HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-12-15, Page 8REFRESHINGLY BRIGHT and attractive surroundings have been achieved in the Wingham and District Hospital's staff din- ing room, Redecorated in soft but bright tones, the walls are enhanced by new drapes and a large mural scene, Acoustic tile in ceiling and wall-to-wall carpeting have removed the noise factor. The tables end chairs are in cheerfully bright colors. A bequest from the late Mrs. John Hanna made the improvements possible. -Advance-Times Photo. ...... !ism ...... 111111..01 llllllll 111111.1.1011 lllllllll 1111111/111 lllll 111111 llllllll llll i1.111111011111 lllllllllll I lllllllllllllll 101110111111011111 llllllllllllllllll lllllllllll ll ......... Dist. H.S. board final meeting SETS FROM $2.50 to $19.95 By Samsonite SAMSONITE AND McBRINE LUGGAGE rb FOR CHRISTMAS... BELL RINGER c VALUES... '65 METEOR MONTCALM Four Door, Automatic, 8 Cyl., Radio, Power Brakes and Power Steering '65 FORD CUSTOM 500 Four Door, 8 Cyl. Automatic '64 FORD Four Door, V8, Automatic, Radio '64 FORD Four Door, 6 Cyl., Standard '64 METEOR Four Door, V8, Standard, Radio '62 COMET Four Door, 6 Cyl., Standard '62 CHEVY II Four Door, 6 Cyl., Automatic TRUCK SPECIAL '64 FORD 1-TON PICK-UP Long Style - Side Box • Custom Cab Radio Other Good Cars on Display VISIT OUR LOCATION IN WINGHAM or BRUSSELS Bridge Motors PHONE: WINGHAM 357.3460 BRUSSELS 249 .11„..,••• ........ .. t•••• SPORT or DRESS SHIRTS The Perfect Gift FOR ANY MAN Priced from $5.00 01 PRICED FROM -'MOWPWAS'AV Famous from Buxton BILLFOLDS $5.00 Fine Leather BELTS - $2,00, $2.50, $3.00 by Hickock Matched Sets TIES and SOX $2.95 Attractively boXed EDIGHOFFE 10.„,..w.~,,OteatiMMalleatWAVOWMCAVAEACAteMOC Christmas Pvdding? Are you sure you'd really like a good old-fashioned Christ- mas Pudding? According to the recipe in vogue in the 3.6th, century England, this great deli- eacy wasmade by adding bread to a thickened concoction of mutton broth, Stir well, adding boiled raisins, currants, prunes, mace, gingerbread, Serve in a bowl, Ugh! --Forethought. rook tomxtetvgnict+ttctc=ctetegbe sP V LINGERIE A lovely selection of Half Slips, Gowns and Pyjamas of all styles $1.98 - $2.98 and up From Our Home # Furnishings AMERICA vs. EUROPE A track and field meet be'* tween the best of the Americas and Europe will be held during Expo .61 Aug. 9 and 10, There will be 31 events, 11 for women, and the contest*, ants Will be selected from the finalists of the Pan-American games and the European champ- ionships, The meet will be held in the Automotive Stadium. If it weren't for Thomas A, Edison, we'd be watching TV by candlelight, KtcgtmcbcpctoczteKontoctmtcu,c V sf !ffl to st sy tt East Wawanosh, Kinloss and Culross have sections in both the Lucknow and Wingham dist- ricts and will be represented by one member on the new board. The amalgamated districts will have an assessment base of $10; 070,080 as compared to the present S13,685,900 of the. Wingham district. Planning for a third addition to the school to take care of the anticipated increased en- rolment is well underway with governmental approval having been given this fall for the ba- sic plans. It is expected that tenders will he called for the new construction by the first of March. Estimates for the build- ing and furnishings are approx- imately $2,700,000. It is not expected that the new wing will be ready 'for use before the fall of 1968 and as a result the new board will oper- ate both the Wingham and Luck- now schools until that time. When the Lueknow students move to the Wingham facility, the Lucknow building will be turned over to the recently or- ganized Lucknow-Kinloss Pub- lic School Board, and the struc- ture will then be used as an elementary school for that area. MEETING During the course of the Thursday night meeting the board gave its approval for the purchase of equipment for the school, including items for the office, and other administra- tive areas, maintenance, and for teaching items in the geo- graphy, mathematics and sci- ence rooms. Auditorium Continued from Page One in the 1967 budget sent to 0.H.S.C, for approval. Under the new schedule total payroll for the year will amount to ap- proxim ately $666, 198, 00. PROPERTY Ed Walker, chairman of the property committee, reported that redecoration of the cafe- teria dining room was com- pleted and new furnishings in- stalled. Members of the board visited this room after the meet- ing and were extremely pleas- ed with the improvements, Mr. Walker said there are still some