HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1967-01-12, Page 6Page 6 I k jF^ti-Rizvir-r, • 1113/C ,^=4.1k1" Am, 120 W 4 .:40074 mai ..... I ................. osoimommimmtilsmil000ltsonisouti ...... ofil.imminft.'111" ...................... ... .0.!! John Wingham Advance-Times, Thursday, Jan. 12, 1967 \Lt Mf ZAt Frederick F Flormith Carol E. Hornuth, IW Mrs. Viola H. Homuth, RO (WV:Mertt's Phene,,, il8 , HARRISTON ONTARIO 71e emit S Corning Events FOR SALE COOKING ONIONS, 50 lb. bag ;2.98, Dobson's Store, Wrox- eter, 12b THE PERFECT school aid-- a portable typewriter. Try the new Underwood at The Ad- vance-Times, From $93.00. rr BEATTY IRONER for sale, Mrs, Harry Merkley, 357-2030. 12b 5-LBS. WHITE SUGAR 39e, Dobson's Store, Wroxeter, 12b PAIR 7-ft. skis and poles for sale, in good condition, Phone 357-1033 after six p.m, 12b MILK FILTERS for sale, plain, rapid flo, 61/2 "-85c a box, Alexander's Hardware, phone 357-3631. llrrb MAXWELL HOUSE instant coffee, 6-oz, 99c. Dobson's Store, Wroxeter. 12b FOR SALE — Party ice, 9 lb. bags, 50c; also blocks, 25-50-100 lbs, Gay-Lea Cheese House. (liem) FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator freezer for sale; 4 burner range, both in good condition, Ideal for summer cottage. Ph. 357-1996 after six, 12b 15% OFF on all foot wear. Dobson's Store., Wroxeter. 12b TRY the new Underwood type- writers at The Advance-Times office. Portables at $93.00 and $139.50. All the features of the big standards. rr SET OF Canadiana books with bookcase for sale, including 16 book set of Home Handyman. $145,00. Apply Box 10, Advance- Times, 12* SAVE ON PAINT — log off regular prices on Kern Glo Enamel, Super Kern Tone and Martin-Senour, Your headquar- ters for Kern Lines. Alexander's Hardware. 5rrb McCORMICK'S soda biscuits, 2 lb. pkg, 69c. Dobson's Store, Wroxeter. 12b WOOD FOR SALE — Heavy hard maple and beech slab- wood. Delivered to your yard. 7 cords $28.00 or 5 cords $20.00, Craig's Sawmill, Auburn, ph, 526-7220. 5-12-19b VACUUM CLEANER SALES. Service for all makes, Filter Queen Sales, Zurich, phone Hensall 262-5350 collect. My26rrb OLIVETTI - UNDERWOOD adding machines are priced as low as $103.50. Add, subtract, multiply, credit balance; 10-11 columns. Try them at The Ad- vance-Times. rr JANUARY CLEARANCE — Wise buy bargains on shop floor portables and cabinet models, Up to 25% off regular price. Free check on any make or model of sewing machine in January, Singer Co, of Canada, phone 357-3730 after 6 p.m, 5-12b SPRING SALE—It's sale time at ARMITAGE'S in Wingham with their annual Bond Made- to-measure Suit Sale, For only $69.95 you can have your new spring suit tailored to your in- dividual measurements and made any style you wish and during this sale you get Extra Pants absolutely Free. Hun- dreds of cloths to choose from in summer weights, year round weights, any kind of cloth you want we have it, This sale ends Feb. 25th. You have got to have your order in by this date but you don't have to take de- liver' until April, May or June. And remember the special sale offer—extra trousers are yours free at ARMITAGE'S in Wing- ham. 12-19-26-F2-9-16-23b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SEVERAL HOLSTEIN heifers for sale, soon to freshen. Ap- ply to Harry Bateman, R. R. 1 Wingham, 12* YOUNG BOARS of serviceable age for sale, Phone 357-3588. 5-12b 16 PIGS for sale, 8 weeks old. William R. Taylor, Wroxeter. 12* FOR SALE—Some blue hybrid sow pigs, 90 lbs., from pure- bred stock, also some purebred Landrace chunks, either sex. Dewitt Adams, Gorrie. 12* ARTICLES FOR RENT RENT our new Dustless floor sanders and make your old floors like new again. We have just purchased the new Dust- less floor sanding machines, You can save over 50% by doing your own sanding. Alex- ander's Hardware, 24rrb FOR RENT ONE - .BEDROOM apartment for rent. Apply Jack Reavie. 12* ONE BEDROOM ground floor apartment for rent, in Wing- ham. Heated. Apply Teeswater 392-6982. 