HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-07-06, Page 14The East Wawanosh Centennial Committee are asking the ratepayers of the township to DECORATE HOMES or ENTRANCES that may be term front the road. Mies will be given at THE CENTENNIAL CELEBRATIONS AUCUST 5 - 6 - 7 Those who decorate please leave name with C. W. HANNA, BELORAVE. FLOATS SUCH AS THIS provided plenty of laughter during the two-mile-long parade at Brussels on Saturday. Judging was held at the ball park with the parade being or- ganized at the fair grounds, on the out- skirts of the village.--A-T Photo, PARADE CHAIRMAN IVAN CAMPBELL and his wife and family took part in the big parade at Brussels Come Home Week last Saturday. Ivan reported 120 units in the parade, —Advance-Times Photo. A HENSALL MAN, Geo.oce Beer, wart the pr::e for the best horse-drawn float at the Br,.:sse's Dorn,ln'on Day parade, He is shown with his three-seat stage as the parade progressed up the main street of the village,--A=T Photo. Gorrie Rev. Doq,1..s Vog.,n 07: Lon- don t..tl be the prea.tha eerterint.li rr.ce we, ee ..eld 5', Anglitz.al C-errie, on St.nd..iy, J_l,'ti., ,t , , corn. mernoratiol: ti..t lay;ng, ot the eon:els:ow. pte..ent .n 72:c Rev, Former rar- r.ti...ncti ..::d mends ate :.:vat-Li to .,,tund, The Cent,.1:11i41 CI:oit %%111 •$ing. A $oeial time v.t11 held .ollomong 'e t- Jter: SNO.S• t'at tte Rt.d Cross rear: nor Instru,...qo4, held tzz.elpl:, last weer, Mr, ond Mrs* %II,. zzlit‘ the and Alln Searlarou,g1:, spent .S.,,tutdat„ with Mt, 4nd Mrs. .Nordr,an Wade, Clothes Cleaned the Way You Like Them tart 400410440040010400, tttttttttttttt ttttttttttttttttt ttttt , ttttt N tttttt 22112.21112100 t ttttttttt 211.22 'TWO SCC.1TS FRO Soot'a, dressezi • a-a a ,..a-; t.•"A Sa,cee--7 st- Ce-te-- t-a - 0- to....-cose t-ate ..a:.-,t nttr,-e t t-e as, a os.,ce. • Nee o-t t-a sa--e MOTORCYCLES REQUIRE TWO BRAKING SYSTEMS t r.!",g :re^2-.te7 a n.'7,40 ,ay tAtz. r.'.1.titi t s,sterls ear s 3ttr. • ,:xt,c,,r: Vv4Ittl e'le.:t • e cre etec.t..e on the rear : :967. AIRCRAFT ON HIGHWAYS t'ter E•*.'tit'it • 1.3"'d,Itg, en a ;7., .t nn , a tea- Vese t• :;• •••-• hygn.- v,a . •.•• t"e .o•oi,';s.ortS. of tie r!:gh • : 1. 1967. MUFFLERS, r.'1.e tee!1 eratted, t" strag171 ex- ,-rass or • at de. ...- EF FECTiVE JULY 11., 1967, ONTARIO EPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT .ster LAK.ELET QUEEN LAI,TILiT—Laura Inglis has .- been citon as centennial oiieen to represent the 4-H girls of Lakeier. Lakelet Mr. and Mrs. Stan Dennis left ,..:.day on a :rap throuohthe wesoem: or -crier:es. They are ; zravellino: with :heir daughter a.nd son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Eurchill and family of God- eiticl. M. P,olieri, Campbell of .1 ititatinbcip. spent last. Wednesday • as with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Zurbrigs:. Mr. and Mrs, Warren Zar- 71,7.7. a:tended the Zurbrigr re- union a: Kurtzville on Saturday. Dennis Harper and John of :onto spent a Few days last week. with Mr, and Mrs. Nor- man Harper. Visitins: with Mr. and Mrs, ri '1 Norztan Harper on the week- ' end were their grandson, Don- aid H.ekling, and Sue Woods of Toronto, also :heir danzitter, .4 Mrs. Norma Hick ling and San- dra and Debra who stayed for a 1 lo.-..zer. visit. 'F.:rs„ Karl Kr- ro/andspent a "- 1 feu datis last week it nth hf.r... and Mrs. Georee Hubbard a: Cl!fford. Mr. and :....ss. Gorden wr.,ight expect to leave for ine '',% est en T-.:.esday., 7,11e doctor advises Cordon to so ::eczr...,5E, of his tealtt, :::". ond Mrs. Wcher Dam- e:L:1: :.,..td ta:njh...-::,;:ed ....;'..r.