HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-06-22, Page 6Page 6 — Winghamd'e ceTirzt Thursday une 22, 1,967 • SELL* RENT • SWAP • HIRE • BUY • SELL• RENT • SWAP • H I RE • BUY • SELL • RENT • SWAP • H I RE • CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS • HIRE • BUY * SELL. RENT • SWAP • HIRE • BUY • SELL• RENT • SWAP • HIRE • BUY • SELL• RENT • Keith McClure NOTICE STORE HOURS WINGHAM STORES WILL BE CLOSED ON SATURDAY, JULY FIRST AND OPEN FOR BUSINESS AS USUAL MONDAY, JULY 3rd Wingham Business Association. In a marketing climate where the "hard sell" is often the favored way of doing business, they are generally far more honest than we have a right to expect. They are very much like the rest of us who respond to our environment: In the hard-bargaining large metropolitan city, they are apt to be very fast with a "highball" price or a high pressure technique; in suburban areas, small towns and cities, where customer loyalty is the rule, the salesman's rules are apt to follow suit. One characteristic of a reputable automobile dealership, whether in Wingham or anywhere else, is that it "keeps" its salesmen despite the high turnover common in the in- ) This is simple self-interest on the part of the salesman. - The reservoir of trust and goodwill such a dealership en- joys makes every sale easier — especially sales to repeat customers. Customer complaints concerning salesmen usually in- volve promises made by the salesman during the selling in- terview that somehow become forgotten after the car has been delivered. It may not always be the salesman's fault. Get the promises put on the order so that as other people in the dealership take up where the salesman left off, they have a written record to remind them. A good salesman makes it easier for himself in the future by never letting his present customers forget him. That's the kind of salesman to look for. dustry. FOR SALE 1110•1911.1.M, CHICKEN LEGS — 49e lb, Wingham Meat Market, 22b MILK FILTERS for sale, plain, , .„. rapid flo, Wu" — 85c a box. Alexander's Hardware, phone e57-363L lerrb FARM WAGONS for sale, with or without tires. Ornamental iron verandah railing and posts made to measure. John Bum- stead & Son. 15.22p BURNS WIENERS-10 lb. box $4.30. Wingham. Meat Market; 2eb VACUUM CLEANER SALES. Service on all makes. Filter Queen Sales, Zurich, ph. Hen- sail 262-5350 collect, My2errb WOOD FOR SALE—Hardwood or softwood slabs, also furnace blocks. We deliver. Borden Litt Sawmill, 392-6895, Tees- water, Ap2Orrb 30-LB. PAIL of Strawberries, sliced or whole, 35e lb. ($10.50 pail), Wingham Meat Market. 22b STORE AWNING for sale, 25' roller and lnechanism, reason- able price. Currie's Furniture. 22b SPECIAL — Electric kitchen docks, reg. $6.95 for $4.95. Limited quantity. H. T. Miller, Jeweller and Watchrepair, PUC Building (upstairs) Wingham. 22b EAVESTROUGHING and metal flashing, material and labor. For free estimate call Morri- son Bros., at Murdie's Hard- ware, Lucknow, ph. 528-2906. Ap2Orrb 5-LB. BOX of Chicken Wings— $1.45. Wingham Meat Market. 22b SAVE ON PAINT — l(ro off regular prices on Kern Glo Enamel, Super Kern Tone and Martin-Senour, Your headquar- ters for Kern lines. Alexander's Hardware. rrb SPECIAL — "Zippo Lighters" with complete kit, reg. $4,95 for $3.95. Limited quantity. H. J. Miller, Jeweller and Watchrepair, PUC Building (upstairs) Wingham. 22b 4 PKGS. of Wiener or Ham- burg Buns—$1.00. Wingham Meat Market. 22b FOR SALE — Set of swings; hot rod (ball bearing wheels); scooter; 2 school desks; cherry oval dining table (needs re- finishing); pine blanket box; antique rocking horse; fish tank, pump, etc. Phone 357- 3163. 22b 4-BURNER electric range for sale, $30; 2 wheel Waterloo garden tractor, plough, discs and cultivator and 2-row scuf- fler, $250, Call 82 Victoria St. W., any- night after 5 p.m. 15-22p McKEE Model D Forage har- vester for sale, with 22-ft. self unloading box, All in excellent condition. Contact Len Stroe- der. 1"_ mile east of Greenock Village on No. 4 and 9 High- ways. 22p REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE on Alice Street, Income property. Ph, 357-2305. 