HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-05-11, Page 12Rent a new Cascade 40
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4 'rn..W.1411P1..A4VigIceuT04.0.$0, Thursday, May 13,, 1907
Helens Personals
Win trophy
at Seaforth
The Whip= Bridge Club
held, the final of two ..evenings
of play-offs an Wednesday
night when 25 members cots-.
pared for the prize trophies,.
Winner of the ladies' trophy
was Mrs. Q. Gannett and win,
ner of the men's trophy was Art
Wilson, The next four ntlitlewi.
up were W, French, Mrs, R, H,.
Lloyd, William Laidlaw and.
Scotty Forbes,
The final evening of bridge
will be held May 11 at which
time the trophies and prizes
will be awarded for the play'.
offs plus the high average for
the season award,
Miller And family,
Mrs, Elmo Pritchard hasbeen
a patient in. Victoria Hospital,
London, following surgery,
Mr, and• Mrs, Gordon Mc ,
Intyre of Richmond Hill were
week-end visitors with Mrs,
w, 1„. miller and 400,
Michael and Michelle
Humphrey, children of Mr, and
Mrs. ct-gp H.u.mphrey„rnirac-
ulously escaped serious injury
when the family car rolled
down a steep hill while their
mother was gone only seconds
to the door of a friend's 119111.4
on Friday. Way out West they call a
beauty contest a 'lass round-,up:
Two bowling teams Of the
Wingham Ladies' Auxiliary to
the Royal Canadian Legion at,
tended a tournament in Sea-
forth Wednesday of last week
with one team winning the tro,
phy for second place. Clinton
had the high team with Strath,.
ray in third. spot.
The Zone C trophy, donat,
ed by the Seaforth Branch was
won by Mrs. Don Adams, Mrs,
Ted English, Mrs. Bob Hickey,
Mts. Helen Casemore, Mrs. V.
Ducharrne and Mrs, Del Ewing.
Ewing also won a prize
for bowling the Seaforth Branch
number, 156,
Credit union
elects officers PICK ONE OF THESE
Student spialcs
on Quebec trip
at um meeting
QQRIB-,James Graham was
the speaker at the Gorge Vnit-
ed Church Wornen's meeting
last week. James was an ex-
change student to Quebec last
year from Wingham District
High School and he told the la-
dies of his experiences there
and the return visit of the Que-
bec student at the Graham
home. Jim was thanked by Mrs,
A. L. Stephens and presented
with a gift.
Mrs. Gordon Edgar and Mrs.
Lorne Robinson led in the wor-
ship service. The meditation
was based on the Bible passage,
"Straight is the gate and nar-
row is the way which leadeth
unto life." It was pointed out
that this is the same today as in
Biblical times.
Larke and Colleen Carson
and Joyce Hamilton provided
musical numbers.
Mrs. Russell. Adams conduct.,
ed the business. A bale of good
used clothing will be packed
after May 25 and donations are
to be left at the church. Plans
were made for a garden party on
June 28 and committees were
appointed. Leaders' School
will be held at Alma College,
St. Thomas, August 21 to 24.
Mrs. W. Behrns, Mrs. L.
Mann, Mrs. J. Strong and Mrs.
F. Hyndman were the lunch
Mrs, Pon Pannabecker and
faintly attended the silver wed-
ding anniversary of her sister,
Mts. Sheldon Martin and Mr.
Martin of Galt recently, On
Sunday, they visited with Rev.
and Mrs. Harley Mom at
Donald and Douglas Dorscht,
twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ger-
ald Dorscht are taking rabies
shots after being in contact with
an infected rabbit.
Ross Pannabecker is attend-
ing the Provincial Trade School
in Toronto where he is appren.,
tieing in mechanics,
Mr, and Mrs.WillisCorrigan
of Barrie were week-end visit-
ors with Mr. and Mrs. Allan
LINDA WILSON of Brussels, turned out to
be a noteworthy public speaker and singer
over the week-and, Above left, she is pic-
tured after winning the girls' 14 and under
solo class at the East Wawanosh Music
Festival, On Saturday she captured the
senior elementary public speaking prize in
the provincial Legion contest. Second place
winner was Julie Valiance, centre, of Brus-
sels, while Susan Street, right, of Blyth,
won third spot.
—Advance-Times Photo.
At the annual meeting of the
board of directors of the Wing-
ham Community Credit Union
held last week, Dave Burgess
was returned as president for
another term and Borden Jen-
kins as vice-president, Earl
Heywood was elected as secre-
tary, Jack Garbutt Jr. to the of-
fice of treasurer, and Jim Swan
was elected to head up the edu-
cational committee.
After a lengthy discussion it
was decided to raise the loan
limit to borrowers of the Credit
Union to $1,250.00.
