The Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-05-11, Page 6• Winetha dVair Ittneasllattgl May 1,4 1,967 REAL, ESTATE FOR SALE ENGAGESENTS. Mr. 1t9h.ort Ferguson. of gerrie, wishes to announce engagement of his eldest daughter, Donna Marie, to Mrs Slartlea ,Murray Latronico, son. of Mr. and Mrs. William La- tronico of Gorrie, The wedding will take place on, Friday,. JIM. 2, 1967, et 7:00 pan. in. the Gorrie United Church. lip Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Stacey, R, la. 2 Wingham, are pleased to announce the engagement of their eldest .daughter, Sherry Dale, to Mr, Brian Edward Leachman, son of Mra, Cyril 14eactim.an, and the late Mr„ Leachman of Wingham, The wedding will take place on Saturday, June 3, at four o'clock in St. Andrew's .Presby- terian Church, lip Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Red- man of Wingham wish. to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Pauline Pa- tricia, to Mr, Richard Gordon McLellan, son of Mr, Gordon McLellan, of London. The wed- ding will take place Saturday, June 10th, in the Sacred Heart Church, Wingham, at 1:00 p,m. lib WANTED FOR SALE. SEED FOR SALE BIRTHS JACKLIN—In St. Mary's Gen- eral Hospital, Kitchener, on Friday, April 21, 1967, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas AQUI), of New Dundee, a daughter, MacKENZIE—Gord. and Jane (McKague) of 108 Allard St., Apt, 105, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., are pleased to an- nounce the birth of a son, Barry Gordon, on Wednes- day, April 26, 1967, at the General Hospital. HERTOG — To Mr, and Mrs. Bert Hertog of Brantford, formerly of Bluevale, on Tuesday, May 2, 1967, a son, Wayne Bert, a brother for Laurie, CASEMORE—In Wingham and District Hospital, on Thurs- day, May 4, 1967, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Casemore, R, R, 4 Wingham, a son, JACKLIN—In St. Mary's Gen- eral Hospital, Kitchener, on Thursday, May 4, 1967, to Mr. and Mrs, Robert Jacklin, R. R. 2 Waterloo, a son. BROOKS — In Wingham and District Hospital, on Sunday, May 7, 1967, to Mr, and Mrs. Robert Brooks, Wingham, a son. MacLEOD — In Wingham and District Hospital, on Monday, May 8, 1967, to Mr, and Mrs. Donald MacLeod, R. R. 6 Lucknow, a daughter. WANTED—Dew worms, $4,00 a thousand, Carl Prueltsing, lot 4, 2nd con. Morris. Township. llp CEDAR POSTS for sale. Phone 307-3499 after five, Ilp 6.1)3, BOX Barns wieners, $2.58. Wingham Meat Mar et, li 3-BEDROOM BRICK house for sale, one year old. Electric heat, attached, garage. Craw- ford, Shepherd & Mill, solid- tors for the executor of George Wilbert Armstrong's estate. 11-10b PARTS for 1961 Chevrolet 4- door hardtop for sale. Phone 357-3716. lib ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon B. Elliott, Broker Edward A. Elliott, Salesman BIRD CAGE for sale, chrome on stand. Phone Brussels 344 J4. lip FOR SALE—M1 varieties seed grain, clovers, grasses, inecu- lents, Pride seed corn and Ev- ergreen lawn grass mixture, Pasture trefoil and timothy, $5.04 per acre; lowland mix, $4.60 per acre; highland hay- pasture of alfalfa, red clover, timothy, brume and meadow fescue (go lb. per acre), $7.41, Custom seed and grain clean- ing, Roy Cramin & Son, Pink- erton, phone Cargill 306.2394, 1.3 rrb PASTIME CATTLE wanted, steers, Phone 357-2000 after 8 NA, Bill Versteeg- lip WANTED—Cattle for pasture, heifers preferred, Good grass and water supply, 12th Turn- berry, Phope 357-3728. 111) WANTED TO BUY—Boy's 24" bicycle in good condition, Lloyd Ackert, Ripley, 395,2826. lip ARTICLES FOR RENT AFRICAN VIOLETS for sale, in full bloom, some new. Mrs. Gertrude Allen, 194 Catherine St., 357-1004. 4-11b RENT our new Dustless floor sanders and make your old floors like new again. We have just purchased the new Dust- less floor sanding machines. You can save over 50% by doing your own sanding. Alex- ander's Hardware. 