- dac with. Mr. ..i :.:rs, Robert 4 W.D.H.5 Examination Results Par 0 Witiltarn Advanee,l'imes.'Thursday,, July 6, 1.9t37 BOBBY AND HEATHER JONES, the children of Mr. art? Mrs. Fred Jones of Ethel, won first pr%te for tine best dec- orated bicycle in the Brussels parade Saturday afternoon. LAST CALL!! ENTRIES FOR Amateur Contest AT THE HOWICK Centennial CELEBRATION JULY 15th in FORDWICH 4444 tttttttt 44100.010141 tttttttttttttt ttttttttttttt 40014441 ttttttt tttttt ft.e,mtioriOms. ttttttttttt kit Mail or Phone Your Entry to MRS. GLADSTONE EDGAR, GORRIE, ONT. Name Address Phone First ten entries considered — Deadline July 10 1.0000 tttttttttttt 0000 ttttttt .04 ttttttt 0004400000.00.000000 ttttt 10000 tttttt 000.0 Clothes that look like new, so bright and freshly cleaned you hardly recognize them. That's our trade- mark. Just call . . . we pick up and deliver , let us show you who the dry cleaning experts area MANES DRY CLEANERS MECHANICAL FITNESS OF USED CARS A used rn.:2.:Cr at e .7.ert fied roettamo.ey to by ora deaer wno se s ." r 1-11. ift eh.va,s An unfit •..eit ,o„e -7ay y ne tne p.ates •-•..1.e teen remo've'd and ret.rrned to tneDepartsrent. 1.'”e te,,,roraser will receive a BtH of Sale. After repalrs, rez.istraton Oates can e ott3'ned szr such e vehier,e by to tre t.It•enart—ent. tie Bill of Safe and a Cettf:cate of Fitness 5 fined v, a certified motor meOhan.l.:. EFFECTIVE 1. ; RESTRICTIONS ON TOWING It Is allegal to tlru e a passenger c3r St5t:::"‘ with more than one vetucte an tzw. EFFECTIVE 1. SPEED LIMITS IN CONSTRUCTION ZONES New levslation now authorzea svez.al s eel r.on.ing for marked construction sites l".-sott..sts sve re,qz,..ed to obey posted speed larnita. EFFECTIVE REPORTING OF MEDICALLY UNFIT DRIVERS It is the duty Of every legaliy nualf,ed practi- tioner to report to the Registrar the nam e. address and diagnosis of every person CciThrig 'under a d!3g.r:,s1s. treatment, Care or charge who is sl:ff rtg !roen", a c o nth- tiori that in the opinion of the medieal orazmotf.tner tuChaa to ma ke it dangerous ler s.;olipersin tacperate a motor vehicle. EFFECTIVE NOW. Continued Mom Page Five PROMOTED TO tr;R. 4 s;.'. 5 YEAR PROAAMME Adams lane, Alcorn las,. Anderson Male%)Itn, Ann- Strong Robert, Beard Bernard, Bostrtan David, rervy, Byer Lewis, Jane, Carter Elaine, Chamnev Piane, Canton Barrie, Cerrin Niary Jean, t,7taultes Andrew, Crewson Sheila, Cruiekshank :1lari Ann, Devos Aart, DeZteeow Mitchell Dickison Kenneth, Elliott Doug- las, Errington Ross, Feat R!Itixt - da, Field David, Ple'.:ry Paul, Forsyth Brian, France Shetld, Bradley, t..;arniss Doug- las, t,.;e1cIthozpe Paul. t..l'owing Neil, ti -;•rahant Neil, Lzr,ant Catherine, liafermela Brenda, .Hallahan Mare,aret, Harris Niel- ante, Hastings Linda, Haves James, Hendersen ]ames, Hod- gins Lanna, Heather, Huether JO> cc, Jaeones John, Jeffray Margaret, Jettnynctlad- ys, Jennya Ruth, Kasehenko Kathleen. Kieffer Mary Teresa, King Diane, Langridge David, MacKay. .Brian. NlacKenzie Rennae, Malic.k Donna, Mart>n Peter, McDonald Doegles, ..- Donald Snsanne., McDougall David, McDowell Judith, Mc- Kague Phyllis, Mover Anne, Miller Erian„ Miller Robert, Mowbray Douglas, MOndell na, Oldfield Aanc, O'Malley Patricia, Procter 1".`ertald, Rath- bun Andrew, Ri....11,ar4son New- ton, Scot: Ian, Scott John, Simpson Pale, Sranley Valerie, Strong Marilyn, T:”.lor Ronald, Tiffin Robert, Toarvee ' Valiance Geerge, Anne, N+'alker Patricia, WeisharRalph, Wenger Lee, Vieeler Wilbee Roth, Wood Kaye, W.)r- rail Robert. PROMOTED TO GR, 4 YEAR PROGRAMME Me, Ash Elaine, ASkes ]ennie, Benedict Virginia, Benson Ro- ben', BOa.k Sandra. :sone '..zret .da, '-Stewer Gerald, Bot:oo.72-a- rid, eantelOn Joan, Cart Brian, Carter Alan, Conite.s Brenda, (7oultes Diane, Coupland Catol, Cronin Timothy, Dawson. Mu, ray, de Bruyn Theresa, Pe- Zeetiw Wesley, Fadie MarSorie, Elliott Ronald, lilschner Batty, , Finch 'Linda,. Fish