HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-05-25, Page 6Business and Professional Directory C. W. CASLICK LIFE - HEALTH BUSINESS INSURANCE 50 Patrick Street East Wingham Representing IMPERIAL LIFE A27-Tyr WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Save Bus, Ph. 357.1910 Res. Ph. 357-1015 Frederick F. Hornuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Hornuth, RO Mrs. Viola H. Hornuth, RO OPTOM ETR ISM Phone 338-0712 HARRISTON ONTARIO CAVILLER & COMPANY Chartered Accountants Resident Partner J. E. Kennedy, C.A. Dial 8 8 1-3471 - Walkerton Crawford, Shepherd & Mill Barristers, Solicitors, Eta. 3', Barley Crawford, Q.C. Norman A. Shepherd, M.A., LLB. Alan B. Mill, B.A,, LLB. WINGRAM, ONTARIO Dial 357.3630 J. T. GOODALL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY, Etc. Ottie,e — Meyer Block WIN (;HAM DIAL 357.1990 WOULD YOU DRIVE A HUNDRED MILES FOR A STUCK WINDOW ? Keith McClure Some new car owners are "stuck" with having to. And another hundred for a door that doesn't fit prop. erly. And another hundred for a stubborn water leak. They often decide at that point they should have bought their car closer to home and chalk their expensive lesson up to experience. A new car buyer who purchases far out of his own marketing area simply to "save" a few dollars on the pur- chase price, frequently saves nothing and robs himself of the driving satisfaction he was entitled to when he bought the car. Door adjustments, water leaks, rattles and dozens of other small problems that become big problems when they are neglected, fall under the responsibility of the selling dealer and are NOT covered by warranty. Many of these service problems that annoy motorists after they have purchased a new car, could have been avoid- ed by adequate pre-delivery service to the new car at the dealer's establishment following arrival from the factory. When warranty is involved, diagnosis time costly to the dealer and red-tape correspondence with the factory often make the work unprofitable. But a reputable dealer looks upon it as a customer-keeping necessity. A ear buyer interested only in the "deal" regardless of service usually ends up with a dealer who feels the same way. And the dealer almost always gets the best of the bargain. Don't wait for a big loss! 12-FT, BOAT and Johnson 12 .hp motor for sale. Controls, wheel, etc. 357.2932, 25b MILK FILTERS for sale, plain, rapid flo, We" — 85e a box, Alexander's Hardware, phone 357.3631. l6rrb FORAGE harvester wagon top for sale. Apply Harold Case- more, 357-1118. 25b VACUUM CLEANER SALES. Service on all makes. Filter Queen Sales, Zurich, ph. Hen- sail 262.5350 collect, elyeerrb THE CENTENNIAL PLATES are now in. Those that have ordered same may pick up at Alexander's Hardware, 25b WOOD FOR SALE—Hardwood or softwood slabs, also furnace blocks. We deliver. Borden Litt Sawmill, 392-6895, Tees- water, ,Ap2Orrb EAVESTROUGHING and metal flashing, material and labor, For free estimate call Morri- son Bros., at Murdie's Hard- ware, Lucknow, ph. 528-2906 Ap2Orrb 15-FT. BOAT for sale, or trade for smaller one. choice of two. Nelson Pickell, 357.3849, Wing- ham, 25-lp BERG BARN CLEANER, silt unloader, bunk feeder and stable equipment. For informa- tion call Donald 3. Maclntyre, R. R. 5 Lucknow, phone 528- 6233. 18-25p SAVE ON PAINT — 10% off regular prices on Kern Glo Enamel, Super Kern Tone and Martin-Senour. Your headquar- ters for Kern lines. Alexander's Hardware. rrb LOOK FOR the Nixon Cross trademark when you need ani- mal health products. Your guarantee of dependable and economical treatments, Vance's Drug Store, phone 357-2170. --- - WOOD FOR SALE—Hardwood slab wood, 7 cords $28.00 or 5 cords $20.00. Elm or soft maple, 7 cords $17.50 or 5 cords $12.50, Above prices de- livered to your yard. James T. Craig & Son Sawmill. Auburn, 526.7220. 11-18-25b -- - FOR SALE — The Agromatic line of barn equipment by Klinzing, silo unloaders, aug- ers and chain feeders, stable cleaners, stanchions, water bowls, liquid manure equip- ment, compressors and alter- nators. Frank Alton, R. R. 7 Lucknow, phone 529-7218. 4-11.18-25-1p PAINT $3.99 GAL. Reg. $8.95. Clearance sale of fresh paint. C.I.L., Sherwin- Williams, Moores, Gliddens, etc. Thousands of gallons al- ready sold to Readers of such newspapers as the Family Her- ald, Free Press Weekly and many others. OUR GUARANTEE If you are not satisfied re- turn unused portion for com- plete refund, — Outside: suit- able for wood, steel, concrete, etc. Colours: white, primer white, brown, yellow, battleship grey, medium grey, shutter green, bright red, barn red, cream, black, turquoise. — In- side: your choice of gloss enamel, latex, semi - gloss. White, primer white, sky blue, light grey, light green, ivory, beige, canary yellow, pink, tur- quoise, Pay in full or 50% deposit. Save charges. Ontario residents add 5% sales tax, Minimum orders of four gallons or more shipped anywhere in Canada. SHERMAN'S HARDWARE LTD. 537 Queen West, Toronto, Ont. 25p CARS & TRUCKS FOR SALE 1964 PONTIAC for sale, 6 cyl., 4-door sedan in very good con- dition. Ph. 357-2794. 18-25b SPECIAL PRICE — New Hon- das for $230.00 and up; used Hondas from $125.00 up; hel- mets low as $10,00, While they last at Cunningham Motors, Miraler-Honda Sales and Ser- vice, Walkerton, 18-25.1-8b CARS FOR SALE '64 Oldsmobile 2-dr. Hardtop, V8, with everything, $1595. '63 Pontiac 2-dr. Hardtop, Pa- risienne, with everything, $1450, '62 Pontiac 2-dr, Hardtop, Pa- risienne. V8, with every- thing, $1095. 111 Chevrolet Convertible Ira= pale, V8, with everything, $1095. '61 Meteor 2-dr. Hardtop, V8, automatic and radio, $696. GORRIE WELDING AND BODY SHOP 25b SEED FOR SALE FOR SALE—All varieties seed grain, cloVers, grasses, inoett- lard.% Pride seed corn and Ev- ergreen lawe grass Mixture, Pasture trefoil and timothy, $5.04 per acre; lowland mix, $4.60 per acre; highland hay-, pasture of alfalfa, red clover, timothy, brorne and meadOw fescue (20 lb. per acre), $7,41. Custom seed and grain clean- ing, Roy Cramm St Son, Pink- erton, phone Cargill 8E42394. tlehk os. Thursday, May 25J. 2967 WHITE /RICK cottage for sale, 2 bedeoent% oil furnace. Phone 357.2904. 18rrb . ROOM brick dwelling for sale, on large shaded lot, Barn with garage, Phone 357.3782 after 6 p.m., or weekends, 25b ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY cordon B, Elliott, Broker Edward A. Elliott, Salesman FOR SALE Two storey 4 • bedroom frame Mansville siding home, hot water radiator heat; l's bath- rooms; recreation room in basement; large garage; rugs, drapes, valances go with the home; water softener. Low tax- es, in residential area. Two storey, solid brick, four bedroom income home, hot water heat, Income from dent- al offices at the rear. This home is in excellent condition. Possession date June 30, 1967, 17 acres — On Highway 86, excellent market land; seven room stucco home, with mo- dern conveniences: barn 50'x 30' with attached shed; low taxes. WILLIAM S. REED General Insurance and Real Estate Broker Phone 357-2174 • Wingham Ve storey, 3 bedroom house in Bluevale, hydro, water on pressure, garage and small barn. Full price $3,000.00. Income property-2 self-con- tained, 2 bedroom apartments with cupboards, bathrooms, hot water, 2 oil furnaces, excellent location close to main street. Must be sold to close an estate. Early possession. Full price $9,400.00. Solid brick, 4 bedroom fam- ily home, large living room, dining room, kitchen with built - in cupboards, bath, oil furnace, hot water heating, garage, large lot, close to main street. Early possession. Full price $15,500.00. 2 storey red brick home, cen- trally located, livingroom, din- ingroom and kitchen, 3 bed- rooms and bath, oil furnace, at- tached garage. Full price $9,- 500.00. Several farms in Wingham district-100 to 200 acres. 25b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE POLLED HEREFORD bull for sale, 14 mos. old. Noah S. Byler, R, R. 1 Wroxeter. 25b BLUE SPOTTED sow pigs for sale, and purebred Landrace pigs, either sex, started $20 ea. Dewitt Adams, Gorrie, Ont. 18-25-lp ARTICLES FOR RENT RENT our new Dustless floor sanders and make your old floors like new again. We have just purchased the new Dust- less floor sanding machines. You can save over 50% by doing your own sanding. Alex- ander's Hardware. 24rrb FOR RENT FOR RENT—Store in Cromp- ton Block, formerly occupied by Pearson, Edwards & Co. Apply Crawford, Shepherd & Mill, 367-3630. 18-25b TWO DOWNSTAIRS apart- ments for rent, both with good outdoor surroundings. For fur- ther information tall 357-3482. 25-lb EXPO — House trailer for rent with all conveniences, near Expo. Sleeps four, minimum of three nights June to Oc- tober. Phone 237-3654 evenings or write to Gerald Martene, Box 3, Dashwood. 18-25.lb COTTAGE for rent, Point Clarke, No, 59, on lake front, sandy beach, all conveniences, $65.00 per week, sleeps 6. Ap- ply Mrs, C. Irving, 28 Elm St., Simcoe, Ont., phone 426-2605. 25h SALES HELP WANTED Increase your income. You can earn up to $3 per hour selling Rawleigh Products full or part time. Write Rawleigh, Dept. 11- 453.16, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal, 25b FEMALE HELP WANTED POPULAR AVON COSMETICS Has opening in Turnberry Township, in Glennanan - Glen Farrow area. Fine earnings, convenient hours. Write Dis- trict Manager, Mrs. Shirley Craig, P. 0. Boa 102, Owen Sound, phone 376.9792 collect. 11.18-25b WANTED WANTED—Cattle for grazing, Good water supply. Phone 357. 1390. 25b GRASS FARM. wanted to buy or tent, Mel Jermyn, 35331, 0.5n TENDERS WANTED TENDERS for painting Wroxeter United Church will be received by the undersigned not later than Saturday, June 10, 1967, for cleaning, priming and putting on two coats of paint, Contrac- tor to supply paint. Apply Bruce Montgomery, secretary, Wroxeter, 25-ip TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS Tenders will be received until 12 noon, June 1, 1967, by the undersigned for supplying and delivering approximately 12,000 cu. yds. of pit run gravel as directed by the road superintendent. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Mrs. Helen D. Martin, Clerk, Belgrave, Ont. 18-25b TENDER TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the supply- ing of approximately 300 tons of HL 4 to be laid on Patrick Street in the Village of Ford- wich. Contractor to state time of commencement of contract, and a certified cheque of 10% of the contract to accompany tender. Tenders to be in the hands of the Road Superintendent not later than 5 p.m., Friday, June 2, 1967. Robert Gibson, Road Supt., Township of Howick, Gorrie, Ont. 25b TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK TENDER FOR DRAINS Sealed tenders will be re- ceived by the undersigned until 5 p,m., Friday, June 2, 1967, for the construction of four municipal drains as fol- lows: Wright-Mann Drain Open portion-2,000 cu. yds. to be excavated; closed portion —2,580 lineal feet 6-8 field tile, 2 catch basins. Wright-Newton Drain and Jaques & Mann Branches Open portion-1,200 cu. yds. to be excavated; closed portion —3,146 lineal feet 6-12 inch field tile, 4 catch basins; Mann Branch — 900 lineal feet 6-8 inch field tile, 1 catch basin; Jaques Branch-900 lineal feet 6-8 inch field tile, 1 catch basin. Douglas Kreller Drain Open portion-2.900 cu. yds. to be excavated; closed portion —1,750 