HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-12-29, Page 4This is tilt; time of year -- between Christmas and New Year — when some people wish they were Moslems or Bud. dhists. Yes, that Christmas cap- er is getting rougher and rougher. Worse than the Feast of Ramadan. The main bout, Christmas it- self, went off smoothly enough. It's the preliminaries that al- most murdered us. One of the first. anis the worst, of them, was Christmas Card Night. The kitchen table was a melange of cards, stamps. envelopes and lists. About half the cards are no trouble at all. You merely sign your name. But you're working with some left-over cards from last year, some new ones. There's always the haunting fear that you sent exactly the same card, with the same mes- sage, to the same person last Christmas. This doesn't bother me, but my wife, knowing what women are like about these things, gets the trembles over it. It's the remainder of the cards, however, that turns the whole thing into a bit of a nightmare. These are the cards to old friends. Each requires a cute, or sentimental, or witty note. Try writing 50 such notes of an evening, and it takes more out of you than a day in Then there's the pre-Christ- the salt mines. mas party. We've had one for Such inanities. Such garbage. the past six years. Ask me why Such coyness, Such insincerity. and I'll explain to you why I'm You don't believe it? A sample: not in a mental home. But high To a couple you met on a trip on the list for admittance. six years ago, who live 1,200 You'll notice I haven't even miles away. "We still remem- mentioned Christmas shopping. her the wonderful times we which is a form of self-destruc- had. Why can't we get together tire exercise• better than any for a week end? Does Jim still yet invented. Nor Christmas do his famous trick? Our kids "music," which is neither music are certainly growing up. How nor Christmasy, Nor Christmas about yours?" lights on the cruddy cedar on You know perfectly well they your front lawn. were dull as porridge, that you Oh, well. the heck with it. It's would take off like the Canada all over now. But that doesn't goose if you even dreamed they prevent me from doing some- were coming to visit, that Jim thing pleasant, in the midst of was stoned and made a mess of all these pains in the posterior. his trick. You know your kids I'd rather shake hands, or have grown up, but you're not kiss you. depending on your even sure they have any kids. sex, But I can't. To all my read- And you have to look up their ers, from Newfoundland to the last name in your Christmas Yukon, and down to B.C., and register. then across the prairies, and It would be a lot more fun through the old provinces and sending brief, pungent notes to down as far again as Shelburne, political leaders and such, with N.S„ permit me to say, "God messages like this: "Holiday bless and good heart." greetings. Why don't you drop. dead?" Another of the preliminaries which grabs you where it hurts is Christmas Tree Night. This is the annual event which makes me destroy, with my family, the image which I have built up, so carefully, during the preceding 12 months. This event drives me into a frenzy which neither psycholo- gy. science nor faith can ex- plain. It's not exactly a reli- gious frenzy, though I must ad- mit the Lord's name comes up with awsome frequency. I've tried them all. Iron stands, aluminum stands, wood- en stands. buckets of coal. And the damn thing invariably winds up with the same list as a sailor or. the sixth day of a seven-day leave. The last, and not the least of the preliminaries is Gift-Wrap- ping Night. You wander around, having a drink and giv- ing the Christmas tree the odd quiet kick, while your wife gets the paper and presents out. Nothing fits. The expensive gold paper bought to wrap Aunt Flo's present isn't big en -nigh, and you wind up wrap- ping it in that cheap junk from Woolworths. Oh, well, there goes a $5,000 legacy. 1.10010.11.11111;1 l $ I;1/11. 