HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-04-06, Page 1Ceetneillor Ilateeen, who is
also a member of the Legion,
said there has been sonie public
criticism of the Legion for try,
ing to purchase the property
when the pool committee is
still interested, .ire intimated
that it was not the intention of
the Legion to upset Any of the
plans of the other group.
Councillor Williams express,
ed the view that if a pool is to
be built in the community there
are other sites which can be
utilized and, can be obtained at
no cost,
At the regular meeting of
the Wingham Town Council on
Monday Of this week a letter
from the local bench of the "
Royal Canadian Legion was read
which stated that the geaup is
willing to purchase the property
mkt the eorner of Victoria and
Wgilliare Street, for use as the
site of a new Legion hall.
Mayor DeWitt Miller ex-
Plaloed that the property has
been owned by ()made Hydre.
He said the swimming pool
committee had earlier express,
ed interest in the property and
that Ontario Hydro had agreed
to sell it to the town for $2, 500,4
The deed for this transaction hat
been drawn up, Ile went on to
say that the group interested in
the property for a swimming
pool does not have the funds
available to make the purchase,
As a result of the discussion
council agreed to accept the
property ftom Ontario Hydro anc
to immediately sell it to the
local Legion Branch for the
same amount, with the Legion
to cover all legal costs.
By The Pedestritui
Council agrees to Legion's
purchase of site for hail 3thtenw
FIRST SECTION le Copy l<1pr Over Fifteen Cents, to ham Ontario, Thursday, April 6, 1967
Town council seriously concerned
about condition of factory building
A copy of a letter from the
Conservation Authorities Branch
of the Department of Energy and
Resources Management to the
Maitland Valley Conservation
Authority regarding the desilt-
ing of the lower town pond was
read. The letter indicated that
the scheme will not be approv-
ed unless more than one munici-
pality is named as benefiting,
Robert Wenger, the local repre-
sentative on the Authority, said
the problem could be resolved
if the town requests the Author-
ity to accept a small percent-
Red Front buys
Holmdale property
Harry Merkley of the Red
Front Grocery Ltd. announced
that his firm has purchased the
old Holmdale Creamery proper-
ty on the corner of Josephine
and Victoria St., adjacent to
the Red Front Store.
The property has been own-
ed by the United Dairy and
Poultry Co-operative since it
was purchased from Holmdale
Creamery Ltd. five years ago.
Miller Davis was manager at the
Since then the building has
been gradually deteriorating and
latterly has become a real eye-
sore to the main street. Mr.,
Merkley said he has given a
contract to Mowbray Construc-
tion to tear down the building,
level the area and make a park-
ing lot out of the site,
The building is about 100 ft.
long on Victoria Street with an
83-foot extension on the lane
running south. Also included is
26 feet of land to the south of
the Red Front store.
age of benefit, He said, how-
ever, that a general reeetingof
the Authority will have to be
called as the program must have
approval 91 the general mem-
bership and not the executive
alone. Council delayed action
(Please turn to Page Eight)
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Gorrie man still
active at 90 years
The condition of the Old
Brown factory on Alfred Street
sparked a discussion at the reg-
ular meeting of the town fathers
on Monday evening, Mayor
Miller said the front wall of the
building is bulging toward the
street and has become a hazard
to the public, He told council
the area will have to be fenced
to protect passers-by,
A debate followed as to what
course of action should be tak-
en to have the owner look after
the situation. It was left that
representation will be made to
provincial authorities to obtain
proper legal methods of forcing
the owner, Moses Brown of Tor-
onto, to remedy the situation,
Mayor Miller said that a
special meeting of council will
have to be called to set the
mill rate for, the year. Treasur-
er William Renwick explained
that the rate cannot be set un-
til the levies are in from the
schools and these have not era
rived as yet.
A letter from Lloyd'Truax
Limited stated the firm was will-
ing to contribute $1, 000 to'
wards the extension of a sewage
line on Bristol Terrace, provid-
ed the amount can be applied
to frontage charges to the firm
if a sewer extension is ever
built on Cedar Ave. Council
referred to its decision on March
16 that the line will be built to
serve the factory on condition
the company contribute to the
construction costs to the extent
of $1, 000, with no strings at-
tached. The Mayor said he has
not been able to resolve the
problem as senior management
of the company is out of town.
because he couldn't afford one,
but the sparkle in his eye might
have indicated that he is pretty
fond of horses.
