HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-04-06, Page 6WANTED Licensed mechanics PLAT RATE — in medern service centre in Western Ontario. Usual medical benefits. Your preference, Cart or trucks., Confect: Harvey Krotz Ltd. Littcholei f Ontario. 30-6b Pege 6 .0, Wingham Advance es, ThUrsda April 6, 1967 BIRTHS HARRISON—In Wingham and District Hospital, on. Friday, March 31, 1907, to Mr. and. Mrs. Wm, Harrison, Wm, eter,, A son, PANE — Edgar and Eleanor Dane, of R. R, 1 Wroseteri are proud to. announco the birth of their daughter, a sister for Barry, Ivan, Myra and Laurel, .on Friday, March 31. MI in Victoria. Hospital, London, LAMONT — In Wingham and District Hospital, on Tiles- day, April 4, 1967, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lamont, tiluevale, a daughter, oho hs 51, A man .walked up to A Vend' ing machine, put In a Ooirl pressed the button labeled "ea, fee, double cream, sugar", No cup appears, but the nozzles. went into option, sending forth coffee, cream and sugar, After the proper amounts had gone down the drain, the machine turned itself off, "Now that's real automation for you," said the man, "This thing even drinks it for you." FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FEMALE HELP WANTED FOUND IN MEMORIAM 0000000000000101010101,0000001000 28-FT, WOODEN extension lad- der for sale, good condition. Phone 357,3024, Oc FOUND --- Engagement ring, Phone 357-210e. 6c HOUSEKEEPER , Companion wanted, to live with an elderly lady. Phone 357-2763. 6p ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon. B. Elliott, Broker Edward A. Elliott, Salesman MEN'S ROLLER SKATES for sale, size 9. Used once. Phone 357-2084 after five. 6-13e CARDS OF THANKS EDGAR—In loving metriOry, of a dear husband, father and grandpa, Arnold Edgar, who passed away three years ago, April 4, 1964. Sadly missed along life's way, But memories will forever stay, .Lovingly remembered by his wife Clarice, and daugh- ters and sons-in-law, Lorene and Don, Frances and Vern, and grandchildren. 6c FORDWICH MILK FILTERS. for sale, plain, rapid flo, Ws" — 65c a box. Alexander's Hardware, phone 3573631. i6rrc POPULAR AVON COSMETICS Has opening in Turnberry Township, ice Glennanan - Glen Farrow area. Fine earnings, convenient hours. Write Dls- trict Manager, Mrs. Shirley Craig, P.O.' Box 102, Owen Sound, phone 370.9792 collect, 0-1.3-20-27c KITCHEN SUITES — $49.00, $79,00, $99.00, etc, Select "Mof- fat" Appliances; Pianos; "Ha- rding" Carpets during Spring Sale at SCHUETT Showrooms, MILDMAY and Mount Forest. Convenient terms. 6.13c 1•011,111.5 ANNOU'NCIN A NEW SERVICE In addition to our complete appliance and radio service we are now equipped to render PROIVIFT TV REPAIR. Experienced technician in charge. Transistor radio and car radio service. PATT I SON RADIO a ELECTRIC Flat. b EMPLOYMENT WANTED I would like to thank all those who sent cards and flow- ers and those who visited me while I was a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital, London. Also thanks to Dr, W. A, Me- Kibbon and nurses at Wing- ham and District Hospital,— Fleming Black. 6p FOR SALE. 11e storey frame lime, Mans- vile siding, four bedrooms, broadloom, rugs, drapes, val- ances, fireplace, Hanover cup- boards, dishwasher, new fur- nace with deluxe humidifier, water softener and electronic dust remover; 2 four-piece baths, recreation room in base- ment, attached garage, Mrs. George Richards and family of London were week- end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Augin Stinson, Mr. and Mrs. Victor 0' Brecht of Mimico visited one day last week with Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Armstrong. TEENAGE GIRL is looking for baby-sitting job. Phone 357- 1500. Op TENDERS WANTED WESTINGHOUSE washer and dryer for sale, in good, work- ing condition. Phone 357-2263 after six, 6c VACUUM CLEANER