HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-11-24, Page 6CAVILLER & COMPANY Chartered Accountants Resident Partner J. E, Kennedy, C.A. Dial 881.3471 - Walkerton .....mwoomlipmernamomm.m..1,11••••••m egis.romeolamarau mmirfamalmeaur WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING BEASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Save Bus, Ph. 357•1910 Res, Ph, 35r•1015 Fredericic F. Horriuth R.O. Carol 1-lentuth, RO Mrs. Viola H. Hornuth, RO OPTOM ET itisTio. Phone- ilk .NAltititTON' • ONTARIO Awiriarisimmiosouslermiormadearogorre lturm Pale 6 Winsharn Advance.Times, Thursday, Nov.7.966 Township; Mrs. Milton Wit. u p/18(m (Meryle), Watford; Harold, of Warwick Townshipq Mrs. Robert Vivian. (Doris), New Liskeard; Rosa. Alvin, ston; Mrs, Vert McKay (4un, lee), Sarnia; Mrs. James liott (Maxine), Stoney Creek, Dear sister of Mrs. Matilda chambers, Watford: Mrs. Pearl Gibson, Forest: Robert. Moore, Sarnia; 28 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren, DIED McIntosh L)CW holds meeting COOPER —In .Strathroy Mid- dlesEx General Hospital, on Thursday, November 17, WO, Mabel Moore, beloved wife of the late John Cooper, In her 40th year, Dear mother of Mrs. Qordon Stacey (Edna), Strath. roy; Mrs. Win, Inches (Mare jorle), Hamilton; Mrs. John laeciclen (Marie), Warwick LAKEI,,ET—MrS, Harvey Wright was the hostess for the November meeting of McIntosh United Church Women. The meeting opened with the sing- ing of a hymn and Mrs. John Wright led the devotional per- iod. Her theme was "Remem- brance Day". Mrs. Everett Dustow read the Scripture. Mrs. Walter Renwick and Mrs. Oliver Dustow were in charge of the study period on "World Peace"... "My Valley of Dreams", a reading, was given by Mrs. James Renwick, The roll call was answered with ways to work for world peace. Mrs, Renwick gave a report on community friendship and flowers and Mrs. Harvey Wright gave an interest- ing account of the fall rally held in Teeswater recently. Mrs. John Wright closed the meeting with prayer and lunch was served by those in charge. Aqty, 125 W 42 LEGAL MOIMIN.0.1....".M.011.1111111111111“11.1n,Wel l FOR SALE REAL, ESTATE FOR SALE FOR RENT BIRTHS DOUGLAS—In Winghtem and District Hospital, on Satur- day, November 19, 1966, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Doug- las, R. It. 1. Clifford, a daugh- ter, WEBER — In Wingham and District Hospital, on Satur- day, November 19, 1966, to Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Weber, R, H, 2 Teeswater, a daugh- ter. aosomporpo pagptrampostaporms4w*toomaeseopf.grpso PIANO for sale, Reasonable, Phone 357.1013, 24' CONTINENTAL BED for sale, nearly new, Ph. 357-2475. 04* WILFREI) McINTEE & CO. LIMITED Realtor - Walkerton, Ontario eieweaaereeesegelee"Seseeeeieeepeaimes aiOUS.E FOR RENT on Vic- toria Street, Adults only. Write Xre, Mary Mitchell, 375 Ash- land Ave., London, 244* APARTMENT for rent Private entrance, ground floor, shower, heavy wiring and redecorated. Immediate peissessien. Phone 357470. 24-78b MORRIS TOWNSHIP NUNICLPAL NOTICE Nomination of a Reeve, Four Councillors and Two School Trustees will be held in the Township Hall FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1966, from 1 to 2 p,m., and an election, if necessary SATURDAY, DEC 3, 1966, Helen D. Martin, R,eturning °Weer, Opportunities in Banking $7,500.00-1 acre auto wreek. lag yard with licence. Located elose to Wingham, including a new steel clad workshop, 40'x 30' with concrete floor, hydra and overhead oil fired furnace. 1 storey 3 bedroom brick house with basement, hydra and fur. naee. Frame barn and car garage. All equipment and ex- tras included. Possession 30 days. F'RES'H KILLED Boiling fowl for sale, Wingham Meet Mark- et, 34b Opening available for young men of Grade 12 or education for challenging careers in banking, 13 4eBURNER electric range for sale; Admiral frig, Both in ex- cellent condition, Phone 357- 3665, 24* THE PERFECT school aid— a portable typewriter. Try the new Underwood at The Ad- vance-Times, From $93.00, rr 6-ROOM farm home for rent, with oil furnace, bathroom and cupboards. Near village of Fordwich, Phone 49115, Ford- with, Ont, 24b Contact: MR. W. M. WARDLEY or MR. H. J. SHAVER at 392-6831, TEESWATER '1 41 CARDS OF THANKS AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE of Holstein cows, hogs, hay, straw and farm machinery will be held for Leo Hoogenboom, Lots 8 and 9, Lake Road East, Colborne Township, 5 miles north of Goderich on Highway 21, on SATURDAY, NOV. 26, at 1:30 Offering includes — 11 Hol- stein heifers, 2 years old, re- bred