24,rrb NOTICE TO CREDITORS MILK FILTERS for sale, plain, rapid flo, 61/2 " — 85c a box. Alexander's Hardware, phone 357-3631. larrb FOR SALE Two storey 4 - bedroom frame Mansville siding borne, hot water radiator heat; lies bath- rooms; recreation room in basement; large garage; rugs, drapes, valances go with the home; water softener, Low tax- es, in residential area. Two storey, solid brick, four bedroom income home, hot water heat. Income from dent- al offices at the rear. This home is in excellent condition. Possession date June 30, 1967. LATE MODEL Findlay electric stove for sale, with copper trim; in good condition. Phone 357-3676. lip NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ROBERT B, THOMPSON, late of the Town- ship of East Wawanosh in the County of Huron, Township Clerk, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Es- tate of the late Robert H. Thompson are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. T. GOOD- ALL, Solicitor for the Executor of the said Estate, on or be- fore the 27th day of May, A.D. 1967, and that after such date the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, On- tario, this 1st day of May, A.D. 1967. Norman M. Thompson, Executor of the Estate, By his solicitor, J. T. GOODALL, Box 119, Wingham, Ont. 4.11-18b MALE HELP WANTED DIED WILSON, John George. At his residence, 120 Rosedale Valley Road, Toronto, John George Wilson, beloved hiss- band of Katharine Campbell Wilson. A private service was held from the Chapel of Mor- ley S, Bedford, Tuesday, May 2, 1967, FOR SALE — Clock radios at wholesale prices tp clear. Something special for mother at Hafermehl's Jewellery. lib MAN to sell and install farm equipment. Basic salary plus commission. Vehicle supplied. Previous experience prefer- able. Apply Box 20, Advance- Times. 4-11b VACUUM CLEANER SALES. Service on all makes. Filter Queen Sales, Zurich, ph. Hen- salt 262-5350 collect. My26rrb FEMALE HELP WANTED SUSAN STREET of Blyth, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Street, and Florence Hessels of Blyth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hessels, teamed up to win the duet senior class at the East Wawanosh Music Festival on Thursday. "The Ash Grove" was the number sung by the girls in the competition,—A-T Photo, 17 acres — On Highway 86, excellent market land; seven room stucco home, with mo- dern conveniences; barn 50'x 30' with attached shed; low taxes. W. R. HAMILTON „.„ WILLIAM S. REED General insurance and Real Estate Broker Phone 357-2174 - Wingham WOMAN or young lady to work in Snack Ear, Apply to Wingham Golf Club, 357-2179, Pro J. Denney. lib FULL BEDROOM suite for sale, 3 beds, mattresses and springs, Kelvinator refrigera- tor, dining room table and chairs. Harold V. Pym, 357- 2512. lib OPTOMETRIST Josephine Street WINGHAM MISCELLANEOUS 11/2 storey, 3 bedroom house in Bluevale, hydro, water on pressure, garage and small barn. Full price $3,000.00. For PLUMBING and HEATING NEEDS Phone Leroy Jackson, 357-2904 FOR APPOINTMENT Phone 357-1361 We handle Town and Farm Sales • Phone 357-3631 - Wingham PIANO and power lawnmower for sale, like new; 1956 Ply- mouth car, Phone 357-2965. I 1p HOUSEKEEPER - companion wanted for two adults. Sleep in or out. Liberal time off. No invalids. Apply Box 21, Ad- vance-Times. 11-18b Jack Alexander AUCTIONEER and Appraiser Income property-2 self-con- tained, 2 bedroom apartments with cupboards, bathrooms, hot water, 2 oil furnaces, excellent location close to main street. Must be sold to close an estate. Early possession, Full price $9,400,00. SAVE ON PAINT — 10% off regular prices on Kem Glo Enamel, Super Kern Tone and Martin-Senour. Your headquar- ters for Kern lines, Alexander's Hardware. rrb POPULAR AVON COSMETICS Has opening in Turnberry Township, in Glennanan - Glen Farrow area. Fine earnings, convenient hours. Write Dis- trict Manager, Mrs, Shirley Craig. P. 0. Box 102, Owen Sound, phone 376-9792 collect, 11-18-25b For Sale PAINTING and DECORATING . ROBERT E. SEARSON Phone 357-3044 • Wingham FLOOR SANDING AND FINISHING Old floors and new Free estimating Paul Rintoul, Wingham FOR SALE — Party ice, 9 lb. bags, 50c; also blocks, 25.50- 100 pound, Gay-Lea Cheese House. (2iem)b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WALTER SCHOOK VANWYCK. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, 'Retired Manufacturer, who died on the 16th day of April, 1967, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or be- fore the 27th day of May, 1967. After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 8th day of May, 1967. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 11.18-25b FOR SALE—Ironstone dinner- ware for Mother's Day. Com- plete 50 piece sets for 8 at reasonable prices. 16 p. china coffee sets from $6.95 at Hafer- mehl's Jewellery. Alb ECONOMICAL LIVING A lovely 2 storey 9 room brick home being located on the outskirts of Wingham, you can save a lot on taxes. Hav- ing up • to • date conveniences with loads of built-in cup, boards. Comfortable relaxation area, 4 pc. bath and 3 neatly decorated bedrooms. Cement basement with laundry facili- ties, new oil furnace and new insulation offers economical heating. Situated on a large lot bordered by mature maples. Full price only $8,700, with terms. a a U 1111•11.1111.11111111111111111111111111111111111111.111111111111•111111111112111EISIIIIIRIME L. G. BRYCE Auctioneer We handle sales, large or small, anytime or anyplace. Phone 357-2339, Wingham, DON HOLST REAL ESTATE LTD., of Owen Sound, has opened a new Sales Office at 722 QUEEN STREET, KIN. CARDINE, on MONDAY, MAY 1st, with Mr. Vern Norman of Kincardine, as Manager and Sales Representative. This now brings the Company up to seven Sales Offices in Grey and Bruce Counties, Others are located In Flesher- ton, Durham, Hanover, Wingham, Sauble Beach and Head Office in Owen Sound. Mr. Hoist also reports that plans have now been completed to open another office this year In a large Southern Ontario city. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed, Write Louis Blake, R. R. 2 Brussels, phone 442W6, Brussels. A27.05p PRINCIPAL AND TEACHERS WANTED Turnberry Public School in- vites applications for a prin- cipal and teachers to begin September 5, 1967. Applicants requested to state qualifica- tions, experience, salary ex- pected and name of present in- spector. Applications will be received up to May 12th, 1967, by Alex Corrigan, secretary - treasurer, Bluevale R. R. 1, phone Wrox- eter 554W1. 4-11b CURRIE'S FURNITURE this week's specials: Walnut hall trees with four 2-prong hooks, only $1L88; wooden stools. 24" high, for many uses, only $4.89; coffee tables. walnut 'arborite, 36" - 42" - 48", special, $11.50, $12.75, $14.99. lib Nine acre farm, 6 room house. Kitchen has built-in cupboards. 2-pc. bath, hydro, flowing well, spring creek. Spring possession. Full price $4,000.00. Several farms in Wingham district-100 to 200 acres. lib U a U TEACHERS WANTED 211111111111111111•1111111111111111111111111111111111111.111111111111111111111111111•111111111011111111E NEW SALES OFFICE OPENED U U U U U Solid brick, 4 bedroom fam- ily home, large living room, dining room, kitchen with built - in cupboards, bath, oil furnace, hot water heating, garage, large lot, close to main street. Early possession, Full price $15,500.00. TENDERS WANTED WOOD FOR SALE—Hardwood or softwood slabs, also furnace Mocks. We deliver. Borden Litt Sawmill, 392-6895, Tees. water, Ap2Orrb CARS & TRUCKS FOR SALE LLOYD W. WALKER Custom Backhoe and loading and hauling service All types of excavating, bury- ing stones, ditching Septic tanks and weeping beds Phone 357.1359 R. R. 1, Wingham, Ont. 1949 FORD ton truck for sale. Wroxeter 59W, Ken Pellett. lip WHY ARE BALD TIRES DANGEROUS? YOUR BEST OPPORTUNITY A well built 150 acre•farm Wingham - Teeswater area, 125 acres tillable choice clay loam soil and a big well-built barn in excellent condition with milk house attached. Modern home with conveniences and a second home, also very mo- dern, is bringing in rent. So if you are looking for a farm in this erea, this may well be your best opportunity. AUCTION SALES CALF SCOURS — Save $3.05. Buy the economical 32-tablet bottle of Nixon's Scourex. De- pendable treatment for eight c'lves. Vance's Drug Store, ph. 357-2170. llb FARM SALE Complete clearing auction sale for Campbell Robertson, lot 23, con. 2, Morris Town- ship, 2 miles west of James- town, Thursday, May 25, at 1 p.m. 20 good Hereford