HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-12-15, Page 11"You don't have to repeat it," snapped the patient, "I didn't," answered the dentist, "YOU heard the eclu4 Homeward. bound in the rush hour, Bill slumped in his bus seat, his face buried in his hands, "Tired, Bill?" asked Torn sympathetically. "No." said Bill, without looking up, "1 just hate to see women stand- ing," THE ULTIMATE. IN Snow Tire NEW PREMIUM QUALITY EXPLORER Gives SURE TRACTION and CONTROL in WINTER. DRIVING Extra Pre-Drilled Tread for Metal Safety Studs gives added traction SAFETY PLUS STUDDING NEW TIRES ONLY -- KEN-GRIP STUDS - - KEN-GRIP GUN — $e.40 FROM UP PER TIRE KEN'S ALIGNMENT SERVICE Ph. 357-1230, Wingham CORNWALL BROCKVILLE BELLEVILLE PICTON Oga OSIIAWA GODFRICII IS SHOWN ON THIS' MAP out. The staff will also be happy to answer any questions you may have concerning the Retirement Pension. Don't delay! Visit or write your Canada Pension Plan District Office now ! YOUR DISTRICT OFFICE Your District Office will supply you with the application form that starts your pension cheque coming. The efficient, friendly staff will offer you every assistance. They will be pleased to help you fill out your application, and explain how your pension is worked ORANGEVILLE • BARRYS BAY PEMBROKE i.ENraEW HAWKESBURY • BANCROFT KINGSTON IS SARNIA WALLAU LAG • CHATHAM WINDSOR TORONTO CATHARINES (*NIAGARA FALLS PETERBOROUGH Unemployment Insurance Commission Building 411 Water Street ST. 'CATHARINES 360 St. Paul Street KINGSTON Federal Building, Clarence Street TORONTO 25 St. Clair Avenue East WINDSOR Unemployment Insurance Commission bldg., 441 University Avenue W. NORTH YORK 6841 Yonge Street, Newtonbrook Plaza, Willowdale OTTAWA 255 Argyle Avenue HAMILTON National Revenue Building, 150 Main Street West LONDON Toronto-Dominion Bank Bldg., 365 Richmond St. KITC HEN ER.WATERLOO 220 King Street East, Kitchener *LONDON • ST, THOMAS H ouLTON ST. ONTARIO OwEN SOUND SCARBOROUGH 2805 Eglinton Avenue E., Scarborough ETOBICOKE 3269 Bloom Street W. Wingham. AdVaneem.TimeS, Thursday,, Dec. 16., 198Q 4+,.. Page 3 Whitechurch News. Items. Mrs, Chas. Tiffin is hostess for kt A FIRST IN HISTORY FOR WHITECHURCH WHITECHURCH—In looking over the history of Whitechureh village, which so far as can be learned is about 126 years old, it was found that this is the first time the reeve of Kin- loss Township has been a resi- dent of the village. The resi- dent reeve is Bill Evans, elect- ed at the December 5 election. This vicinity also had its representative, Russel Ross, elected to the trustee board. or, They attended the recepN tion held for Mr. and Mrs, Sta, coy, newlyweds, on Saturday night in Whitechurch Commun,. ity Memorial Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Fal- coner, Allan and Kevin, of Streetsville were Sunday visit- ors with his mother, Mrs. Ce- cil Falconer. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Cur- rie of East Wawanosh and grand- son, Robbie Toth were Sunday visitors with her mother, Mrs. William Orr and son Robert of Langside. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gaunt and Janet of Exeter were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Gaunt. Brian and Bruce Currie were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Jim Toth and family of Maidstone. Mr. and Mrs. George Cur- rie of E. Wawanosh were Sun- day visitors with Mrs. Cecil Falconer. On Sunday a White Gift ser- vice will be held at the after- noon church service in the Unit- ed Church here. All are re- minded to take their gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Gershom John- ston of Wingham and Mr. Jim Johnston of Listowel on Satur- day attended the funeral of the late Mr. Allan Wallace of Til- lsonburg. Jim was well ac- quainted with Mr. Wallace when he taught school near Courtland. G. A, WILLIAMS, O.D. Optometrist 9 PATRICK STREET W, WINGHAM Phone 357-1282 W.M.S. meeting WHITECHURCH-,The Lang- side W,M,S, met Thursday af4, ternoon at the home of the president, Mrs. Charles Tiffin. She presided and gave the call to worship, Scripture was read by Mrs. Welsh and Mrs. Stewart Mc- Gilvary gave the meditation, "No Room in the Inn", stressing that many will take part in the Christmas festivities without ever asking, "What does Christ.- Inas really mean to me?" Mrs. Wesley Young led in prayer. Mrs. Conlan gave a reading, "Ready for Christmas", Mrs. Gordon Wall gave the top- ic, "Luke sought out secrets for his gospel account" . The of- fering was received by Donald Watt Jr. and dedicated by Mrs. Welsh. The minutes were read by Mrs. George Conlan. Secretar- ies giving reports were Mrs. Wesley Young, Mrs. Gordon Wall, Mrs. George Young, Nlrs. George Conlan. It was decided to discontinue the meetings for the winter months, but to meet again in April. Members were reminded of the annual meet- ing to be held Jan. 10 in Wing- liam Presbyterian Church. The roll call was an ex- change of Christmas gifts. All gifts were put in a decorated basket and as each name was called little Donald Watt was given the honor of choosing one and taking It to the member. Mrs. George Young gave a reading, "Happiness", col*. tesy remarks were given bylvirs. Charles Tiffin and lunch was served on a table gaily decorat- ed for Christmas, the church at 8,30. Mr. Wayne Farrier, student at the University of Western On- tario, London, spent the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Farrier. Mrs, Gibson Gillespie, who had spent several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gillespie and family of Sarnia, accomp- anied Mr. and Mrs. Relison Fal- coner and family to White , church on Saturday. Miss Barbara Purdon was a student teacher last week at North Ashfield