SALES. Service on all makes. Filter Queen Sales. Zurich, ph. Hen- sail 262.5350 collect. ISly26rrc THREE 18" exhaust fans and 5 gas brooders, 500 capacity, for sale. All in good condition. Phone 357-3728. Op Two storey 4 bedroom frame Mansville siding home, hot water radiator heat; Ve bath- rooms; recreation room in basement; large garage; rugs, drapes, valances go with the home; water softener, Low tax- es, in residential area, Two storey, solid brick, four bedroom income home, hot water heat. Income from dent- al offices at the rear. This home is in excellent condition. Possession date June 30, 1967. I would like to say thanks to all those who sent me cards, letters, and treats while I was a patient in Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital. Special thanks to the nurses in pediatrics and to Dr, B. N. Corrin, I would also like to thank those stu- dents who helped me keep my notes up to date for school,— Stephen Fear. 6p BOY In loving memory of Lois Eleanor Hoy, who pass- ed away five years ago, April 7, 1962, This month comes back with sad regret It brings back a day we will never forget. You fell asleep without a good-bye, But our memories of you will never die, We miss you more than any- one knows As each day passes the empti- ness grows. The tears we shed we can wipe away, But the ache in our hearts will always stay. You left us so suddenly, your thoughts unknown, But you left us memories we are proud to own, —Ever remembered by par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walker, and family. 6p I would like to thank all my friends and neighbors for their cards, letters, gifts and visits while I was a patient in St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, Also e special thanks to all who were so kind to my husband while I was away. Special thanks to Dr, Leahy and Dr, Stephens,—Olive Heal. 6p AUCTION SALE of choice 300 Acre farm. 37 fresh and springing regatered And grade. Holstein cows and heifers, young cattle, hogs, full lino of modern farm 'imple- ments including 65 Massey Ferguson. tractor; 14F 72 self- propelled combine; versatile swather; hay; some household effeets will be hold for Lloyd Henderson, lot 3, con. 1, lIur. on Township, 34,2 miles west of Lucknow, on Highway 36, on MONPAY, APRIL 24, 12;30 sharp, Real Estate The real estate consisting of 300 acres of good clay loam level land, consisting of lots. 1, 2, 3, con. 1, Unroll Tewn, ship, Bruce County, 150 acres, more or less on which is situ. ated a large frame dwelling with 7 bedrooms, kitchen, din, ing and living room, bathroom, new furnace with all modern facilities suitable for two fam- ilies; driving shed, large bank barn, 60430, with AO 35x60 with cow ties, loose pens and hog pens, silo; all in good re- pair. The other parcel of real es- tate is the adjoining 150 acres, more or less, being lots 4 and 5, con, 1, and the south half of the north half of lots 4 and 5, con. 2, Huron Township, Bruce County, on which is situ- ated a good frame 3 bedroom dwelling with kitchen, living room, bathroom, furnace and all modern facilities, large bank barn with three large loose pens, nearly new silo. Both farms have good drilled wells and pressure systems, This is one of the best offer- ings of land ever to be offered for sale by auction in this area. The land is in high state of production, being well farmed over the years, all tiled drain- ed, fall fertilized and is all workable except 12 acres of bushland. This property is well situated in a good farming area on the Huron-Bruce boun- dary of Highway 86, 2'es miles west of Lucknow. There is 170 acres ,ploughed for spring crops, balance in hay and pas- ture. These farms are ideal for cash crops as beans, corn, or dairy or beef cattle. These farms will be offered, subject to a reserve hid, at 2:30 p,m., as one unit of 300 acres and if not sold will be offered as two separate parcels of 150 acres each. Immediate possession can be given on land; property open to inspec- tion any time before the sale. Terms — 10% cash day of sale, balance in 60 days. If government loan being applied for, terms will be arranged on balance on day of sale. Cattle and bogs sold at 12:30 p.m.; farms at 2:30 p.m.; ma- chinery and household at 3:00 p.m. Terms—Cash, Lloyd Henderson, Pron., R. R. 3 Lucknow, phone Ripley 78-17. Allan iVraerntym Auctioneer, Phone 528-3519, Lucknow. 