in July; 1 reg. Holstein cow, 4 years old, rebred in ,July; 7 Holstein cows, 4-6 years old, rebred in July; reg, Here- ford bull, 2 years old. Hogs-100 feeder hogs, 100- 150 lbs. Hay and Straw-3000 bales of hay; 600 bales of straw. Implements — Massey-Fergu- son 135 tractor, less than 150 hrs, use; 32 plate International disc; cultivator; International manure spreader: International 3 point hitch plow: Interna- tional 13-run seed drill; Inter- national 4-bar rake; Massee- Harris 7' mower; wagon and rack; Surge 3-unit milker; Viking cream separator; hog feelers; harrows and numer- ous small articles. Terms—Cash Farm sold. Allan Maclntyre, Auct, 24b FOR RENT — In Wingham, ground floor one bedroom ariartmeat, heated, new cup- boards and bath, laundry room and hot water supplied, Separ- ate entrance, Contact Tees- water 39e-6982, 24.1b Leslie and Olive Bolt wish to thank their many friends for the expressions of sympathy extended during their recent bereavement, 24* $12,000.00-100 acre farm, 65 workable, good Water supply. Steel clad barn 56'x36'. Frame chicken pen 24'45' with steel addition far storage, concrete silo, frame garage 18'x15'. 12 acre hardwood bush of value. lae storey home, insul brick sided with good asphalt shing- led roof, Basement under main part, new chimney installed and HD wiring, Property also suitable for 3 cottage sites in hardwood bush area overlook- ing river area, Located within 2 miles of Wingham, Posses- sion 30 to 60 days $9.000.00-11e storey 6 room modernized insul asphalt sided home with all conveniences and new asphalt roof. 1 storey frame addition to, containing 3 rooms, sink with hot and cold water taps and HD wiring in- stalled. Full basement under all with concrete floor and good foundation. All heated by an oil fired furnace. Centrally located 2 blocks off I,Vinehern main street. Possession 30 days. BEAUTIFUL WALNUT CE- DAR CHESTS — One of our finest by famous Red Seal, genuine veneers, selected cedar lining, plank style top, only $66.50 this week at Currie's Furniture. 24b 10-17-24b We wish to express our sin- cere thanks to all our relatives, friends and neighbors for their expressions of sympathy and many acts of kindness and helpfulness during our recent bereavement in the lose of a dear daughter and sister.—Mr, and Mrs. Abner Nethery and family, 24* JOB OPPORTUNITIES What Is GOOD Service? MILK FILTERS for sale, plain, rapid flo, 61.4."--85c a box, Alexander's Hardware, phone 357-3631. llrrb MISCELLANEOUS FINISH HIGH SCHOOL Home study prepares you to write Ontario provincial exam- inations for recognized certifi- cate. Grades 6-13, All books and supplies. Low monthly pay- ments, income tax deduetable, For full information write Ca- nadian Academy. 40 Main St., West, Hamilton, Ont, A7rrb PAINTING & DECORATING ROBERT E. SEARSON Phone 357-3044 - Wingham NlOrrb TRY the new Underwood type- writers at The Advance-Times office. Portables at $93.00 and $139,50, All the features of the big standards. rr The family of the late Mrs. Nellie Angus would like to ex- press their appreciation to all their friends and neighbors in Pleasant Valley and the Wing- ham Medical Society, Wingham and District Hospital Board and Mrs. Morrey, Dietary Dept., Engineer and Linen staff, Laundry and Housekeep- ing staff, Evening shift 4-12, the Graduate Nurses, Willie Vanderwoude, Miss Edna Carr, Miss Hopwood, Mrs. Fielding, Mrs, Ellacott and Dr. B, N. Corrin. 24* SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used, All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, R. R. 2, Brussels, phone 442W6, Brussels. S1-D15* CURRIE'S SPECIAL THIS WEEK — Heirloom bedspread, see Gracious Lady, woven and reversible with luxurious bul- lion fringe and graceful round- ed corners, machine washable, only $10.69 at Currie's Furni- ture. 24b Keith McClure As Abraham Lincoln described happiness, it is mostly a matter of attitude. It is the result of your dealer being genuinely interested in doing what is in your best interests, Price estimates should be close approximations of the cost of the finished work—not come-ons so that you'll get the work started only to be presented with a much larger bill later. It is quality parts and supplies, Brake fluid, for in- stance is something that most motorists are only dimly aware of. They can't and shouldn't be expected to know that some is better than others. But the dealer should know all about it for them. Though dealer cost of quality brake fluid as well as quality everything else is higher, his service charges are competitive, Good. brake fluid must have numerous qualities: It must flow freely in sub-zero temperatures; It must have a low boiling point; It must not have an alcoholic base which could result in dangerous "vapor lock"; It must have a chemical balance that will retard evaporation and the form- ing of guru; It must absorb moisture so as to prevent cor- rosion of metal parts, This kind of knowledge and a service-minded attitude is what enables a quality dealer to provide you with GOOD service and earn his reputation, .001Pakit..19..10.81.Iltlig..