HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-02-23, Page 6Page 6 ""lgtiarB AdVance .RTinleS.iTsday, Feb. 3, 1967 6% DEBENTURES TOWN OF WINGHAM TOWN OF WINGHAM IS NOW OFFERING $15,000.00 11 TO 18 YEAR DEBENTURES FOR SALE TO YIELD AS FOLLOWS: 8 x $1,000 — 2 x $500 Debentures 1979 to 1982 incl. priced to yield VA% 6 x $1,000 Debentures 1983 to 1985 incl, priced to yield 6 1/2 % The debentures are dated February 1, 1967, and are validated by the Ontario Municipal Board. Direct inquiries to William Renwick, Town Clerk, Phone Number 357-3550. WILLIAM RENWICK, TOWN CLERK. HURON LIBERAL ASSOCIATION (For Federal Purposes) ANNUAL MEETING LEGION HALL — EXETER FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1967 Hon. J. J. (Joe) Greene Canadian Minister of Agriculture, will speak RECEPTION 6 p.m. DINNER 7 p.m. Tickets available from Municipal Chairmen Business and Professional Directory FOR SALE VACUUM CLEANER. .SALES. Service on all makes. Filter Queen Sales, Zurich, ph. Hen- sail 262-5350 colleet, My26rrb WESTINGHOUSE ,automatic washer and dryer for sale, in good working condition, leaone 357-2263 after six, 23b VISIT Currie's trade-in depart- Merit Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Remember Currie's save you money, 23b MEDIUM Coleman oil stove for sale, 10 lengths of pipes, 45 gal. oil drum and pump, all in good condition. Phone 307- 1490. 23b SAVE ON PAINT — 10 ,c's off regular prices on Kern Glo Enamel, Super Kern Tone and Martin-Senour, Your headquar- ters for Kern lines, Alexander's Hardware. rrb SPRING SATE—It's sale time at ARMITAGE'S in Wingham with their annual Bond Made- to-measure Suit Sale, For only $69.95 you can have your new spring suit tailored to your in- dividual measurements and made any style you wish and during this sale you get Extra Pants absolutely Free, Hun- dreds of cloths to choose from in summer weights, year round weights, any kind of cloth you want we have it, This sale ends Feb, 25th. You have got to have your order in by this date but you don't have to take de- livery until April, May or June. And remember the special sale offer—extra trousers are yours free at ARMITAGE'S in Wing ham. 12-19-26-F2-9-16-23b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon B. Elliott, Broker Edward A, Elliott, Salesman FOR SALE 112 storey frame home, Mansville siding, four bed- rooms, broadlcom, rugs, drapes, valances, fireplace, Hanover cupboards dishwasher, new furnace with deluxe humidifier, water softener and electronic dust remover; 2 four-piece baths, recreation room in base- ment, attached garage. 2 storey four bedroom frame Mansville siding home hot water radiator heat; 112 bath- rooms; recreation room in basement; large garage; rugs, drapes, valances go with the home; water softener, Low tax- es, in residential area, Two storey, solid brick, four bedroom income home hot water heat. Income from dental offices at the rear. This home is in excellent condition Pos- session date June 30th, 1967, • Wingham Legion Home — storey solid brick builidng. 50' x 50', on lot size 132' x 132'. corner of John and Centre Sts. Apply to Building Chairman. Harold Remington, WILFRED McINTEE & CO. LIMITED Realtor - Walkerton, Ontario $9,000—Full price, 1."Ls storey 6 room modernized insul sided home with all conveniences. Full basement, new asphalt roof, oil heating with circu- lator, 1 storey frame addition attached containing 3 rooms. sink, hot and cold water taps. HD wiring installed, Centrally located, 2 blocks off Wingham main street. --- $10,500—Full price, 100 acre farm, 65 workable clay loam acres, Good water supply, drill- ed well on pressure, part of river, 3 springs and short spring creek. Steel barn, frame chicken pen with steel addition and car garage, 1's storey in- sul brick sided hone- with good asphalt roof, 12 acres hardwood bush of value overlooking river. Located close to Wingham. Very low priced for quick sale, with spring possession. For your real estate require- ments to purchase or to sell property Contact: FRANK J. CASKANETTE Box 167, or Dial 337-1702 Wingham. 23b HAY FOR SALE FOR SALE-200 bales of hay on farm near Wingham, Phone 753-7440, Brantford, 2rrb SEED FOR SALE ROY CI1AMM & SOS at Pinkerton are offering good value in grass seeds for spring seeding: Each variety of seed is sold separately and mixed free. No. 1 pasture ire foil and timothy mixture sells for $4.00 per acre. 'Love land hay and pasture mixture 55.30 per acre. Highland hay and pasture mix- ture of alfalfa, timothy, brome grass and meadow fescue sells $1.04 per acre, Cramm's stock all varieties of clovers, grasses, seed grain and "Pride" corn. They do custom seed and grain 'cleaning. Buy your seed early and save reency as some prices will be higher. Roy Ceattiele& Son, Pinkerton, store phone 366-2394; residence 366- 2378. 23rth REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE A spacious executive two storey brick home in an excel- lent location. This beautiful borne has picture windows, na- tural fireplaces, large hying room, dining room, kitchen and breakfast area, knotty pine panelled family room, laundry room and two piece bath on main floor, Four bodrooms and a new four piece ceramic tiled bathroom with vanity on sec- ond floor. Oil heated, Attrac- tive double lot, Double garage, Two storey frame family home in excellent repair, hard- wood floors, 4 rooms on main floor, 2 piece bath, 3 bedrooms, 4 piece bath on second floor, Two stairways. Would make a good income property. Oil fur- nace, Early possession, Brick duplex, well located, 3 bedroom apartment and 2 bed- room apartment, each has 3 pc. bath, separate entrances, New oil furnace, Early spring pos- session, Good income property. 11 2 storey 6 room house in Whited-lurch — Large living room, kitchen, 3 piece bath, 2 oil stoves, work shop. Immedi- ate possession. Full price $4,000 with terms. WILLIAM S. REED General Insurance and Real Estate Broker Phone 357-2174 - Wingham LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 3 JERSEY cows for sale. Heavy springers. Amos E. Yoder, R. R, 1 Wroxeter, at Top Notch Fced Mill. 23b 45 PIGS for sale, 10 weeks old. Phone 531W2, Wroxeter, 23b CARS FOR SALE 1958 CHEVROLET for sale. Good tires, mechanical A-1. Needs body job, $100. Robert O'Neill, 357-1198. 23' ••••••=•••• FARM CONSTRUCTION For the construction of a Poured Concrete Silo Contact: Keith Regan, R. R. 5_ Mitchell, Ontario, Phone 347-2793, 9-16-23-2h ARTICLES FOR RENT RENT our new Dustless floor sanders and make your old floors like new again. We have just purchased the new Dust- less floor sanding machines, You can save over 50% by doing your own sanding. Alex- ander's Hardware. 24rrb FOR RENT HOUSE or rooms for rent, March 1. Ph. 357-2652. 16-23b 3 - ROOM APARTMENT for rent; bath, heated, 357-2151. 23b UPSTAIRS APARTMENT for rent, two bedrooms, heated, private entrance. Phone 357- 3024. 23b JOB OPPORTUNITIES FINISH HIGH SCHOOL Home study prepares you to write Ontario provincial exam- inations for recognized certifi- cate. Grades 6-13, All books and supplies. Low monthly pay- ments, income tax deductable. For full information write Ca- nadian Academy, 40 Main St., West. Hamilton, Ont. A7rrb Offlonsmonmesonos SALES HELP WANTED SELL REAL ESTATE Join Ontario's largest Realtor specializing in Farm, Vacation and Town properties. No exper- ience necessary, Nee will train you. Part or full time basis, excellent commission arrange- ment. Openings in the Wing- ham and surrounding area, For appointment call or write Mr, Ross O'Hagan. H. KEITH LTD. REALTOR, 151 Eglinton Ave. E.. Toronto 12, telephone 487- 3333, 23-2-9-16h eimonsimmimonmomommr. FEMALE HELP WANTED WAITRESS WANTED, Apply Good's Coffee Shop. in person, WANTED WANTED -- Guns and rifles. Cameron's Billiards, 1-15row OLD CLOCKS WASTED, in any condition. Letters with particulars to K. Sandereott, Twilite Motel, R. R. 1, Hyde Park, Ont., or phone Wingham 357-2399. 23-36-7-114 rrb ANNOUNCING A NEW SERVICE In addition to our complete appliance, and radio service we are now equipped to render PROMPT 'us- ittpAitt. Experienced technician in charge. Transistor radio and ear radio service. PATTISON RADIO & ELECRIC Fl6rrb TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the caretaking of the 13luevale United Church will be received until February 28, 1967, George Fischer, Chairman. TENDER To remove two unused chim- neys from the United Church, Contact Lloyd Casemore, chair- man of the property commit- tee, phone 357-3582, 23b TENDERS FOR scwooz, SUPPLIES The Wingham Public School Board will provide all school supplies for pupils commenc- ing September 1967, Anyone in- terested is asked to have ten- ders in to Mrs. Alberta Mor- gan, secretay-treasuer, by April 10, 1967, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For particulars contact Principal T, S, Beattie, 23b TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH Tenders for Warble Fly in- spector and sprayer operator and helper by the hour, will be received by the Township Clerk on or before 1 o'clock. March 7th, 1967. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Tend- ers must be marked as to con- tents, R. H, Thompson, Clerk, Bel- grave, Ont. 23-2b TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS WARBLE FLY SPRAY TENDERS Tenders will be received by the undersigned for spraying cattle for warble fly control in the Township of Morris. Tenders must be clearly marked as to contents and must state price per head per spray, Township to supply the powder. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders must be received by 12 noon, March 6, 1967, Mrs. Helen D. Martin, Clerk, Belgrave, Ont. 23-2b TENDER Tenders will be received by undersigned for the crushing, supplying and hauling 20;000 cubic yards more or less of 4-inch screened gravel and 8,- 000 cubic yards of 2-inch screened gravel, if required, to be delivered anywhere in the Township of Howick under the supervision of the Road Super- intendent, Maintenance gravel to be on by June 15, 1967. Contractor to state whether crusher is fed by shovel or dragline, Contrac- tor to strip and maintain pits, A certified cheque of $600.00 to accompany tenders. Tenders plainly marked to be in the hands of the Road Superin- tendent not later than 11 a.m., March 6, 1967. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accep- ted. Subject to the approval of the Department of Highways. Robert Gibson, Road Super- intendent, Gorrie, Ont, 23-2b TENDER Tenders will be received by the undersigned for loading and hauling 25,000 cubic yards more or less of pit run gravel. Tenders to be in the hands of the Road Superintendent by 11 a.m., March 6, 1967. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted, subject to the Depart- ment of Highways, Robert Gibson, Road Super- intendent, Gorrie, Ont, 23-2b TENDER Tenders will be received by the undersigned for warble fly syraying for the Township of Howiek for the year 1967. Ap- plicants to state price per head for both cold and hot water. Material will he supplied by the township. Tenders to be in the hands of the clerk not later than 5 p.m., March 3, 1967, Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. Ivan Haskins, Clerk, Town- ship of Howick, Gorrie, Ont. TENDER Tenders will he received by the undersigned for supplying warble fly powder for Town- ship of Howick for the year 1967. Powder to be packaged to the satisfaction of the in- spector, Tenders to he in the hands of the clerk not later than 5 p.m„ March 3, 1967. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ivan Haskins. Clerk, Town- ship of Howiek, Gerrie. nit. APPLICATIONS WANTED APPLICATIONS Applications will be received by the undersigned for warble fly inspector for the Township of Howiek for the year 1067, Applications to be in the hands of the clerk not later than 5 p.m., March 3, 1967, Ivan Haskins, Clerk, Town- ship of Howick, Gorrie, Ont, TOWNSHIP OP MORRIS APPLICATIONS WARBLE PLY INSPECTOR, Applications will be reeeived by the undersigned until 12 noon, March 0, 1067, for the position of Warble Ely Inspec- tor for the Township of Mor- ris to work according to the Warble Ply Control Act, Applications must he clearly Marked as to contents. Any application not hetes- wily accepted. Mrs, Bolen D. Martin, Clerk, Belgrave, Ont, :23,2b ANNUAL MEETING WINGHAM AND DISTRICT HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION The annual meeting of the \\Ingham and District os- pital Association will be held 011 FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1967, at 8;00 p,tn, in the Recreation Room of the Hospital Nurses' School (former Nurses' Resi- dence) at Winghanl, All mat- ters of business pertaining to the Wingham and District Hos- pital Association will be trans- acted including the election of Directors and other officers, In order to cast a ballot in the election of directors a per- son must be a member of the Association. One-year member- ships may be obtained for the sum of five dollars from the Wingham and District Hospital office. These memberships must he purchased at least ten days prior to the Annual Meet- ing, Everyone welcome, (This notice is being printed in this newspaper in accord- ance with the by-laws of the Hospital), R, B, Cousins, John Strong, President, Secretary. CARDS OF THANKS We wish to express our sin- cere thanks to friends and neighbors for their expressions of sympathy and for the beau- tiful floral tributes, A special thanks to Pinecrest Nursing Home for their kindness to Mabel while a patient there.— The Purdon family, 23* I wish to thank all my friends and neighbors for their cards and visits while I was a patient in Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital, Special thanks to Dr. W. A. McKibben, the nurses and staff on second floor.—Arthur Ballagh. 23* IN MEMORIAM HISLOP—In loving memory of a dear mother, Susan Amelia Hislop, who passed away one year ago February 26, 1966. A beautiful memory of one so dear, We cherish still with love sin- cere; A day that comes with sad re- grets To one that we will never forget. —Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by her family, 23b PAISLEY—In loving memory of my dear husband, James' Smith Paisley, who passed away two years ago Febru- ary 23rd . My heart still aches with sad- ness, My secret tears still flow Jim. What it meant to lose you no one will ever know, It broke my heart to see you go. But you did not go alone for part of me went with you The day God called you home, —Sadly missed by your wife Jeanie, and family. 23* PAISLEY—In loving memory of a dear father and grand- father, James Smith Paisley, who left us suddenly two years ago, February 23, 1965. Sadly missed along life's way, Quietly remembered every day. —By daughter Susan, son-in- law Lister, and grandson Don- ald. 23b SEWERS—In memory of Char- les Sewers, who passed away one year ago today, Febru- ary 23, 1966, A little tribute, true and tender Just to show we still remem- ber, —Wife and family, 23* AUCTION SALES CASH AUCTION SALE of Registered and grade Hol- stein cows and young calves for Vern Norman at lot 11, con, 5, Kincardine Township, 2 1 2 miles north of Millarton or Vie miles east of Highway 21. Turn east at the Bluewater Cheese Market. FRIDAY, FEB. 24, at 1:30 p.m. 42 cows including: 4 Reg, Holstein cows (fresh); 3 Reg, Holstein cows, milking and re- bred; 4 grade Holstein cows (fresh); 10 grade Holstein cows, due March and April; balance milking and rebred to calve at various times of the year; 8 young calves. This is an outstanding herd with size and quality. Owner is selling due to lack of feed and help, Cows are all sired by and bred to Waterloo Unit sires. Sale to be held under cover. Ages and dates given day of sale. For further particulars see sale bill. Terms—Cash, Vern Norman, Prop. Gordon L. Ribey, Auct, 23b Dead Stock Removal HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for fresh demi, disabled cows arid horses. we pay is per lb. weighing over 500 POUTRIS. For the most prompt rind courteous service hi this district PLEASE. elk/4J COLLECT MARLATT BROS, Phone- 133 Brussels, Ont. 24-lbour Service--7 days a Week License' NO, 39O-C-65 400.444.440.044,,0%.44444,•••."--0.4400Ne NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO. CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF GEO- ROB) FREEMAN COUIZIM ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of East Wawanosh, in the County of Huron, Re- tired Farmer, who died on the first day of February, 1967, arc required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 11th day of March, 1967, After the date, the Executors will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, . DATED at Wingham. this 17th day of February, 1967, CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 23-2-0b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE of GEORGE EDWARD GRIFFITH. ALL PERSONS having claims against the' estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Howiek, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on the 18th day of December, 1966, are re- quired to file proof of same with the undersigned on or be- fore the 25th day of February, 1967, After that date the Executor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 6th day of February, 1967. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL, Barristers, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 9-16-23b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the estate of JAMES SAMUEL Mc- BURNEY late of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, TAKE NOTICE that credi- tors and others having claims against the estate of the said James Samuel McBurney, de- ceased, are required to file their claims duly verified with the undersigned on or before th,e eleventh day of March, A.D. 1967, and after the said date the executors will distri- bute the estate baiting 'regard only to, the ,claims of svhidh'4 ' they will then have notice. DATED at Teeswater, On- tatio this twentieth day of February, A.D. 1967, A. H. McTavish, Teeswater, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors, 23-2-9b MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE The Trustees of Morris-East Wawanosh T. S. A, Board ask that all parents in this school area who have children who wish to attend kindergarten class in September, ,notify the Secretary before March 3rd. Children must be 5 years of age by January 1967. Transpor- tation will be provided one way. It is necessary to have this information early so that ac- commodation may be arranged. Ralph Shaw, Secretary, Brus- sels, Ont. 16-23b REMODELLING, PLASTER- ING AND GENERAL REPAIR WORK For estimate phone 5W1 Wroxeter, 23b RADIATOR TROUBLES See Benson's Radiator Service Mount Forest For cleaning, repairing, recor- ing — any size PHONE 323-2824 2-9-16-23* PAINTING ,N5 DECORATING ROBERT E. SEARSON Phone 337-3044 - Winghain NlOrrb FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automo- bile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection Call your Co-op Agent- 53 Maple Street, Wingliam LLOYD MONTGOMERY Dial 357-3739. • SEE GEORGE 13ROOKS at Stratford Cemetery Memorials Ltd, for Memorials of Distinction. 38 Avondale Ave. Stratford Phone 271-0736 Collect STEWART ALUMINUM Sales & Insulation OF GODERICH announces that Ray Hoggarth 382 }parole Read, Getlerich is sales representative for ALGA' SIDING, WINROWS ASO AWNINGS PAIL=O-PAR INSIELAtiON Phone 524-7624 23-2*-9-16b ()Lostivo. N.cmcg Pr, 0, W. Howson's office will be closed from February .24 to April D. 23* LIVING FAITH Telecast this Saturday, Feb- ruary 25, 6:00 6:30 p.m., will be on the theme "This Is Your Pastor." Watch for it, 23* ANNIVERSARY Mr, and Mrs, John Dinsmore of Gorrie, will quietly celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on February 28, 23* cm, WEEKLY EUCHRE On Tuesday, February 28, at 8;30 pen, in the Sacred Heart Parish Hall, High and low men's prize, high and low ladies' prize and door prize, Lunch served. D29cgew BINGO Howick Lions Bingo will be held on Friday, February 24, in "Wroxeter Community Hall, at 8:30 p.m, Twelve games for $10; 3 "Share the Wealth"; 1 Jackpot of $65 in 52 calls. Adm, $1,00; extra tickets 3 for 50c, or 7 for $1.00, Everyone wel- come, BIRTHS GOLLEY •In Wingham and District Hospital, on Tues- day, February 21, 1967, to Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Golley, R, R. 4 Wingham, a son, ANNOUNCEMENT Mr% and Mrs, 'Bert King, R. R. 2 Teeswater, are happy to announce the arrival of their chosen son, Brian James, a brother for Raymond, DEATHS ALDINGTON, Mrs. Freder- ick, 90, of 162 Wellington Rd., S., London, and formerly of Shuter Street, Wingham, died at her home Saturday, Febru- ary 18. Former Florence Dor- othy Grove; widow. Survivors: daug,.htes, Mrs. Charles (Flor- ence) Headley, Mrs. L. R. (Ivy) Livermore, Mrs. Donald (Mar- garet) Brown, all of London; sons, Harold, Arthur, both of London; Alfred, Listowel. Ser- vice Tuesday at Needhani funeral home, London, Burial Wingham Cemetery, CARMICHAEL, Courtland, passed away in South Peel Hospital, on Tuesday, February 7, 1967, in his 58th year, He is survived by his wife, son Courtland of Windsor and daughter Jane of Toronto. He was a brother of the late Hugh Carmichael.' Also survived by gtlfreeetitt'ers, Mrs Jack (Mary) e..Aehdpiesneef .Vaneoueer; • Mrs. Kenneth (Gladys) Kersey of Windsor and Mrs. Keith (Nor- ma) Rutledge of Flesherton, DURNIN, Victor Smith, 79, of 474 Chester St., London, former resident of Minnie St, Wingham, died Saturday in St. Mary's Hospital, London, Sur- vivors: wife, former Violetta Gamble; daughter, Mrs. Thom- as (Almeda) Gagan; son, De- tective J. C. Durnin; step- daughters, Mrs, Jack Cham- pion, Mrs. Lloyd McDonald; sister, Mrs. E, H. Sommersall, all of London. PERDUE, Mrs. Albert, 89, Belgrave, Sunday, Wingham and District Hospital, Former Ellen (Nellie) McCrea, widow. Survivors: daughters, Mrs. Lawrence (Mildred) Vannan, Belgrave; Mrs. George (Laura) Sargent, Rehoboth, Mass,; son, John; Toronto. Service 2 p.m. Tuesday, R. A, Currie and Son funeral home, Wingham. For Sale Located on a main highway on the outskirts of NVinglunn is this lovely 2 storey -solid brick 9 room home, completely modern throughout with mo- dern kitchen, spacious dining room and living room also a den, modern 4 pee bath and 3 lovely and bright bedrooms. Every room is neatly decorat- ed. Full cement basement with a new oil furnace, and with nets' insulation the beating cost is really Jaw. You can ihave this excellent home now; the full asking price is only $8,700 with easy terms, 80 acre farm at Fordwieh, at- tractive .2 storey brick home completely modern throughout. Barn in excellent condition measures 60x75, has 'hydro and Pressure. A real . good imple- ment shed 31x20. Over GO acres of choice dark loam, soil is level and workable, A strong trout stream crosses the pro- perty and a pond could be de- veloped. There is a goad var- iety of fruit trees plus berry plants, grapes, etc, This is lift excellent, opportunity for the hobby farmer eenii-retired or perhaps a livestock dealer. Full asking price is only $20,900.. Located east of Wingham. Choi'c'e 100 acre dairy or beef farm with a large barn and 2 large' silos, Completely modern hoMe,, Aeries Workable land, Priced to sell for spriog pes,:ession. DON HOIST REAL ESTATE LIMITED "Rural Ontario Keith 11tinnager, Phone 357-3840 Cecil Maimed, Representative, Phone 39-6051 IIUIiOAT clIAPTER .or$ Are bolding a euchre in the Chapter Room Masonic Hall) Friday, February 24, at 8 p in. Prizes and lunch will be serv- ed„ Everyone welcome, 231) ANNUAL MEETING The 94th annual meeting of the Howiek Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Gorrie Com- munity Hall on Friday, Febru- ary 24, 1967, at 1:30 p,m„ to elect directors and transact such other business as may be brought before the meeting. Clare Hutchison, J, H, Wylie, President. Sec.-Treas. 16-23b Pearson, Edwatas & CO. Chartered Accountants P. R. PEARSON Trustee ill Bankruptcy 306 JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM - Tel. 257-2891 WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Save Bus. Ph. 357.1910 Res. Ph. 357-1015 Frederick F. Homuth Phm.B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, RO Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, RO OPTOMETRISTS Phone 338-2712 HARRISTON - ONTARIO DOES IT PAY TO SELL YOUR CAR PRIVATELY? ENGAGEMENTS. Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth .dine of Luelenow, announce the engagement of their daughter, Cheryle Arnetta, to Mr. Robert Gary Reavie„ son of Mr. and Mrs, Rutherford Reavie of Wingham, The marriage will take place on Friday, March 17, 1007, at 7:30 pan, in St, Peter's Anglican Church, Luck- now, 23* PLAN NOW to attend the East Wawanosh CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION AUGUST 5.6-7 GAVILLER & COMPANY Chartered Accountants Resident Partner J. E. Kennedy, C.A. Dial 881-3471 - Walkerton Crawford, Shepherd & Mill Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. J. Harley Crawford, Q.C. Norman A. Shepherd, M.A., LLB. Alan R. Mill, B.A., LLB. WINGHAM, ONTARIO Dial 357.3630 111 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY, Etc. Office — Meyer Block WLN(:HAM DIAL 357.1990 $$$$ 00, o o lllll ,100,00,1,00,01.11111/001fr, ll 11114010,0400.110/144 0,1,11010,60 l ig ll l 01 01.0!oll!gtfist4 oloillit4lots. oo Coming Events Keith McClure As anyone who has tried will tell you, attempting to sell your used car privately can melee you wish you hadn't. Here are sonic of the steps a private seller in Wingham must go through: Firstly, he must advertise his car in a newspaper where ak his ad wora compete With dealers. In any event, he must 11. generally be foeever on call for the right prospect to come $Pf.ol°r s ngt.ili is staittifilly less. That's usually Why they answer steb When he does findbuyer, he runs into real Price re- siStrince. Private buyers expect to bilY front an Individual ads in the fies,t place. In addition, the seller eon offer no guarantees or service after delivery and the !Myer knows that all future faults With the car become his responsibility. Since better than threcaqUarters Of all buyers have a car to trade, the chances are good that the buyer himself will have a ear that will stand in the way of the deal. If the transaction passes this hurdle, then the problem of fi , nailer arises. Again, better than 70'1' Of all cars are sold on terms, and the chances are good that the prospective buyer will wish to buy Yt this swtt Tt is to overcomese problems, of course, that ear dealers exist. Seek out a repUtable One where you ettri expect honest irtilitthenf. reliable service with fair dealings and trade your car with him.