6.13-20c Excellent highway property, 4 miles west of Wingham, con- taining a Ile, storey frame stucco home, four bedrooms, 1's bathrooms, cupboards, fur- nace, two pressure systems. Barn 30'x50' with shed 12'x20', SAVE ON PAINT — 10re off regular prices on Kern Glo Enamel, Super Kern Tone and Martin-Senour. Your headquar- ters for Kern lines. Alexander's Hardware, rrc TENDERS 1967 ADDITION'S TO HURON- BRUCE SECONDARY SOIL. WLNGIIA31, ONTARIO Sealed tenders properly iden- tified as to contents for the general contract, addressed to the Huron-Bruce District High School Board, will be received by Kyles, Kyles & Garrett, Ar‘hitects, 247 John Street South, Hamilton, Ontario, until 4:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 19, 1967. Each tender must be accom- panied by a Bid Bond or mark- ed cheque made payable to the Huron - Bruce District High School Board in the amount of $120,000.00, which Bid Bond shall carry a sixty-day limit from tender closing date. Mechanical and Electrical tenders will close in the Hitch- ener-Waterloor Builders' Ex- change Bid Depository at, 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 18, 1967. The successful contractor will be required to furnish a Performance Bond of 100% of their contract price, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. General building contractors may obtain plane and specifi- cations at the Hamilton office Of the Architect: Kyles, Kyles & Garratt, 247 John Street South, Hamilton, Ontario, on deposit of a cheque in the amount of $50.00 per set. made payable to Kyles, Kyles 8: Gar- ratt, This deposit cheque will be returned on receipt of the complete issue of sets in good condition, HURON - BRUCE DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD WINGHAM, ONTARIO. 23-30-6b CARS FOR SALE SEE CURRIE'S Furniture for 9 piece den grouping, 2 pc. daveno suite in white Nauga- hide and walnut arms. Daveno folds down to a bed; 2 step tables in walnut arborite and matching coffee table; 2 table lamps and 2 toss cushions, regular $244,84, special this week $219.00 or $2.49 weekly. Save today at Currie's Furni- ture. 6c AUCTION SALES I would like to express my sincere thanks to my friends and neighbors for their cards, letters, flowers, gifts, visits and phone calls during my stay in Wingham and District Hos- pital and Victoria Hospital, London, Special thanks to Dr. W. A. McKibbon, Dr. W. L. Tew, and the staffs of the hos- pitals that so kindly contribu- ted to my speedy recovery, This has all been much ap- preciated.—Janet H. Fielding. 1966 VOLKSWAGEN for sale, red, excellent condition, De- luxe radio. Phone 17W2, Wrox- eter, 6-13p Get one Floor Stripper FREE with your choice of floor polish. NEW SUPER-FULBRITE) Fuller Brush . . . Spring Sale NEW DISCOVERY ) Only $4.95 gal. ORIGINAL FULBRITE ) Big Reductions on Spring Housecleaning Supplies ON SPECIAL — Blue Dry Mop and White Launderable Dust Mops, Dust Magnet, Moth Proofer (spray), and Moth Nuggets, Window Cleaner, AU Purpose "Magic Wand" Cleaner and Rug and Upholstery Cleaner. OTHER ITEMS ON SALE — Pure Aire Sanitizer Room Deodorant and Outside Inn, Bath Oils in Lily of the Valley, Lilac and Yellow Rose, Adult and Child Vitamins, Professional Hair Brushes, New Fullerware Teflon Cookware and DCW Furniture Polish. 