HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-02-02, Page 8•PI.04.0.1fronr At W.11+1 S. SCHOOL PAGE EDITOR: Gloria Reed PHOTOGRAPHER: Kerry Stuckey. day *al- Members of the Junior Boys' basketball team watched the senior lose to Goderich last week. Seen here are Monty Templeman, Bill Skinn, Dale Wardley and Gary Bauer in the front with David Ohm and Mitchell DeZeeuw in the background. Perk up your car ... it lasts longer, runs cheaper! Our experienced mechanics know how to do it faster. Up-to-date tools help them do it better. Drive right in for better car care . for better prices, too! GET A PERK-UP! flo TUNE-UP BRAKES SHOCKS * RAD *ELECTRICAL • TIRES • • .4.. • • • MISS ARMSTRONG She loves me! . . . IN A SUIT CLEANED BY McINNES DRY CLEANERS YOU TOO CAN SPARKLE ON VALENTINE'S DAY -SHE'LL LOVE YOU AND YOU'LL LOVE OUR PRICES. PHONE 357-3750 1 Page 8 Win 'ha e T Thursday, Feb, 2, 1967 EXETER WINNERS-The South Huron Dis- trict High School rink won the Huron-Perth bonspiel staged here on Saturday and Mon- day, From the left are Gordon Greenwood, Al Youngash, skip, receiving the Wingham Curling Club Trophy from Bob Campbell of the Wingham District High School; Ron Youngash and Bill Malone.-A-T Photo. SHEILA CREWSON 11C Question: What do you think of the cheerleaders? Is any im- provement needed? Gary Carter 12C: "They're all right by me and I don't think there's any need of im- provement." 0--0--0 Bob Miller 11C: "I think they're great. The new cheers they have learned are much superior to the old ones used other years and the cartwheels are super. The cheerleaders this year have done a lot to bring the old school spirit back to Wingham High." 0-0-0 Donna Malick 11C: "'think they're doing a great job. Keep it up girls:" David - David Rosman 11C: "They're skirts are too long," Catherine Grant 11C: "Great' Super: You're doing the best job jet:" Two assemblies held last Tuesday BY ALEXANDRA FISCHERXIIB On Friday, January 30, Mr. Madill asked the teachers tore- member the assemblies planned for Tuesday, one for Grades 9 and M and one for Grades 11, 10 and 13. Immediately the rumours started flying. One Grade 13 student asked, "What is it that they can tell us that they can't tell the Jun- iors?" One suggested, "They're going to line us all up and shoot us." Finally on Tuesday the truth came out; we were in fxf a talk on alcoholism by Mr. Knott from Toronto, and there vete to be two assemblies because the gym is too full with all of us in there, Mr. Knott started by telling us something of the chemical nature of alcohol and of its us- es. Did you know that ether and alcohol are chemical cons, ins': Or that lipstick, perfume and many men's hairdressings contain alcohol? Our guest then went on to tell us of the alcohol in wines, )0;h1skeys and so on. Ile didn't preach or scold, In fact, he didn't even advise, in so many words. Instead, he told us the specific effects alcohol has on the brain -- how it affects first the frontal lobe and then the ,niddle one and how it creates ',Itiper before it is possible for tie back section which controls breathing and respiration to be dasna.4ed. Ile cautioned us that alcohol To drink or not to drink -- would be a big de- cision which should be made by each person individually, What he told us did not de , cide tor us - that is our job. 13-ut each of us will Meet this qliestion with fuller understand. ing because of leis worth, Broom all WM -MCI P.CI [-Last Wed- nesday L.,v( fling Whitechurch and Irussels broom ball teams played at Wingham with a score of I -6 irs favor ut Whiteehurch, Thursday evening White., chtm h won 1- over Relmore in a gam( played at ReIgrave, BY CATHERINE GRANT 11C Miss Armstrong was born in Lucknow and attended Lucknow public and high schools. From there she went to Secretarial College in Toronto for one year. After graduating from Sec- retarial College, she worked as a bookkeeper and secretary for eight years and then she worked for Bell Telephone. For the final 12 years before coming to Wingham, Miss Armstrong held a position at the National Em- ployment Office in Godcrich. Her main reason for becom- ing a teacher was that she want- ed a change. When the oppor- tunity came, she took it, and thus became an important mem- ber of the commercial, teach- ing staff. Miss Armstrong enjoys the new six-day cycle, recently be- gun at Wingham. She say;that it takes the pressure off every- one because there is not the hurry and rush to finish as there was before, At present, book- keeping, and business corres- pondence fill Miss Armstrong's school day. Her opinions on mini skirts and mod styles are that things have to change, but that such things can be "taken too far". She has been quite favourably impressed by the students of W. D. H. S. and has no pet peeves. Handicrafts, music, reading and traveling when she can find the time, fill Miss Armstrong's spare moments. She would like to go to Expo and see every- thing, but nothing in particular at present. Miss Armstrong's main goal in life is to obtain a teaching degree, Although she hasmany SQUIRTS WIN 6-3 BELMOU-Our Squirts real- ly are going ahead by leaps and hounds! Last Saturday morning they played Wroxeter in a game here in Belmore. The score was 0-3, our lads walking away with the swelled heads! Our scorers were Douglas Inglis with three, and George Fischer, Paul Inglis, and Jim NIcBurney with one each. Their next game will be Saturday morning at 111, with llluevale snaking the trip to our fair village. And about those swelled heads -- our team real- ly isn't guilty of that, the big heads really belong to the Mums and Dads! Fordwich teams play four games -FORDWICI I- The Fordwich Pee Wee hockey team met the Kurtzville team in their arena on Friday night hut were de- feated On Saturday mom , ing the Fordwicli Squirts net the Blue‘fale boys in the Wrox.. eter arena, winning by the .score of in ,1 The Bantam remit !net the. Wroxetet boys in the local are , na on 'Friday night with turd wick winning and on Thurg, day night Fordwich Rockets met the Lakelet Jets in Mild- -may, winning to the tune or years of experience and has taken O.C.E. courtes, she does not yet have her B, A. It is with pleasure that every- one at Wingham wishes Miss Armstrong success in the future. Fun for all at Lucknow event; help tour fund A Winter Carnival will take place in Lucknow Friday eve- ning sponsored by the staff and students of Lucknow District High School, Chairman of the. carnival is Madame St. Hilaire, formerly of Quebec City who teaches French at the school, Mr. Ashkanase is helping her with the planning. All staff members are working on e0111- 11-tirreeS. Noel Mason, principal will conduct the official opening at 7,30 and Mr. Snowman will lead a torch and masquerade parade from the school to the arena. The Carnival Queen, chosen from the eight duchess- es representing different grades in-the school, will be crowned. The remainder of the eve- ning will include broomball games and a dance on ice un- til midnight. A lunch counter will be in operation for carni- val-goers. Proceeds from the carni%al will be used for the Expo Fund, to help lower the cost of a plan- ned trip to Expo this spring for all the 18u students. geot taut gqes A CUT THAT "SWINGS LIKE A PENDULUM DO." Coil by Mr. Stewart. Dallas THE CUT: A very short layered cut, cut very close in back. THE SET: Tape bangs o- ver a wad of cotton. Tape side fringe and nape hair also. THE BRUSHOUT: Brush forward from the crown teasing slightly along the way. keep the back smooth and close to the head, COME NOW, MR. HORWOOD, don't exag- gerate. Mrs. Cleland may have been taken in but not Mr. Anderson. Incidentally, the Sr. girls' basketball BY SALLY GALBRAITH Wingham Seniors played Goderich here last Thursday.In the first quarter Mary Finlayson made two baskets and Sharon Reavie sank a free throw. This left a score of 8-5 at the be- ginning of the second quarter in favour of Godcrich, Wingham had some bad luck in the next two quarters and so faced a score of 35-5 with just one quarter to go. They never gave up and as a result boosted their score 14 points. Scorers were Sharon Reavie, Mary Fin- layson, Rennie MacKenzie, Sharon Willie and Stella Nice- chan. The final score was 3-;- :1) for Goderich. The Seniors made a great come back in the last quarter which only a good team can do. This week they will be playing Exeter, so -the best of luckgirls, STOCK UP NOW SAVE 25% LARGE SIZE SALE FACE POWDERS CLOUDSILK SPECIAL PRICE $3.00 DU BARRY PEARLED POWDER reg. price $4.00 FACE POWDER TO CLEANSE CLEANSING CREAM SPECIAL PRICE $2.75 PENETRATING FOR DRY SKIN reg. price $3.75 CLEANSER SKIN FRESHENER SPECIAL PRICE $2.00 reg. price $2.75 TO SOFTEN CREME SUPERBE SPECIAL PRICE $2.00 reg. price $2.75 TO PROTECT MOISTURE PETALS SPECIAL PRICE $3.75 FOUNDATION reg. price $5.00 LOTION TO STIMULATE SPECIAL SPECIAL PRICE $2.00 FIRMING ASTRINGENT reg. price $2.75 LOTION VIBRANCE SPECIAL PRICE $2.00 CREME MASQUE reg. price $2.75 FOR LOVELIER LIPS ROYAL LIPSTICK GOLDEN CASE PRETTY SLICK.- Helps Prevent. Chapping SPECIAL PRICE $1.30 ROYAL LIPSTICK reg, price $1.75 Plastic Case SPECIAL PRICE $1.50 reg. price $2.00 SPECIAL OFFER ENDS FEBRUARY 2g, 1967 NCE'S ys' basketbd BY DON RAE Last Thursday the boys went to Goderich ro play their third ;Tame; ,er'e. .. six. The juniors played very well and managed to defeat the Goder- ich juniors by a EeOre 3,•-: With their record tw, wins and one loss, the juniors still have a good ehaece to make the playolfs, The seniors .0E 7. :heir third straigL: game bet -he store was a little closer this time. The Goderich seniurs bear Winghase 47-:33. The chances of the seniors r,aL!:in: 171a':eeffs are ail but ;one r:ow, as three games remain. The high scorers in the jun- ior game were Bill Skinn and Dale Wardley each with eleven points. Bill Skinn missed over half the game due to an injur).. The senior team was without its coach, Mr. Taylor and two players, haul Fleury and Neil Renwick. There were only eight players available for the :;apes. The scorer was Ken Skinn with ten points. The boys will be playing Exeter in Wingham next week and hope to have a victory in front of the home crowd. Solid friendship: Two girl: read at the same person. (it photograph seen here is one of about three placed on easels to block off a broken water fountain. SPECIAL PRICE $2.00 reg. price $2.75 SPECIAL PRICE $2.25 reg. price $3.00 SPECIAL PRICE $2.25 reg. price $3.00 SPECIAL PRICE $2.00 reg. price $2.75 SPECIAL PRICE $ .90 reg. price $1.25