Linda, Fish-- er Fuller Wendy, Ged , des Brenda, Getilet Barbara, Harkness Linda, Hart David, Henderson Keith, lienhoe.ffer '4ith, Hogan Ronald, tiohlo, Steil: Jean, liouisma Jacob, Huber Allan, Irvine Wayne, Ir, win Judith, Jardin Harold, Kell- ington Robert, Maoinnes Macintyre Atdonna, MacMillan Robert, McComb Louise, McDonald Janetta, Mc- Donald Larry, Mee;ee Linda., MeLean Dale, Martin Robert, McBurnev Ivan, Michie Lloyd, Miller Geo,rge, Mitchell Ella, Morland Diana, Near Dianne,. O'Donnell Thomas, Palmer Sam::el, Pellett Linda, re.rrott Susan, Phillips John, Procter Frank, Reinhardt Elizabeth, Sanders Joseph, Sanderson Jeanne, Saunders Nancy, Sear- son Roger, Smith Sandra, Tay- lot James, Taylor Ruth Anne, Thompson Christine, Thornton Helen, Tiffin Shirley, Troupe Dot:gias, VanCamp Nancy, Vincent Donald, Voison Ronald, Wadel Marlene, Weishar Wheeler Ivan, Willie Donald. RECOMMENDED FOR SOS. GRADUATION DIP. Success:hi completion Gr m. -1, or 5 yr. programme ARTS & SCIENCE. Aostin Edith, Falser Dean, Bennett Dawna, :rocks Harry, Callan iiter, Casagrande Trino, Corrin No, :1, Cronin Donald, Czerni.,..wsic, Christina, Douglas Fische:" AleNandra, cow- ir. David, Wayne, ant lames, Hart_-:on Ca-man, riarzt.a John, HeoherIngoon llorsb Eetiv. Hued:- .. David, 'Shelia, Ire- land Wend'7.. Jardine George, Johnston Helen, Johnston Lyn- da, Johnston Terry, King Jul, ith, King Pamela, Leggatt Jan, Lillow Mary, Lockwood Margaret, Mann Harvey, Mar- tin Linda, •MoBurney Ronald, McGlynn Randolph, MoKeroher Ann, Moffatt Brian, Murray Virginia, Rae Donald, Reavie Lynda, Reed Gloria, Rutledge Gordon, Skinn Kenneth, Stuck, ey Kerry, Walden Bryan, Wain- siey Diane, Wardley Mark, Wel- wood Jean, Workman Lynne. BUSINESS & COMMERCE Ahara Mary, Baker Bonnie, Ballagh Beverley, Benninger Frances, Borba Mary-Ann, Bran - son Niarni, Campbell Gordon, C.asemore Diane, Chambers Leone, Colwell Allan, Conn Alma, Craig Margaret, Cretier Dixie, Detzler Barbara, De- vries Shirley, Dinsmore Carol, Dobson George, Douglas James, Douglas John, Elliott Brian, Elliott Joanne, Elston Dianne, Eskrirr Barbara, Ferguson Barb- ara, Finlayson Mary, Gardner Terry, Gibson Ann, Grove Di- anne, Haskins Cheryl, Henry Barbara, Hunter Verna, Inglis Ian, Johnston Janette, Johnston Yvonne, Johnstone Helen, Lowe Ann, MacLean Barry, Manjin Renate, Mann Linda, Mathers Ruth, McLennan Ruth, Ortlieb Evelyn, Renwick Neil, Roane. Wendy, Robertson James, Ros- enliagen Vana, Ross Betty, isahiefele Ray, Skinn Marvin, Snell Elaine, Sutcliffe Larry, Walker Joyce, Wall Edna, Wall Marion, Walper Laura, Weishar Anita, Wheeler Harvey, White Niary, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY S.- TRADES .Adams Trevor, Carter Gary, Davidson Douglas, Ellacott Carl, Elston Murray, Ewing Douglas, Gibson Douglas, Grant David, Grant Ian, Harkness Ronald, Henhoeffer Roy, Hop- oer Brian, Ireland Keith, Long Garry, McKague Brian, Mc- Lean David, Meyer Donald, Morrison Donald, Mutter Har- old, Perron John, Phelan Jam es, Richmond Keith, Ross Malcolm, Schnetder Ronald, Sleighthoira Lloyd, Snowden Steinback Gary, Thompson Archie, Tiffin Paul, Van Beers John, Vincent Mur- ray, Wallace David, Wilson Paul. .1;:d orren Zur • and Mr:. and 170i:ler at FordArch, s.ver.A. :rozn tne centenn..il ekle- ra.tc..ns W.,litetten rraten ovc..r Mr. and ::4 re *in.! Mr*. Dili. . D.Jvidson Winge..on. FtIonds 0: ase Ce'rter ion:, to Lea. that ..e tient :n ,z;r..ee Fetp,ital, Walkerton, at-le:at:3: at Lam; on Frid:4. nagLt i. tte Lit.c.trie 1:0.4 dssr trios have titer „-laued pont.en an power I e bower Wing* torn ..nd ti t' 1.g5.-, art: ft0i*,::p. ed tre:n !Lem, -mu ire;;) aril itmes 1.;st REMINDER TO MOTO ISIS IMPORTANT CHANGES IN THE ONTARIO HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT