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White Caner Hams
now number 36
liam Radio Station V8 3191I
equipped for voice and key
went on the air officially Febru-
ary 28th at 8 p, m. The project
was organized by the White Cart'
ers. Amateur Radio Association
which has 36 members across
Ontario -- about 20 in Toronto
and 16 outside.
The group began about 1960
and has grown steadily ever
since. Each winter a course in
radio theory and practice isgiv-
en by a sighted technical in-
structor, Jack Foxall. About six
members are taking the current
course. They must learn the
Morse code and how to make
minor repairs on a transmitter in
addition to the theory. They
then sit for an oral examination
given by an official of the De-
partment of Transport, who con-
trols amateur radio activities.
Honourary president is Dr.
H, A. Lowrey, who has been a
"ham" himself for some 30
years and was instrumental in
introducing the hobby to blind
persons. Roy Manning, ablind
"ham" graduate of the course in
1962, is chairman of the White
Caners Association. I-lis wife
Myrtle, who served as an escort
through his course, became in-
terested herself, joined the club
of the sighted and also qualified
through the Department of Trans-
port, and is now a full-fledged
"ham" herself.
The Radio Society of Ontario
is so convinced that this de-
velopment will open a new
world to the blind that they
have started a fund among their
own members to provide a first-
class station at CNIB and also to
provide equipment for blind per-
sons who qualify as "hams" but
cannot afford the equipment
Easter visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Anderson were Mr.
and Mrs. Les Shaw and family
of London and Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Anderson, also of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Marshall
and family of London visited for
the Easter week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Cook.
Visitors for the holiday week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Bacon were Mr. and Mrs. Maur-
ice St. Marie and Pamela of
Brantford, and Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Augustine, Patsy and Bri-
an of Burlington.
Mr. and Mrs. Cantelon and
family of Tweed visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGuire
and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pletch.
410%c) "0
Come to Hydro Showtime .
a lively two hour show .
packed with ideas on Modern
Electrical Living at:
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8:15 pat.
your hydro
preset ted by Wingham Public Utilities •COMPlittibri and tirithti6 Hydro •
under the auspices of Wingham Kinette- Club.
Pap. 4 Win ham. Advarx -111MeS, Thursday, March 3Q, 193'1
Strikes 8( Spares.
The Violets were all off
Wednesday night and while they
didn't gain any points they are
still in first place with 138
points. In second place are the
Lillies who gained 4 points and
now have a total of 124, In
third place are the Asters, tak-
ing 2 points for a total of 91,
In fourth place, the Hyacinths
remain at 86. The Hyacinths
were more interested in some
birds they saw flying by so Shar-
on couldn't see the pins as she
had a low of 89. Cheer up all
you Hyacinths; we will take our
bird book next week and try to
find a name for the birds. In
fifth place are the Marigolds
with 7'7 points, gaining all 7
this week. Still in last place
are the Daisies. They took all
7 points but still like the cel-
lar. They now have a total of
71. I think Marg's turkey is
quite safe with two nights of
regular bowling left.
Shirley Storey took all the
honours this week with a single
of 313 and a triple of 667.
It was a fight to the finish
between the Black Labels and
the Black Horses tonight, for
that all important "Season's
Champs" spot, and our congrat-
ulations to Black Labels who
are now officially "The Champs".
They had a tough fight on their
hands, but don't ever think the
Black Horse team didn't go
down fighting.
The standings at the end of
the season are Black Label 99;
Black Horse 9'7; Red Caps 89;
Vienna 85; Canadians '72; Crys-
tals 61.
Dot Bain and Shirley tied for
high single with each bowling a
262, However, Shirley Storey
took the high triple with 606.
Bill Hotchkiss kept both honors
for himself with a 310 and 804.
I must say there has been some
nice scores dying the past sea-
son, and it looks as if next year
the teams will really have to
fight again for first place.
The "over 300" bowlers for
the year were Shirley Storey,
Dot Cameron and Dot Bain for
the women and for the men.
Gary Storey, Jim Bain, Harold
Taylor, George Cameron and
Bill Hotchkiss.
Now for the playoffs - and
again a reminder that therewili
be no spares used during the
next four weeks. Please keep
this in mind and make it a
point to turn out on Tuesday
nights. Also, another date to
keep in mind is April 20, This
is the night for our bowling ban-
quet, which will be held at the
Legion Home at '7:00 p.m.
sharp. There will be good food,
good prizes and above all, good
fun, See you all then. And,
of course, good luck during the
Audrey Swatridge took all
the honors for the ladies this
week. Audrey's high single was
257 and her triple was 646. I
think you'd better save some of
those high games for the play-
offs, Audrey!
George Richardson won the
men's high single with a 335.
Hap Swatridge didn't let his bet-
ter half get all the glory this
week. Hap bowled a terrific
752, to win the men's high tri-
Our thanks to Jo English who
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Your Dodge a Plymouth y Chrysler. Dealer
CANDICE FOXTON won the high double
for girls with 334, in the Junior class at
the tournament on Good Friday sponsored
by the Sports Committee of the Legion,
with Kim Mellor having the high single,
169, Bob McGee won the high single for
boys with 200, and Bill Brown, who was
missing when the picture was taken had
the high double, 386.
—Advance-Times. Photo,
Richardson for the boys with the
exact score, 180 and Joanne
King who had the closest to 180
for the girls with a count of 176.
The winners each received a sil-
ver dollar.
Ted English, chairman of
the Legion's Sports Committee
was assisted by Bill Johnston.
Bill spends his Saturdays during
the bowling season working with
these young people in the Junior
Bowling League.
Weekly euchre
BELGRAVE—There were sev-
en tables in play at the euchre
last Wednesday in the commun-
ity hall. High lady was Mrs.
Ross King; high man, Bert Vin-
cent; low lady, Mrs. Winnie
Smith; low man, Bill Gow. The
novelty prizes were won by Mrs.
Pearl Wheeler and Harold Proc-
The average person will
fight harder for special privi-
leges than for equal rights.
BANTAM WINNERS in the Legion's Centennial Youth
Bowling Tournament on Friday were Marlene Foxton, high
single, 161, and Pat Willie, high double, 303. For the boys
it was Bill Straight with a high single of 153 and Jay Mac-
Laurin with a double of 310. Jay was not present when
the picture was taken.—A-T Photo.
WINNERS IN THE Intermediate group at the Legion's Cen-
tenniei Youth Dowling Tournament: were Wane Gr69e, high
double, 319; Joanne- King, high single,, 176, arid for boys,
Jim Henderson, high double, 530; Larry Gordon, high
143,—A,1 Photo,
• • •
was our lone spare this week.
The "standings are: Paul's
Plums 120, Bob's Bananas 106,
Bob's Blueberries 100, Elwood's
Peaches 92, Keith's Figs 8'7,
Stew's Prunes 84,
It's nice to note how many
people read my news each week.
Last week, I said that Marg.
Moffatt won the ladies' high tri-
ple; instead, I find our that it
was Marg Machan. Sorry about
that Mang! It seems that my
fellow bowlers are my toughest
The stage is set next week
for the battle of the giants. With
only one week left in the regu-
lar schedule, just three points
separate the top two teams and
to make it even more exciting,
they bowl each other next Mon-
day night. May the best team
win, There are seven points up
for grabs so the Screwdrivers
with 123 need just three points
for first place. The Velvet
Hammers with 120 need two
wins plus pinfall for at least a
Some of the better games
rolled Monday night were: Jim
Bath 250; Bob Brooks 302 and a
773 triple; Ken Saxton Jr. 265
and a 746 triple; Bruce Boyd
251; Gary Storey 330 and a '799
triple; Bob Foxton 258; 'Ivan
Gardner 2'7q; Wayne Brown 252;
Ross Gordon 263; Bill Hotchkiss
259 and a 701 triple; Ted Eng-
lish 313 and a '735 triple; Hap
Swatridge 264 and a 700 triple;
Larry Gordon 276; Gary Tern-
pleman 271, 269 and a 750 tri-
ple; Joe Desmarais 284 and a
742 triple.
It looks as though Ken Sax-
ton Jr. has won the high aver-
age for the year with a 239 ...
good bowling Ken. The high
single of 380 by Jim Bain is
looking real high about now and
Ken Saxton Jr.'s 907 triple is
tops for the season with Matt
Boyd in second spot with 905.
Frances Paulin kept all the
honors for the ladies with a high
single of 230 and a triple of
516. Mike Newton had the
men's high single with 255 and
the triple went to Gary Temple-
man With 655.
Jungle Jims and Diane's Dim-
wits are tied for first place with
12 points: Paulin's Pollywogs
are second with 7; Wes' Winos
5; Bob's Beatles 4 and in the cel-
lar Andy's Pandas with 2.
St. Helens
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Swan
and Susan of Toronto were Eas-
ter visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Struthers and family and
Mr. and Mrs. George Swan.
Easter visitors with Mrs. W.I.
Miller and Isobel were Mr, and
Mrs, Gordon Miller of London
and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Laidlaw,
Jim arid Gregory of Wingham.
Jim Laidlaw of Wingham
spent a few days with his grand.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rose and
family of Guelph spent the week-
end with Mt. and Mrs. Harvey
Webb, Mrs. Rose and family
remained for the holidays with
her parents.
Mr. arid Mts. Ray Hawley,
Leslie and Pamela of Oshawa
spent the week-end at the home
of her parents, Mr, arid Mrs.
Lorne Woods. Mrs. Woods re-
turned home after convalescing
in Oshawa for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gardner
and little daughter of London
were Easter visitors with her par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Jim Curran
and Paul.
Centennial tournament
drew 114 young people
The Sports Committee of the
Royal Canadian Legion, Branch
180 sponsored a Centennial
Youth Bowling Tournament at
the local bowling alley on Good
Friday when 1174 young people
competed for trophies.
Winners in the Bantam class
were Marlene Foxton, 161 sin-
gle and Pat Willie, 303 double
for girls; Bill Staight 153 single
and Jay MacLaurin, 310 double
for boys.
Junior girls, Kim Mellor,
169 single and Candice Foxton,
334 double; boys, Bob McGee
200 single and Bill Brown 386
Intermediate girls, Joanne
King, 176 single and Diane
Grove, 379 double; boys, Lar-
ry Gordon, 243 single and Jim
Henderson, 530 double.
Mrs. Keith McLaughlin,
president of the Ladies' Auxil-
iary to the Legion presented the
trophies to the girls and Willis
Hall, branch president present-
ed the boys.
Winners of the hidden score
for all age groups were Newt