steers, seed, good line of machinery. Jackson & Jackson, Auction- eers, Listowel. lib LIVESTOCK FOR SALE EAVESTROUGHING and metal flashing, material and labor. For free estimate call Morri- son Bros., at Murdie's Hard- ware, Lucknow, ph. 528-2906. Ap2Orrb TENDERS WANTED for loading and hauling ap- proximately 20,000 yards of pit run gravel for road construc- tion in the Township of Hullett at the rate of 800 and 900 yds. per day, also tenders for bull- dozer for placing gravel if re- quired, stating the size of the bulldozer and the hourly rate. Work to be completed by July 15, 1967. Tenders to be receiv- ed containing - a certified cheque for $500, by the road superintendent on or before May 15, 1967. George Hoggart, Road Supt., R. R. 1 Londes- boro, 4-11b DON HOIST FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automo- bile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection Call your Co-Op Agent — LLOYD MONTGOMERY 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357.3739 1958 DODGE 1-ton truck for sale, flat bottom with rack; 1963 Plymouth car, 6 cyl., 4- door, standard transmission. Contact Keith Nicholson, Blue- vale, R. R. 2, or phone Wrox- eter 563W1. lib Keith McClure Not, as many drivers think, because they have lost their casing strength, though this may be the case. It's because that with the tread went most of their stopping power. While this condition can be dangerous on dry summer days, it can easily be fatal in winter slush. Tread on rubber tires was put there by the manufac- turer because it will grip better on all surfaces than smooth rubber and it will dissipate dangerous heat. In winter, when smooth rubber hits watery slush, an aquaplaning action is set up that can cause the car to "glide" right off the road while turning or braking. You are gambling with your life by putting off buying new tires when your old ones are becoming smooth. At very least, they should be retreaded, providing the casings are undamaged. While we're on the subject of safety, the main benefit of premium tires Is that they provide ,a safer ride because of their stronger Construction rather than longer life. If longer tire life was the only object, you would be farther ahead to buy two sets of standard tires. Premium tires have stronger cord, better rubber, more effective tread and most are blow-out proof. These quali- ties may only be vital once in a lifetime, but once could be enough. This year's new cars are all equipped with dual brakes. Remember, brakes only stop the wheels. Tires stop the car. See you. next Thursday. REGISTERED filly hunter for sale; donkey; 100 bales of hay. Phone 357-1409. lib SEE GEORGE BROOKS at Stratford Cemetery Memorials Ltd. for Memorials of Distinction Lowest prices in the area 38 Avondale Avenue Stratford Phone 271-6736 Collect CARDS OF THANKS EIGHT CHUNKS for sale, ap- prox. 70 lbs. each. Ken Staple- ton, 357-2249. lib REAL ESTATE LIMITED "Rural Ontario Specialists" Keith Fitzsimmons, Manager, Phone 357-3840 Cecil Mahood, Representative, Phone 392-6952 FOR SALE—Golden Centennial Bulova Masterpieces for moth- er with elegant expansion bracelets at only $33.50 at Hafermehl's Jewellery, lib TENDERS Tenders will be received by the undersigned for garbage collection in the Police Village of Gorrie, to be collected week- ly. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk by 5 p.m., Thurs- day, May 18, 1967. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Ivan Haskins, Clerk, Town- ship of Howick, Gorrie, Ont. llb FOR RENT I would like to sincerely thank all my friends and neigh- bors who sent cards and visit- ed me while I was a patient in Wingham and District Hos- pital.—Mrs. Geo. Phillips. lip HOUSE for rent. Corner Alfred and Shuter. Phone 357-2965. lip Coming Events FOR SALE — The Agromatic line of barn equipment by Klinzing, silo unloaders, aug- ers and chain feeders, stable cleaners, stanchions, water bowls, liquid manure equip- ment, compressors and alter- nators. Frank Alton, R. R. 7 Lucknow, phone 529-7218. 4-11-18-25-lp Sincere thanks to all who remembered me with cards, gifts and visits while I was a patient in Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital. Thanks also to the doctors and nurses.