The Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-05-11, Page 7'WROXF1711,,,,The May meet',
ing Ort home economics and
health of the Wenten's Institute
was held at the home of Mrs,
Crawford ,Gibson Tuesday eve-
ning of last week with .a good
attendance. Mrs,. WO - Newton
welcomed all present,
As this is Centennial. Year a
study of the provinces .of Carta
ada is being undertaken by the
Institute, A paper on British
Columbia was prepared by Mrs.
Les, Douglas and read by Mrs.
Ron McMichael.
Mrs, William Wright and
Mrs, A, Gibson, leaders of the
4-H homemaking club were
guests Alone with the girls and
mothers taking part, The si4s
put on demonstrations of 7994s
of Canada and Pther. Lands'".
Miss 'Heather MOM and Miss.
Brencla Townsend made apple
dumplings; MiSS Q1001.4 Gibson
and Miss Jean Adams. made
blueberry buckle and Miss Ann
Gibson and Miss. Leone citArtsr.
hers made pizza. All foods
were sampled by the members
,and both girls and leaders are
to be congratulated,
A piano duet by Miss Ann
Gibson and Miss Leone
bers was enjoyed,
Members are reminded that
lions second
centennial dance
was successful
WROXETER—,Another corn.,'
plete sell-nut of tickets proved
the second centennial dance
sponsored by the liowick Lions'
C1414 a great success. A crowd
of 400, most of whom were in
centennial dress, enjoyed an
evening of old time dancing to
the music of local orchestras.
The event was held on Friday
night in the liowick Central
Prize winners for the events
were: Best dressed gent (old
time), Pete Harrison, Harriston:
best dressed lady (authentic old
time), Mrs. Gordon Edgar, Gor-
rie; best dressed lady (modern
old time), Mrs. Don Gibson,
Harriston; best full beard, Wal-
ter Renwick, Beirnore; best
trimmed beard, Charlie Hudson,
Kurtzville; best step dancer
(gent), Clayton Carswell, Ford-
wich; best step dancer (lady),
Mrs. Don Wallace, Wingham.
The costume judges were
Harvey and Mrs, Webster and
Mrs. McKenzie, of Lucknow;
judges for beard contests were
two barbers, Bob Walker of Pal-
merston and Norm Gibson of
Listowel; and those for the step
dancing were Charlie McIntosh
of Molesworth and Wes Under-
wood, of Wroxeter. Floor man-
ager was Pave Neilson, Gorrie,
and music was supplied by the
orchestras of Sam Timm of Lis-
towel, Wallace Bilton of Gorrie
and Lloyd Felker of Gorrie.
A third centennial dance is
being planned for June 2.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ingram
and family of Stratford visited
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rich-
ard Ingram on Sunday.
We are pleased to see Mr.
Thomas Shearer out again after
his recent stay in hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Gib-
son of Hamilton visited Misses
Elsie and Marion Gibson.
Mrs. Wesley Paulin, Miss
Margaret Paulin, Mrs. Alex
MacTavish and Mrs. Jessie Koch
spent a day in Toronto last
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Fraser Haugh were Mrs.
Harold Boyce and daughter,
Miss Olive Boyce and Mrs. Al-
eatha Boyce of Woodstock, Mr.
and Mrs, Glenn Boyce and
Christine of Scotland, Ontario,
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bolt of Bel-
grave and Mr, and Mrs. Wesley
Newton Jr. and Michael of
Mr. John Hupfer and Miss
Hazel Sparling were in Goder-
ich for the week-end where they
visited Mrs. Angus Carmichael,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Robertson and
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Has-
kins of Lion's Head visited Mon-
day at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Haskins.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Edgar
visited with Mr. and Mrs. John
Edgar of Georgetown.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hynd-
man visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Blair McIntosh of Lis-
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Felker,
Paula and Jimmy of Guelph
spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Allan Hyndman.
IN n ban- Advartc .114.4o9i.'Thursday.. May, 11, .0.
GLORIA REED, president of the students' council at the
Wingham District High School, right, congratulated. Lois
Ferguson and presented her with a bouquet when she was
crowned queen at the graduation dance Friday evening.--,
A-T Photo.
