aitken, Brush (6); Whitfield and Elliott. Monday to Thursday at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday 2 shows at 7:15 and 9:15; Sat. Matinee at 2 p.m., unless otherwise noted Prices: Adults $1.00; Students 75c; Children 40c WED.-THUR.-FRI.-SAT. (4 days) JULY 12.13-14-15—SPECIAL "CASINO ROYALE" Colour-CinemaScope — Starring: Peter Sellers • Ursula Andress David Niven . Orson Welles Deborah Kerr This is the thrill-packed ad- venture that was too big for one James Bond. The second shows on Friday and Saturday nights will start at 9:30. MON.-TUES. (2 days) July 17.18 (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) 'WAY- WAY OUT" Colour-CinemaScope — Starring: Jerry Lewis • Connie Stevens Robert Morley • Dick Shawn Can you image Jerry Lewis on the moon? Well in this one he is, and it's fun all the way. COMING NEXT: WED.-THUR.-FRI. July 19-20-21 "IT'S A BIKINI WORLD" hitter to stop Chepstow. Tiffin overhauled D. Murray in the last five games to take over the leadership in team batting with a ,577 average. Steve has 15 hits in 26 trips. Donnie re- mained in second place, even though he is in a bad slump lately, with 22 hits in 39 bats for a .564 average. R H E Wingham 508 034 1 21 15 5 Lucknow 003 003 2 8 9 1 The girls really clobbered Neustadt in two games. The first game was in Neustadt when the score was 26-6. They had a real batting practice. The home runs were Bonnie Willie 2 and Barb Dauphin. The 3 baggers were Sharon Willie 2, Dianne Warner 2, Barb Dauphin 1, In this game S. Willie need- ed glue on her glove. She just couldn't seem to hold on to that ball. Guess everyone has their off nights. Monday night (last) the score Howick Lions bingo winners Mrs. Wm. Schill, Formosa; Mrs. K. Edgar, Wroxeter; Mrs. Alex McMichael, Clinton; Mrs. McLaughlin, Toronto; Mrs. Oli- ver Riley, Wroxeter and Mrs. Alex McMichael; Mrs. Mc- Laughlin; Art Davie, Harriston and Mrs. Jessie Koch, Wroxeter; Mrs. Wm. Schill, Formosa; Mrs. Art Wheeler, Wroxeter; Tdny St. Marie, •Bluevale,,Mrs.. Mock, Kincardine and Mrs. Cliff Henry, Harriston; Mrs. Mock; Mrs. J. LaRose, Kincar- dine. Specials; Mrs. Alex Mc- Michael; Mrs. J. LaRose; Doug Davie, Harriston and Alex Mc- Michael, Clinton. Jackpot consolation plus bonus: Mrs. J. LaRose, Mrs. K. Edgar and Alex McMichael. D. Murray, Lee (7) and. R. Murray; Cranston, B, Carruth- ers (2) and Cowan. R H E Mildmay 030 000 0 3 7 2 Wingham 16(14)263 X 32 29 2 Nelson, Campbell (5) and Lorentz; Lee and R. Murray. R H E Wingharn 648 72(16) 6 49 36 3 Chepstow 010 030 0 4 5 4 D. Murray and R. Murray. was 27-2. Jill McPherson had 1 home run and a 3 bagger. • The girls put on a good show for the Wingham fans, It's worth the price of admission to come and watch our catcher. Last Thursday it was Chesley and Wingham in Elmwood. It was a well matched game but the girls came through with a 4-3 win, and they really had to be on their toes. The only hit for the game was Barb Dauphirfs 3 bagger. We should have more games like that, gals. How did you like the man without the beard? Now you see it, now you don't. By the way fans, the Cuties have just lost one game so far. Hope to see more out to the games with this nice weather. How about showing up at the park tonight for our exhibition game with Brussels? McBURNEY REUNION Descendants of the late John McBurney and Margaret Wylie gathered at the old homestead, Con. 6, Turnberry on Sunday, July 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. John McBurney were hosts to Mrs. Edythe Nelson and Charlanne of Ridgetown, Mr. and Mrs. Mac MacAtee and family of Thorn- hill, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ferrend and family of Calgary, Dr.' and Mrs. Wm. Martin and family, Drayton, Mrs. Charlotte Mar- tin, Mrs. Jennie Harris, Hugh Harris and Mr. and Mrs. John Stokes and Lynda, all of Wrox- eter. Hollywood glamour girls have for many years been doom- ed to failure, one way or an- other. Although many of them have had immediate and long- lasting success in their careers as movie stars, their personal lives have been turbulent and unhappy. Their physical health has failed, each mar- riage they have entered has ended as the one before, and