=0411010:MXIM:S[5.03•11:WARtl. SALES HELP WANTED FLOOR SANDING New hardwood floors laid, sanded and finished, Also old floors, New modern equipment, Phone 357-2750, Norman Rens toul & Sons, 16rrb 1.0priMiwine•algit.1211C.:01:2=31 SELL REAL ESTATE Join Ontario's largest Realtor specializing in Farm, Vacation and Town properties. No ex- perience necessary. We will train you. Part or full time basis, excellent commission ar- rangement, Openings in this area. For appointment call or write Mr. Ross O'Hagan, H. Keith Ltd, Realtor, 181 Eglin- ton Ave, E., Toronto 12. Tele- phone 487-3333, 17-24-1-8b FOR SALE — Spanish onions, potatoes, beets, cabbage, Phone Anthony Schefter, 357-3465. 17.24* e FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automo- bile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection Cali your Co-op Agent- 53 Maple Street, Wingham LLOYD MONTGOMERY Dial 357-3739. For homes and farms, all sires and businesses — Contact: FRANK J. C ‘SKANETTE Box 167. or Dial 357-1702 Wingham, 24b I would like to thank my friends and neighbors for their cards, visits and gifts which I received while a patient in the Wingham and District Hos- pital, Special thanks to Dr, W. A, McKibben and nurses on second floor.—Irene Paton. 24b SAVE ON PAINT — 10% off regular prices on Kern Glo Enamel, Super Keen Tone and Martin-Senour. Your headquar- ters for Kern Lines. Alexander's Hardware. 5rrb For Sale 36" BUNK BEDS includes two sturdy built Colonial style beds with posture hoard springs, 220 coil smooth top mattress, combination ladder and guard rail, easily made into twin beds. Special price only, $96.75 at Currie's Furniture. 24b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SEE GEORGE BROOKS at Stratford Cemetery 1remorials .Ltd, for Memorials of Distinction. 38 Avondale Ave. Stratford Phone 271-6736 Collect N17rrb tolaneczcsiase arsam=samw.m.s.ater.o. Many thanks to all friends and relatives who sent cards, treats and visited me while I was a patient in Wingham and District Hospital.—Viola Salt- er. 24b NOTICE TO CREDITORS Butcher shop and abattoir; a real going concern. Fully equipped for today's high turn over in meat products. The shop and abbatoir have passed inspection and due to the new regulations competition in the area has been virtually elimin- ated, This 'business offers tre- mendous value for your invest- meat dollar, General stores are back in the running, We have two to choose from, both are making the owners a better than av- erage living with not too much invested and both 'have modern living quarters. The best business of all is a privately owned park and dancing pavilion, Can be pur- (theses' together or separate. Located right on the shores of Lake Huron, having 500 ft. of sandy semi-private beach lake frontage. You need only to op- erate this business for a few months in the summer and spend the winter in Mexico. Only $15,000 down payment is all that's required. Choice 200 acre farm. 175 acres level and workable, Huge barn and 2 large silos, mainly set up for hog and beef pro- duction, Lovely home less than 10 years old. Full price has been reduced to $88,000.00. 18 STOCK Ontario calves for sale, raised by owner, E. H. Underwood, Gorrie. 24* NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF NELLIE ANGUS. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on the 17th day of Novem- ber, 1966, are required to file proof of same with the under- signed on or before the 10th day of December, 1966. After that date the Execu- tors will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 22nd day of November, 1966. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors, 24-1-8b YOUNG YORKSHIRE boar for sale, ready for service, Could he registered, George Higgins, 332J5. Brussels, 24* I wish to thank my friends, neighbors and relatives for flowers, cards, letters and visits while a patient in Wingham and District Hospital, Special thanks to Dr. B, N. Corrin and the nurses on second floor.— Hazel Sperling. 