THE GRADUATION DANCE at the local high school was an
evening of first class entertainment for the young people.
Enjoying the music in this picture are John Weiwood, Ann
McKercher, Lynda Johnstone and David Gowing, all WDHS
students.—A-T Photo.
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We can't work miraelek
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Mr. David Beecroft, a stud-
ent at Central Technical
School, Toronto, spent the
week-end at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Tom McInnes
of Gorrie were Sunday visitors
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Orville Tiffin.
After completing a course at
Guelph University, Miss Janet
Watson is spending a few weeks
with her sister, Mrs. Gilbert
Beecroft, Mr. Beecroft and
Those attending the Tees-
water W.I. meeting on Thurs-
day evening were Mrs. Russel
Gaunt, Mrs. Robert Ross, Mrs.
Johnston Conn, Mrs. Dave Gibb,
Mrs. Garnet Farrier, Mrs. Frank
Ross, Mrs. Russel McGuire,Miss
Mary Hehn and Mrs. Bill Evans.
Visitors Saturday with Mrs.
Russel Ritchie were Mr. and
Mrs. Les Ritchie and Mr. and
Mrs. George Saunders of Luck-
4-11 club guests of WI, give demonstration
the district annual will he held
in Brussels on May 18th, An,
tiques Are to be left at the
borne of Mrs, Wright,
The roll call was a short
Comment on art agricultural.
product used that day which
brought an excellent response,
Mrs, ii, Reidt conducted two
.contests, The hostesses for the
.evening were Mrs, Ira McLean,
Mrs. William Hart, Mrs. WiiT
lien) Taylor assisted by Mrs. C,
Gibson and the 4.,H girls,
L. E. Weir named
Lloyd E. Weir, a former
resident'of Wroxeter and son of
Mrs, W, E, Weir and the late
Mr. Weir, has been named as a
vice-president of Christie,
Brown and Company and Nabis-
co Limited.
Mr. Weir joined the corn-
pany in 1938. He progressed
through office management,
auditing and controller posi-
tions. His new appointment as
vice-president in finance was
effective May 1.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hub-
bard moved to their new home
in Clifford last week.
Lynn Ferguson spent last
week on holidays with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fergus-
Mrs. Harold Wallace attend-
ed the 19th annual Ontario
Women's Institute Officers' Con-
ference at Guelph from May 2
to 4 as a delegate from the
Lakelet Branch,
Mrs. Charles Scott had the
pin removed from her leg at
Victoria Hospital on Tuesday.
She is reported to be resting
quite comfortably.
Mrs. Norma Hickling, San-
dra and Debra of Toronto, spent
the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Harper.
Visiting Tuesday and Wed-
nesday with Mr. and Mrs. Nor-
man Harper was her sister, Mrs.
Della McGee of Goderich,
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Reidt
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
G. Terryberry at Milton.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Fer-
guson and Evelyn called on Mrs.
William Horsburgh at Holstein,
and Mrs. Ethel Love at Mount
Forest on Sunday.
Douglas Dennis is a patient
in hospital at Guelph following
a car accident Saturday morn-
Everyone salutes the inven-
tor of the miniature transistor
radio except parents of teen-
"GOING, GOING, GONE" was the cry at
the Gorrie Community Park on Saturday
as five antique cars were sold by auction.
the cars, restored by George and John
Brown of Gorrie, went for as high es $1.,
§SO for the 1915 Ford Touring purchased
by 6 LIstOwel man, seen to the right of
the car above, wearing a fedora. The
other four cars sold all remained in Can,
ada, although many American antique car
enthusiasts were present at the Sale,
—Advance-Times Photo,
Mr. and Mrs. John McInnes
of Kinloss were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Tif-
Mrs. Bill Evans, Mrs. Wal-
lace Conn and George were in
London on Tuesday. George
spent a few hours at Western
This community extends
wishes for a speedy recovery to
Mrs. Olive Boss of Wingham,
formerly of this village, who
on Monday had the misfortune
to fall at her home, She frac-
tured her shoulder and received
a compound hip fracture. She
was taken on Tuesday to St.
Joseph's Hospital. London.