12.19b TWO BEDROOM apartment for rent; heated, separate en- trance, laundry tuba, large basement and yard, Available February 1st. Phone 351-1863, 12b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE INCOME PROPERTY for salt — double house, brick, one apartment rented. Lot at rear 75' frontage facing Shuter St. Apply Jack Reavie, 12* ONE - STOREY modern home far sale. Three bedrooms, ma- dern bath, Also bath in base- ment. Modern kitchen, living room and dining room, family room, Air conditioning and at- tached garage. Large lawn and trees at rear. If interested con- tact Box 11, Advance-Times 12b FOR SALE Large, remodelled duplex, centrally located. Main floor, large living room and large modern kitchen, bath, two bed- rooms, attached garage. Owner occupied, Upstairs apartment has large living room and kit- chen, 2 bedrooms. bath, store room, Separate entrance, laun- dy tubs, oil furnace, Early possession, 1v2 storey, 6 room house in Whitechurch, large living room, kitchen, 3 piece bath, 2 oil stoves, work shop, Immediate possession, Full price $4,000,00 with terms. For all your Real Estate re- quirements call WILLIAM S. REED General Insurance and Real Estate Broker Phone 357-2174 - Wingthain 12b JOB OPPORTUNITIES GOOD OPPORTUNITY is open to bath male and female ap- plicants. Hardware or other re- tail experience an asset but not necessary. A young man of good character, neat appear- ance with desire who has "handy fix-it" ability will be given special consideration. Ap- ply in person to Stainton's Hardware (Wingham) Ltd. 12-19b FINISH HIGH SCHOOL Home study prepares you to write Ontario provincial exam. inations for recognized certifi- cate. Grades 6-13. All books and supplies. Low monthly pay- ments, income tax deductable. For full information write 'Ca- nadian Academy, 40 Main St., West, Hamilton, Ont. A7rrb FEMALE HELP WANTED COMFORTABLE home• for re- liable middleaged woman as companion. Helper, State wages. No smoking, Box 32, Fordwich. Phone 10813.2 before 8 p.m. 12b WANTED — Reliable house- keeper to look after one elder- ly couple from 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p,m., every day except Sunday, Phone 357-2082 or Wroxeter 21W2, 5-12b WANTED VINSERIA WANTED — Guns and rifles. Cameron's Billiards, Dleowb WANTED TO BUY — Horse- drawn 8-ft. cultivator; also row scuffler, Amos E. Yoder, R, R. 1 Wroxeter, 12* OLD CLOCKS WANTED, in any condition. Letters with particulars to K. Sandercott, Twilit° Motel, R. R. 1, Hyde Park, Ont., or phone Wingham 357-2399. 23-30-7-14*rrb EMPLOYMENT WANTED HOME TYPING of letters, en- velopes, etc. Prompt service and reasonable rates, Hazel Spe.rling, phone 89J1, Wrox- eter, 12* FOUND Mer.110. ,1•1=101013[0•1211•=kila FOUND — Men's Timex self- winding watch. Call Advance- Times. 12* INTERIOR DECORATING PAINTING - PAPERING Floor Covering - Tile & Carpets Expert Installation CERAMIC TILE Phone 357-2002 WINGHAM - ONT. J12rrb Dead Stock Removal HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for fregh dead, disabled cows and horses, we pay lc per lb. weighing over. 600 pounds. For the. most prompt and courteous fiet,Vide, itt tiriis district. PLEASE CALL COLLECT MARLATT BROS. Phone 133 Ettoseeis, Ont.. iierViC64 tlaya a week' License NO. 380-0.8li CARDS OF THANKS Mrs. JIM McBurney and fam- ily wish to sincerely thank their friends and neighbors for the sympathy shown them dur- ing their recent bereavement, for the donations to Gideon Bibles and Heart Fund and beautiful floral tributes; also special thanks to Rev, Gordon Fish, 12* The family of the late Roy S. Gowdy wish to sincerely thank their friends and neigh- bors for the many acts of kind- ness and sympathy shown them during their recent ber- eavement. We would also like to express appreciation to Drs. Corrin and Klahsen and the nursing staff of Wingham and District Hospital, Special thanks to Rev, R. Sweeney and the ladies of Gorrie United Church. 12* Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brecken- ridge and family would like to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy extend- ed to them during their recent bereavement of their son, Barry, Also for the beautiful floral tributes, contributions to Heart Foundation, cards and messages of sympathy, Special thanks to Rev. G, Mitchell, the ladies of Bluevale United Church for helping at the house, R, A. Currie & Son funeral home, and all who helped in any other way. 12* I would like to say a sincere thanks to all my friends and neighbors for cards, letters, treats, etc,, while I was a pa- tient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don.