Nine new members were ac-
cepted into the Wingham Credit
Union, some of these on the
payroll savings plan. Some em-
phasis was directed on newspa-
per advertising which will be
continued with the stress on sav-
ings and lending, and the servi-
ces of the Credit Union to the
citizens of the community,
'66 CORONET, 4 Dr. 6 cyl., Stand., radio
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'65 CHRYSLERS, 4-Dr., radio, top shape
'65 RAMBLER Ambassador, V8, Automa-
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'64 DODGE, 4-Door, 6 cylinder
'63 CHEVROLET, 4 Dr., 6 cyl., Standard
'62 CHEVROLET, 6 cyl., Automatic
Father and
son banquet LEN CRAWFORD
Your Dodge • Plymouth - Chrysler - Valiant Dealer
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McIn-
nes spent the week-end as guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jamie-
son, Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rice of
Temagami, the former Mrs.
Clara Colmer, who have re-
turned from their honeymoon in
Bermuda, were visitors over the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Wilford King. Mr. Ernest H.
King of Windsor was also a visit-
or there.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Tiffin
and Mrs. Cassie Falconer of
Whitechurch visited Mr. ,and
Mrs. T. L. McInnes on Tuesday.
winner, with Linda Mair of Brussels, left,
taking second, and Hilly Van Amersfoort
of Blyth, in third place. The girls were
entered in the nine years and under solo
class.—A-T Photo, .
"THREE LITTLE ROSES," was the tune
sung by these winners at the East Wawa-
nosh Music Festival. Doreen Anderson,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Anderson
of Belgrave, centre, was the first place
Will wear centennial dresses at annual
F ORDWICH —The annual fa-
ther and son banquet, sponsored
by the Fordwith United Church
Men's Club was held in the
church basement. Fifty two
men arid boys were present. The
C. G. I. T. group catered for the
Stanley Bride, president,
said grace and gave the toast to
the Queen. The toast to-the.:;';
church was given by Robert Hib-
berd and replied to by Rev. W.C.
Parrott; to the sons by Clarence
Carswell, replied to by Billie
Brown; to the fathers, Don Wil-
son, with Robert Gibson reply-
Bill Richards entertained with
several accordion selections and
numbers were given by several
junior boys.
Rev. Harold Jenkins of the
Anglican Church was guest
speaker and took as his theme,
"Our Expanding Universe'". He
was thanked by Anson Ruttan
who also took charge of the de-
votions, taking as his topic,
"Growth with Scripture".
Rev. J. W. Hird closed the
meeting with the benediction.
GORRIE--Mrs. Glad Edgar
was hostess for the May meeting
of the Women's Institute last
Wednesday evening. The presi-
dent, Mrs. Morley Johnson pre-
sided and the secretary-treasur-
er, Mrs. Clarence Sparling read
the minutes. The roll was "A
new flower I would like to plant'
and exchange of plants, bulbs
and seeds was held.
The president announced
that $125.'75 was cleared at the
centennial concert at Howick
Central School at which five
Institutes each presented a 20-
giving the motto, "Life is like
a garden, it bears the fruit we
The topic, taken by Mrs.
Johnston, was "The potato and
its by-products". The potato
came to America from Europe
and was first considered the
poor man's food. It can be
grown in Arctic regions as well
as the warm southern climates.
It is the source of vitamin C.
With the exception of milk it is
the most commonly used food
and the potato is not fattening
as it is sometimes thought to be.
Mrs. William Austin display-
ed a paisley shawl which came
from India in 1840 and an apron
of heavy material, with weav-
ing. This came from Denmark
about 70 years ago. Both are
beautiful antiques.
Mrs. Glenn Johnston and Mrs.
Clarence Sparling were the win-
ners of the Dutch auction.
The hostess was assisted in
serving refreshments by Mrs.
Clarence Sparling and Mrs.
Glenn Johnston.
The only bank
with a branch
at expog
minute program. This amount
was turned over to the Institute
committee, who gave $25 to
the centennial committee and
$20.15 to each Institute.
The East Huron District an-
nual will be held in Brussels at
9.30 a.m. May 18th. Those
attending are asked to wear
their centennial dresses and
each Institute is to display five
antique items.
It was decided to hold the
Institute meeting on the third
Wednesday of each month at
8.30 p.m. instead of the first
Wednesday as formerly.
Mrs. Glad Edgar reported on
the meeting in Wingham of the
Association for Retarded Child-
ren, which has had a good year.
One of the problems is that
nothing is being done for the
15-year-old who has finished
the school.
Mrs. Glenn Johnston, con-
vener of agriculture, was in
charge of program. She read
several poems, "Just for Today"
and "The Joys of Gardens" in
the Commerce
At the Commerce we provide banking service where it is required .. in
your own home town or wherever you go in Canada. That is why we have
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If you are planning a visit to Expo, see your local Commerce branch first.
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Cheques which are convenient, quickly replaceable and readily cashable,
And remember wherever you go in Canada, the Commerce is ready to
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1961-Our Hiionitotith Motif Ehteilithy.80tvieti'
RANDY HAFERMEHL, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Al Hafermehl
Of R. R. 3 Wingham, took top prize in the boys' changed
voice solo Clatt at the EaSt Wawaribth Musk Festival.
in second spot was Cameron Manning, centre, son of me,
end Mrs. John Manning of Myth, end Nied Meiurt, son of
Mr, and Mrs, Peter Meura of fielgrave, thied.—A-7" Photo.