Mr. Dane said that when he
and his wife were married they
probably set up their household
with no more than $75.00 worth
of furniture, and some of this is
still in his home.
A note to his friends. If you
are in town drop in to say hello.
It is pretty obvious that Mr.
Dane loves company and a good
chat with old friends and,neigh-
New $35,000 club house is
planned for local golfers
The Building and Finance
Committee of the Wingham
Golf Club has completed plans
for a new club house, details of
which will be presented to the
club membership at a special
meeting Sunday, April 9th, at
7:30 p.m. in the town hall.
The new building would be
situated north of the present fa-
cilities, with long range provis-
ion for a curling rink to be add-
ed to the east end at a later
date. The economies of amal- Fire chief resigns
post to deputy Wingham students
win region contest
Robert Dane of Gorrie mark-
ed his 90th birthday on April 6,
and while in hospital for aminor
ailment, he is otherwise in good
health and spirits. His sense of
humor is wonderful and his
memory of yesteryear excellent.
Mr. Dane said he was born
on the 10th concession of How-
ick, near Gorrie, in 1877. He
farmed in Howick until 1916,
when he came to Gorrie and
looked after taking the mail
from the train to the post office,
as well as the delivery of local
freight shipments.
Mr. Dane and his late wife
celebrated their 60th wedding
anniversary in January 1965.
Mrs. Dane died three months
later. Mr. Dane has continued
to live alone since the death of
his wife, until he was hospital-
ized in January.
When asked how things are
today compared to when he was
a boy, he remarked that there
is no comparison. He said he
never saw more than 25 cents as
a youngster and people have a
40. much better time today than
W then. As a child and young
man he was never farther away
from home than two and a half
or three miles. He has never
owned a car and claimed it was
MARY AHARA, a grade twelve student at
Wingham District High School, was named
Wingham and District Centennial Queen on
Wednesday night. The ceremony was per-
formed at the Lions Club Ball with Mayor
DeWitt Miller crowning Miss Ahara. Her
princesses were Sally Galbraith, left, and
Pamela Walden. The centennial queen is
a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ahara
of Wingham.—Advance-Times photo.
gamation have encouraged this
type of union in many other
The building would be of a
two-floor split level design,
with kitchen, dining room and
lounge facilities on the upper
floor, men's and ladies' locker
rooms and a smaller lounge
Overall dimensions of the
building would be 36' x 48',
with the dining room-lounge
area measuring 19' x 461.. Esti-
mated cost of the structure is
$35, 090,.09, equipped. The
Club has obtained a license un-
der the Liquor License Act.
The new, improved facili-
ties would provide an opportun-
ity for non-golfers as well as
golfers to make use of them, as
it is planned to have social
memberships available.
Plans to proceed with fund-
raising and building activities
are subject to the active support
and approval of all club mem-
bers and interested prospective
members at the meeting to be
held April 9th.
Mary Ahara Centennial Queen
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robt,
Ahara. Runners up for the hon-
or were Pam Walden, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Walden
and Sally Galbraith, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George Gal-
braith. Other contestants were
Wingham's Centennial Queen
was crowned at the Lions Club
Ball last Wednesday night with
the choice of the judges being
-Miss Mary Ahara, grade twelve
student at the Wingham Dis-
trict High School. Mary is a
Branch 180 Royal Canadian Leg-
ion, held in Wingham, Lynne
Workman won the senior divis-
ion and Dorothy Elliott the jun-
ior division for secondary
schools. They advanced to the
zone competition in Egmond-
ville but were unsuccessful.
lic Speaking Club of W.D.H. S.,
coached by Mrs. G. W. Tiffin,
have been entered in competi-
tions during the past few months
Not all were winners but each
gained valuable experience.
Pam King competed in the
Industrial Accident Association
contest in Stratford. Jim Gra-
ham was a contestant in the
Wingham Lions competition and
the Ontario Trustees Association
and Ontario Hydro contest, im-
promptu class, at Goderich.
Jim McKague was in the pre-
pared speech division at the
Goderich competition as well as
the two Lions events. Phyllis
McKague entered the Wingham
Lions contest and she and Lee
Wenger spoke at the IOOF and
Rebekah Lodge United Nations
Pilgrimage Tour contest in Clin-
In the Centennial Public
Speaking Contest sponsored by
The Lions Club Region 3 pub-
lic speaking contest was held
Friday evening at Arthur with
the Wingham contestants cap-
turing first place for girls' and
boys' divisions.