lineal feet 10 inch field tile, 3 catch basins. Shearer Drain and Branch Open portion-1,800 cu. yds. to be excavated; closed portion —4,400 lineal feet 8-14 field tile, 2 catch basins; Branch open portion-1,100 cu. yds. to be excavated. According to plan, profile and specifications by W. D. Colby, B.Sc., Consulting Civil Engineer. Township of Howick to sup- ply the tile and pipe. Certified cheque for 10% to accompany each tender, Plans and specifi- cations may be seen at the Clerk's Office, Gorrie, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ivan Haskins, Clerk, Town- ship of Howick, Gorrie, Ont. 18-25h EMPLOYMENT WANTED RELIABLE 15-year-old high school boy wants summer work, Has farming experience. Phone 357-3188, 25b LOST LOST — Small female collie dog. Leroy Rintoul, 357-2499. 25b LEGAL SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the County Court of the County of Huron, bearing date the 2nd day of January, 1963, to me directed, against the lands and tenements of Estate of Thomas Kearney and Mary Evelyn Kearney, Defendants, at the suit of Rouse Auto Elec- tric Limited, Plaintiff, I have seized and taken in execution all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of the said Estate of Thomas Kearn- ey and Mary Evelyn Kearney, in to and out of the following property: All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, sittiate, lying and be- ing in the Township of West Wawanosh in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being composed of the South Half of Lot 24 In the Sixth (6th) Concession of the said Township of West Wawa- nosh, containing 100 acres more or less. All of which said right, title, interest and equity of redeinp- tiori of the said Estate of thomat Kearney and Mary tv- elyn Kearney in the said lands and tenements, t shall offer for sale by public auction at my office in the Court House in the TOwn of Goderich, oft Wed- nesday, the 14th day of June, 1967, at 2;00 o'clock in the afterrioori, HARRY L. STURDY, Sheriff, County of Huron. 18-25-1-8b CARDS OF THANKS I would like to thank all who visited, sent cards and gifts while I was a patient in Wingham and District Hospital, and for the kindness of nurses and doctors.----'Mrs. Emma Case- more. 2514 I wish to thank all those who visited me, sent cards and treats when I was a patient in Wingham and District Hos- pital. Special thanks to Des, Corrin and Klahsen and the nurses on second floor.—John Hupfer. 25p Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Clark, also Mrs. Mary Mitchell, Gorrie, wish to thank neigh, hors, friends and relatives for their kind assistance when the former's home was extensively damaged by fire, and contribu- ting in their time of need, 25b IN MEMORIAM WHEELER — Cherished mem- ories of a dear husband and f ether, George Herbert Wheeler, who passed away three years ago, May 28, 1964. We travel down a winding road. A road without an end, And they who seem so far away, Are only round the bend. —Always remembered by his wife Pearl, and family. 25b AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE. of Used Bridge Steel for Morris Township, Saturday, May 27th, at 2 p.m., 1st con, of Morris, n: mile west of James- town. I beams 8" to 18" up to 32' long; angle iron; pipe misc.; beams, and scrap metal, Terms—Cash. Robert Henry, Auctioneer. 