Central School and the week previous at Mit- chell. Miss Wendy Reynolds taught at Turnberry Central School last week and the week before at Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Toby Jantzi and Larry of Nlilverton were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher and family. Mr. Jim Ross of Kitchener spent the week-end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ross. Mrs. Ronald Coultes and Mrs. Wallace Conn spent Monday in London, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Cur- rie were recent week-end visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. James Toth and family of Maidstone. On their return trip little Rob- bie Toth returned with his grand- parents, to visit till Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Reason Fal- coner, Paul, Brian and Lynn of Sarnia spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Cecil Falcon- Mr. and Mrs, Carl Weber, Anne, Marlene and Claire were Friday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Jim Mock and family of ilarriston. Mr, and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw and Janet were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mn, Orland Ir- win and family, of Lucknow. Mr. and. Mrs. Carl Weber, Anne, Marlene and Claire were Saturday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. George Weber of Kitchen- er. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tiffin were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Brown of Luck- now. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Linden- sclunidt of Walkerton were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. „ Carl Weber and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin and Joyce of Teeswater were Satur- day evening visitors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Tiffin. Mr. Barry Tiffin of Wa- terloo spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin. Since he had no lectures scheduled for Monday, Mr„Don- ald Watt, student minister, spent the long week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Metcalfe spent Sunday with their daugh- ter, Mrs. Robert Rieman and Mr. Poem an of Kitchener. Calvin-Brick Sunday School concert is being held this Fri- day night, December 16, in Canada Pension Plan W.I. roll call is display of gifts RETIREMENT PENSIONS BECOME PAYABLE IN JANUARY 1967 . your independent insur- ance agents. We're pledged to serve you first. We tailor your insurance to your needs. If trouble strikes, we're at your side—seeing that your claim is paid fairly, without red rape. Let us analyze your car, home or business insurance now. Just phone decorated to represent a book, child's knitted outfit, bonnet, mitts and sweater. The display was in response to roll call. The January meeting will be held January 11 at the home of Mrs. V. Emerson. Carols were sung. Mrs. Albert McQuillan gave the reading, " Opportunity: Mrs. Russel McGuire sang, "Star of the East", accompanied by Mrs. Garnet Farrier. The Christmas story, "Peter's First Canadian Christmas" was given by Mrs. Dave Gibb. Mrs. Don Ross gave a piano instru77,,,,, mental, "Silver Bells" arid Mrs. Russel„caunt, gave the eou.r.teSy rem arks. The meeting closed with the singing of the national anthem and grace. While lunch was being prepared Mrs. Emerson gave the ladies two Christmas contests, The hostesses Mrs. Garnet Farrier and Mrs. Jas. McInnes served lunch to the 17 members and one little boy. Are you eligible? 357-2636 W. B. CONON, Ell INSURANCE AGENCY Complete Insurance Coverage — Agent for — MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 5 John St. W. - Ph. 357.2636 WINGHAM WHITECHURCH--The regu- lar meeting of the Women's In- stitute was held on Tuesday of last week in the Community Memorial Hall with a Christ- mas bouquet adorning the plat- form. The district director, Mrs. Russel Gaunt, presided. The minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. V. Emer- son. Mrs. Ed. Walker offered to let her name be sent in as delegate from Whitechurch branch to the national conven- tion at Guelph in 1967. The suggestion of a Ski- shine iqecret Sister was ed by Mrs. Russel McGuire and accepted by show of hands with Mrs. McGuire to be in charge. There was a display of home- made Christmas gifts including dolls clothes, plastic candle holders and candles, embroider ed pillow cases, table centres from plastic bottles decorated with flowers, a cake of soap MEN'S — Regular to $11.95 BOYS PULLOVERS AND PULLOVERS $8.95 CARDIGANS 20% White Work So daSTANDARDS50 'p BOYS' DRESS PANTS 25% BOYS' Pile-Lined BEDROOM SLIPPERS 1.39 MEN'S DRESS — Regular to $7.95 HATS $5.95 RACK OF BOYS' Overshoes LADIES' DRESSES START AT $3 49 MEN'S OVERSHOES FROM $4.49 Values to $10.95 ONLY $17.95 Values to $22.95 ONLY $10.00 lr LADIES' FLANNELETTE Pyjamas. 111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 THIS COUPON IS WORTH $1.00 (ONE DOLLAR) m on the purchase of PENMAN'S PENMAN'S 71 95 COMBINATIONS COMBINATIONS Reg. $4.95 Reg. $8.95 Ih, FROM s8 Thousands of people will soon be eligible GET YOUR. APPLICATION FORM TODAY! HAYES FA MILY CLOTHING PUBLISHED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL HEALTH AND WELFARE, I3Y AUTHORITY OF THE HONOURABLE ALLAN J. MacEACHEN W INGHAMM aibl at, uvaammramt Fall back on us --SPECIAL TOCES- FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS MEN'S SUPPERS AT BIG DISCOUNTS tk If you have been contributing to the Canada Pension Plan, and if you will be age 68 or over by March 31, 1967, contact your Canada Pension Plan District Office now. Contributors who are under 70 years of age must have retired from regular employment to qualify. Those who are age 70 or over may qualify without retiring. S