problems with the heating system, but anticipat- ed that the proper balance will be achieved shortly, lie ex- pressed the belief that more co- operation should be forthcom- ing from the suppliers of the equipment. The report included the in-, formation that posts have been set in concrete bases for the new fence around the hospital parking lot in the east side of Carling Terrace. The board discussed the fin- al work of capping the base- ment under the old building and it was agreed that the ar- chitects should be contacted at once in regard to the removal of the old joists in the ceiling. It was felt these joists would constitute a serious fire hazard if left in the basement. VANDALISM Mrs. Morrey reported re- peated incidents of vandalism to employees' ears parked near the hospital. Air had been let out of tires and Minor damage inflicted. chairs, filing cabinets and au- dio-visual equipment were al- so considered, The principal, F. E. Ma- dill, reported that average dai- ly attendance during Novem- ber was excellent and stood at 972. Ile also said that he had spent a day with the architects going over some of the room layouts and that good progress in this regard is being made, lie reported to the board that educational TV is becoming more useful and said plans for the new building should allow for closed-circuit TV at a fu- ture date. Mr. Madill also reported that Mr. Robertson is starting a Judo Club for boys and since a large number of girls wish to join, he wanted the board's opinion. Approval of defensive Judo as an extra-curricular ac- tivity for girls was OK'd by the board, and will be taught by Mr. Robertson. The principal told the board that Vice-Principal Robert Rit- ter has made several trips to Walkerton in connection with workshops in guidance for sen- ior public school teachers, where he was an instructor. He said the program has been well received, A drapery contract was awarded to Edighoffers of Wing- ham. The firm had the lowest of two bids. The secretary-treasurer re- ported that final grants for the year had been received and to- talled $22,200. The fuel oil contract with Sterling Fuels was renewed for another year. Dr. J. McKim, reporting for the medical staff, said he and the administrator had visited Dr, Penistan in Stratford in an effort to work out a suitable agreement for handling the hos- pitals pathological work and providing supervision for the laboratory, as required before the institution can become ac- credited. Though the Stratford special- ist will not enter into an actual contract as hospital pathologist lie will supervise the lab and continue to look after the re- quired tests. The medical staff recom- mended acceptance of the new service on a trial basis for one year at a fee of $600 for super- vision, Dr. McKim also announced that he will be leaving the board and will be replaced by Dr. P. Leahy of Teeswater who was recently elected staff presi- dent. Dr. B. N. Corrin will serve a further two years as re- presentative of the medical staff. Mrs. English said that the Hospital Auxiliary will provide the prizes for decorated win- dows at the hospital. FAREWELL PARTY On Saturday night about ten boyfriends of Garry Btenzil gath- cred at the home of Michael White to say farewell to Garry who, with his family, will move to Scarborough between Christmas and New Years, The boys presented him with a signet ring. Crannies were played Arid lunch was enjoyed. OTHER GIFT SUGGESTIONS FROM WALKER'S The Latest in Lamps SWAG LAMPS TV SNACK TRAYS Sets of 4 $9.95 to $16.95 Smart Dresser LAMPS $6.95 Pr. up Kitchen STEP STOOLS $10.95 and $12.95 Children's TABLE and 2 CHAIRS $9.95 to $14.95 Neat Attractive SMOKERS $6.49 up Every Style POLE LAMPS PRICED TO SUIT Deluxe Garment RACK $9.95 Space Saving BATHROOM TOWEL POLES $5.95 uP Page E Wingham Advance ,Times, Thursday, Dee, 15, 1960 The last regular meeting of the Wingham District High School Board was held at the school on Thursday evening. Next month a new board to be known as the Huron-Bruce Dist- rict High School Board will be constituted to look after the amalgamated districts of Wing- ham and Lueknow. The Wing- ham board was organized in 1947 when the high school dist- rict was established, taking in the municipalities of Brussels, Culross, East Wawanosh, Grey, Howick, Kinloss, Morris, Tees- water, Turnberry and Wingham. In 1954 the first section or the present high school was built to accommodate about 500 pupils with an addition add- ed in 1959 and the vocational wing in 1962. Some 080 stud- ents are enrolled in the school this year. The new district, which will come into being at the first of the year, will see the addition of the Townships of West Wa- wanosh, Ashfield, Greenock and the Village of Lucknow to the existing Wingham district. --Mr, and Mrs. S. C. Kin- said of Largo, Florida, Mi. Thomas Kincaid of Chicago, Ill, Mr, and Mrs, C, R. Kin- caid of 13loom field Hills, Mich, and Mr, and. Mrs. C. H. Fur- neaux of Saskatchewan visited with Mrs. J. F. Bond recently while she was a patient in Wing- ham and District Hospital, -Mrs. George Coulter is a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. -Mr, and Mrs. Phillip Mc- Millan of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. E. 'W. Beecroft and Karen of Whitechurch, Constable and Mrs. John Sinnamon and family of Seaforth and Mrs. George Webster and children of Hali- fax who arrived by plane at Melton on Friday, visited at the home of their mother, Mrs. Hugh Sinnamon on Sunday, and Mrs. Jack Siebert and family of Montreal spent the week-end at the home of her brother, Mr, and Mrs. Syd- ney Thompson, East Wawanosh. --Mrs. Jack Kelly, Minnie Street, and her sister, Mrs. Gus. Devereaux of St. Augustine visited for a few days last week at the home of their brother-in- 41 6 law, Mr, Walter Lettner of Tor- onto and with their sister, Mrs, Lettner, who is a patient inhos- pital there. --Mrs, Jean Crump of John Street is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, ,-Mr, and Mrs, Donald Dow of East Wawanosh were Sunday evening visitors at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Leask McGee, John Street. -Don Willie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Willie underwent an operation for appendicitis Monday morning in the Wing- ham and District Hospital. --Misses Judy McCammon and Sue Gilmour of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs, Alf Lockridge over the week-end. -Mr, and Mrs, WarrenWeb- er, Denise and Danny of Strat- ford visited over the week-end with Mr. Weber's sister, Mrs, Don Dennis, Mr. Dennis and family in Lucknow and with Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbons, -Mr. Bill Henderson took the service at the Salvation Ar- my Citadel at Newmarket on Sunday for Capt. Stanley New- man, who has been in hospital. -Miss Gail Garniss, daugh- tor of Mr, and. Mrs, Alan Gar- hiss of London., was chosen queen of the Arts and Science ball.at the University of West, em Ontario recently. Gail is granddaughter of Mrs, George Kerr Sr, and Mrs. Bob Carbert of Toronto were in Wingham at the week-end due to the illness 0 of his father, Mr, Fred Carbert, who was taken to Wingham and District Hospital on Saturday following a stroke, Mr, Car- bert remains in critical condi-. tion, -Miss Ada Brophy of Toron- to spent the week-end with her aunt, Miss Mary Ada Brophy, --Thomas Rowe of Graven- burst, son of Mr, and Mrs, Mike Rowe of Teeswater, visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Michael Willie and family. Lakelet Mr. Glenn Jacques, son of Mrs. Lloyd Jacques, had the misfortune to break his leg in a skating accident last week. By coincidence it is the same leg he had broken a year ago. Mr. and Mrs, Emerson Fer- guson and Evelyn called on Mrs. Wm. Horsburgh at the Mount Forest hospital where she is a patient, on Sunday after- noon. Gift Suggestions BILTMORE HATS of Distinction $7.95 and $9.95 Gift Certificates Available Cotton, Flannelette and Polo Style PYJAMAS • $5, $5.95, $6.95 Smart TIES and SOCKS - $1.00 up Men's BRIEFS and JERSEYS 51.00 and $1.25 Boxer SHORTS $1.50 (WINGHAM) LIMITED "THE FRIENDLY STORE" „N'tcocictmcwcwevetetctetesmtetc.c,e,c,ctetctetetetctc•cictetctctetctctetctek kr:wpwow.of6..woivcivotiiwc-3w The Season to Sporkle,--- And Shine gg *lay FaShiOni-=-r-) FASHION . . At Her Fingertips LOVELY GLOVES in Knits, Fabric or Leather $1.00 to $6.98 Gift Her with Beautiful HANDBAGS To suit every occasion $2.98 to $8.98 UMBRELLAS have joined the "Style Parade" Find the smartest-ever here Regular or Telescopic $2.98 to $7.95 *All Wool Kenwood Blankets *Bedspreads *Lace Cloths *Scatter Mats 'All types of Linens Fancy 'N Feminine PANTIES A Practical Gift Priced from 69c up Hospital expects survey ATTRACTIVE UPHOLSTERED (1415GAVS60411111114411CAD c%9A c13$!gWcAtOAVAaAta • M . Armchairs AT $22.95 c0 OTHER 'Occasional M Chairs $16.95 90 0 0 , HOME 421214131,127)134a2.2+9»*1141)*1919,AmA2424t4D•.2124,7n241M2124))D121W430114AallaloNNZI)a2101)41X 101%1120 .,,, g 9 FURNISHINGS DIAL 351-1430 - Josephine Street - WINGHAM Agati,A-IMMOWAVAitaviWAteauMAVAVAttolteRke 4