HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-12-29, Page 8it's boon a mill glori-
ous voar and rue ara
graia/a1 /0 all nor
al Mends rsiro helped
10 make it No. It
is our Trish rn
continue 10 Nell a
1 on in the future.
.ed Front Grocery
I o our titan), friends,
old and new, We extend
our warmest thanks
and wish you the greatest
success and
happiness in the New Year.
i hcericsr Ncw Year
greetings to you!
Here's wishing you
fi the very best of
The Blue Barn
For the year
gone by . . we want
to say thank you . .
and for the year to come,
best wishes to ail'
Page 8 ." Wingham Advance-Times, Thursday, Pee, 29, 3966
Pot suck supper Inc
WI family night held.
WROXETER—The Christmas
meeting of the Women's lusti-
tote was held as a family night
in the community hall here on
December 1:3, There was a
good attendance, The meet ,-
ing commenced with a pot ,
luck supper. Mrs. Wm. Wright,
the president, welcomed all
present and introduced the head
table, All the members intro-
duced their guests.
During the evening Mr, and
Mrs. Arthur Gibson entertained
with piano duets,.
The guest speaker, George
Allen of Wingliatu, was intro-
dneed by Thomas Burke. Mr,
Allen gave a very interesting
talk On one of his outstanding
hobbies, the whittling out of
birds from wood. Ile had many
fascinating birds on display,
fashioned with a delicate touch, .;
We wish you
happiness arid say
many thanks
for your good will.
He answered many 'questions on
how he got started, and how be
made headway with these birds.
Mr, Allen was thanked by Mrs,
Win. Wright and presented with
a small gift in appreciation.
The members' hats, which
were made during the course
"Hats for You" at Mrs. Craw-
ford Gibson's, were on display.
The leaders of tin,' course, Mrs.
Wm, Wright, Mrs, Les Doug-
las and Mrs. C. Gibson were
thanked for their interest and
presented with a small gift by
Mrs. Thos. Burke.
Donations were received for
the Good Cheer boxes. Mrs.
D. Dickinson and Mrs. R. Mc-
Michael entertained with mu-
sic during the cleaning up per-
iod and the remainder of the
evening was spent in playing
Mr. and Mrs. David Neilson,
Elizabeth and Ileather spent
Christmas with Mrs. Robt.
Sheill of Atwbod.
Mr. Jos. McGrath, Clinton,
called on friends in the village
on Saturday arid visited at the
homes of Mr. and Mrs. Blake
McMillan and Mrs. Robt. Mc-
Millan of Listowel for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Cars-
well, Ilarriston, spent Monday
with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Trim-
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith,
Erick and Linda, called on Mr.
and Mrs. Melvin Kreller of
Clifford on Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McIn-
nes, accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. John McInnes and family
of Bluevale spent Christmas Day
with Mr, and Mrs. John Mein-
nesof llolyrood.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ben-
nett, Miss Shirley Bennett of
Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Alex.
Edgar, Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Ed-
gar and family, Mr. and Mrs.
John Hutchison, Mr. Hugh Hut-
chison and family, and Mr.
Mac Hutchison, Toronto, were
Christmas Day guests of Mr.and
Mrs. Graham Jackson of Lis-
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Strong
and family are holidaying with
relatives in Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mc-
Pherson and fatally of Teeswa-
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Peter hiarri-
son and family of hlarriston, Mr.
and Mrs. Max. Bell, Marilyn
and Lorne, Mr. Ken MacDon-
ald of liarriston and Miss Rom-
elda Taylor of Wingham were
Christmas guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Irving Toner.
Mr. Rolm. Ferguson and fam-
ily spent Boxing Day with Mr.
and Mrs. Everett Sparling of
Mr. Percy Ashton spent
Christmas Day with Mr. and
Mrs. John Watson of Blyth and
visited Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Dickison of Teeswater on Box-
ing Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dane,
Toronto, spent a few days with
Mr. Robt. Dane. Mr. and Mrs.
Franklin Ewald and Barbara,and
Mr. Chas. Hooey, of Galt visit-
ed recently at the same home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harris
and Miss Leone Harris spent
Christmas with Mrs. Stewart
Finlay and Mr. and Mrs. Har-
old Finlay of lielmorc.