Lynne Workman of Brussels
spoke on Old Age. Her im-
promptu was Our Canadian Flag.
Jim McKague of Belmore spoke
on Cheating for his prepared
speech and The Value of Lions
Public Speaking was the topic
for his impromptu.
The contestants, students at
Wingham District High School,
were winners of the Wingham
Lions competition. They' will
now compete in the Lions dist-
rict finals at Barrie on Friday
night. The winners of that con-
test will advance to the Ontario
and Quebec finals. The com-
petition is the No. 1 project of
District A Lions.
Seven members of the Pub-
Deputy Reeve Jack Alexan-
der, chairman of the fire com-
mittee, told Wingham Council
on Monday evening that Fire
Chief Jim Carr resigned his po-
sition on the brigade a week agc
after serving as chief since 190
Mr. Alexander said that Dave
Crothers, who has been deputy
chief, has agreed to take on the
responsibility of chief. As are•
suit, council passed a by-law
confirming the appointment.
Mr. Crothers has been a mem-
ber of the brigade since 1941.
It is understood that the bri-
gade has the privilege of ap-
pointing its own deputy chief,
and that the former chief will
be given this post.
Council moved a vote of
thanks to Mr. Carr and a letter
of appreciation for his many
years of service as chief will be
In regard to other fire de-
partment affairs, the deputy
reeve recommended the pur-
chase of a number of equip-
ment items for the brigade in-
cluding six rain coats and two
hard hats.,
Debbie Foxton, Sheila Crewson
and Ann Vath,
Given the most difficult task
of the evening were the judges,
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Krauter of
Brussels and Mr. and Mrs. J.
DeZeeuw and Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Thompson, all of Teeswater,
Mayor DeWitt Miller performed
the crowning ceremonies. The
girls were judged on poise, per-
sonality and appearance.
Mr„ and Mrs. Jim Renwick
were chosen best in the centen-
nial period costumes and were
presented with a gift from band
leader Lionel Thornton. A large
number of those attending the
dance appeared in old-fashion-
ed dress,
Roger West unanimous choice of Huron-Bruce PCs New ownership
ham, the retiring secretary-
treasurer of the Huron-Bruce as-
Addressing the gathering,
Roger West said he was well
aware of the fact that he and
the riding workers face a formi-
of Camera Shop
The announcement was made
Monday of the sale of the for-
mer Wingham Camera Shop to
Jack Maxwell of Kitchener, Un-
der the new ownership, the busi-
ness will be called Maxwell's
Camera Shop.
Mr. Maxwell, who purchas-
ed the business from Sigfried
Seifert, brings with him a great
deal of experience in the pho-
tography and camera shop busi-
ness. In his more than ten years
in the business, Mr. Maxwell
has held positions as manager
with the Camera Shop in St.
lief that this constituency would
benefit very materially if it
were represented by a member
of the government party rather
than by one who sits with the
opposition, and he referred to
the long years that Huron-Bruce
had been so ably represented by
dable task in the forthcoming
provincial election, but he ex-
pressed complete confidence
that victory can be achieved.
He made it clear that he would
need the devoted help of every
possible association member.
Mr. West also stated his be-
Thomas and with Simpson Sears
camera department in Kitchen-
er. He also owned the Camera
Shop in Owen Sound.
Mr. Maxwell is married to
the former Laurette Fisher of
Formosa and the couple have a
baby daughter. They recently
moved to Wingham.
the late John Hanna. The
speaker dwelt on the excellent
quality of government which has
been provided for so many years
by Progressive Conservative
governments and said there was
no doubt whatever that the Ro-
barts administration will be re-
turned to power in the next elec-
"I am very serious in my in-
tent, " said Mr. West. "Togeth-
er we can achieve our objective.
Let's go West in '67."
George Joynt said a few
months ago he believed he
would be in a position to seek
the nomination, but that busi-
ness developments had made
this impossible. He promised
his full support for Roger West
and asked that the association
members do the same.
Mr. Joynt also spoke of the
efforts he has made to have this
section of Ontario included in
the designated area and thusbea
come eligible for federal assist-
ance in securing industry.
The meeting had also been
called to elect executive offic-
ers of the association and Mrs.