—Nor- ma Rintoul. 11b FARM HOUSE for rent with bathroom, oil furnace. Close to Wroxeter. Phone 32J2, Wrox- eter, Jack Thornton. lib WOOD FOR SALE—Hardwood slab wood. 7 cords $28.00 or 5 cords $20.00. Elm or soft maple, 7 cords $17.50 or 5 cords $12.50. Above prices de- livered to your yard. James T. Craig & Son Sawmill, Auburn, 526-7220. 11.18-25b 3-BEDROOM HOUSE for rent. Available in July or can be made into two apartments. Ph. 357-3482. 11.18-25b 20th TURNBERRY FESTIVAL On Friday, May 19, morning and afternoon sessions. Concert at night. Mr. Eldon Brethour, B.A., Toronto, is adjudicator. lip IN MEMORIAM COME ONE, COME ALLII To the Centennial Tea and antique display at St. Paul's Anglican Church on Wednes- day, May 17, from 2-5 and 7-9. Centennial dress optional. lib COUNTRY HOME for rent, 21/2 miles from Wingham, on good road, newly remodelled, with oil furnace, large garden, room for workshop. Apply Mrs, H. Bateman, phone 357-2777. lib HARRIS—In memory of Frank H. Harris, who passed away May 14, 1964. —Always remembered by Estella, Joe and Raymond. lib RESERVE FRIDAY, JUNE 23 5 p.m., for a summer smor- gasbord supper at Fordwich United Church. Adults $1.50, children 75c. Further notice later. lib TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK , WEED SPRAYING Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the spray- ing of weeds on the road sides for the Township of Howick for the year 1967. Also separate tenders for the supplying of material for spraying the road sides in the Township of Howick. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk by 5 p.m., Thurs- day, May 18, 1967, Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Ivan Haskins, Clerk, Town- ship of Howick, Gorrie, Ont. 11b Business and Professional Directory GOLDEN FALCON travel trail- ers, Tag-A-Long tent trailers, aluminum cartop boats, Chrys- ler outboards, tents and camp- ing supplies on display. We rent and sell for less. We are now renting truck campers and 1/2 -ton trucks. Camp-Out, Stratford, 393-5938, open till 9 p.m. 13-27-11b COTTAGE for rent at Bruce Beach. 4 bedrooms, plumbing, electrically equipped and fire- place. Open for July. Apply Lloyd Ackert, Ripley, 395-2826. 1 1p RUMMAGE SALE Saturday, May 27, at 2 p.m., in Wingham Arena. Donations of saleable articles needed. Leave at Arena Friday, May 26, or for free pickup phone' Mrs. W. J. Adams, 357-1853, or Mrs. Gwendolyn Adams, 357-1515. 1125b SELl—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Jessie E. Sell, who passed away one year ago, May 12, 1966. My heart still aches with sad- ness And secret tears still flow, What it meant to lose you No one will ever know. When I am sad and lonely, And everything goes wrong, I seem to hear you whisper Cheer up and carry on. Each time I see your picture You seem to smile and say, "Don't cry, I am only sleeping, We'll meet again some day." Your place on earth no one can fill, We love you mom and always will, —Lovingly remembered by Alvin and family. llb CRAFT CARNIVAL Everyone is welcome to at- tend the Belgeave UCW tennial Craft Carnival in the Sunday School rooms Friday, May 19th, 2.5 and 7-9:30, and Saturday, May 20, 2-5. Admis- sion 50e. Tea served. 11.18b GAVILLER & COMPANY Chartered Accountants Resident Partner J. E. Kennedy, C.A. Dial 881.3471 - Walkerton EMPLOYMENT WANTED 40 ACRES ploughed crop land for rent or share on 10th Turnberry. Phone 357-1489 Sat- urday, lib CENTENNIAL PROGRAM Will be the theme for the May meeting of the Women's Institute to be held in the Council Chambers, Thursday, May 18, at 2:30, The hostesses are Mrs. George Day, Mrs, George Carter, Mrs. Mary Gal- braith and Mrs, Crawford. lip C. W. CASLICK LIFE - HEALTH BUSINESS INSURANCE SO Patrick Striat East Wingham RoprosantIna IMPERIAL LIFE A27-1yr CURRIE'S FURNITURE a r e featuring 5 pc. bedroom group. ings, finished in American walnut, double dresser, chest of drawers, 4'6" bookcase bed, ribbon spring and smooth top mattress. All five pieces for only $198.00. Easy budget terms available. Currie's also have 5 pc kitchen suites, finshed in bronzetone with 36x 48x60 table, four jersey back chairs, only $97.88, Currie's Furniture saves you money. HOUSEWORK WANTED by day in Wingham, Apply Box 22, Advance-Times, lib ABOUT 60 ACRES of pasture, or more, for rent. Lots of shade and water, five miles west of Wingham, $700.00 for season. House and barn can also he rented. Write L, Good, Box 372, Kitchener, 11p GARDEN TILLING — Earl Jenkins, phone 357-2683. 