Those from a distance wino
attended the funeral of George
Griffith on December 20 were
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Duggan of
Stayner, Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Telehus, Toronto, Mrs. Tena •
Hislop and Miss Lois Hislop of
Kitchener, Mr. Norman Nixon
of Toronto and Mr. William
Armstrong of Ailsa Craig,
Mr. ,.and Mrs. Alex. Petrie
and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Elliott
attended the birthday party in
Waterloo of their aunt, Mrs.
Margaret Bowes of Galt on Fri-
day, December 23, on her 00th
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Maple-
toft and family, Millbrook,
spent Christmas with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Coates.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Statia
and Kim, of Tottenham, are
spending the holidays with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doug
Statia and Mr. and Mrs. Wes.
Mrs. .George Griffith', Miss
Margaret Griffith and Mr. Jack
Griffith were Christmas guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mc-
Kercher, Jamestown.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Charles,
Mr. Don Charles, Kenny and
Robbie were dinner guests with
Mrs. Marion Longstaff and Miss
Joy Longstaff on Saturday eve-
Mr. and Mrs. George .Maz-
ey had as their holiday guests
Mr. Fred Ilan arid Mr. Robt,
lart of Churchville.
Christmas guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Townsend were
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Porter and
family of London, Mr, Roy Por-
ter of Wingham arid Mrs. Marg-
aret Townsend of Wroxeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hart and
family and Mr. and Mrs. liar -
Vey Bradshaw and family spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Newton.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lucas,
Listowel, visited Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Coates on Christmas Day.
Miss Ella Fraser of Burling-
ton is visiting Mrs. John Fraser,
and accompanied by Mrs. Fras-
er spent Monday with Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Fraser, R. R. '2,
Bluevale, to celebrate Christ-
Christmas guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Ken Edgar on Monday
were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon His-
lop, Mr. and Mrs. Davey Ed-
gar of Gorrie and Miss Louise
Edgar of Kitchener.
Mr, and Mrs. John McGee,
London, and Mr. and Mrs. Mur-
ray MacFarlane of Bluevale
were Christmas guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd McGee.
Christmas guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Ted Smith were Mr.
and Mrs. Bernell Smith and
Blair of Listowel, Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Montgomery, Debbie and
Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Doug
Gibson and Kevin, Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Willoughby and Terry, all
of Wroxcter and Mr. and Mrs.
John Sinnamon, Murray, Val-
erie and Michelle of Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hart and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Hart and family of Oshawa spent
Boxing Day with Mr. and Mrs.
William Ilarr.
Christmas Day guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Clark were
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pollock
and Sharon of Fordwich, Mr.
and Mrs. Fraser Pollock of
Brockville, Mr. Terrence Clark
of Toronto and Mrs. Gordon
Underwood, Gorrie.
Mrs. Marion and Miss Joy
Longstaff spent Christmas Day
with Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Charles. Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Charles and family of Listowel
were guests at the same home.
Mr. and Airs. Jas. Doig were
Christmas visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Brad Galbraith, Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Edgar
and family of St. Thomas call-
ed on bliss Gertrude Bush and
Mrs. W. Weir on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Noble
and family of Rothsay were
Christmas guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Ingrain on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Gibson and
family spent Christmas with
Mrs. Rota Carson of Gorrie, on
The staff of Woodington
House, Port Carling, visited
Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Lockwood
at Christmas.
The Ross Tomans spent
Christmas with Mr, and Mrs.
Boyne Sage and family, 3rd
Line, Wallace.
Mr. arid Mrs. George Gal-
braith were Christmas guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Carson Watson of
Brussels on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mason
and family and Mr. Jas. Wheel-
er, Sarnia, spent Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. An Wheel-
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Millar
and family, Bluevale, were
Christmas guests with Mr, and
Mrs. Harold Ridley.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gibson
are spending Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Gibson.
Mr. and Mrs. harry Refell,
son and Dean, of London will
be guests at the same home,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cath-
ens spent Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Finlay of Got-
ric'Christnias guests with Mr,
and Mrs, Harvey McMichael
were Mr, and Mrs., Ronald Mc-
Michael, Janice, Karen and.