Lloyd presented the report of the
nominating committee which
was adopted. Those named to
office are: President, George
McCutcheon; vice-president,
William Cotterill, Tiverton;
sec.-treas., Norman Shepherd,
(Please turn to- Page Eight)
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We Need Your Help
For some weeks we at The Advance-Times have been gather-
ing whatever material we could find in preparation for a Centers
nial edition of the paper. We hope to publish this edition im-
mediately prior to July 1st, Canada's 100th birthday.
We still need lots of material and would be very happy to get
the information for histories of century farms, old homes and Nisi.
nesses which have been owned by the same family for long periods
of time. Many of our older residents have heard or remember
stories about the pioneer days.
Old pictures, too are welcome r not only of scenes and build-
ings in Wingham, but anything of interest in the surrounding area
and the nearby villages.
It should be borne in mind that this Centennial year, and what
we record now, will be of keen interest to future generations.
This special edition of The Advance-Times will be a suitable
method of gathering together much historical material which
might otherwise be lost within the next few decades,
lust one reminder. Though the special edition will appear the
last week in June, we must begin- work on it right away, Please
dig out any interesting pictures or information and let us know
soon. The phone number is 857-2320,
the riding association after five years of
service, and Norman Shepherd, Winghem
lawyer, who was appointed to the position.
—Advance-Times Photo. iiiMEWIW,,VOtt0Hii.i4 ttit ,tittliOrtitY00 ,401iVittiiifI1iiiiiiHill WWI WWI ot.V.V . ...
CONGRATULATING Roger West on his no.
rnination by the Huron-Bruce Progressive
Conservatives on Friday night are Mrs,
Mary Lloyd, who resigned as secretary of
Roger West, 30-year-old tel-
evision announcer, was unani-
mously chosen to represent the
ProgressiVe Conservative party
in the constituency of Huron-
Bruce in the next provincial
election, The nomination
meeting was held in the Wing-
ham town hall on Friday eve-
ning and attracted one of the
largest crowds of party support-
ers seen in some years. About
320 people made up the audi-
George Joynt, reeve of Luck-
now, was also nominated, but
he declined to accept and no
ballot was required. George
McCutcheon of Brussels, 'presi-
dent of the Huron-Bruce PC As-
sociation, and a candidate in
two previous elections, chaired
the meeting and introduced the
platform guests. They were De-
Witt Miller, mayor of Wing-
ham, who extended a civic wel-
come to the delegates; R. B.
Cousins of Brussels, who extend-
ed thanks to the guest speaker;
Eltner Bell of Exeter, president
of the Ontario Progressive Con-
servative Association:- Robert
McKinley, member of parlia-
ment for Huron; Hon. William
A. Stewatt, the guest speaker
for the meeting; John Loney,
M.P. for Bruce; Eric Winkler,
M.P., of Hanover; William Jar-
vis, president of the Westetn
Ontario PC Association; Gordon
Hess, district convener in the
Western Ontario Association,
and Mrs. J. R. Lloyd, Wing-
We offer sincere apologies to
Anita During of the CKNX pho-
tography department. Photo-
graphs of the Walter Lockridge
Memorial Midget Tournament
which were taken by Anita were
mistakenly credited as Advance-
Times photos.
A few weeks back the Can-
adian Armed Forces in the Mid-
dle East requested that radio
stations in this country send
them tapes rel'''roadcasts eman-
ating here, . provide home-
flavored listening for the boys in
the Canadian section of the
United Nations Emergency
Force. Most of these men serve
in the Gaza Strip between Egypt
and Israel. Selecting what was
considered a good, "homey"
program, CKNX, Wingham,
sent along tapes of the 'Hi
Neighbour" series and have had
an enthusiastic response from
the forces. The program fea-
tures items from the weekly
newspapers in this area, and al-
though few of the servicemen
come from this district, appar-
ently the small town news real-
ly does bring back thoughts of
rural Canada everywhere. The
broadcasts to the forces go out
over Radio Marina at El Arish.
A Canadian forces station is
soon to be opened at Rafah.
A letter from R. 8. IvIcKine
ney at the week-end. written
/Ai, from Daytona Beach, enclosed 1p an interesting copy of the ballot
which is used in the U.S. elec-
tions. It doesn't look much
like the ones we are accustom ,
ed to here, for it carries a pic-
ture of the voting machine in
which it is to be used, along
with instructions for operating
the machine. "Mac" says the
weather is balmy and that he
has been visiting with Mr. and
Mrs, Bill MeCocil and Mt. and.
Mrs, Garnet Baker, The letter.
was C.P, agent in Winghain
sortie years ago.