1956 PLYMOUTH for sale, new plates; Servel therm refriger- ator; large box organ and piano sheet music. All above best offer. Call 9 a.m. to 1 p,m. only, 357.3333 6p CLEARING AUCTION SALE of valuable cattle, pigs and im- plements for Chester Gilkinson lot 18, con. 9, Turnberry Tsvp„ 2 miles from Wingham THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1 p,m. Cattle-17 Hereford steers, 900 lbs.; 14 Hereford steers, 550 lbs. Pigs-17 chunks, approx. ?0 lbs.; sow with 10 pigs; sow with 6 pigs; sow due in April; 2 sows bred; 1 Landrace hog; 2 sows bred in January. Implements — Ford tractor; Ford plow; Ford cultivator; Ford mower; IHC manure spreader; MH fertilizer drill; MH 4-bar siderake; rubber tired wagon and rack; MH binder; drag harrows; 2-drum roller; trailer with stock rack; set of scales; tandem disc; electric hammermill with 3 hp motor; 45-gal. oil drum; Uni- versal milker; fanning mill; 22 cal, rifle; forks, chains, shov- els, and many other useful ar- ticles, Terms—Cash. Chester Gilkinson, Prop. L. G. Bryce, Auct. 30-6c LIVESTOCK FOR SALE I wish to thank all my friends and relatives for the cards and visits, also Drs. Mc- Kim and Corrin of Lucknow and the nursing staff for their kindness while I was a patient in Wingham and District Hos- pital,—Mrs. Levi Good. USED I BEAMS and channel iron for sale, in very good con- dition. Any amount delivered at a very good price. Phone or write L. Butt, R. R. 4, Kitchener, Ont. 6.13-20c (Price reductions are in effect until April 17th). Get your order in now by phoning evenings WINGHAM 357-2355 11 PIGS for sale, 7 weeks old. Harvey Yoder, R. R. 1 Wrox- eter, Ont. 6c UPRIGHT PIANO for sale, with bench, good condition, at- tractive roxatone finish. Just ideal for the rec room. Contact Earl Heywood, phone 357-2355, Wingham. 6c 12 YORK PIGS for sale, 12 weeks old, Wes Paulin, Blue- vale, Wroxeter 542W2. 6p Earl and Martha Heywood I wish to thank my friends, relatives and neighbors for cards, gifts, flowers and visits while I was a patient in Vic- toria Hospital, London; also to the capable staff that attended me there, This was all deeply appreciated. Mrs. Glenn Mc- Kercher. 6c YOUR FULLER 'BRUSH DEALERS FURNITURE—Variety of bed- room suites now at $169.00, $225.00 each during Spring Sale at G. E. SCHUETT Show- rooms at MILDMAY and Mount Forest. 9-piece livingroom and bedroom groups at $179.00, $329.00. Free delivery. 6-13c POULTRY FOR SALE CHICKENS for sale—Day-old; 20 week pullets. Every kind. Charlie Scott, Auburn, 526- 7555. 23-30-6-13p I wish to thank my friends and neighbors who sent cards, flowers, treats and visited me in Wingham and District Hos- pital, also Drs. Corrin and Klahsen and nurses on second floor. Also Rev, G. L. Fish and Rev. C. M. Jardine.—Hugh Gil- mour. 6p lairM1•11.1.10M4101011.1.11 /005/MIRMIMM. THE BUYERS MARKET IN USED CARS IS HERE HAY FOR SALE CANADA NO. 1 Herta barley, grown of second gen, register- ed seed, cleaned and treated; also some second gen. Russell oats. Kinley elcNaughton, ph. Wroxeter 554J3. 6-13p LEGAL DEATHS ELLIOTT, Mrs. Clifford, 68, Grey Township, Monday, at home. Widow. Former Jane Lullium Doig. Survivors: sons, Bert, Grey Township; James, Elma Township; Donald, of Dunnville; daughters, Mrs. Cecil (Blanche) McNichol, El- ma Township; Mrs. Mervin (Joyce) Raby, Kitchener; Mrs. Alex (Helen) Cullen, Grey Township; Mrs. Morris (Ina) Purcell, of Wallace Township; brother, William, of Howick Township; sister, Mrs, Morley (Della) McMichael, Turnberry Township. Service 2 p.m., Thursday, at home of daughter, Mrs. Alex Cullen, Grey Town- ship. Molesworth Cemetery. McLaughlan and Reed funeral home in charge. EWING, Mrs. Charles S., of Kitchener, formerly of Tees- water, Friday, Kitchener - Wa- terloo Hospital. Widow. For- mer Mary Louise Love. Sur- vivors: sons, Dr, Herbert, of Detroit; Dr. Donald, of Kitch- ener. Service was Monday, at her former residence, Tees- water. Temporary entombment, Teeswater Cemetery