—Mrs, Jean Crump. 12* We would like to thank all the Business men of Wingham for their donations of money to us since the fire. This is deeply appreciated. — Wilbert and Eunice Hewitt. 12* I would like to thank all my friends and neighbors who re- membered me by cards, letters and flowers during my short stay in the hospital, and to the nurses on second floor for their kindness; also Rev, and Mrs. Mitchell and Dr. W, A, Craw- ford.—Mrs. Eunice Gillespie. 12b I would like to take this op- portunity to thank my many friends and organizations who romembei ed me with cards and gifts at Christmas time. They were very much appreciated.— Mrs. Mary Coultes, Huron- view. 12* I wish to extend my sincere thanks to all who remembered me with visits, cards, gifts and treats while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Special thanks to the students and teachers of Wingham District High School for their kindness. —Douglas Davidson, Brussels. 12* I would like to thank Fr. Mooney,, Dr. McKim and Dr. Mel Corrin, nursing staff on second floor at the Wingham and District Hospital, also co- eds of the Wingham Fire De- partment, friends and relatives for remembering me while in hospital,—Don Willie. 12b I wish to express thanks to all who sent cards and treats and visited me while I was in Wingham and District Hos- pital. Thanks to the nurses on second floor and Dr. P. J. Leahy. —Mrs, Russell Ritchie. 12b My sincere thanks is extend- ed to friends, relatives and neighbors who remembered me with cards, letters, treats and visits, while a patient in Wing- ham and District Hospital, also to Dr. W. A. McKibbon. A special thanks to nurses and staff for making such a lovely Christmas and New Years for the patients. It was all deeply appreciated. May God bless you all. Thanks again,—Ida Evans, 12b 1141.01011110•111010141.1MOS IN MEMORIAM POWELL — In loving memory of Rosie Powell, who passed away January 16, 1966. 0 happy hours we once enjoy- ed. How sweet their memory still, But death has left a loneliness The world can never fill, —Ever remembered by Gayle, 12b DEATHS INGLIS, Alexander Radford, 61, Carrick Township, January 5, 1967, at home. Survivors; sisters, Mrs. Charles (Ella) Scott, Carrick Township; Mrs. James (Anne) Smith, Grey Township; Mrs. Walter (Mary) Woods, Turnberry Township; Mrs. Oliver (Jean) Death, Wes- ton, SI-IURTLEFF, Minnie — At Rest Haven Private Hospital, Hamilton, on Wednesday, January 4, 1067, Minnie Shurt- left, daughter of the late Wil- liam and Eliza Martin, Beloved sister of Lillian Anderson, 65% James Street 8„ Hamilton, in her 87th year; also surviving are several nieces and nephews. Service was held tram the Dodsworth ga Brown funeral home, Hamilton, on Friday, January 6, intern-teat was made In White Chapel lVferri. oriel Gardens,. CLOSING NOTICE Dr. W. A. Crawford's office will be closed from January 28 to April 1, 12.19* EUCHRE AND DANCE Friday, January 13, in the Foresters Hall, Belgrave, Prizes for euchre. Music by Don Rob- ertson and the Ranch Boys. Adm, euchre 50c, dance $1.00. Proceeds for the renovation of the recreation room at the arena, 12b CWL WEEKLY EUCHRE On Tuesday, January 17, at 8:30 p.m. in the Sacred Heart Parish Hall, High and low men's prize, high and low ladies' prize and door prize. Lunch served, D29egew BINGO Howie% Lions Bingo will be held on Friday, January 13, in Wroxeter Community Hall, at 8:30 p.m, Twelve games for 110; 3 "Share the Wealth"; 1 Jackpot of $85 in 60 calls, Adm. $1.00; extra tickets 3 for 50c, or 7 for $1.00. Everyone wel- come, VINVO.NMESIMMONNIONIINNIVIIM MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING & DECORATING ROBERT E. SEARSON Phone 357-3044 - Wingham Nlorrb FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automo- bile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection Call your Co-op Agent- 53 Maple Street, Wingham LLOYD MONTGOMERY Dial 357-3739. SEE GEORGE BROOKS at Stratford Cemetery Memorials Ltd. for Memorials of Distinction. 38 Avondale Ave. Stratford Phone 271-6736 Collect N17rrb ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. J, E, Martin of Ethel, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth Anne, to Mr. George Abram Procter, son of Mr. and Mrs, J. Stewart Procter, of R. R, 5 Brussels, The wedding will take place late in January in Knox Presbyterian Church, Ethel. 12* BIRTHS HUNTER — In Wingham and District Hospital on Wednes- day, January 4, 1967, to Mr. and Mrs, James Hunter, R. R. 1 Belgrave, a son. VISSOHER—In Wingham and District Hospital, on Sunday, January 8, 1967, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Visscher, R. R. 2 Teeswater, a daughter. McLEAN—In St. Mary's Hos- pital, Kitchener, on Sunday, January 8, 1967, to Mr. and Mrs. Don McLean, a son, Jeffrey Paul, a wee brother for Linda, VIENNEAU—In Wingham and District Hospital on Tuesday, January 10, 1967, to Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Vienneau, R, R. 4 Wingham, a son. Monday funeral for Margaret Moore,18 Margaret. Elizabeth Moore of R. R. 5 Lucknow died Friday, January 6 in Wingham and Dist- rict Hospital following an ill- ness of a few months. She was 18. Margaret had lived in the Whitechurch district all her life. She attended school at U. S.S. Kinloss and Wingham District High School where she completed Grade 12 in June. She spent most of July and Aug- ust in hospital in London but was then able to be at home urr- til she entered hospital here on January 4, An active member of White- church United Church, Marg- aret sang in the choir, taught a Sunday School class and was a member of the Young People's Society. She is survived by her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Mil- ian Moore, one sister, Muriel and a brother, Elwin, both of London. Private funeral service was held at the R. A. Currie & Son funeral home on Monday after- noon with interment in Wing- ham Cemetery, Rev. George C. Mitchell conducted the services. Pallbearers were Russell Chapman, Garnet Fattier, Da- vid Gibb, Arthur Laidlaw, Don. aid Ross and Carman Whytock. Floral tributes were carried by Alan Barger and George Thomp- son, LIVING FAITH Telecast on Saturday, Janu- ary 14th, on aCNX-TV, Oh. 8, 6:00-6:30 p.m., will feature a special program on the theme "20th Century Youth." Watch for it, 12* W, I, EUCHRE The Wingham Branch of the Women's Institute will bold a euchre in the Council Cham- bers Wednesday, January 18, at 8;15. Lunch served. 12b BLUE VALE EUCHRE PARTIES The euchre parties sponsored by the Recreation Association will be held every two weeks starting this Thursday, Janu- ary 12. Admission 50c. Lunch served. 12b OPEN HOUSE Will be held Sunday, Janu- ary 15th, from 1:30 - 5:00 p.m., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Elliott, Lucknow, to honor Mrs. 0. G. Anderson, Belgrave, on the occasion of her 80th birthday. Friends are invited to call, 12b J. McBurney was native Turnberry The death of a respected member of this community took place Saturday, December 31 in Wingham and District Hospi- tal when James Samuel Mc- Burney died following a short illness. He was 77 years of age and had farmed in this area un- til his retirement two years ago. He was born in Turnberry Township, a son of the late John McBurney and Margaret Wylie. He attended Powell's School on the 6th of Turnberry. On February 2, 1916 he mar- ried Margaret Chandler of Wing- ham at the home of her parents in Turnberry. Mr. McBurney is survived by his wife; a daughter, Mrs. John (Jean) Stokes of R.R. 1 Wrox- eter; a son, Jack W. McBurney of R.R. 1 Wingham; and five grandchildren. He is also survived by three sisters, Mrs. Jennie Harris of R. R. 1 Wroxeter, Mrs. Lottie Martin of Wroxeter and Mrs. Catharine Farrend of Calgary. One sister, Mrs. Mary Moffitt of London predeceased him. Mr. McBurney was a mem- ber of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. The funeral was held from the S. J. Walker funeral home on January 3 with Rev. G. L. Fish officiating. Burial was in Wroxeter Cemetery. Pallbearers were Jim Fitch, Greer Wylie, Walter Willits, Bill Martin, Hugh Harris and Clare Niergarth. The flower bearers were George Gallaway, Glenn Stapleton, John Moffitt and Stuart Aitken. Aunt dies in England Mrs. Wm. Elston received word of the passing of her aunt, Mrs. Foster, in Canterbury, England on Boxing Day. She and Mr. Foster had celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on Christmas Day and received congratulations from Her Maj- esty Queen Elizabeth. Mr. and Mrs. Foster visited Mrs. Elston and her families for three months about ten years ago and will be remembered by many a Canadian soldier, as their home was a home away from home anytime during the war years. Her daughter and husband visited in Wingham the past summer for three weeks. "You've been appearing be- fore me in this court for twenty years," said the judge. An- swered the drunk: "Can I help it if you don't get promoted?" Alex Reid was long-lime resident A resident of Wingham far almost 90 years, Alexander Reid, died in Wingham and District Hospital last Thursday after art illness of several weeks Mr. Reid was 89. He was a former bus line operator here and branch manager of the Brit- ish American Oil Company for many years, retiring in 1958. Born in Kincardine Township, he was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Reid. He married the former Henrietta McLean at Ripley in 1903 and farmed near Durham until moving to Wing- ham in 1908. Mr. and Mrs. Reid would have celebrated their 64th wed- ding anniversary on March 24th of this year. He was a member of Wing- ham United Church, an honorary member of the church board and a life member of the local Masonic Lodge, the Royal Arch Masonic Lodge and the Canad- ian Order of Foresters. Surviving are his wife; a daughter, Mrs. J. C. (Tena) Thompson of London, a brother, Alfred of Sarnia, and five grand- children. Funeral service was held at the S. J. Walker funeral home Saturday with Rev. C. M. Jar- dine in charge and burial was in Wingham Cemetery. A Ma- sonic service was conducted Fri- day evening. Mrs. J. A. Kennedy Mrs. John A. Kennedy, the, former Annie May Currie, died Friday in Sarnia General HosPi-- tal following an illness of three months. Her home address was 359 Wellington Street, Sarnia. She was 'the daughter of the late Elizabeth Robertson and John Currie and was born in East Wawanosh Township 83 years ago. Her husband predeceased her in 1946. Mrs. Kennedy is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Lance (Lula) Grain of Listowel, Mrs. John (Mary) Burchill and Mrs, John (Jessie) McKague, both of Wing- ham and a brother, Thomas A. Currie of Wingham. Funeral service was held January 8 at the Robb funeral home in Sarnia with interment in Georgetown. Norman Souch died January 1 Norman Souch passed away in Shellbrooke, Sask., on Sun- day, January 1, 1967, in his 75th year. He was born in Moe ris Township and went West at an early age. His wife, the former Lilly Jones, predeceased him on De- cember 27, 1965. He is survived by two daugh- ters and one son, also three sis- ters and two brothers, Mrs. John (Emma) Young of Dungannon, Mrs. Jack (Florence) Sellers of Moose Jaw, Mrs. Mildred Stew- art of Wingham, Charlie of Blyth and Leslie in Port Mc- Neill, B.C. Three sisters pre- deceased him. Funeral service was on Janu- ary 4 to Prince Albert Ceme- tery. No matter what happens, there is always someone Who knew it would. Roy G powcii dies in hospital GORRIE— SAM uel Roy Gowdy, 74, of Gorrie died Wednesday January 4, in Wingham andDis- trict Hospital after a lengthy illness. Mr. Gowdy was born in How* ick Township, April 29, 1892, the son of the late John Gowdy and his wife Jane Nay. He farm- ed on the B Line of Howick un- til retiring to Gorrie in 1958. He was a member of the Eel- more United Church and an el- der for several years. He is survived by his wife, the former Irene Earl and two sisters, Mrs. Jim (Edith) Doig of Wroxeter, Mrs. Fred (Bessie) Hyndman of Gorrie and one brother, Mr. Harry Gowdy of Gorrie. Funeral service Was held at the Moir funeral home, Gorrie, on Saturday, ,January.7 at ,2 p.m. conducted by Rev. R, M. Sweeney 9f Gorrie United Church. A solo was sung by Miss Lavonne Ballagh of Bel- more, accompanied by Mrs. Carl Douglas. Pallbearers were Rowland • Ballagh, Alex Petrie, Alyin Fitch, Burns Stewart, 'Cameron' Edgar and George King. Burial was in Gorrie Ceme- tery. Mrs. W. Weir and Miss Ger- trude Bush were recent•guests with , Mr. and Mrs. George Gib- son. Mr; arid Mrs: Allister .f• ; .,Green and JanisT of Goderich 'were alsO Visitors at the same home. • Miss Alison Metealf6 of Win- ' nipeg has arrived to spend an extended visit with Misses Elsie !and Marion