HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-12-15, Page 2MRS. CARL DOUGLAS was caught by the camera as she in- structed a class in singing at the Howick Central School night classes. Students were singing Christmas carols in keeping with the festive season.-Photo by Cantelon. Friendship unit Christmas meeting WROXETER-The Friendship Unit of the U.C. W. of Wrox- eter held its Christmas meeting in the church basement on Fri- day. Mrs. Ken Edgar and Mrs. Harvey Timm conducted the devotional period. With Mrs. Alrood Wearring at the piano, carols were sung and for the all- member program each member read a Christmas poem or mes- sage. Miss Elsie Gibson read a delightful Christmas story. The president, Mrs. Archie Miller, presided for the busi- ness period and closed the meet. ing with prayer. From an attractively decorae ed table a delicious Christmas supper was served by the host- esses, Mrs. Timm and Mrs. Ed- gar. Howick Lions bingo winners Mrs. McLennan, Lucknow; Mrs. Robt. Montgomery, Wing- ham; Alex. McMichael of Clin- ton, Pauline Dolrnage of Sea- forth and Catherine Edgar, Wroxeter; Mrs. Joe Schneider, Wingham; Ferguson Riley, Wingham; Mrs. Harry Adams, Wroxeter; Fred Ohm of Wing- ham, Mrs. McLennan, Luck- now, Mrs, Fred Sawyer of Wingham and Terry Nethery, Wingham; Mrs. Cecil Yoeman, Wroxeter; Mrs. Cecil Yoeman; Mrs. Fred Ohm; Catherine Ed- gar; Mrs. Ferguson Riley of Wingham and Mrs. George His- lop, Sr., Wroxeter: Specials: Ferguson Riley; Ab. Nethery, Wingham; Mrs. Alex. McMichael, Clinton. Jackpot consolation plus bonus: Mrs, Gordon Hislop, Wroxeter. Exercise three times a week, you improve your physical con= dition, twice a week you main- tain your present conditione once a week you get stiff mus- cles. EIGHTEEN WOMEN are taking sewing in- structions at the Howick Central School night classes. Busy with a dress made from Centennial plaid are Mrs. Clarence Stokes of Wroxeter; Mrs. Russell Adams, R. R. 2 Gorrie and the instructor, Mrs. Jack Hardie, of Moorefield. -Photo by Cantelon. Ot. attr5 ebtatii (ANGLICAN) Nlinghatti Rev. C. F. Johnson, L.Th. • Rector Mrs. Gordon Davidson • Organist FOURTH SUNDAY IN ADVENT - DECEMBER 18 8:30 a.m.-Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m.-Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.-Carol Service. Monday, December 19-The Sunday School Christ- mas Concert-7:30 p.m. tijat( QIl2 449 et' "You make me happy, when skies are grey! Turn on your own washday sunshine, with an electric clothes dryer ! Dry a full load for less than five cents. All your pretty "coloreds" come out bright and new-looking. Whites stay white . . . with no clothes-line soil . your washing is gently fluff-dried • . away from wet, windy weather. See what's new for you . in electric clothes dryers at your dealer's now, Wingham Public Utilities Commission l• Shop with cash from an HFC Shopper's Loan AMOUNT OF LOAN 60 months MONTHLY 45 months 76 months PAYMENT .10 months PLANS 10 months 11 months $ 100 $ $ $ $.... $6.12 $9.46 300 , 18.35 28.37 550 23.73 32.86 51.24 1000 41.45 58.11 91.56 1600 57.72 ..... 2500 73.35 90.18 3000 88.02 108.22 4000 101.01 117.37 144.30 5000 126.26 146.71 180.37 Above p yments include principal and Interest and are based on prom t repayment, but do not include the cost of lite Insurance. HOUSEHOLD FINAN HANOVER 245-10th Street-Telephone 364-3420 (opposite IGA) GODERICH 35A West Street-Telephone 524-7383 (above the Signal Star) Ask about our evening hours 1'.10) Golden Tray: Magnificent array of Elizabeth Arder,I luxuries: Perfume At om- izer, Flower Mist, Purse Atom- izer, Fluffy Milk Bath, Petal Wafers, Dusting Powder, Body Cream, Hand Lotion, Velva Liquid, Hand Soap, Shado Shades, Bath & Body Perfume. $50.00 1.1 R " 17( 4 Rt al1 The congregation of St. Andrew's EXTENDS A WELCOME TO MEMBERS, FRIENDS, AND THOSE WHO HAVE NO CHURCH HOME TO Special Pre-Christmas Services SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18th, 1966 11:00 a,m,-"NOTHING EVER HAPPENS IN WINGHAM" * the Minister. Music-The Handbell Choir - St. Andrew's Young Men Crawford Douglas-"What Child Is This?" Senior Choir-"In A Manger He Is Lying." 