HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-05-11, Page 15BING Canadian Legion, Branch 180 BIG CASH Auspices Royal AT THE WINGHAM LEGION DOORS OPEN AT 7:30 c•-•, f 5,011.1111,011•01M•1•131.1101......... BIGGER JACKPOTS —6 Call Line for S 440 More Garnet IS Games at $10.00 Each Bigger Specials 7-- 2 Games for $25.00 Each One Share the Wealth $1.00 Admittance — Extra Cards 7 for. Special end Jackpot -- 25c, 3 for 50e, 7 for $1 EVERY OTHER WEDNESDAY Wingham AcIVA4ccm"Tiipes, T 10 a FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY SUPPORT THE SALVATION ARMY Red Shield Canvass MONDAY, MAY 15th Newest Styles in SPRING. SHOES• ''YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE CALLAN SHOES JOSEPHINE STREET PHONE WINGHAM 357-1840 • I . 210 were on parade for high school annual cadet inspection The Wingham District High School Cadet Corps No. 543 the reviewing officer's congrat- ulations as did the directingof- fiCer at the school. He said there are two main reasons for having cadets, the first being that the training gives young men an opportunity to become accustomed to disci- pline which is important in lat- er years, as all must be able to work under the direction of oth- ers. Lt. Col. Hetherington said the second reason is surviv- al in the case of war, He said the young men are not trained so much to wage warfare as they are to survive in case of emer- gency. While the nasty weather of Monday kept officers wondering if the inspection would have to be moved to the arena, rain held off and the inspection took place outside at the school grounds. After the color party and in- specting party had arrived Cdt. Lt. Col. P. Tiffin led his troops in a general salute, which was followed by the inspection of the ranks by the officers, a march past in column of route, advance in review order, gen- eral salute, the march off of the flags and another general salute. The cadets put on several demonstrations. Highlight was a demonstration of fieldcraft and camouflage. A number of cadets had been hiding around the edge of the field, and on command started to fire blanks from their rifles. They had to be told to stand up before most of them could be located by the audience which was on hand for the inspection. This was fol- lowed by a weapons demonstra- tion which included bren guns, submachine guns, rocket launch- ers and hand grenades. Other highlights were the demonstration by the precision drill squad and musical numbers by the bugle band. Lt. M. D. Maher, inspect- ing officer from district head- quarters, London, presented Strathcona Trust efficiency crests to the following cadets: Capt. Michael Forsyth, Capt. Kevin Fisher, Maj. Douglas El- liott, Lt. Peter Callan, Maj. Douglas Wheeler, Maj. Brian Forsyth, Capt. Terry Brooks, Capt. Newton Richardson, Maj. John Welwood, WO2 John Per- rott, Major Tom Miller, WOl Allan Leggatt, Lt. Col. Paul Tiffin. Capt. E. Anderson of the training staff presented shooting awards to Cdt. Tom Black, Maj. John Welwood, Lt. Peter Callan, Capt. Jamie Douglas, drew acclaim from Lt„ Col. R. S. Hetherington, the review- ing officer, at the annual in- spection on Monday evening. He said the corps gets better and larger each year. The dress was excellent and the demon- strations were well done. All officers in the corps received DRIVE-IN THEATRE HARRISTON MAJOR J. L. B. MELANSON, OC 99th Fd. Bty. RCA (M) and Principal F. E. Madill look on as Cdt. Sgt. Major Paul Gardner and Cdt. Sgt. Ross Harper demonstrate the submachine gun. —Advance-Times Photo. BROWNIE'S Drive-In THEATRE — CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8:00 OPENING THURS., MAY 11 NIGHTLY THURSDAY - FRIDAY May 11.12 'Around The World Under The Sea' SHOWN AT 10:15 ONLY Lloyd Bridges, Shirley Eaton Color "Hold On" SHOWN AT 8:45 ONLY Herman's Hermits, Peter Noone, Shelley Fabares Color Cartoon CROWN THEATRE HARRISTON FRIDAY 12 • SATURDAY 13 Elvis Presley stars in "FRANKIE AND JOHNNY" in Color too — SECOND FEATURE — "Lord Love a Duck" Stars Roddy McDowell and Tuesday Weld SUNDAY LATE SHOW MAY 14 ONLY STARTS 11:00 P.M. "SHADOW OF THE CAT" — PLUS — "The Thing That Couldn't Die" (Adult Entertainment) 11111111111111111111111111111111111111V1811111111181 SAT. - MON. - TUES. May 13.15-16 — DOUBLE FEATURE — Wednesday of last week -- and Peter Reilly offered some good advice: If you're going, take a comfortable pair of walking shoes! 0--0--0 Entertainment stars made news across the border. In Cal- ifornia actor Frank Overton, who has had so many roles in movies and on television, pass- ed away at his home. And ac- tor Tom Conway, who gained fame as Inspector Mark Sabre of "The Falcon" movie and TV series, passed away in hospital at the age of 63. The star of nearly 300 movies and a num- ber of radio and television shows, he was the brother of actor George Sanders. 0--0--0 And news that ten years ago would have caused more uproar than the blowup of the entire world, was greeted calmly last week. Rock and roll star and now top movie star, in every sense of the word, Elvis Presley married Priscilla Beaulieu in Las Vegas, Nevada. Few knew about it until it was over, which is the way Elvis would want it. He has always been very secre- tive about his private life, which could make him the most successful and happiest person in Hollywood. He met his bride when he was in the army eight years ago in Germany. She was an army officer's daughter, and a mere 13. He was a teen-age idol and he au- tographed her arm, like he did hundreds of other gals. I sup- pose she can wash her arm now; she no longer needs the auto- graph, she has Elvis! This is the first marriage for both; and we all wish Elvis the best. Real- ly, I think that lad could suc- ceed at anything! "Fantastic Voyage" 'Tis Show Biz [3y Vonni Lee he can do an equally fine show- ing of American political fig- ures. And he received a great deal of applause for his efforts. This guy is about the greatest impressionist ever to come along; and I'm not just saying that because he's Canadian -- although that fact should sure do something for our Canadian ego! I said 'two' top acts at the beginning because it would have taken some doing to beat Mel- ina Mercouri. She is simply great in her role in "Ilya Dar- ling", the musical that is based on her starring "Never on Sun- day" movie of a few years ago. It is now lighting Broadway; not that the play is that great but she is fabulous. She learned to sing and dance for this produc- tion and really throws heart and soul into it. She was nominat- ed for an Oscar for her role in 'Sunday'; watch for her to take the Broadway Tony next year! If she was great on Sunday evening, another Broadway star, Zero Mostel, was a little less than that on Monday's "Show of the Week". He has a fine enough voice if he would sing seriously, and will do anything for a laugh. But his material on this show was weak, the play-audience and Jimmy Dur- ante sketches particularly. He was great in "Fiddler on the Roof", and his closing act, show .ing scenes from that play and singing the songs from it, was definitely the highlight. But personally, one hour of Zero is just too much! 0--0--0 Expo was the big news in Canada last week, and CBC is going to be providing excellent coverage of things you can see there. You saw the first of their regular productions on SHOWN AT 10:15 ONLY Take a trip into the body of a living man. Stephen Boyd, Raquel Welch, Edmond O'Brien Color "I Deal In Danger" SHOWN AT 8:45 ONLY Robert Goulet Color Cartoon WED. - THURS. • FRI. May 17.18-19 — DOUBLE FEATURE — "Frankie and Johnnie" It should have made us Can- adians feel very proud indeed to know that one of the two top acts on Ed Sullivan's hour on Sunday evening, the 30th, was our own native son Rich Little. Our Ottawa-born boy did a tre- mendous job of every imitation he attempted. He can jump from one to another as though he were 500 persons in one and every one is nothing short of great. When he is on Canadian tel- evision, his impressions are of Canadian people -- particular- ly the political figures. When he moves south of the border, Capt. Paul Guest, Capt. John Haasnoot, W 01 Allan Leggatt, Maj. Tom Miller, WO2 John Perrott, Sgt. Mac Ross. The award for best officer, presented by Col. Hetherington, went to Cdt. WO1 Allan Leg- gatt. Best dressed cadet on par- ade was Cdt. Neil Hemming- way who received his award from Mayor DeWitt Miller.The 99th Battery trophy for the best shot in the corps was presented to Cdt. Tom Black by OC of the Battery, Major J. L. B. Melanson. Mayor Miller also addressed the cadets briefly and said the community was proud of the corps and that it has played an important part in the school. He said he hopes the cadet corps will continue for many years. The inspecting party was comprised of reviewing officer Hetherington, inspecting offi- cer Lt. M. D. Maher of Lon- don, Mayor Miller, R. S. Mac- Rae, board chairman of the school, Major Melanson, F. E. Madill, school principal and Maj. R. P. Ritter, chief in- structor. SHOWN AT 10:15 ONLY Elvis Presley & Donna Douglas Color "Namu The Killer Whale" SHOWN AT 8:45 ONLY Robert Lansing Color Cartoon IMMMON.1•01110 IN.11.11161.0111111 THIS WEEK'S "SPECIAL" '65 Pontiac —FOUR-DOOR HARDTOP, 8 Cylinder, Automatic, Radio, Power Steering and Power Brakes, low mileage 965 METEOR 6 cylinder, radio Four-Door Sedan 964 MERCURY Fully power equip. Park Lane Convertible '64 CHEV. V8, auto, power equip. Impala Super Sport radio 965 CHEV. 1/2 .TON PICK-UP Fleetside Model WINGHAM PHONE 357.3460 BRUSSELS PHONE 20 I THE BEST DRESSED CADET on parade for the annual cadet inspection on Monday was Neil Hemingway, shown receiving his award from Mayor DeWitt Miller, a member of the inspecting party.—A,T Photo, SHOWING OFF A ROCKET launcher during weapons de- monstrations at cadet inspection on Monday are Cdt. Sgt. D. Troupe and Cdt. WO2 D. Field.—A-T Photo. — Admission Prices — Adults $1.00 Students 75c Children 40c WED. '10 THUR. 11 • FRI. 12 Jack Lemmon stars in Billy Wilder's • "THE FORTUNE COOKIE" How Harry Hinkle became a fortune cookie. Recom. as Adult Entertainment Wednesday & Thursday at 8:00 Friday at 7:15 and 9:30 p.m. SAT. 13 • MON. 15 • TUES. 16 Gregory Peck, David Niven and Anthony Quinn star in "THE GUNS OF NAVARONE" in Color To sustain the tremendous sus- pense and give you the utmost enjoyment, we urge you to see "Guns of Navarone" from the beginning. Saturday at 7:00 and 9:35 p.m. Monday and Tuesday at 8 p.m. COMING NEXT — WED. 17 - THUR. 18 - FRI. 19 "BUTTERFIELD 8" N11101828110111181111=18 TRAIN TO TORONTO Ask about convenient departure and return times nit iliNG#14 60 ONE w4}, RED Foe For information, phone the local CN Passenger Sales Office CANADIAN NATIONAL 40.65 FOR FUL DETAILS CONTACT: iAtK. bENN Ey, pri::-If.ssional, 357-2179 JACK NEVERY, Winiharri, 3574741