Gibson. Sunday evening visitors witfr- .Mr. and Mrs. Russell Walker ,'were, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Busby and Dead of Mildmay;:' Mr. Terrence Clark, •Scar- :borough,,Ipevttherweeler end t with ,Iii4Parents M;r. :drict , Vern MY: jol-ninpfer and Misi'i 'Hazel Sparling.visited Mr: and Mrs. Blair Sharp artd family, of Sarnia and Mrs. Angus Car- ' Pearson, Edwards & co. Chartered Accountants P. R. PEARSON Trustee in Bankruptcy 306 JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM - Tel. 257-2891 VIIINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED• GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING 'REASI tik0,1*ktt!tir as Bios. Ph. i57.1910 Res. Ph. 3571015 Oppertunify for young directors in community theatre michael, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Robertson and family of God- erich recently. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mof- fat .of Toronto have leased the home in the' village from Mr. Russell Lockwood, formerly the home of Mrs. Archie Robinson •-now if Clinton. ' • Mrs.,Oliver Riley and Linda Lee visited the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Mc- CutCheon, Walton, on Monday. . 'There,are feltpeople in the Werstern W,orld!yrfio have not seen -ot•hcarti,V Motor vehicle; but, there are a great many who have not seen or heard one soon enough. Keith McClure GAVILLER & COMPANY Chartered Accountants Resident Partner J. E, Kennedy, C.A. Dial 881-3471 - Walkerton Crawford, Shepherd & Mill Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. J. Harley Crawford, Q.C. Norman A. Shepherd, M.A., LLB. Ahm IL min, 13.A,, OitA10111" Dial 357.3630 J. T. GOODALL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY, Etc. Dale+'Meyer Ilidek W-1141011AM MAL *I57.199Ci \ 12 / HAFERMEHL'S" 9 JEWELLERY 3 DIAMONDS = WATCHES. CRYSTAL', CHINA Gifts for Every Occasion FREE — Gift Wrapping • Expert ,Jewellery` and Watch Repoli* WINGHAM The Ontario Department of Education has announced that new training opportunities will be made available for young people with a flair for the thea- tre. Applications will be 9 re- ceived in Toronto until Junta 21st from people in their earl ) twenties who are potential dit- ectors. Each year for the next three years fivelelected applicants will be attached to repertory theatres in England for a period of one year to receive training in the practical development of community theatres. ' Applicants must have shown la potential as theatre directors, ability to work with people and willingness to live and work with theatre groups in selected communities for a two year per- iod following their return to On- tario. Training will commence in September, 1967. Further information about the plan may be secured from the Distric4 office of the Commun- ity Programs Division of the De- partment of Education. News of Wroxeter HAT BETWEEN CAR DiALERS? Since no dealer has a monopoly on the product he sells, the essential difference is in the character of the dealer him- self and the• way lie, runs his business, We heard this. expressed -very well recently by a dealer acquaintance who runs a very successful business. Speaking to 'a customer who had just purchased a new car from him, the dealer said: "We never forget you could have bought this car anywhere. All we have to sell you is good service, honest treatment and reliable guarantees. "We're going to do our best to deliver those three things so that your satisfaction with this car will make you want to buy your next one here and speak well of us to your friends." Needless to say, that dealer enjoys a repeat business from loyal customers that is nothing short of sensational. In a nutshell, he had expressed the automobile dealer's very reason for existence. Price conscious car shoppers soon come up against the tact that the dollar difference from dealer to dealer is very close competively. Profitability in the car business is so low over the last ten years that the number of dealers has dropped about a third while the total of:-,car sales has increased over 60%, Experience hag shotinjhat the dealers who survive make repeat customers out e' first time buyers by rendering a needed service at a competitive price. Business and Professional Directory