22-29b 4-BEDROOM HOUSE for sale, living room, dining room, kit- chen with cupboards, oil heat, insulated, newly decorated, large shaded lot, garage. Ph, 357.3782 after 6 p.m,, or week- ends. 22rrb KINCARDINE LAKE FRONT cottage, centrally located, furn- ished, 3 bedrooms. Priced for quick sale to close an estate. Apply Stanley J. Bett, Kin- cardine, phone 396-2191, or George Thomson, Bluevale, 357- 1767. 22p BUILDINGS FOR SALE Offers will be received for purchase of four buildings, consisting of the former CPR station, small coal shed and two large freight sheds. These buildings contain many good sturdy timbers for barns, etc. Contact Mr. Henry Wheeler, Park Supt., for more informa- tion, The offers are to be sub- mitted to the Town Clerk's of- fice, Wingham, by 5 p.m., July 7th, 1967, Dismantling may be commenced as soon as offer is eccepted and must be finished by 30th September, 1967, Best or any offer not necessarily accepted. Riverside Park Development Hoard. 22-29b ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon S. Elliott, Broker Edward A. Elliott, Salesman 0012 SALE Two storey' 4 - bedroom frame Wfarieville skiing home, hot water radiator heat; 1 el bath- rooms; recreation room in basement; large garage; rugs, drapes, valances go with the home; water softener. Low tax- es, in residential area. acres On Highway 86, eireellerit market land; .seven room stucco }Mine,. With mo- der n conveniences; been '50X 30 Witte attached- shed; low taxes. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WILLIAM S, REED General insurance and Real Estate Broker Phone 347.2174 • Wingham Attractive one • storey new briok home, livingroom, dining room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 4, piece bath, electric heating, Bull basement, attached garage, large lot, close to schools, Irre mediate possession. 2-storey red brick house, situated near public school, liv- ingroom, dining room, 3 bed- rooms, bate, oil furnace. Full price $12,500.00, Ve storey, 3 bedroom house in Bluevale, hydro, water on pressure, garage and small barn. Full price $3,000.00. Well situated brick cottage in Teeswater, 2 blocks to main street, 6 rooms, 3 piece bath, oil furnace, new asphalt roof. Priced for quick sale to settle an estate. Solid brick, 4 bedroom fam- ily home, large living room, dining room, kitchen with built - in cupboards, bath. oil furnace. hat water heating, large lot, close to main street. Early possession. Full price $15,500.00. Income property-2 'self-con- tained, 2 bedroom PnArtmentc with cupboards, bathrooms, 2 oil furnaces, excellent location close to main street. Must be sold to close an estate, Several farms in Wingham district-100 to 200 acres. 22h CARS FOR SALE 1966 FAIRLANE GT convert- ible for sale. Phone 357.1348. 22p 1960 DODGE 6 cyl. sedan for sale. Good condition. clean. Can be seen at Marks Body Shop. 22b HAY FOR SALE 30 ACRES HAY for sale. Ph. 357-1188. 22b ABOUT 30 ACRES hay for sale. Reasonable. Phone 357- 3637. 22p 14 ACRES HAY for sale, on ,12th Turnberry. Contact B. Malda, R. R. 2 Wingham, ph. 357-3728. 15-22b FIELD OF standing hay for sale; also a quantity of oats. Phone 357-2938, Mrs. Emaline Marks, 22p 50 ACRES HAY for sale, mix- ture two different parts, one alfalfa and Reed canary grass, and elfalfa, timothy and or- chard grass. Phone 357-1189. 22b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 11 WEANERS for sale, 7 weeks old. J, Askes, R. R. 3 Tees- water, 22p ARTICLES FOR RENT RENT our new Dustless floor sanders and make your old floors like new again. We have just purchased the new Dust- less floor sanding machines. You can save over 50% by doing your own sanding. Alex- ander's Hardware. 24rrb FOR RENT 4-BEDROOM HOUSE, $100,00 monthly. Available July 15th. Phone 357-1862. 22p OFFICE FOR RENT—Furnish- ed with double oak desk and chair, 2 large filing cabinets, large safe. Apply Box 32, Ad- vance-Times. 22b APARTMENT for rent, three rooms and bath, close to main street, over chiropractic office. Apply 10 John St, W., or phone 357.3580 or 357-1236, 22b HELP WANTED TELEVISION commercial writ- er wanted. Television experi- ence preferred, Central Ontario location. Send resume and samples. Apply Box 31, Ad- vance-Times. 