7:00 p.m,-A Special Service of Music-"FESTIVAL OF CAROLS," Use of Film Strip-Solos, duets, trios and choirs. Mrs. Nelson Pickell accompanying Mr., Pym at both services at the piano, ormattooixsitowamoloologranc The public is Cordially invited to view a Living Nativity Scene on ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH LAWN prepared and presented by the Young People Of St. Andrew's Church MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, DEC.. 19 to 21 - I to 8 pan, • Mr. and. Mrs. Anson Ruttan and Mr, and M. Gordon Angst were TOT011t0 Visit= a couple days lag week. Sunday visiters with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Hargrave were Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wray, Brian and Grace of Searboro, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hallman, Kenn, neth and Vivian of Listewel. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mulvey, Jeffrey and Cindy of Belmore and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Seth- ern and Timmy of Palmerston were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sothern, Miss Marian Harding of Lon- don spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Keith and children of Oakville were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Keith. Mr. and Mrs. David Stein- acker and two children of Or- angeville spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Steinacker. Mrs. Richard Watters spent last week at the home of rela- tives in Caledonia. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew MU- an of Elmwood spent one day last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pries. Mrs. Elmer Millar and Elaine were visitors on Saturday in Kitchener. Friends of Mrs. Tessie Zinn- merman will be sorry to hear She underwent major surgery at Winghatil and District Hospital on Monday Morning. A speedy recovery is wished for her. Mr. and. Mrs, Robt. Connell and. Mrs. Charles Ver Schoor spent one day last week in Kit- chener. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Litehy of Kitchener were week-end guests with Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Hib- berd. Friends of Mr. Elmer Hard" ing will be sorry to learn that he is confined to Bruce County Hospital, Walkerton. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bott and little son of Alma visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Par- ker Eurig, Miss Violet f3eswetherick spent the week-end with friends in Toronto. BREAKS LEG FORDWICH-Friends of Glenn Jacques will be sorry to learn that while skating he in some manner fell and broke the large bone above his ankle, He was taken to Palmerston Hos- pital where a cast was put on and he was able to return to his home. He is confined to bed. Holiday shopping with cash from an HFC Shopper's Loan can save you money. And you'll avoid big first-of-the-year bills, too. Later, repay HFC conveniently. Ask about credit lite insurance on loans at tow group rates CANDY FOR KIDDIES IN WROXETER SATURDAY WROXETER-Candy bags will be presented to the child- ren at the Christmas tree in Wroxeter on Saturday afternoon at two o'clock. Wroxeter stores will be open Thursday, Friday and Saturday. December 22 to 24, in the eve- nings until 9 o'clock and will be closed Monday and Tuesday, December 26 and 27. Belmore Miss Adeline Lowrie, a mis- sionary home on furlough, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Abraham. We are glad to see our beau- tiful new home in the village occupied. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Mulvey and children, Jeff and Cindy, moved in on Satur- day. We welcome them to their new home and to the vil- lage -- and don't be surprised if we all turn up for a house- warming one of these nights! Occupying the Mulveys' former home on the Boundary, are Mr. and Mrs, George Lane, whom we also welcome to the corn- m unity. Mrs. Alex Sangster visited on Sunday with Mrs. John Harp- er, at the Robert Harkness home at MeIntosh. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Freiburger of Greenock were Sunday din- ner guests with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Brone son and family of Elmira visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Rowland f3allagh. Guess we scared winter away with our little epistle last week! It sure ran like a scared rabbit anyway, with some days last week almost like Indian sum- mer. Didn't last Yong, though, and on the week-end it was back in all its glory. All well, one thing, it makes things look more ChriStmasty I MOVE TO VILLAGE FORDWICH-Mr. and Mrs. Parker Eurig moved from their farm home which they sold to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wylie, who took possession last week. Be- fore moving into the village friends and neighbours surprised them one night and presented them with a pole lamp and cas- serole. Mr. and Mrs. Eurig ex- pressed their thanks and a social time was enjoyed. CARD PARTY LAKELET--The weekly card party was held as usual at the W.I. hall on Monday night, Prize winners on this occas- ion were euchre, high lady, Mrs. Edna Greenley; high gen- tleman, Mrs. Stanley Dennis playing as a man; consolation prize, Mrs. A. Ritchie. In so- lo high score went to Elmer Haskins and consolation to Bert Hubbard, The novelty prize was won by Stanley Dennis. MAP#2011WRalllat49WIRMIROAM g 40,,,,,p.zi. ,.,katko,. '71V40,400. '7,3 11 - I • . . , ,..,r S ,':44 hnstmas *A S 104 4f'' • • Og, a It t , comma& ill I Holiday Basket gay with flowers, Blue Grass Fluffy Milk Bath, Perfume Mist, Flower Mist, Puff-PUff, Bath Oil Vial, Hand Lotion, Hand Soap. $20.00 Combination Basket of skin °are preparations and fragrance: Cleansing Cream, Velva Cream, Skin Lotion, Moisture Film, Hand Lotion, Body Cream, Flower Mist, Fluffy Milk Bath, Bath Soap. $27.50 Memoire Cherie Basket is all flowers, festive bows and fragrance: Perfume Mist, Puff-Puff, Hand Soap, Bath Essence, Purse Atomizer, Fluffy Milk Bath. $25.00 t 4*. De Luxe Basket brimming with Fluffy Milk Bath, Per- fume Spray, Dusting Powder, Bath and Body Perfume, Flower Mist, Hand Lotion, Hand Soap -all in Blue Grass fra- grance. $25.00 Blue Grass Surprise: Per- fume Spray, Flower Mist, Hand Lotion, Fluffy Milk Bath, Dusting Powder, Bath and Body Perfume, Purse Atomizer, Hand Soap. 535.00 E'S DRUG STORE !. a ..▪ . PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS 24 it PHONE 357-2170 WINGHAM FLIA Futji 'rte 0 1 1 Page 2 Win ham AdganeeeTimeS, Thursday. „Dee. 15, 1966 Fordwich P ersonals Young and old greet Santa Claus FORDWICH- About 250 children gathered in the Ford- wich Community Hall on Sat- urday afternoon to greet Santa Claus, A Him was shown be- fore the jolly old gent's arrival and when he entered with a "Ho, Ho, Ho," eyes of the smaller ones were wide with wonder. He received lots of hugs and kisses. Santa also visited the nurs- ing home where he was wel- comed with open arms and a few tears were shed with ex- citement. It was a big day for young and old and each receiv- ed a bag of candy and oranges. This was all made possible by the Businessmen's Santa Fund., Donations were from Devitt's Fabric Centre, Fordwich Feed Mill, Don King's Hardware, Nickel's Garage, Mary Moore, Gary's Beauty Salon, Schaefer's Bake Shop, Martin's Garage, Fordwich General Store, Mar- riner's Bowling Alley, Henry Mundt's Welding Shop, D'Arcy Bros., Carl Stewart, B.P. gas and oil, Anson Demerling, Johnathan Wagler, Village Nursing Home, Garnard King, ,Miller's Pool Room, Len Wil- pson, Wm. T. Brown and Son, "Wightman Telephone Co., Wilson's Electric Shop, Sulli- van's Corner Store and the Township Council. A string of lights was donated by the Im- perial Bank of Commerce and Don's Hardware and one string was bought by The Fordwich Business Association. k 114- I 1k S 1k VANC S