Chapel. MacPherson funeral home, Teeswater. LANE, George, 67, of Car- rick. Township, formerly of Hillsburgh, Wednesday, March 29, at home. Survivors: wife, former Linda Niesen; step- daughters, Mrs. Henry (Jean) Selling, Wingham; Misses Ver- na and Beatrice Weber, at home; Mrs. Wilfred (Ruth) Kennedy, Teeswater; Mrs. El- wyn (Dorothy) Nancekivel, Saltford; step-sons, Lloyd and Kenneth Weber, Grey Town- ship, Lorne Weber, Port Elgin; Nelson Weber, Laurel; brother, William, Erih. Service Satur- day, Macpherson funeral home, Teeswater, Temporary entomb- ment Teeswater Cemetery Chapel. HAY FOR SALE. Phone 357- 1998. 6c AUCTION SALE of livestock, machinery, grain and household effects will be held for Albert Bacon, lot 38, con. 8, East Wawanosh Town- ship, 2',.2 miles west of Bel- grave, on Saturday, April 8, at 1:30. Terms—Cash. Farm sold, Allan Maclntyre, Auct., Luck- now. 30-6c 800-900 BALES of hay for sale. Phone 471W4, Brussels. 6p SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of a Writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the County Court of the County of Huron, to me direct- ed against the lands and tene- ments of Herbert C. Ross, de- fendant, at the suit of the Bank of Montreal, Plaintiff, I have seized and taken in ex- ecution and will offer for sale by public auction at my office in the Court House, in the Town of Goderich, at 2:30 in the afternoon, on Monday, the 10th day of April, 1967, all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of the said De- fendant, Herbert C. Ross, in and to the following parcel of land: In the Village of Fordwich, in the County of Huron, known as the west half of Lot 6, Plan 3, south of Louisa Street. On the premises is said to be located a frame garage and an L shaped frame house. TERMS: 10% down payment day of sale, balance within 30 days. H. L. STURDY, SHERIFF, COUNTY OF HURON. 16-23-30-6c MISCELLANEOUS SPRLNG CLEANING TIME is here. At Pattison's you'll find a complete selection of dispos- al paper bags for your vacuum cleaner—Eureka, Filter Queen, Airway, G E, Westinghouse, Apex-Connor, Hoover, Singer, Sunbeam, Regina, Switson, Hamilton-Beach, Phillips. Beat- tie, Lewyt and Compact. Also vacuum cleaner hoses, $6.75, all makes. See our floor polish- ing accessories. Buffing pads, wax applier pads, steel wool pads. Pattison Radio & Elec- tric, Wingham. 16-23-30-6c SEED FOR SALE Keith McClure Everyone has an understandable yen for a new car with its style and prestige. But to be coldly statistical about the whole thing, what they are really buying is an average 30 to 35 thousand miles of transportation, If they buy a GOOD used car, the prestige and style are naturally less, but records show that comfortable and reliable transportation are just the same. And something else is added: THEY WILL MAKE A SAVING OF 35 TO 65 PERCENT OF THE NEW CAR PRICE. Approximately two million used cars will be sold in Canada this year—more than two-and-a-half times the volume for new. Trading in a car before it is worn out is a uniquely North American custom. It is almost non-existent in Europe where it is customary to drive a car until it is junked. The reason is simple affluence. Our high standard of living makes it possible for vast numbers of people to pur- chase a new car every two or three years. As that affluence grows, increasing numbers of former Used car buyers are buying new cars, reducing the market and overall price for used. In these competitive conditions, a quality dealer keeps only the cream of the crop for his local retail market, which he reconditions and backs with his good name. To be sure you buy THAT kind of used car you must first be sure of your dealer. L. G. BRYCE Auctioneer We handle sales, large or small, anytime or anyplace. Phone 357-2339, Wingham. 