22b EMPLOYMENT WANTED HIGH SCHOOL girl wants sum- mer work, Phone 392-6421, Teeswater. 22p GIRL, 16, wishes summer work as mother's helper. Will live in, Christine Rasmussen, R. le, 4 Wingham. 22p WANTED PROPERTY WANTED We have several buyers for 100 to 200 acre farms in the Wingham area. For the pet- ering who would like to sell their preperty, contact F. C. VanEyl, Hoe 193, or phone 528-3618 LuckeoW, ideal agent for John Bosveld, 964 OxfOtd St„ London. We have several hike lots, trotit streams and summer resorts for tale; also ei few farms with entail acres, ideal for retirement, 22-29b SALES HELP WANTED Make $3 to $4 hourly serving Consumers with Rawleigh's Household, Products in good district around Wingham, Write Rawleigh for informa- tion, Dept. , F-453.134, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Mon- treal. 22b WOULD YOU LIKE TO EARN MORE MONEY? Our local supervisor is in need of full or part time rep- resentatives to enroll members in the Dominion Automobile Association. This is pleasant, dignified, good paying work. No experience is necessary as our supervisors provide each representative with a full training program. Build yourself a fine income with your guaranteed annual renewals and we also have group insurance, profit sharing plan, plus many other benefits, For full particulars write to BOX 30„ ADVANCE-TIMES, WINGHAM, ONTARIO. 22b PERSONAL AS THE SERVICES of Drs. Corrin and Klahsen will be ter- minated May 31, 1967, it is re- quested that all subsequent communications relative to records and business matters be addressed to P.O, Box 190, Wingham, Ontario, It is hoped that service at the present lo- cation will be resumed at an early date. 1-8-15-22-29b ALL-STAR TOURS OF 1967 Tour to East Coast and Expo 67 — Date of Tour: July 21st to August 4th. Travel in deluxe coach by way of Buffalo, N.Y., Boston, Mass., and Calais, Maine. Cross into Canada at St. Stephen, New Brunswick. Tour cities of Fredericton, St. John and Moncton; thence to Haddock, Nova Scotia, and Alexander Graham Bell museum. Wednes- day morning cover the 184 mi. scenic drive through Cape Bre- ton Island, Arrive in Halifax, July 27th for two nights, then ferry to PEI, from Caribou, where two nights are spent in Charlottetown. July 31st return to mainland. Tour Quebec City and St. Anne de Beaupre, and arrive in Montreal at Interna- tional Village Motel, 1000 ft. from Expo for 1.1e. days. Arrive home August 4th midnight. Cost of tour —$249.00. For tickets, brochures or addi- tional information call Allan Reed, 528-3502, Lucknow. 22p MISCELLANEOUS For PLUMBING and HEATING NEEDS Phone Leroy Jackson, 357.2904 PAINTING and DECORATING ROBERT E. SEARSON Phone 357-3044 • Wingham CARPENTRY: Alterations, Repairs. Phone 549-J-2, Wroxeter, 22-29.6-13p FLOOR SANDING AND FINISHING Old floors and new Free estimating Paul Rintoul, Wingham L. G. BRYCE Auctioneer We handle sales, large or small, anytime or anyplace. Phone 357-2339, Wingham. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. R. 2 Brussels, phone 442W6, Brussels. A27-05p DEAD STOCK FRESH DEAD AND DIS- ABLED CATTLE and HORSES Vec a pound over 500 lbs. LORENZ STOCK REMOVAL Dial 369.2410, collect, Durham 25.1-8-15-22-29p LLOYD W. WALKER Custom Backhoe and loading and hauling service All types of excavating, bury- ing stones, ditching Septic tanks and weeping beds Phone 357-1359 R. R. 1, Wingham, Ont, CEMENT SEPTIC TANKS 450-600-1300 gals. Cement well tile and distribution boxes. Backhoe for digging hole and drains. We will lay tile if pre- ferred. 'Vacuum pump for cleaning 'tanks. Ronald E. Forster, R. 1t, 1 Lucknow, Ont,, 528-2346 or 528-2396. J15.A31p FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Autonio. bile, Farm Liability, Accideht and Sickness Home Protection Call your Co-Op Agent LLOYD MONTGOMERY 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739 SEE GEORGE BROOK at Stretford Cemetery Mar:16de,, Ltd. Tor Memorials of Distifictiori Lowest prices in the area 38 Avondale Avenue- Strafford phone 2714716 Collect BIRTHS col3ugN — In. Wingham, and District Hospital, on Satur- day, June 17, 1907, to. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Coburn, Wingham, a son. lamommo CARPS OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. T. J. Hutton wish to thank the friends and neighbors who showed so many kindnesses during our mother's illness and at the time of her death. 22p I wish to express my sin- cere thanks to relatives, neigh- bors and friends for the beauti- ful floral tributes, donations to Gideon Bibles and messages of sympathy and kindness shown me during my recent bereavement. Special thanks to Dr, Leahy, Rev, George Mitchell, the nurses on second floor of Wingham and District Hospital and the ladies of Whitechurch United Church.— Russel B. Ritchie. 22b I wish to thank my friends and neighbors for the cards and flowers and all who visited me while I was a patient in Wingham and District Hospital, Special thanks to Dr. W. A. Crawford and the nursing staff on second floor,—Oscar Hol- mes. 22p I wish to thank all my good friends who have shown their kindness to me during my re- cent illness in Wingham and District Hospital, and Victoria Hospital, London. The flowers, cards, letters and prayers were all greatly appreciated. Special thanks to Dr. W. A. McKib- bon and nurses of Wingham and Dr. Banergee and nurses of London. — Mrs. Mabel Mc- Lean. 22p I would like to take this op- portunity to say thank you to my neighbors, friends and rela- tives for their kindness shown to me by get-well cards, gifts, letters and telephone enquiries while I was a patient in Wing- ham and District Hospital last week. A special thank you to Mrs. I. Morrey, the nurses and staff of the hospital; Drs. Wal- den, Crawford and McKim; also to Rev. G. L. Fish for his kind and comforting words. This was very much appreci- ated.—Annie H. Kennedy. 22p AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1 p.m Household furniture Bluevale, Ontario. We have been instructed to sell the following: Kroehler chesterfield and chair; dinette suite, extension table, 4 chairs and hutch; RCA TV; Westing- house refrigerator; pictures; 5 lamps; 4 small chairs; Lazy Boy chair; odd rugs; radio; humidifier. 2 years old; elec- tric fan; electric heater; card table; step ladder; dishes; some china and antiques; cut glass; silverware; kitchen uten- sils. etc.: rare antique 8-day wall clock, 3' tall, made by Seth Thomas. Boston; antique walnut chest drawers (both over 100 yrs. old. Terms—Cash, Rev, G. Mitchell, Prop. Jack Alexander, Auctioneer, phone 357-3631. 22b ESTATE AUCTION SALE at Teeswater, of household ef- fects, antiques, dishes and glassware for the estate of the late Mrs. Annie McKenzie, on SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1 p.m. Terms—Cash. Kitchen stove, McClary re- frigerator (large freezer); Mof- fat electric stove; kitchen table and chairs; 5 antique rockers; writing desk; antique skein winder; kitchen stool; radio; couch; round dining room table and chairs; china cabinet; buf- fet; small tables; day bed; whatnot; Mason and Risch piano and bench; antique oak livingroom suite; antique vase; sewing table; hall seat; fern- ery; 3 bedroom suites; spool bed; lawn chairs; antique par- lor lamp; 2 antique clocks; an- tique jardinieres; antique toilet sets; full set of English china (by Greenley); large quantity of silverware; Limogue china; cake plates; antique dishes and glassware; several oil lamps; step ladder; garden tools; hand tools, and many other useful articles. L. G. Bryce, Auctioneer, ph. 357.2339, Wingham. 22b AUCTION SALE of real estate, household ef- fects and antiques will be held for the estate of the late R. H. (Bert) Thonipsen at eh lot 28, con. 8, East Wawanosh Town- ship, 6 miles west of Belgrave or 7 miles north of Auburn on SATURDAY, JUNE 24, at 1:30. Household Effects — Frigid- aire refrigerator; Columbia TV set; Heintzman piano; chesterfield and chair; washing machine; china cabinet; buffet; oil stove; day bed; heels and dressers; writing desk; reeking chews; glass cupboard; gratea- phone; picture fearnee; coal oil lamps; high chair; trunks; toilet set and numerous small articles. Rea Estate—Eh lot 8, On. 8, East Wawanosh, containing 100 acres, more or less, with house and barn Will be offered Subject to teservo hid, This farm hae 9 acres of hardwood bush, Terms Made known day bf sale, Ternis.