Judith„ Mr, and Mrs, Glenn
McMichael, Marjorie Ann and
David, arid Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd.
Lamont, Brenda Lee and Mur-
ray of Teeswater,
A gathering was held on Sat,
Orday eveithig Ot the home Of
Mr, and Mrs. Wonard Met,
calfe, in honor of their 19th
wedding anniversary, The WM,
triunity wishes them the best on
their special day,
Miss Marjorie Jeffray of Kit-
chener spent the holiday week-
end at her borne,
Miss Jean Inglis of Kitchen-
er spent the week-end visiting
with friends in the area,
Mrs. Ben Dawson of Toron-
to was a Christmas visitor with
Mrs. James Dickson.
Mrs. Alex Sangster spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs,
Ivan Mawhinney and family, at
Mr, and Mrs. Jim Freiburg-
er of Greenock spent Christmas
Day with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Simmons.
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Double-
dee entertained members of
their family at a Christmas din-
ner on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Ballagh and
family spent Christmas Day with
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ballagh of
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hark-
ness held a family gathering at
their home on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Carter and
Douglas of London, Mr. and
Mrs. John Tyler of St. Marys,
Miss Isabel Darling of Kitchen-
er, Mr, and Mrs. Alan Darling
and family, and Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Ballagh and family were
Monday guests of Mrs. Adam
Darling and Thomas.
Mrs. Gladys MacAdam was
hostess for a Christmas dinner
for her family on Monday.
Members of the William Dar-
ling family spent Monday with
Mrs. William Darling at Gorrie.
Mr. and Mrs. John Farrell
enjoyed a Christmas dinner at
the home of Misses Mary and
Tillie Farrell, in Clifford, on
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Poole
and Melody and Miss Dorothy
Ilohnstein, all of Kitchener,
spent the Christmas week-end
with their family in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jeffray
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Da-
vid Harper and Jeffray of Mc-
Intosh and Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
fred Weitz of near Clifford,
were holiday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Jeffray and fam-
ily, on Wednesday,
Special Christmas Day ser-
vice was held in the Belmore
Presbyterian Church on Sunday,
with Rev. E. R, Hawkes in
Exam Results
at High School
Continued from Page Five
bell Gordon; DeVries Shirley;
Lowe Ann; Dobson George,
Roane Wendy (equal); Ross
Betty; Johnston Yvonne; Gard-
ner Terry; Wheeler Harvey;
SIOnn M."rvin; Ahara. Mary;
Griffith James; Snell Elaine;
Henry Barbara; Baker Bonnie.
Below the line — Steucrnol
Second Class Honors — Wall
Marion; Finlayson Mary; Col-
well Allen,
4-Year Sc„ Tech. and Trades
Second Class Honors — Grant
Ian; Phelan James; Schneider
Ronald; Long Gary; Ellacott
Carl; Wilson Paul; Snowden
Third Class Honors—Davidson
Douglas; Grant David; McLean
David; Steinback Gary; Adams
Trevor; Parrott John; Sleight-
holm Lloyd; Harkness Ronald.
Pass—VanBeers John; Thomp-
son Archie; Henhoeffer Roy;
Meyer Donald; Richmond Keith,
Vincent. Murray (equal); Ireland
Keith; Robinson Leonard; Fal-
coner Garry; McAfee Thomas,
Below the line—Ross Malcolm.
Not Ranked — Mutter Harold
(absent for examinations),
First Class Honors—Schwart-
zentruber M,ai'y Mae; ICorrin
Raymond, Powell Karen (equal);
Bradley John; Fear Katherine;
Reed Gary.
Second Class Honors—Warns-
ley Gail; Casernore Linda; Rath-
bun Mary; Ferguson Lois; Mc-
Donald Archie; Cashel( Brian;
Cameron Barbara; Walden
Cary; Collar Bryon; Coultes
Lynda; Kilpatrick Grant; Nichol
Margaret; Conn Muriel; Martyr
John, Ross John (eqtia.l); Sut-
ton Jean; Gurney Rae.