1,111111.0.111111111111111,t, ;11.11111.. tttttttttttttttttt 1 tttttttt 10111111.1111011.1111110 Essay contest for Centennial project Leake; secretary, Mrs. Wm. Austin; treas., Mrs. Mel Allan; executive comm., Mrs. Ross Doig, Mrs, Audrene Temple- man and Mrs. James Vittie; sgt. -at-arms, Mrs. Connie Un- derwood; color bearer, Mrs. Earl Moore; pianist, Mrs. Geo. Pittendreigh; auditors, Mrs. Alex Graham and Mrs. Earl Un- derwood. A stranger in town asked a shoeshine boy, "Son can you direct me to the bank!" "Yes sir, for a quarter," he said. "Isn't that mighty high!"the man asked. "No sir," the boy said, "not for a bank director. ttttttttttttttt 1 tttttttttt 111.1111.1 ttttttttttttttttttttttttt ; It 1 tttttttttttt 111111111111111.1111.1.11 tttttttttttttttttttttt 11111• attr5 (barb Locum - Tenens Mrs. Gordon Davidson Organist SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS—JANUARY 1, 1967 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Holy Communion. Thursday, January 5—W.A. Guild at the home of Mrs. Thomas Fells, 3 o'clock. ttttttttttt ttttt ttttt Kt/14M". tttttttttttttttt ttttttt . ttttttttt 1 ttttttttttttt .1.1. DECEMBER 1941 Next Sunday will be the first day of the year of Canada's centennial -- one hundred years in which a struggling pioneer nation has become one of the most important coentries on eerth. Our one htindrecitte b.rthday lent be celebrated in thousands of sseys seine of them meaningfel end ottters treseiy en- tertaining. The crest er r:erten:: cz centennial events :ze rose certeew around undertakings ^• te. oro,..,•cie a legacy of understanding, o better 'heal..." or greater opportunity, eet e ,.;ter neer own children, bet for retereratnees riesi Canadians wee have rest yet reacheet cer shores. To fully eirderstano weat great t" --gs the centennial year Fees prier: zerter ine should stand back, rre•-,:a:y. tape a look at one ceeetry tr :re eyes en' the people in etre.- 'ants. ?...Vr.g. as we do, in the midst ez flee en-see:e'en are frustration of the et.'.d-1900s we are tee close to the Canadiar scene to preperly assess the ret.e reet c e r rat en 'e eest see, affairs. Despite shortcereires we•lce .ee slider legion in I-ter:sizes. cesenness tee-s- ands of people Esreee, and Africa lock to Ca-ace Z.:- a :ice s' 'ee...-e- ership which is rapicee asserelne tee ore.- portions of :tier greatest sing a ereseces bility. Canada is genera:•'y eeite ie regard becatsse c,.. eat'sie is es:: set wealthy aresi petwerZei :eat eas :et en- gendered jealeusy are 'ear. yet we era close, aetscrapeicat's aed rat ea" tee all- :tiers:. Arrerieers :sere -a.se aciees- ed tee enenviaree rerseetet`ee ez earth's reest fearer ',re:eon:arts, des,.._ the bililers the ts,S. eat, nee-ec. the past 2.i; years to ee:ter :se . e..: clitions impeeeeseee peree.es a en-es the g!elee. One e•Z the most _DTs -: esee.r ences a CanaE.:an can •s rra.F• and knew tne tee.cee-e tt,E.0""rt' which are a!nr.ot ern,,ersa"es eccereee As 1966 i7rle veers and this bast ecilinen :::Z Tee. A:Sea-ere-Times takes farm„ it is time fee the peonseers to express their debt of .7,7-atitLcie. to :ne dozens, even leer:trees or peerne •telisese united efforts made tees newspaper a part of tne cemeterlte for tee past twelve months. A weekly newspaper sech as this one is unique in this present age el: science and speed. According to ail the laws ef progress and even many saee osedictiens, ail weeklies should have been dead bong rke. rave moved into the age of electronics and reetteetic tape. Supposedly there is no place for a small town institution like the local paper in the 20th century. Yet, strangely ensegre most weeklies have not only survived, bet have prospered and improved in the years since the second werld -war. Ours, like most other cerereenite papers, has increased almost 60 percent in circulation in the 16 years we have been here. It has been broadened in scope and coverage and public acceptance never was higher. New reeredectien If current mutterings about taxing ad- vertising and promotion, or even declaring it ineligible for tax deductions should be put into effect, "it would result in irrevoc- able damage to Canada's economy." So declared J. C. Barrow, president of the Retail Council of Canada and chairman of the board of Simpsons-Sears, according to a report in Style. Many politicians and members of the public, says Barrow, are currently attack- ing advertising and promotion by retail- ers and manufacturers as wasteful, suggest- ing they should either be taxed or disallow- ed as tax deductions. He suggests that if