—Chattels, Cash. Alan MacIrityre, Aria 22b ENGAGEMENTS Mrs. Mary Finley wishes to announce the engagement of her daughter, Shirley Ann, to Mr. William Douglas French, of London, The wedding will take place Saturday, July 1st, at 4 o'clock in the Salvation Army Citadel, Wingham, 22p Mrs. Harry Rinn of Belgrave, wishes to announce the engage, meat of her daughter, Linda Mario, to Mr. Walter Keith Cartwright, son of Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Cartwright of Blyth. The wedding will take place at Knox United Church, Belgrave, Saturday, July 22, 1967, et 2 p.m, 22p NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM STEPHEN MONK. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Factory worker, who died on the 30th day of April, 1967, are requir- ed to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 1st day of July, 1967. After that date the Executor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice, DATED at Wingham this 6th day of June, 1967, CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL, Barristers, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 8-15-22b For Sale GENERAL STORE Only $4,000 down plus stock. Here is your chance to go into an established business, A very clean and neat store handling general merchandise. Situated in an active village in the heart of a rich agricultural community. Living quarters could be constructed above the store area or there is an op- portunity to live in a new ranch style home. Gross over the counter sales are in excess of $40,000 per year, The own- er has accepted a professional position and must move within two months, The full purchase price is only $10,900, plus stock of $10,000. if you can purchase the stock terms could be arranged for the balance. NEW HOME New brick bungalow. Situ- ated in Wingham on a paved street with town services con- nected and is in an area close to schools. Being a very attrac- tive 3 bedroom home, it boasts of modern day features just the way you would design it yourself. Dream kitchen is very elaborate and the home contains many costly extras throughout. Walkout type base- ment has rec room, laundry room, workshop, separate fruit room and a store room under the attached garage, Workman- ship on the home is superb. The price is very reasonable and with terms available it is well worth your immediate at- tention. DON HOIST REAL ESTATE LIMITED "Rural Ontario Specialists" Keith Fitzsimmons, Manager, Wingham 357.3840 Residence Phone 357-1117 Cecil Mahood, Representative, Teeswater 392.6952 CLOSING NOTICE Dr, W. A. McKibbon's office will be closed for the month of July. 22b CLOSING NOTICE Dobson's Shoe Repair will be closed all through July. 15-22-29p GC/RI:HE UNITED CHURCH- GARDEN PARTY Wednesday, June 28, supper 5-8 p.in, Adults $1,50, public school children 75e. 15-22I1 CENTENNIAL DANCE In Bltrevale, June ee. Musk by Don Robertson and the Rat(eh Hoye. Prizes for tenteri• nial costeine. Sponsored by the Bluevale Baseball teeth, 15-226 SUMMER SMORGASBORD SUPPER In Ferdwieh United Church, Friday, June 23rd, 5:30.8 p.m. Eveeteine Welcome. Melte $1.50;, children 75d; preetchool free, 15.22b A PRESENTATION Will be held for Mr, and Mrs. John Wilhelm, (Diane Pitch) at Bohnete Cam mii ni Centre, lune 23rd, with Ian Wilbee's orchestra, UAW'S rtlease Mitre' lunch. 221i Thomas Thomson first war veteran Thomas Thomson. of 209 Leopold Street, a native of Scotland, died Friday, June 10 in Wingliam and District ilospi, tal, followieg a short illness„ lle was 89, Mr, Thomson was born in Dysart, Scotland, son of the late Mr, and Mrs, Robett Thomson. Ile attended school there and in 1.907 came to Can- ada and settled, in the Wroxeter area, where he took up farm , ing. Ile enlisted in the 161st Bat- talion, C,O,M,F., Canadian Expeditionary Force, Wroxeter, and served for four years. Dur- ing World War I he served in Canada, England and France with the 47th Battalion from 1914 to 1935. Ile was wounded and forced into retirement at that time because of total dis- ability, Mr, Thomson came to Wingham about 1950. Mr, Thornton is survived by his wife, the former Elizabeth Barr, who is also a native of Scotland and two daughters, Mrs, Paul