often their lives have ended tragically or spectacularly. Carole Lombard lost her life in a plane crash; Jean Harlowe entered hospital one week, and was never to leave the hospital alive; Marilyn Monroe chose to end her own life, with an over- dose of sleeping pills, as had others before her. Last week, another df Hollywood's stars, Jayne Mansfield, died tragical- ly in a car accident in the southern United States. The 34-year-old glamour girl was on her way to New Orleans to appear on television when the car in which she was riding smashed into a tractor-trailer. Jayne was only a young girl when she came to Hollywood, one unsuccessful marriage be- hind her. She brought with her a young daughter, Jayne Marie. She knew exactly how to get into the limelight -- and stay there; no publicity scheme was too wild for her. She was no beauty and had very little tal- ent, but her measurements made her a star, and her be- haviour kept her a star! Her first husband in Holly- wood was muscleman Mickey Hargitay, a former Mr. Uni- verse. They had three child- ren, but even they could not keep, the, marriage together. They were divorced and Jayne then married actor Matt Climb- er. They had one son, and were separated at the time of her death. The three Hargitay children were with their moth- er at the time of the crash, but were not seriously injured. 0--0--0 There are some fine late- evening shows coming up on CKNX Television during the month of July, if you are on holidays and can stay up later On Friday evening, the 14th, an outstanding feature "Diary of Anne Frank" will be seen. It is the story of the young Jewish girl, Anne Frank, who spent many years in a concentration camp during the war, Follow- ing it on Saturday, 15th, will be "The Miracle" with Caroll Baker and Roger ("The Saint") Moore. Two musicals will be shown the following week, "Irish Eyes are Smiling" with Dick Haymes and June Haver (20th) and a more recent one, "I Could Go on Singing" with Judy Garland and Dirk Bogarde (21st). The following week you can see a fine drama, "Sa- tan Never Sleeps" with Wil- liam Holden and the late Clif- ton Webb, on the 28th, and on the 29th, another musical "My Blue Heaven" with Dan Dailey' and Betty Grable. Monday evenings you can see "The De- fenders" each week at 11:30. Tuesday nights are for the men —"Rawhide"; and Wednesdays bring some real tear-jerkers for the ladies, on "The Nurses". Managers, coaches show gratitude FORDWICH-Managers and coaches of the Fordwich hockey teams of 1966-67 paid a sur- prise visit to the home of Glenn F. Johnston on Friday night. During the evening they pre- sented Glenn with a gift in ap- preciation of his work during the season as a referee for the various teams. Following this the group pre- sented John Winter with a flight bag as a token of gratitude for his untiring efforts in manag- ing the Fordwich Arena. Both men, though very much taken by surprise, thanked them for their gifts. • wkat§tip tiger Ely? ..COV.)11 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT WOODY ALLEN'S escoloiotHoto foe tortlo euoismets AIDIAITTAN CI RESTRICTED R11300 II liras ay am as am MON., TUES.. WED. ‘.44k THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY — Double Feature — — PLUS — "SEASIDE SWINGERS" MONDAY • TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY ..),.„ v COLOR RICHARD LONG Adult Entertainnient immimmumumaimmiasair. .....,CHARLES GRIFFITH , MIRO it DANIEL HALLER....BURT TOPPER Ti' •i. "";.: „4, N. .1 l's Mt? ' k ..1 '' ,N\ '' '''' .. . . .VyIJ,.., \ L.'1 ‘ \ - ....ik,..,,Lik .:,',',:.,14 %to • i"2. ..,1 CASSAVETE S Pi •E R , ADAMS wy ,FARMER .PANAVISION.COLOR Sunset Drive-in Theatre Has The Largest Scren In Huron County Children Under 12 In Cars Free MAIN FEATURE STARTS AT DUSK ALL DOUBLE FEATURE SHOWS VIOLENCE IS THEIR GOD! GET OUT OF THEIR WAY ...if you can! ROGER CORMAN num n AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL MIN DEVILS -ANGELS July 17-18-19 THURS., FRI. — July 13-14 Ci4•07.4 Cerson s Cuties win three more games 'Tis Show Biz ily Vonni Lee • ' ..., DThis summer, enjoy Carling Cinci Lager Beer. It goes down a little easier, satisfies a whole lot morel LAGER BEER