implemented, this idea would seriously retard, rather than improve, the standard of living. Says Barrow: "Like all developed countries, our economy is based on mass production and mass consumption_ Mass Canadians are particularly susceptible to the changing moods of the weather, perhaps because such a large part of our economy is based on the drastic alterations of climate between summer and winter. At no time of the year are we more aware of the weather than at the Christmas sea- son. Merchants' sales are sharply affect- ed by the presence or absence of snow; travel service and the auto supply business are both dependent upon good road and air conditions; and of course, most im- portant of all, millions of youngsters across the land breathe fervent prayers for a white and frosty mantle at Yuletide. Surely everyone in this part of Canada must have been happy this year. The clean visitors from oiJr country. If one is the least QA thZ..^vghtf.,,i1 lie is left with a new sense et; respensiollity — a need to merit n rgh ,.:Ft.:^-t;tpfl in w nloh Canada is held. One reason fcir tne geed reputation we entry aoroao lies in tee characters of the young Caracilan so,!Of,ers who have been members of va;%:,-.1.,s peace-keeping forces seen nee te tee world s treelo.e sleets be the United Nations, These goys "ave ceen re-ec-gr.:zed as ansbassecters Of are tee ;centre. freer wh:cn may con-e .,.as eraree e, that op'r ,qh. A: trs.a means te‘at we can cer ebrate. e'er first herdred years o; nationhood s.hce-e precre. raver than wine ere- ateceseen: seef-conscetess- eess. erctrec. rears o; t t-e ear es: ..;eg.-h:.-gs ire a rr,n-e cc-ter:es pass .:e-,.re Centsca aS y presser her ..s--.e.irte- Hess to cents.aeree among tee great eneente'es n tee „gee se' cretparat:se ,:ace ceer ene cemeries we fe.te teat : te ,aces era have beer re.a. y le-per:art were :nese we --or cc:et...cos:ea semens'eg v.ertr future eene-ariers, re, oniy of the'r e'en b'ooq, of e the esseat- faen-s. Sere:s seen ae an-eitiets most tse air-erg tee ie.geest r.„rran: er,.deavcrs. Cs -a-z:a ea: ae eepeere •.e es: coperteeity to re: creet t• s. 3,r neer:seeded lards, car treys-'es arc and t .meee cer read:: access to tee scient.ifie coca c eon" tee e.6 wer a and. the :7..F these aelvaetatses cesen'ere to Ca-a: eerie a cearice to reace erea: :a. tee ceseree sear aces roth'eg mere ',re :s a: least ci.'e es a c.earce eitesest'y appraise past arc e'er re e'er s,..ccesses as eee• as cer pre:seems. t: ire a t.me t., resesve aeee :eat era: e„e striee "fee sea .; oe eZ ettree. etet cress 'zee en-se ves, Pe: zee 7- ^ ereeesse tee-eic-e-s. are :sew amposed and ferneer imeresemeete are tee ream-ins; stages Zee tee paper. reaser. tee ceentry weeely con- reeez to esee Is becec.se essentia,iy a comes-- ee enterprise-. It is not tee-nee net by an Inev:clua peblisher and a few he pers. Its ceiereets are made up of tne centric:et:ens of many writers each week, rhos: of . ivrqr-3 never receive a cent for :neer et-forts. These are tee folks who re- port for treir sesteioes .organleatiOns Nand. clubs- t A: lcyal bardof tedriteStponden ts '- report tee beiees. of the smailer centres in tree area. It is quite eateral that so many who live here shoeld nave a feeling of pride and proprietership about their local paper, for most of teem have truly shared in its development. To each of these good folks we want to say "thank you." Without your co- operation we wouldn't be here. And to every one wee, reads our words, a new year blessed with peace, good health and a sense of achievement. consumption can only be assured when the consuming public has the fullest pos- sible knowledge of the goods it can buy and is given the stimulation to buy them. Without adequate advertising the public's ability to compare both prices and pro- ducts would be hindered. "Insufficient advertising would almost certainly imply reduced demand, which in turn would bring about shorter production runs with both manufacturers' and distri- butors' overhead having to be spread over a smaller number of units. In these cir- cumstances, increases, rather than reduc- tions in prices, would seem to be the most natural result." Advertising is not wasteful, he said firmly, although results are difficult to measure accurately. Demands do not rise spontanecusly.