G. (Elizabeth) Her- shey of Kent, Ohio and Mrs. Evelyn Graham of Chatham. There are three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Rev. C. M. Jardine conduct- ed service at the S. J. Walker funeral home on Monday with interment in Wingham Ceme- tery. The pallbearers were Warren Guttridge of Merlin, Ronald Wilson of Chatham, Tom Graham of Toronto and Fred Porter, Wilfred Henry and Dave Murray of Wingham, OPPORTUNITIES IN BANKING Opening available for YOUNG MEN of Grade XII or XIII education for challenging career in Banking. Contact: MR. W. M. WARDLEY or MR. D. C. MacADAM at 392.6831, TEESWATER 15-22-29b ANNOUNCING A NEW "SERVICE" IN WATCH REPAIRS 24 hour service, if required H. J. MILLER CERTIFIED WATCHMAKER Located in the P. U. C. Building (Upstairs) WINGHAM 22h Dead Stock Removal HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for fresh dead, disabled cows and horses. We pay %c per lb. weighing over 500 pounds. For the most prompt and courteous service in this dis- trict PLEASE CALL COLLECT MARLATT BROS. Phone 133 - Brussels, Ont. 24-hour service--7 days a week License No, 390-C-65 CLOSING NOTICE Faye's House of Beauty will be closed from July 1st to July 10th, inclusive. 22.29p CLOSING NOTICE Deyell's Meat Market will be closed from July 3-5th, inclus- ive, 22p COME TO BRUSSELS Centennial celebrations on Saturday, July 1st, and enjoy a Smorgasbord supper being served at Brussels 'United Church from 5.7:30 pert. Ad- ults $1,25; children, 12 and under, 75c, 22-29b A CENTENNIAL DRUMHEAD SERVICE Of praise and thafiksgiving Will be held on Sunday, July and, at 3:30 p.m., in Goderith, Court House" Park, for the resi- dents of Huron CoUtity arid their friends and visitors. 22b HOWICK LIONS BINGO Will be held on Friday, June 23rd, in Wroxeter Community Hall at 8;30 p.m. Twelve games for $10; 3 eShare the Wealth"; I Jackpot,of $60 in 50 calls. Adm. $1,0; extra tickets, 3 for 50c, or I for $1.00. Everyone Weleome. • Former resident, Miss Lofton dies Miss 8, Rachel Lutton of R, R. 2 London, a former resident of Wingham, died suddenly in St. Joseph's Hospital, London on Friday, in hcr 74th year, Her father was 4 trainman in Wingham and the family resid- ed in Pleasant Valley. She is survived by sisters Age Mrs. Annie McCarter), of Waegre ingston, Northern Ireland and Miss Ida M. Sally Lutton of London and two brothers, Thom- as and Jervis, both of London. Funeral service was on Mon- day with interment in Wood- land Cemetery. 1011111•, NOTICE LAWN WATERING The hours for watering lawns or gardens are from 6:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. and from 6;00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. WE WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR CO-OPERATION. An annual charge of $4,44 gross is made for anyone using a hose for this purpose. WINGHAM PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 8'15 220 ARE AUTOMOBILE SALESMEN HONEST? INCREASED SAVINGS INTEREST Paid on 5 year debentures of $5,000 or more 61/2% paid on 5 years for 1700 or more 61/4 % paid on 3 & 4 year debentureS 6% paid oft f 8(2 year debentures THE ONTARIO LOAN AND D.8BENTURE COMPANY establishati 1870 ASSETS OVER $86,000,000 CAPITAL & 115SERVE0,75Q,000. Yet. t ant interested UY your attractive rates of interest offered on debenture -S. 0 Please-tell end-610rd about this systant of saving. 0 enclosed it my chciOuts lot d fof' a year dabohture, Addrest tot, ...... ,,„„ „ Complete and mail this tou0oh to: ONTARIO LOAN AND bEUENTURE OONIPANV 453 bundas StrtIot, Woodstock, Ont, Or call: 539.205$ V.V. 0, (ItbrifIfi, irvitItla0ef I 1.1,Wo Member: Canada DepOtit !Mut-mica Corporation ,311111••••MMOIN•11 Coming Events Receives word of brother's death Mrs. Chris 'rafting of Wine- ham received word that her brother, Frank Jensen of Ottawa died suddenly Sunday evening about ten o'clock. She was notified by her nephew Sifted who phoned following his fath- er's death. Mr. Jensen is survived by sons Sifted and Carl and daugh- ters, Norma and Greta. There are also eleven grandchildren, Mrs. Robin Campbell of Wing- ham is a sister-in-law. Mr, Jensen's wife, Lily died a year and one month ago. The funeral was in Ottawa. r.