3Orre SEED FOR SALE—No. 1 pas- ture trefoil and timothy mix- ture, $4.90 per acre, Lowland hay and pasture mixture, $5,30 per acre. Highland hay and pasture mixture of alfalfa, tim- othy, brome grass and meadow fescue (20 lbs.) sells at $7.18 per acre. Cramm's stock all varieties of clovers and grass- es, seed grain and Pride corn. Custom seed and grain clean- ing. We inoculate your trefoil and clovers while mixing them free. Buy your seed early and save money. Some prices will be higher. Roy Cramm & Son, Pinkerton, phone Cargill 366- 2394, 9rrb ATTENTION CALF RAISERS Feed your calves the modern labour-saving way with a stain- less steel, thermostat control- led, mechanical feeder. May be seen in operation at the farm of Russell J. McGuire, Wing- ham, telephone 357-3858, agent for Cafeteria Calf Feeders. 30.6-13p AUCTION SALE of livestock, machinery and some household effects will be held for Ernest Noble, lots 7 and 8, con. 6, Morris Town- ship, 21,0S miles south and I% miles east of Belgrave on Mon- day, April 10, at 1:30 p.m. Livestock-5 Hereford cows, springing; • 6 Hereford cows with calf by side; Hereford bull; 8 yearling steers and heifers; 6 spring calves. Implements-1951 Ford tree- tor, all overhauled; plough; spring tooth harrows; 4 section drag harrows; Massey Harris seed drill; mower; Massey Harris side rake; wagon and rack; Gehl hammer Mill; 70 ft. hammer mill belt; wheelbar- row; sleighs; trailer; some household furniture; 5 tons 2- 12-6 fertilizer; numerous small articles. Terms—Cash. Farm sold. Allan Maclntyre, Auctioneer, Lucknow. 6c ARTICLES FOR RENT BRIAN RINTOUL Licensed Auctioneer Phone 357-2349 Farm Sales a Specialty 16-23.30-6p GIVE YOUR baby the best, a cuddle buggy from Currie's Furniture. Shields baby from shocks, noise, heat and cold. Cuddle buggies have a three position back rest. parcel com- partment and a 16 lb. weight portable bed provide much use- fulness. The soft pliable out- side gives way to sharp corn- ers, ex, car doors, etc., with- nut tearing or scratching. Chrome tubular frame collap- ses to 1.:" Cerrie's special price only $69.95. 6c PAINTING and DECORATING ROBERT E. SEARSON Phone 357.3044 - Wingham NlOrrc REAL ESTATE FOR SALE RENT our new Dustless floor sanders and make your old floors like new again. We have just purchased the new Dust- less floor sanding machines. You can save over 50% by doing your own sanding. Alex- ander's Hardware. 24rrc VSS,1020,, Dead Stock Removal 'BILLIARD ROOM and smoke shop for sale, Apply Cameron's Billiards. 9rrc NIMOIMil••• JOHN C. WARD CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Wallace Avenue North LISTOWEL, ONT, JOB OPPORTUNITIES AUCTION SALE for Jack Bennett at Tot 10, con. 12, Howick Township, 3 miles north-eest of Gorrie, Tuesday, April 18, 1 p.m. Good line of farm machinery, including 3 tractors, SP swather, Bell sep- arator. tools and some house hold effects. etc, Terms—Cash. Jackson & Jackson, Aucts., Lis- towel. 6.13c WHITE BRICK cottage for sale, 2 bedrooms, oil furnace, Phone 357-2904. 6c LLOYD W. WALKER Custom Backhoe and loading and hauling service All types of excavating, bury- ing stones, ditching Septic tanks and weeping beds Phohe 357-1359 R. R. 1, Wingham, Ont. A6rrc FOR SALE-4 bedroom brick home, 13°2 miles north of Tees- water, on two acres of land. This house has been newly re- modelled with built-in cup- boards, bathroom and oil fur- nace. Phone 392-6847 or write P.O. Box 339, Teeswater, 30.6c HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for fresh dead, disabled cows and horses. We pay ,A..c per lb. weighing over 500 pounds. For the most prompt and courteous service in this district PLEASE CALL COLLECT MARLATT BROS. Phone 133 - BrusselS, Ont. 24-hour service-7 days a week License No. 890-C-65 FINISH HIGH SCHOOL Home study prepares you to write Ontario provincial exam- inations for recognized certifi- cate. Grades 6-13. All books and supplies. Low monthly pay- ments, income tax