24* VACUUM CLEANER SALES. Service for all makes. Filter Queen Sales, Zurich, phone Hensall 262-5350 collect. OLIVETTI - UNDERWOOD adding machines are priced as low as $103.50. Add, subtract, multiply, credit balance: 10-11 columns. Try them at The Ad- vance-Times. rr • • ARTICLES FOR RENT ARE YOU INTERESTED in an OPPORTUNITY with an INVESTMENT DEALER? A JOB: We need both experienced and inexperi- enced men and women in your area to handle bonds, shares and mutual funds, The work involves: the distribu- tion and trading of Govern- ment and Corporation bonds and stocks; the creation of savings plans and Registered Retirement Pension plans; the use of portfolio analysis or financial programs such as the withdrawal plan to meet specific objectives. A full training program is available that can create a career for you with a sub- stantial income. Age is not a factor. The important point is the will- ingness to learn and to ac- cept responsibility. To learn more about the possibilities in the invest-' ment field or if you are al- ready in the business and wish to hear our approach simply telephone Jack Wallington for an interview. Call collect, anytime, Office telephone number Toronto 363-8161 — or telephone his residence in Burlington, Ontario, 634-1536. Remember, call collect, to arrange an interview in your area at your convenience. RENT our new Dustless floor sanders and make your old floors like new again, We have just purchased the new Dust- less floor sanding machines. You can save over 50% by doing your own sanding, Alex- ander's Hardware, 24rrb I would like to thank my friends and neighbors for cards and visits while I was a patient in Wingham and District Hos- pital, Special thanks to Dr, W. A, McKibbon, Rev. C, M. Jar- dine and nurses on second floor,—'Arthur Edgar, 24b WANT TO SEND a Christmas gift out of town? Why not make it a gift of flowers this year? By ordering now you will not only save money but will please someone special with your thoughtfulness, Ex- ample: On a gift of flowers to Toronto you can save 65c by ordering now, This will give us time to write the order instead of having to phone it in to as- sure delivery in time for Christmas. The further the order has to go the more you will save by ordering now. Ph, T•ev,1,- Flowers, 135 Fran- ces Street, 357-3880, for all your Christmas flower needs. 24-lb FEMALE HELP WANTED PAID ON GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES I 'would like to thank my friends and neighbors for all the cards, flowers and visits while a patient in Wingham and District Hospital, also all the kindness during the past two years of my illness.—Mrs. Irlma Jenkins. 24* WAIL KESS WANTED — Apply in person to Good's Coffee Shop. 17-24b WANTED — Reliable house- keeper, full or part time. Ap- ply Box 114, Advance-Times. 24-lb NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WIL- LIAM THOMAS BOLT. ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on the 6th day of November, 1966, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 10th day of December, 1966, After that date the Execu- tors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham this 18th day of November. 1965. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL, Wingham, Ontario Solicitors for tl e Executors, 24-1-8b t I would like to thank my friends and relatives who so kindly remembered me with cards, flowers and treats while I was a patient in Wingham and District Hospital, Special thanks to Dr, W, A. McKibbon and the nurses, also Rev. C. M. Jardine and the other minis- ters who called. — Mrs, Alex, Leaver, 24* ATTENTION LADIES! AVON TERRITORY OPEN Customers waiting to be served Housewives can qualify Call 376-9792, Owen Sound, or write Mrs, S. Craig, District Manager, P,O. Box 102, Owen Sound. 10-17-24b • issued 1 to 5-year term. • earn 6 1/4 % interest, payable half- yearly by cheque. • authorized investment for all Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3 - BEDROOM red brick 1l storey house for sale on Char- les Street. Finished recreation room, large kitchen, dining room, living room and sun porch. Owner being transfer- red. Phone 357-1013. 24b DON HOIST TENDERS WANTED I wish to extend my sincere thanks to friends and neigh- bors who visited ,me while I was a patient In Wingham and District Hospital. I would like to express my thanks also to those who sent cards, letters gifts and for the lovely flowers received. Special thanks to Drs. Corrin and Klahsen, Wingham, and Drs. Flowers and Walden, of Clinton, and the nursing staff of Wingham and District Hospital, — Win. VanCamp. 