Third Class Honors — Herd
Rosemary; Blackwell John,
Grant Jean (equal); ' Currah
Patricia; Skinn Mary Ann; Zet-
tler John; Heffernan Anne,
Rieffer Corinne tonal); Hardie
Kay Marie; Gibson. David; Spry
Susan; IVIeKague Jatilt.8; Coy
Ronald: McQuillan Sandy.
Pass — Clark Brian; Phelan
Mary Ann; Martin Lloyd; Lock-
wood Margaret; Nickel Marjor-
ie; Cdlbaith sally; Meechan
Stella; Hollingshodd Gaye; Ed-
wards Thomas; Jamieson Way-
ne; MacLeod Malcolm; An-
drew Donald, Brooks Larry
(equal): Walsh David; Kerr
William: Beattie Robert; Tay-
lor' Robert; lVfarijin Joseph.
Etelow the line — Johnston
Robert; Stanley Sharon; bauph-
in William,
Not ranked — Mtisorr Peter;
Whitey Elliott,
charge, The men of the choir
sang "Nazareth", and the choir
sang "Birthday of a King", with
Mn, Bruce Darling taking the
solo part,
In the McIntosh Church one
service was held for the three-
point charge of Belmore,-Me ,,
IntosI ,Mildmay United church,
es, Mr. Colin Fingland of
Wingliani was the guest speak-
er. Miss Gail Renwick sang a
solo, "I Heard the Bells on
Christmas Day". The choir al-
so sang an anthem, with Miss
Laura Inglis taking the solo part.
Best wishes for a happy and
prosperous New Year, from all
the folk in Belmorel
Christmas guests with Mn.
and Mrs, George Walker were
Mr, and Mrs, Howard Walker
and family, Mr. and Mrs,
fred Walker and family of Bel ,,
grave, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Walker and family of Turnber,,
ry, Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Wal-
ker of Wingliam, and Miss Lila
Humphrey of St. Helens,
Monday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Weber and family
Were Mr. and Mrs, Robert
Chambers and family and Mrs,
John Chambers of ilarriston.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw
and Janet were Christmas guests
on Monday with Mr, and Mrs.
Clayton Alton and faintly of
Ash field.
Rev. Wilfred ilird spent a
few days during the Christmas
season at the home of his son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Norris I lird, Owen Sound.
Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd
visited over the week-end and
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Barry McKnight of shneoe,
Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bell
were Christmas guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Ross of Preston.
Mrs. Ed. Bolander and Mr.
Robin Bolander spent Christmas
Day with Mr. and Mrs. Adrian
Van lie of Harriston.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Car-
son, Susan and Peggy of Brock-
ville were Christmas visitors
with relatives in the commun-
Mr. and Mrs. John Dins-
more, Mrs. Harry King and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Dinsmore and family spent
Ch ristmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Lockridge , W Ingham
Mr. Bruce Grainger, Mr.
Paul Galbraith, and Donald
Whitfield, all of Toronto, spent
the Christmas vacation at their
respective homes.
Mr. Win. Close of Ethel,
and Mr. and Mrs. Selah Brec-
kenridge of Jamestown visited
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Edgar
on Christmas Day.
A VISIT BY Santa Claus was the highlight
of the Golden Circle School Christmas con-
cert on Thursday. After an enjoyable pro-
gram of songs and skits, the arrival of
jolly old St. Nick held everyone's atten-
tion for the remainder of the afternoon.
Santa i-nanaged to find gifts for all the
children and some of the visitors as well.
PRESOTATION OF achievement awards by
Mr. Ross Hamilton was awaited for with
great anticipation at the Golden Circle
School Christmas concert on Thursday.
Here Mr. Hamilton presents Timmy with
his award while teachers Mrs. Jack Reavie
and Mrs. R. Kilpatrick, proudly watch.
—Advance-Times Photo,,
Wroxer rersonal Notes
Gorrie News Items
lime for New Year Wishes
'rimy 10 greet our good friends ,
lo that& all yew wonderful pPOple fOr your
kind. loS'at patronage.
Seimore Persona