deductable. For full information write Ca- nadian Academy, 40 Main. St., West, Hamilton, Ont. A7rrc GAVILLER & COMPANY Chartered Accountants Resident Partner J. E, Kennedy, C.A. Dial 881.3471 - Walkerton WANTED Business and Professional Directory WANTED — Guns and rifles. Cameron's Billiards. eowc WHY NOT PLANT A CROP THAT HAS THE HIGHEST RE- TURNS PER ACRE? Barn extra money this summer GLASS FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automo- bile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection Call your Co-Op Agent — LLOYD MONTGOMERY 53 Maple Street, Wingham Dial 357-3739 SEE GEORGE BROOKS at Stratford Cemetery Memorials Ltd, for Memorials of Distinction Lowest prices in the area 38 Avondale Avenue Strafford Phone 271-6736 Collect WANTED—A small outboard boat motor, Phone 357-2792. 6c AUCTION SALE for the Estate of Leonard Wit. son, at Fordwich, on Thursday, April 20, 1 p.m. Farm machin- ery including 2 tractors; also hay and grain; 1962 Chrysler sedan; '64 Internetionel truck, 1700, with new motor, livestock body covered. PCV license, Car and truek snld subject to a re- Serve bid, Terres—Cesh. Jack- son & Jackson, Aucts., Lis- towel. 6.18c WINGHAM BODY SHOP For Sale or Rent Cement block building, con- taining 1,600 sq. feet, plus 600 sq. ft. of office and stock room. This building is equipped with oil heating throughout, paint booth, and air compressor. Situated on lot with 200 ft. frontage and 100 foot depth, Possession, May 1st, 1967. Con- tact Lloyd Michel, Real Estate and Business Broker, Listowel, phone 291.2800 after 6 p.m, 23rrc ANY SIZE YOU CAN BREAK MIRROR - PLATE FANCY GLASS WINDOW SASH GLAZED .0 WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Save bus. Ph. 357-1910 Res,, Ph. 357-1015 WANTED—Cattle for pasture, heifers preferred. Phone 357- 3728. 6-13p WANTED TO RENT — 8 bed- room house, immediately; Wingharn or surrounding area. Apply Box 13, Advance-Times, 6p Crawford; Shepherd & Mill Barristers, &Welton', M. J. 18tarley Crawford, Q.C. Norman A. Shepherd, SCA., LLIK Abut K Mak BA, LLB. WINOIIAM, °MARJO Dial 357-3630 FOR RENT We specialize in replac• ing Aluminum Storm Glass ( and Screens) AUCTION SALE for Junes TurveY, eon. 3, Mor- ris Township, 4 miles west of Brussels road, Saturday, April 22, 1 p.m. 12 Shorthorn cows and calves; 13 Shorthorn yeat- old steers and heifers; roan Shorthorn bull, 2 yrs.; 4 York SOWS: 7 chunks; quantity baled hay. Machinery—Good line of rtiathinerV including John Deere AR tractor; snow blow- er; New Holland manure spreader (riew); other good im- plerneets. rretine—Cesh. Jadk- son & Jackson, Aucts., towel. 68e20e OLD CLOCKS WANTED, if any condition. Letters with particulars to X. Sandertott, Twilite Motel, R. It 1, Hyde Park, Ont., or phone Wingham 857-2399. 28.30-7-14prre GROW CUCUMBERS FOR ROSE BRAND PICKLES We have Hybrid seed, *Free pick-up et farm, *Top prices, *No investment required. Due to ever increasing sales we require more growers and have increased our prices above last year's contract. For information writs to: Matthews Wells Company Limited GUELPH, ONTARIO 30-6-13d STAINTON HARDWARE LOST 3 ROOM apartment for rent, bath, heated. 367.2151, 23rre GROUND FLOOR, 2 - bedroom apartment for rent. Attached garage, heated, separate en- trance, Phone 357-1249, 6c HOUSE OR RENT 3 bed- donvenfeneeS; 2 miles from Wingharn. Phone 357- 2609. 6c (WINGHAM I LIMITED PHONE 3S7 2910 J. T. GOODALL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY, Etc. Office -- Meyer Block DIAL 304990 LOST—Man's black onyx ring with Masonic emblem. Pinder please pheile Scott Reid, 35/- 1114 or 3574810. 6c. CASH, AUCTION SALE llou$0bol e ffects of Mrs, son`Plant. dorrie, on .Widitei, APrit 26, 1967. tit,,taliod aging next Getable Jackson, Atittletider. Frederick F. Homuth Carol E. 1-looloth, RO Mrs. Viola H. Honiuth, RO OPTO1tiErnitST8 Phone HARittOON ONtAkig