18.25b CLEARING AUCTION SALE of farm stock, machinery and household effects at north half lot 12, con, 14, McKillop Town- ship. 4 miles east of Walton on the boundary MONDAY, MAY 29th, at 1 p.m. Cattle — 7 Holstein young cows, fresh; 3 Ayrshire cows, 6 yrs, old, fresh; Hereford cow, fresh; Durham cow, fresh; 11 young Hereford and Charolais; 9 Hereford and Charolais, year olds. Machinery — International Super C tractor, hydraulic, ful- ly equipped (like new); Inter- national 2 furrow hydraulic plow, ace bottom; 2 4-section diamond harrows; 13 disc MH fertilizer drill; 3-section drag harrows; International 4 bar side rake; International 7-ft. power mower; rubber tired wa- gon ,(new); 16-ft. hay rack; rubber tired farm wagon; 12-ft. flat rack; 2 sets sleighs; horse corn cultivator; scuffler; Inter- national tractor; manure spreader; 22" power lawn mow- er (2 years old); 2 heavy log- ging chains; barb wire; 3 rolls snow fence; quantity rope; chicken shelters; lumber; steel stone boat; wheelbarrow; sacks; set breeching harness; National DeLux milking ma- chine, double unit, yr. old; Viking electric cream separa- tor; milk pails; 2 steel water tanks; milk cans; forks; shov- els; hand sprayer; tools, Household Effects — 9-piece dining room suite, table, buf- fet, china cabinet, 6 chairs; 3- piece chesterfield suite; brown steel bed, springs, mattress, dresser, chest drawers, radio, small tables, arborite top kit- chen table, mirrors, dishes, ornaments. Other articles too numerous to mention. Terms--Cash. Prop., Allan Brown. Auctioneer, Harold Jackson. Clerk, Mel Graham. 25p ESTATE AUCTION SALE Property - household furniture WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1 p.m. Corner Patrick and Centre Streets, Wingham We have been instructed to sell the following: Chesterfield and 2 chairs; upholstered chair and rocking chair set; McClary refrigerator, 3 years old; Mof- fat electric stove, 24"; Dumont TV; Western Foundry annex heater; 5 rocking chairs; 10 kitchen chairs; dining room table; kitchen table; kitchen cupboard; hall rack with seat; settee; studio couch, 1 year old; metal bed, springs and mattress; 2 wooden beds, springs and mattress; single wooden bed and mattress; 4 dressers; 3 wash stands; chest- erdrawers; clothes hamper; 2 foot stools; 2 wardrobes; 2 trunks; mantel meek); lawn chairs; Electrolux vacuum cleaner; 3 brush floor polisher; table lamps; pictures; tnrow rugs; bathroom scales; wringer washer; teed table; dishes; bed- ding; pots and pans; antique oil lamp, metal case; 1 1/2 tons coal; cord wood; 32-ft. exten- sion ladder; hose and reel; etc. Terms — Cash for furniture and effects. Property to be sold at 3 p.m, 1 1/2 storey stucco, house on lovely corner8 lot; bedrooms and bath up; living room, din- ing room, family room, kitchen and I-pc. bath down; hot Water heating; garage, 10% down, balance in 30 days, Mo- derate reserve bid on property, Executors of Estate — Nor. Man CoUlter, James Coulter. Auctioneer, leek Alexander, Phone 857.3631, Wingham, 25-lb OIRTHS IRELAND — In Wingham and District Hospital, on Tues. day, May 16, 1967, to Mr, and Mrs, Robert Ireland, Teeswater, a daughter. JAMIESON—In Wingham and District Hospital, on Tues- day, May 16, 1967, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jamieson, R. R, 2 Lucknow, a daughter. UNDERWOOD — Alan and. Marian are happy to an- nounce the birth of their son on Tuesday, May 16, 1967, at the Cottage Hospital, Ux- bridge, a little brother for Debby and Kathy, ANNOUNCEMENT Mr, and Mrs. 13. Malda of R. R. 2 Wingham, are happy to announce the arrival of their chosen daughter on Thursday, May 18, 1967, ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs, Hank J. Cretier wish to- announce the engage- ment of their only daughter, Dixie, to Mr. Dick Askes, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Askes, R. R. 3 Teeswater, 25b Mr. and Mrs, Gordon St. Clair Harrison, R. R. 2 Harris- ton, announce the engagement of their daughter, Jennifer Crystal, to Mr. Paul Edwin Jardin, son of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Ashley Jardin, Wing- ham. The wedding will take place at Everhill Farm, R, R 2 Harriston, on Saturday, June 17, 1967, at 3 o'clock, 25p The engagement is announ- ced of Sandra Darlene Machan, daughter of Mrs, Lawrence Machan, R, R. 5 Brussels, and the late Mr. Meehan, to Mr. Wayne Edward Becker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Becker, Rostock. The wedding will take place on Saturday, June 24, 1967, at 3 o'clock in Brussels United Church, Brussels. 