HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-06-22, Page 2FREE FILM BLACK AND WHITE OR COLOUR with each roll brought in for processing at popular prices. All popular sizes. We specialize in *PICTURE FRAMING *PORTRAITS *WEDDINGS *BABIES MAXWELL PHOTO STUDIO Ph. 357-1851 W1NGHAM DRUG FACTS CAN'T KEEP A GOOD MAN DOWN...,WHEN kill 4ET$ CRUTCHES FROM VANCE'S PHARMACY' THEY FIT RIGHT, LOOK. RIGHT AND WEAR Welt) DIAL 337.2170 Emergency; 357.2992 SUPER SPECIAL — Richard Hudnut Egg Creme Shampoo, $1.69 value, reg. 99c, now 84c CONFIDETS, 48s, reg, $1.89 $1.69 Gillette SSS BLADES, 15s, reg. $1.95 $1.69 IDA MINERAL OIL, Heavy 40-oz., reg. $1.39 $1.09 6-12 REPELLENT BOMB, 14-oz., reg. $1.98 SECRET DEODORANT, reg. 99c . VITALIS, 7-oz. reg. $1.19 VAN 17Rf ireatPlION OPOGG. IST $1.59 ...83c 98c Wingham United Church SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 1967 A SPECIAL CENTENNIAL OLD-TIME AT HOME SERVICE 11:00 a.m.—"Old-Time" Methodist and Presbyterian Songs. A SERMON (abbreviated) preached in the 1860s. Special music by UCW Chorus, accompanied by "home" organ and auto-harp. A Special Centennial Thank-offering will be receiVetC for a new hospital in Hong Kong; to assist refugees in North and South VietNam; for community development in Brazil and for agricultural training of Angolan refugees. Display of antiques in the Sunday School Room. Light refreshments served following the service. All friends and visitors welcome! Page Wingham Advan mTires„ Thursday,. Jun Fordwich Pesonals. CONFIRMED AT ST. PAUL'S—Back row: Susan Kregar, Rt. Rev. H. F. G. Appleyard, a Listowel candidate, and Rev. M. E. Brooks, Second row: Rev. H. W. Hamilton, Patti King, two Listowel candidates. Third row: David Penner, David Hodgins, Karen Ritter, Carol Higgins, Russel Foxton. Front: Mark Douglas, Trudy MacKay, Brian Shropshall, and Jeffrey Lockridge. —Advance-Times Photo. 111110111111111111.1.11/111.111.111. ttttttt iiiiii .111.11.1111111111.11111.11111111 iiiii II lllllll 1111.11 iiiiiiiii .1 lllll 411. lllllllll .1111 llllllll It. 1,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:1111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111,11111111111111111 Fourteen confirmed at St Paul's Church Sunday Those attending the opening day o f the 4th Triennial Con- ference of the Guelph University rune 12th were Mrs, C. Carswell, Mrs. C. Sotheran, Mrs, J. Inglis, Mrs. S. Clarkson anti Miss M. McElwain. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harris and Jim and Mrs. Crosby Sot , cran were in Goderich June 15 for the opening of the Huron County Historical Society's Ar chives Room at the museum, Mr. H. Neil cut the ribbon for the official opening, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Lopping- ton of Peterboro spent the week- end at their home here. Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Hoover and baby of Port Colborne visit- ed one day last week. with Mr. and Mrs, Earl Cober, Mr, and Mr$. Glenn Doig and David of St. Catharines spent one day last week in town. Mrs. Russ Dow returned home with them after spending two weeks with members of her family in St. Catharines. Miss Anne Marie Fleischatier of Stratford is spending sonic time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Warrell, Mr. Carman Bride of Port Credit visited friends in the vil- lage last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Rich- ards, Jim and Carol Anne of London spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Stinson. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wardie Schaefer who will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday, June 24th and to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Johnston who celebrated their 25th anniversary on Tuesday, June 20th, Friends of Mr. Wally Gibson will be sorry to hear he is con- fined to Listowel Memorial Hospital, suffering from a heat prostration seizure. Rev, and Mrs. Dekodger of Elmwood were guests one day last week with Mr. and Mrs, Milton Priess, Mr, and Mrs. Dave Stein- acker, Donna and Dwain of Orangeville, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.„Gordon acker. Mr. and Mrs. David tichnei ,, der of Kitchener were week-en( guests with Mr, and Mrs, Bruce Armstrong and on Sunday they all motored to Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Don Doig and family of Glenn Morris visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ross Doig. Mrs. Roht, Campbell and two children of Winthrop visit- ed Saturday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Hibberd. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fries and family of Streetsville spent the week-end at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Denier- ling visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Coldrich in London. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Allan, Brian and Sandra Allen were London visitors one day last week. Mrs. Pearl Patterson and Miss Leslie Campbell visited one ciao last week with Mrs. Wilda Campbell, in Guelph Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Art Wells, Gregory and Jeffrey of London visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Ashton. Mrs. Ash- ton returned to London with them for a week's holiday. Miss Pat Harris of Ottawa spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Clare Harris, She al- so attended the Denny-Winkel wedding Saturday in the Pres- byterian Church, ilarrisron. Mr. and Mrs.. Anson Ruttan and Janice spent last week at Expo., Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Hargrave, Douglas and David visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Gilmore, near Gow- anstown. Mrs. Jack Wilson and Mrs. Jim Vittie spent Saturday in Kitchener. Brian and Paul Wildfang of Cooksville visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sim- mons. '' Mr. and Mrs., Carl Stewart . and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stewart and family visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stewart, near Gorrie. Attend graduation Miss Julianne Dauphin, daughter of Mrs. Ken Cerson of Wingham graduated Friday eve- ning from the Fansliawe School of Arts and Technology in Lon- don, Those who attended the graduation exercises were Mrs. Cerson, Mrs. Gwendolyne Ad- ams, Mrs. Helen Casemore, Miss Barbara Dauphin and Miss Linda Cerson, all of Wingham and Miss Gladys Dauphin of Toronto. Julianne has accepted a po- sition as medical records sec- retary at Victoria Hospital, London. Eleven candidates from St. Paul's Anglican Church and three from Christ Anglican Church, Listowel, were con- firmed at St. Paul's on Sunday evening by the Rt. Rev. H. F. G. Appleyard, Bishop of Geor- gian Bay. Rev. Herschel W. Hamilton welcomed the bishop, Rev. Murray E. Brooks, rector of Christ Church and the candi- dates from Listowel. Mr. Hamilton presented the following to the bishop for the apostolic rite of the laying on of hands: Vaughan Mark Doug- las, Russell Kenneth Foxton, David Arthur Hodgins, Jeffray William Lockridge, Brian Leon- ard Nelson Shropshall, David John Penner, Carol Ruth Hig- gins, Patricia Jean King, Susan Jane Kregar, Trudy Dianne MacKay and Karen Elizabeth Ritter. Mr. Brooks presented the candidates he had prepared, Jennifer Jackson, Sharon Pep- pier and Sharon Smith, In his sermon Bishop Apple- yard said two pictures came to his mind at this time: that of Jesus in Pilate's hall of judg- ment when Pilate asked if He was King of the Jews and Jesus answered, "Sayest thou this thing of thyself or did others tell it thee of me?"; the other of a person who had just repeated his confirmation vows, and Jesus asking the same question of him. Bishop Appleyard said the Christian church has been built on the faith and struggles of those who have gone before and it would be easy today to live on "Left-over Christianity". In- dividuals may feel that they should, but have never witness- ed great religious experiences such as the conversion of St. Paul or seeing tongues of fire at confirmation. He pointed out that most Christians never do have these experiences. Few people knew or heard Jesus, saw the crucifixion or saw Jesus af- ter the resurrection. Each per- son must answer the same ques- tion as Pilate, "Sayest thou this thing of thyself or did others tell it thee of me?" to come to terms with whether he really be- lieves or whether he is living on "left-over Christianity". Brian Cronkwright was the bishop's staff bearer. The choir, directed by Mrs. G. L. David- son, sang "Our Father Who Art in Heaven". A coffee hour was held in the parish hall after the service for the congregation and t he visitors. —Miss Frances Wilson was taken to Wingham and District Hospital on Saturday. Her sis- ter, Mrs. Scott is also a patient there. New position for Jim Stewart FORDWICI-I—Jim Stewart who has been employed the past nineteen years in the dairy business has left and will ser- vice oil burners for B.P. Can- 'ada Ltd. Jim first went to work for the late Robert Marshall who owned the Fordwich milk plant and later it was sold to Carna- tion and then in 1056 Borden Milk Company became owners. Jim continued on then as field- man. He was recently honored at a dinner at Twin Gables Rest- aurant, Listowel. Friendshere wish him every success in his new venture. INFECTION CAUSES RETURN FROM EXPO ' James Cummins of St. Aug- ustine, who had to cut short a visit to Expo because of an in- fected arm, is making progress. His condition is both slow and painful. Mr. Cummins is under Dr. McKibbon's care and is enjoy- ing the hospitality of Jack Boyle while convalescing. He hopes to be out and around again in a few days. —Dr. and Mrs. J..R. St. John and family of Uxbridge visited with her mother, Mrs. Don Rae and other members of the family on Sunday. ACW meets at Foster home F-ORDW ICI I— Trinity Angli- can Church Women met at the home of Mrs. Ruby Foster last week. In the absence of the president, Mrs. E. Ferguson, Mrs. E, Strong presided and welcomed everyone. Mrs. Foster led in the de- votions. Thank you notes were received from several members who have been ill. Reports were given by the different of- ficers. Rev. H. Jenkins read a poem which was quite humorous. Mrs. Peter Browne read a letter from Rev, and Mrs. R. Stubbs of Manning, Alberta, who are prayer partners. Mrs. Foster read a poem, "The Country Store". Mrs. E. Strong reported on the Deanery meeting held in Trinity Church on May 23. Mrs. Foster gave the study on "Ingratitude". Rev. Jenkins gave an article, "Your God Is Too Small" and closed with prayer. Mrs. Strong conducted a contest and lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Peter Browne. —The student nurses of St. Joseph's Hospital, London, have been enjoying a three weeks' vacation at their homes here and returned to London on Sat- urday, Miss Judy Forsyth spent a few days last week at Expo. ..Detty fitgpatrielt, Mr, and Mrs. William Houston, lirenda, Patrick, Jennifer and. Jackie, all of London, spent the week-end with the fortner's and. Mrs, Houston's parents,. Mr,ancl Mrs.. Ed, Fitzpatrick. S'.rnday visitors with M. and Mrs, Percy Vincent were Mr. and. Mrs, Bob Rowan of Teeswater and Mr, Robert .Dix, on of Clifford, and Mr, 404 Mrs, Jack Mureti of clinton, 1 "0 ligen1". inter-faith Community Service AT THE BANDSTAND IN CORONATION (Town) PARK on SATURDAY, JULY 1,1%1 at 12:30 noon, in celebration of Canada's 100th Birthday. SPEAKER—REV. CECIL M. JARDINE. CONDUCTING the service will be Captain Don Coppell of the Wingham Corps, Salvation Army; Rev. G. L. Fish of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, and Rev. John Mooney, Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church. MASS CHOIR led by W. B. Conron from the churches of Wingham. MUSIC with Mrs. G. L. Davidson at the organ and the Salvation Army Band, members of the Legion, Women's Auxiliary to the LegiOn, Boy Scouts and Wolf Cubs will parade. AN OFFERING will be taken to defray expenses and proceeds Will go to the Ministerial Association. IN CASE OF RAIN the service will be moved to the Wingham Arena and Community Centre. ALL ARE INVITED to bring a picnic luinch. Tables provided in Riverside Park near the Hanna Memorial Bridge. PARKING available in the Ball Park. COME and make this a time of thanksgiving and joy on Canada's Birthday, 22b Your can enjoy a free-wheeling vacation, if you let us precision-check your car from bumper-to-bumper now? Our expert mechan. ics will put it in optimum shape promptly? • ENGINE TUNE-UP • CHASSIS LUBRICATION . eitt (butt (ANGLICAN) WORK IS NEARING COMPLETION on the new public school in Wingham. This section faces Frances Street and will contain service rooms for the school. It is to it ........4444t t. 4444.— 1 4$41-.41.- 4446, 1 THIS WAAL ON THe WALL of the new gymnasium of the public school has caused some controversy as to its pro- priety. It was created by Guenter Heim, staff artist at CKNX, and donated by the artist at a centennial' project gift to the school, lt is done in relatively light shades the west of the corridor which joins the older part of the school with the new wing and auditorium. —Advance-Times Photo. and depicts the advance of education and Its- impact on society over the centuries. The mural has received the unqualified approval of the school board and most of those who have had the opportunity to see it, Advance-Times Photo, =intim is Happy and safe summer holiday to everyone. Don't forget, God never takes holidays and He will be look- ing for you at Church each Sunday you are away from your home Church, REV., H, W. HAMILTON, DIP. TIT,, Itetor. Organist: MRS, GORDON DAVIDSON. FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY -- JUNE /5 (Broadcast CKNX) 8:80 a m, Family Holy Communion 9:80 ext."._........ ,,,,,, ,,, ,,,,, — ,,, . ,, ,_Church School 11100 a.M„.„ ,, . ,,, „--.....MOrning Prayer end Sermon ANNOUNCEMENTS Front July 2nd to 30th, inclusive, combined Angli- can arid United Church services will be held at the Wingham United Church, From August 6th to Sep- tember 3rd, inclusive, the combined services will be held at. St, Paul's Anglican Church.