1l-18b HURON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Will hold their annual meet- ing at Wingham Tuesday, May 16, at 8 p.m., in the Wingham Town Hall. Guest speaker, John Strong. Lunch will be served by the Wingham Wo- men's Institute. 4-11b WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRiCES Buy Direct and Save Bus. Ph. 357-1910 Res. Ph. 357.1015 ‘ SALES HELP WANTED Crawford, Shepherd & Mill Barrister*, Solicitors, Etc. J. Harley Crawford. Q.C4. Norman A. 8hephard, M.A., LIJ3, Alan R. snit, B.A., LLB. WiNoRABIE, ONTARIO Dial 357.3400 Dead Stock Removal BINGO Howick Lions Bingo will be held on Friday, May 19th, in Wroxeter Community Hall, at 8:30 p.m. Twelve games for $10; 3 "Share the Wealth"; 1 Jackpot of $80.00 in 58 calls, Adm. $1,00; extra tickets, 3 for 50c, or 7 for $1.00. Everyone Welcome, 11-18b t. CENTENNIAL DANCE AND BEARD CONTEST lielgrave Arena Friday, May 19. Wilbee's orchestra, Every one welcome, Prizes for cos- tumes: Best dressed Centennial couple; ladies and gents in authentic costume, and replica Centennial costume, Competi- tion for two Centennial queens, teens and up, 1867 and 1967, born or residing in EaSt, Wawa- nosh, Judging of beard , en- trent§ who registered. Open class for anyone. Judging 10:30 p.m. — East .Wawanosh Centett, nal Committee, A display of small antiques is planned dur- ing the Centennial celebration. AnYone interested contact Wal- ter Scott for further informa- tion, 4.11-18p J. T. GOODALL HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for fresh deed, disabled cows and horses. Wei pay 34c per lb. vraIphirip over SOO *ninth. For the Most prompt and courteous Service in this dis- trict PLEASE CALL COLLECT MARLATT BROS. Phone 133 Brussels, Ont. 24.hour service-7 days Si Week Licettse No. 3904-85- SALES HELP WANTED Mats and Oetulle USED ARTICLES FOR SALE— Rifles, two Cooey, single shot .22; two Cooey bolt action re- peaters, .22; Savage .222 re- peater; Remington bolt-action .22 repeater; Remington nylon 22 semi-eutomatic A large se- lection of used power lawn mowers. A dozen or mere ro- tary, reel-type and ride-ens. all recenditiOnecl end_in geed working order. Use Bicycles: Girl's, four 28" Models: one 24" and one 26"; in boy's,_ a 3-ripeed rater and 28" standard, Drop in and see theM today at Rteirttori Hardware. phone 357- 2010, Win/Chant 1 1 b BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY, Etc. Office — :Ilteyee Klock WINliHAM DIAL 357.1990 ANNOUNCING A NEW SERVICE In addition to our complete Appliance. and tattle Service we Are now equipped to render PROMPT TV RiPAIR, Experienced t, e c It it it la St in • Charge, Transistor radio and eat tattle ideated. PATTISON RADIO 41. ELECTRIC Fterre EARN up to $50 a week or More full or part time selling Rawibigh Products. Good op- portunity for retired men. Write Rawleigh, Dept. E-453.6, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. lib COUNTRY STYLE SHOW AND DANCE Will be held at Wingham Arena Saturday, June 10, fea- turing Don Robertson and the' Ranch Boys, Show starts 8:00 p.m. featuring your favorites With the country sound, Dance at 9:00 p.m. Prizes for Centen- nisi costsimes. Aden's:den $1.50, children under 10 free, if accompanied 13:+1 adult. 46hritiii Brent le MC, Snonsored bythe Wingham Kinsmen Club, lib Frederick F. lionnith Pron.n., Carol E. Hoinuth, RO . Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, RO OPTOMCT111l4T8 Phone $38-2712 HARRISTON ONYAFtiO MEN OR LADIES, full time or part time., lo tiller Brush terri- tories now open in Howick, East Wawanosh, Blyth and Hullett. Phone 2714410 or Write Fuller` Brush, 51 McDorn aid St., Stratford. 4-lip