25b Mr. and Mrs. George Schuler, R. R. 3 Teeswater, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth Ann, to Mr, Ronald Boonstra, son of Mr, and Mrs. William Uuldriks, R. R. 1 Wingham. The wed- ding will take place in Tees- water United Church at 2:30 o'clock on Saturday, June 10, 1967, 25p NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WALTER S CHO OK VANWYCK. ALL PERSONS ha ving claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, 'Retired Manufacturer, who died on the 16th day of April, 1967, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or 'be- fore the 27th day of May, 1967. After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 8th day of May, 1967, CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. MISCELLANEOUS .•=114112141.10/... For PLUMBING and HEATING NEEDS Phone Leroy Jackson, 357.2904 PAINTING and DECORATING ROBERT E. SEARSON Phone 357-3044 • Wingham FLOOR SANDING AND FINISHING Old floors and new Free estimating Paul Rintoul, Wingham L. G. BRYCE Auctioneer We handle sales, large or small, anytime or anyplace, Phone 357-2339, Wingham. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. R. 2 Brussels, phone 442W6, Brussels. A27.05p DEAD STOCK FRESH DEAD AND DIS- ABLED CATTLE and HORSES ihe a pound over 500 lbs. LORENZ STOCK REMOVAL Dial 369.2410, collect, Durham 25.1-8-15-22-29p LLOYD W. WALKER Custom Backhoe and loading and hauling service All types of excavating, bury- ing stones, ditching Septic tanks and weeping beds Phone 357-1359 R. R. 1, Wingham, Ont, FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automo- bile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection Call yoUt CO-Op Agent LLOYD MONTGOMERY 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 3574739 SEE GEORGE BROOKS at Stratford Cemetery Memorials Ltd, for Memorials of Distinction Lowest prides in the area 38 Avondale Avenue Stratford Phone 1714736 Collect BRUSSELS CENTENNIAL, PAW, Modern and Old Tyme Dance in Brussels Legion Hall on Fri- day night, June-- .2nd, Darning from nine until ?? $30.00 in prizes for best dressed couples, old tyme. Best of music, Two orchestras.. Dress optional, Ad- mission $1.00. Sponsored by the Centennial Committee, Pro- ceeds for Medical-Dental Cen, 25-lb HOWICK LIONS CLUB Will hold their third centen- nial Dance in the Wroxeter Community Hall on Friday, June 2, for which there will be 300 tickets, by advance sale only. No one under 21 admit- ted. Get your tickets now, from any Lions member. Old time dancing from 9 p,m, • ??, to music of three orchestras. Prizes: Lady, best dressed old time (authentic); best dressed old time (modern); gent, best dressed old time; best couple old time waltz, 65 years and over; best couple, old time waltz, under 65 years. Door prizes, free checkroom, lunch counter. 25b DONNYBROOK Jim Robinson who works at Defense Research, Valcartier and resides in Quebec City spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Robinson and family. Charles Jefferson is in Wing- ham and District Hospital re- covering from a bad case of pleurisy. Mrs. Margaret Leddy is also in the same hospital under ob- servation. Mr. and Mrs. George Reeves of Toronto visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson and family. Debbie Jefferson visited ov- er the holiday with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Josling and family of Londes- boro. Gorrie Mr. and Mrs. Wilford King visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph El- liott of Ripley on Sunday. Mrs. Arnold Edgar and Mrs. J. J. Moffat of London also visited at the same home. Mrs. Moffat will be 98 in August. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Finnigan and Michael of London spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hastie and other relatives. Mrs. Jean MacDonald of London spent the Victoria Day holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ford King. By lowering high blood pres- sure, you can lower the risk of heart attack. Dead Stock Removal HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for fresh dead, disabled cows and horses. We pay ItIc per lb. weighing over SOO pounds. For the most prompt and courteous service in this dis- trict PLEASE CALL COLLECT MARLATT BROS. Phone 133 • Brussels, Ont. 24-hour service-7 days a week License No. 390-C-65 For Sale LOTS FOR SALE We have lots and lots of lots for sale. Any of which would make an ideal building site for you. One lot would be etpecial- ly suited to apartment build- ing construction being close to the shopping district. We also have 3 lots in a good location with sewer and town water priced at only $800, $1100, $1200, Bluevale 5 lots serviced with hydro, water and septic tanks are installed. Wroxeter lot with small barn included, only $350. Lake front lots at Port Albert, 34 to choose from. 100 ACRE FUN FARM A whole 100 acres of fun can be yours for you and your family to enjoy the whole year round. High hills for skiing or power sleds. Spring filled pond stocked with trout and bass, Club house Style home has 4 pC. bath. Buildings are lh good repair with alt new roots. Lots of pasture for monist, etc. The property is partially wooded ti d is located In an area king known for en abundance of flth and game. Full price only $10,500. DON HOIST REAL ESTATE LIMITED 'Rural Ontario Specialists" Keith FittsinitriOng, MAnager,- Winghani 351.3840 itiaident. Phone 35M117 Cecil MahOOd, lk.Ibresehtative, ToolWiter 3924951 RUMMAGE SALE Saturday, May 27, at 2 p,m., in Wingham Arena. Donations of saleable articles needed. Leave at Arena Friday, May 26, or for free pickup phone Mrs, W. J, Adams, 357.1853, or Mrs. Gwendolyn Adams, 357-1515. 11.25b CWL LADIES' CENTENNIAL AFTERNOON EUCHRE Wednesday, May 31, at 2 p,m„ in Sacred Heart Parish Hall. Everyone welcome, Cen- tennial costumes optional, Draw will be made for Centen- nial quilt, 25b Have your insurance re- viewed now by an bide. pendent ,pent'! Ali independent hist! r- 1111C.0 ngelli represents sev- eral' companies. He's free to select companies which he knows will .pay claims quickly and fairly. When yott have los,s, hell help ANNIVERSARY SERVICES. Will be held at Chalmers Presbyterian Church, White, church, Sunday, May 26:, al 11.a.m. and, f$ P411- Special speaker, Frank Whilstielk0 Toronto. Everybody welcome, Ar FASHION PAGEANT Ontario's famous historical fashion pageant, "Portraits from the Past," will be pre seated in Wingham. Town Hall, this Monday, May 29, 8 P.M. 13Sti)tosinnseosrsed4 by rotfheessioWnainl gham Wo- men's Club. Adm, 750, 2513 Centennial Old-Time Dance WHITECHURCH will be held in the hall Frida) night, June 9. Adm. tickets, 50; must be obtained in advance from the Members. Prizes lunch counter, Music by Tif fin's orchestra. 251 you with (lie details, see to it that you're paid promptly. Vor unalysis of your insurance coverage, visit or . call the man \via) displays this 13ig "1" symbol. He'S a mein be r of Ow Ontario insurance Agents' AssOcia- lion, He'll give you service beyond ate ca l 1 of duty. AgAAAAAA,A01.A.OPAAAAPAA , AAAAAAKAA 0000 o ',AAA oo AAA.AfilAAAAHALIA01.00.000110AAAAFAAAAAtiotill Coming Events :144 ,,,,,,,,,,, 41;01144441 4 ,,,,, 4,1140, ,,,, 4441.1,,IMP , ,,, ,,,OffiifiltAii41,11.14MACCOM1.410110d ,,f1100A , ypup ,,1114,4outent AGOIT •