—Canadian Printer & Pub- lisher. snow drifted softly down for days. Christ- mas Eve was cold without being cruel. There was lots of snow for skis and to- beggaris but net too much for trains and cars. How much better could it possibly he? Most of us here are prone to cuss the weather a geed part of the time, but none of us have much experience at living in places where the climate remains without. conspiceves change all year round. A few years back we happened to have neighbors who were natives of Florida and had lived there most of their lives. Their delight in Canadian winter almost convinced us that maybe we de have something after all. SUGAR AND SPICE by Bill Smiley The ordeal is over FORDW ICH-The Ladies' Auxiliary to Howick Legion held a Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Alex Graham. Plans were made for a centen- nial project, an essay by grades 7 and .6, Howick Central School, on "Remembrance". A trophy and gift of money will be given to the winner, The mystery prize donated by Mrs. William Austin was won by Mrs. Robt. Campbell. Two specials were donated by Mrs. Ross Doig and won by Mrs. Mel Allan and Mrs. George Pitten- dreigh, Mrs. Wm. :.,IcCann conduct- ed the election of officers for Officers are, Ares, Mrs. Geo. Hamilton; vice-president, Mrs. Jack Clarke and Mrs. Geo, (ANGLICAN) Wingbam "TRIMMING THE CHRISTMAS TREE" pre- sented by Mrs. Gray's Grade I and II class at the He's. ick Central School Christmas concert on Wednesday was one of the DECEMBER 1917 The pupils of the Lower Wingharn School, presented their teacher, Mr. H. A, Mut- ton, with a silk umbrella and a neatly worded address on Friday evening. After a High School literary program, the prizes and diplo- mas of the school were distribut- ed to the successful students. Senior diplomas were granted to Elleda Bathers, Norma Nichol- son, Annie Wilson, Thomas Armstrong, Charles Fowler, Egbert Garbutt, Flossie Haines, Margaret McKenzie as these had completed the examina- tion for entrance to the Faculty of Education. Junior diplomas to those who had passed the Normal Entrance or University Matriculation examinations were granted as follows: Harry Armstrong, Irene Allen, Olive Clow, Agnes Devereaux, Lou- isa Devereaux, Bertha Ellis, Lottie Johnston, Charles John- ston, Heloise Kennedy, Janet Kerr, Donald McKenzie, Jack C. Maxwell, Olive Rinroul, Christeria Robertson, Fred Wal- ker, William Wallace, Rose Weiler, Annie Williamson, Em- ma. Walters. DECEMBER 1931 Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Swan- son, of Wingham, announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Eva Kathleen, to William G. Bain, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bain, of Ayr, Ont., the marriage to take place in Janu- ary. Life-long residents of Kin- loss, in Bruce County, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harrison cele- brated the sixtieth anniversary of their wedding at the home of their son, Edgar R. Harrison of Wingham, and received the congratulations of their many friends. Mr. Harrison w•asborn in Thistletown near Toronto in 1845. His wife, Annie Arm- strong, wax born at Springville, near Peterborough. Mr. Arnold Vint of the Bank of Commerce staff, has been Kt WITH CHRISTMAS only three days away, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wells and their two children had their holiday boy somewhat dampened on Thursday when their home lights for the youngsters. Here Cathy Ben- nett places the star atop the tree while the children watching await their turn to place colorful decorations on the tree.—A-T Pix, soon to be on the market. Mrs. John Gowdy of Bel- more, who had gone to Wood- stock to spend the winter, had the misfortune to fall and break her hip on Thursday evening, at the home of her nephew, where she was staying. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hei- bein, Gorrie, have received word from their son, Bill, who has been serving in the nevy in Korean waters, that he is now at Singapore on his way home. At the Presbyterian Church, Belmore on Sunday afternoon, the sacrament of baptism was administered by the minister, Rev. Matthew Bailie, to James Hugh, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James Darling Jr. and to Marlene Ann, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Tom Inglis. S.S. concert at -Wroxeter church WROXETER-Harveyatfmm was chairman for the annual Sunday School concert at the United Church on Wednesday night of last week, when the following program was present- ed. Piano solos by Marcia Gib- son, Sharon Gibson, Barbara Newton, Ronald Gibson, Shane Gibson, Susan Adams, Susan McMichael, Marjorie Ann Mc- Michael, Danny Newton, Carol Adams, Arthur Gibson, Glenis Gibson, and Debra Townsend. Recitations were given by Arthur Gibson, Marjorie Ann McMichael, Marcia Gibson, Kevin Townsend, Alex Adams and Mark Dobson. The classes of Mrs. Art Gib- son and Mrs. Les Douglas per- formed action rhymes. "A Song Of Christmas" was presented by the classes of Catherine Edgar and Kaye Wright and Mrs. Geo. Gibson's class presented a dia- logue, "An Official Visit". "The Santa Claus Express" was sung by Louise Edgar's class and Leone Chambers' class sang "Frosty the Snowman". The play, "Madame Camellia's Beauty Parlor" was presented by Ronald McMichael's class, on Scott Street was ravaged by fire. Above, firemenhouse, are seen battling the blaze, which seemed_to iTbephwo c:'to, rst in the centre of the ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY, JANUARY 1, 1967 11:00 a.m.—Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Commencing the series of messages on the Life of Paul, The perils and power of the early Church— Acts 8:1-13. 7:00 p.m.—Cathedral Films presentation "Stephen, the first Christian martyr." Welcome in the Centennial year of 1967 within the fellowship of Christian people. New Year's Eve at St. Andrew's. 10:00 p.m.— Fellowship film, "Letter of Nancy." All are welcome. The Birthday Year Begins We Did It Again--All of Us Vehicle for Business Ideal Weather for Christmas .",0 ttttt f.e tttt tti,ttrf t t ii440,0.4.0014.4 ttt tttt tttt tttttttttttttt ttttttt ttt tttttttttttt 041x t 1 tt 1 t111,1i11 ..... THE WINGHAM ADVANCE - TIMES Published at Wingharn, Ontario, by Wenger Bros. Limited. W. Barry Wenger, President - Robert 0. Wenger. Secretary-Treasurer Member Audit Bureau of Circulation Member Canadian. Weekly Newspapers Association. Authorized by the Post Office Department as Second Class Mail and for payment of postage in cash. Subscription Rate: 1 year, $5.60; 6 months, $2./5 in advance; 11.8.A., $7.06 per yr.; Foreign rate, PAX) per yr, Advertising Rates on application. ttttttt tt ttttttttt . ttttttt 1.1.1. ttttt .1. ttttttt .1 tttttttt ....i. ttttttttt ttttttt tttttttt .1.010.101110.1.1.1. tttt 11111111111 1.1.1. News Items from Old Files transferred Iv the Conic Branch. Arnold will be missed in town as he alwa:,s took an active part in all amatenr plays. Misplace • is being taken by Mr, H. Kit- chen, of Teeswater. Mr. R, McMurray, of Mor- ris, left last week for Ayton, where he will be representative for the Rawleigh Products in that town and vicinity. Mrs. W. I, Henderson, Blue- vale Rd„ held a tea recently the proceeds of which amount- ed to 67, ;1 which will be used to purchase quilt linings for In- stitute war work. Rev. E. M. Loney left on Monday for Burgessville where he has accepted a call to the Baptist Church there. On Sun- day he said goodbye to his lo- cal congregation, the attend- ance at both services beingyery large. During Mr. Loney's pas- torate the eivrolt,h,aslmfl ex- tensive improvements and sixty- two new members have united with the church. On Sunday afternoon, De- cember 22, several hundred residents of Howick received a • thrill which they will long re- • member when they witnessed • the landing of an ek: e-orrie boy by parachute, in the person of • William H. Townsend, Toron- to, home for his Christmas va- cation, who is one of the pro- • fessional parachutists of the Canadian parachute club of Toronto, and only club of its kind in Canada. DECEMBER 1952 A former telegraph operator and drover, Charles Albert Sut- ton, passed away in Wingham General Hospital, after a short illness, on Friday. He was in his 'i6th year. Mr. Sutton was born at Zetland but had lived in Wingham most of his life, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Mcrkley spent last week-end in Detroit and attended the Hudson Motor Car Convention in Detroit and Windsor. While there they re- viewed the new Hudson car