HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-06-15, Page 12A WIDE VARIETY of awards were made at the Encampment of the Pioneers Girls on Friday at the Baptist Church, In this group waiting for a presentation are Vicki Fridenburg, Laura Saunders, Cathy O'Gor- man, Sandra Orien, Debbie Saunders, Con- nie Jamieson, Kendra Feagan, Tini Jorrits- ma, Trudy Archer, Karen Currie,—A-T Pix. ...... ........ 0.111 ....... I ....... ....... iiiiiii iiiiii mei! iiiiiii 1 10 iiiiii .1111 Pioneer Girls receive awards at Encampment WATER BADGES WERE AWARDED to sev- eral members of the Pioneers Girls at .the organization's encampment on Friday at the Baptist Church. From the left are Ruth Corrin, Marlene Sewers, Laura Saun- ders and Kendra Feagan, Mrs. Bruce Mac- Lean, leader, made the presentation. —Advance-Times Photo. ONE &SEVERAL girl's receiving a citizen- ship badge at the Pioneer Girls Encamp- Ment on Friday evening was Sylvia Mad, Lean. Her mother, Mrs., Bruce MacLean, made the presentation as Sandra °Hen, Ruth Klahsen and Mrs. G. Hotchkiss look. On. —Advance-Tinies Photo. Page -W1.00441 Advance!,Times, ,Thursday, lune 16, 1967 Shower held at church WROXETER,,A number of friends and neighbors gathered in the United Church basement OP Saturday afternoon for a. miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Bonnie Adams, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Allan MOMS, bride-elect of this month, She was the recipient of many love,- ly and useful gifts, WHITECHURCH A large number of folks from the community attended the Confederation caravan at Wing., ham Park on Saturday afternoon Mrs. Tom Inglis visited Sun- day afternoon with Miss Lila Emerson, Callers at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Russel Ritchie were Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Taylor of Lucknow, Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin and Mrs. Cecil Falconer, why melt this summer? YOU DON'T HAVE TO! AIR CONDITIONING MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY AT BURKE ELECTRIC SALES AND 'SEkVidt— FASHIONETTE MODEL. MODEL RK 311 A 6,000 BTU/Hr. 7 1/2 Amp. 115V ONLY $249§95 HERE IS THE TRULY PORTABLE AIR CONDITIONER Compact and smart, the attractive Fashionette model fits the modern trend in interior decorating, with high-style, tapered design in neutral Wood hue colors. It is made for windows as small as 20%" and as wide as 36" and weigh as little as 65 pounds. It install easily and quickly — plug-in convenience plus sliding side panels make installation practically effortless. UP-FRONT CONTROLS Tailor room air to your wishe with these easy-to-read con trols. Ten position automatil thermostat lets you set the tern perature level that suits you best Convenient pushbuttons giv, you Hi-Cool for day time use .. 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Mr„ and Mrs, Harry Smith and. Larry of Strathroy visited Sunday with the former's broth.* er, Mr. Ted Smith and. MO, Smith, Mr. and Mrs, Ross Coates attended the Coates reunion in Listowel on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Gal- braith of Richmond, U.S,A,„ spent last week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Galbraith, Miss Elizabeth Macaulay of Winnipeg is visiting Misses Elsie and Marion Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Win„ West- lake, Saltford, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake of Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Westlake, Tugaske, Sask.., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Westlake, Moose Jaw, Sask. and Mr. and Mrs, Harry Pflance of Stratford visited Mr, WROXETER—Rev, R. Sween- ey's morning text was Isaiah 29: 13 when centennial services were held in the United Church for the second Sunday. lie said being able to recite Scripture is not necessarily a sign of vir- tue. People honor God with their lips but their hearts are far from Him. It is more import- ant to be obedient to Jesus than to learn the facts about the 66 books of the Bible, It is the day to day living that counts. If people value their church they will attend. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he," Mr. Sweeney told his congrega- tion. He said a contrite sinner will be forgiven through the good- ness of God and reminded his listeners that to do good acts is better than reciting memory verses. The choir sang "Onward, Soldiers Of the Cross". Dr. Andrew Mowatt of Clin- ton was speaker for the evening service and his theme was " A Living Church for a New Age". He said today's world is sick and full of tension. It is now or never for the church which is an anvil that has worn out many hammers. Today it appears to be the place to meet friends and raise money. The topical issues of the day seem to be by- passed by the church and the real issues of Christianity are and Mrs. George Westlake on Saturday. Mr. John Hupfer and Miss Hazel Spading spent from Thursday until Monday with Mrs, Angus Carmichael in God- erich, while Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Robertson and Jimmy attended the funeral of Mr. Robertson's mother at Iron Bridge. She took critically ill while attend- ing the funeral of her little grandson, Scott Robertson, the previous week and passed away in Goderich Hospital June '7th, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fennel and Daron of Nakina are visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Allan Adams, and will attend Expo. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Noble, Wayne and Paul of Marybill were visitors at the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Haugh. not being portrayed. The church has become a babysitting institution and teas, bazaars and gimmicks are used to raise money in time that could be better spent in Bible study, "In the early days one large church served the community. Now we have too many branch- es." Jesus came to help the sin- ners but;' said Dr. Mowatt, " are we going 'out to help the way- ward?" Christians seem to be looking after their church build- ings but are not touching those outside the church," Rev. Sweeney played a nor- dic Scandinavian song on the violin, accompanied by the organist, Mrs. A. E. Martin. The choir sang the Centennial Anthem, lyrics by R. Cho- quette and music by H. Willan, written for Canada's Centennial. The junior choir supported the intermediate and senior choirs at all services. The choir wore centennial dress both Sundays as did some members of the congregation. The U.C.W. served lunch at the close of the Sunday evening service. DARK GLASSES Always smooth eye cream on when you're wearing dark glasses. Keeps away squint lines and prevents the heat from drying tender eyelid skin. dra Orien, Cathy O'Gorman. Discoverer Rank, Tini Jor- ritsma, Susan Vienneau, Alexa Currie, Kendra Feagan. Settler Rank, Rini Jorritsma. Townsman Rank, Sylvia Mac- Lean, Marilyn Collar. Colonist Observer Award, Janet McGee, Olive Lapp, Marilyn Collar, Sylvia Mac- Lean, Beverley Gannett, Tini Jourritsma, Sandra Carter, Bar- bara Stapleton. Badges Kitchencraft, Laura Saun- ders, Cathy O'Gorman, Mar- lene Sewers, Sandra Orien. Water, Marlene Sewers, Kendra Feagan, Ruth Corrin, Laura Saunders. Safety, Joan Johnston. Nature, Tini Jorritsma. Citizenship (Special Cen- tennial), Joan Johnston, Sylvia MacLean, Connie Jamieson. Handcraft, Tini Jorritsma, Alexa Currie, Karen Smith, Grace Corrin, Debbie Saunders, Laura Saunders, Susan Vien- neau, Connie Jamieson, Joan Johnston, Kendra Feagan, Carol Hastings, Cathy O'Gorman, Elizabeth Nethery. Book, Ruth Klahsen. Song, Sylvia MacLean, Joan Johnston. Pets, Joan Johnston. Sewcraft, Sylvia MacLean. Outdoor, Marlene Sewers, Kendra Feagan, Alexa Currie, Susan Vienneau. New Life, Alexa Currie, Kendra Feagan, Connie Jamie- son, Debra Welwood. Advanced Kitchen, TiniJor- ritsma, Drawing, Tini Jorritsma. Bible, Tini Jorritsma. Sightseeing, Sylvia Mac- Lean. Naturecraft, Marilyn Collar. Hiker, Marilyn Collar, Bar- bara Stapleton. Missions, Sylvia MacLean. on Regular Savings Accounts You earn a full 81/2 % interest, Calculated semi-annually on your minimum balance. You may write cheques and make withdrawal§ at any time. WMS meeting WROXETER—Mrs. Doug Sta- tia and Mrs. Glen McMichael led in the worship service at the general meeting of the U.C.W. held in Wroxeter United Church on Wednesday evening of last week. Mrs. Rae Louttit gave the topic on "Mission Work in Can- ada", The business was conducted by Mrs. Stanley Lockwood. A committee was appointed to see that the centennial project, which is the erection of a bulle• tin board on the church lawn, h completed in the near future. Mrs. Stanley Lockwood was elected to be the delegate to Alma College. Lunch was served following the meeting. DONNYBROOK Miss Donna Chamney return- ed to her home Thursday from Wingham and District Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jeffer- son and family visited Thurs- day evening with her grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Willows Mountain of Londesboro. on Growth Savings Certificates You receive $10.00 for every $7.50 invested for 6 years a one-third increase when held to maturity. Life insured — ask about details. Simple Intehest, The Pioneer Girls Encamp- ment was held at the Wingham Baptist Church on Friday eve- ning. During the program sev- eral girls, dressed in pioneer costumes, took part in a Cen- tennial play "From Here to There", depicting life of the settlers when they first came to land on the North American continent. Many of those who went ashore were looking for a new, better place to live where they could freely worship God. After the service, parents and friends were invited to share refreshments provided by the Pioneer Girls Committee. Following is a list of awards presented to the Pioneer Girls. PILGRIM DIVISION Guides: Mrs. G. Hotchkiss and Mrs. B. MacLean, Attendance ribbons, Gold (perfect attendance), Olive Lapp, Marilyn Collar, Sandra Orien, Ruth Klahsen, Sylvia MacLean, Red (36 meetings out of 40), Janet McGee, Joan Archer, Karen Smith, Eliza- beth Nethery, Janice Rae, Grace Corrin, Alexa Currie. Voyager Rank, Karen Currie. Trudy Archer, Tini Jorritsma, Connie Jamieson, Vicki Friden- burg, Laura Saunders, Kendra Feagan, Debbie Saunders, San- COLONIST DIVISION Guides, Mrs. F. Collar and Mrs, R. T. Kilpatrick. Trailblazer Rank, Kim Mel- lor, Shirley Grey, Ruth Ellen Currie. Pathfinder Rank, Shirley Grey. Badges First Aid, Candice Foxton. Food Arts, Shirley Grey, Candice Foxton, Helen Ann Holloway, Advanced Food Arts, Adora MacLean. All-Canadian (Special Cen- tennial), Janice MacTavish, Ruth Ellen Currie, Brenda Sta- pleton. Bible Badge, Adora Mac- Lean. Service, Brenda Stapleton, Ruth Ellen Currie, Adora Mac- Lean. Activity Planning, Kim Mel- lor, Shirley Grey, Helen Ann Holloway. Personal Development, Shir- ley Grey, Janice MacTavish. Christian Life Badge, Shir- ley Grey, Ruth Ellen Currie. Naturecraft, Shirley Grey. Clubroom Improvement, Shirley Grey. Pilate Leadership, Jeannette MacDonald, Candice Foxton, Adora MacLean. 1.14.1 444444 ttttttttttt 1111 ttttt I tttttttttttt 444444 4444444444444444 I 4 iiiiiiiiii I. i I iii iiiiiiiiii ii Two centennial services held again on Sunday