24* REAL ESTATE LIMITED - "Rural Ontario Specialists" - Keith Fitzsimmons, Manager, Phone 857-3840 Cecil Mahood, Representative, Phone 392-6952 OIL TENDER Wingham Public School, Wingham, Ont. Tank capacity, 6,000 gal. Type of fuel, Cana- dian Government Specification CS-12-48 No, 2 fuel oil. All ten- ders to be in the hands of the secretary, Mrs, Alberta Mor- gan, Box 281, Wingham, by noon November 30th, 1866. Any inquiries, contact the chairman of the Property Committee, Roy E. Bennett. This contract to run for a period of two years from date of signing. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, 17-24b Amprow-i. STERLIgRATIRusTs • ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon B. Elliott, Broker, Edward A. Elliott, Salesman, Phone 857-1590 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF GEORGE LESLIE BRYCE. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Turnberry, in ,the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on the 10th day of November, 1969, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 10th day of December, 1966. After that date the Execu- trix will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice DATED at Wingham, this 22nd day of November, 1966. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. 24-1-8h Coming Events 0 ' 4 Two bedroom apartment for rent in the MacDonald Block; immediate possession, 372 Bay St., 35 Dunlop St., Toronto Barrie 73 Mississaga E., Orillia Six year old frame home, 2 miles out of Wingham, 2 bed- rooms, oil ,heat, with very low taxes. An excellent retirement home with lots of garden. Priced below cost. • EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for PERMANENT POSITION in GODERICH • THE WOMEN'S HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Will meet in the Council Chambers Monday, November 28, at 2;30 o'clock, 24b TEA AND BAKE SALE St, Paul's W.A. Guild are holding a tea and bake sale at the church Wednesday, Nov, 30, at 3 p.m. 24b WANTED Business and Professional Directory a 4 WANTED—Roll-top desk, guns and rifles. Cameron's Billiards. 15rrb Beautiful immaculate 4-bed- room frame executive home on a large lot, overlooking Sum- mit Drive; two full bathrooms, garage with breezeway and laundry room, full basement. Immediate possession. 12 room brick veneer home, two bathrooms, two living rooms, fire place, oil fired hot Water heat frame barn now used as garage. While this home needs some decorating and repair it is in excellent con- dition. REGISTRATION DAY FOR HOCKEY Saturday, November 26, 1-3 p.m. from Squirt to Midget. Sponsored by Gorrie-Wroxeter Athletic Association, 24* MORRIS TOWNSHIP Federation of Agriculture an- nual meeting and turkey ban- quet will be held in the Fores- ters Hail, Belgrave, on Friday, December 2, 1966, at 7 p.m. Guest speaker, Harry J. Boyle of the CBC. Tickets $1,50, 24b Pearson, Edwards & Co. Chartered Accountants P. R. PEARSON Trustee in Bankruptcy 806 JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM - Tel. 257-2891 WANTED-6-qt, baskets heed- ed immediately. Remington's IGA, 24b WANTED — 2 or 3 bedroom house to rent by first of year in Wingham, Couple only. Ap- ply Box 113, Advance-Times. 24-1* p CWL WEEKLY EUCHRE On Tuesday, November 29th, at 8;30 p.m., in the Sacred Heart Parish Hall, High and low men's prize, high and low ladies' prize, and door prize. Lunch served, N10-D13chg Typing ability required, two weeks' vacation, full pension plan, medical and hospitaliza- tion coverage, etc. Apply in own handwriting giv- ing details of education, experi- ence of any and two references to P.0, Box 216, Goderich, Ont, CHRISTMAS TEA AND SALE The ladies of the Home League invite you to attend their Christmas tea and sale on Saturday, November 26, to be held in the Salvation Army Citadel, Edward Street, from 3-5 p.m, 24b OLD CLOCKS WANTED, in any condition. Letters with particulars to K. Sandercott, Twilite Motel, R. R. 1, Hyde Park, Ont., or phone Wingharri 357-2399. 2330-7-14*rrb Crawford, Shepherd & Mill Barristers, Solieitors, Etc. 3. Harley Crawford, Q.C. Norman A. Shepherd, M.A., LLB. Alan R. Mill, ILA, LLB. WINGHAM, ONTARIO Dial 357.3630 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF HAN- NIAH LUELLA THOMPSON. ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron-, Housewife, who died on the 6th day of November, 1966, aro required to file proof of same with the undersigned on of before the 10th day of December, 1966. After that date the Atirninit- trator will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the cleans of which he hall then have' had notice. DATED at Wingham, this 22nd day of November, 1966. cRAwPo66, SHEPHERD & MILL, WitIghate, Ontario, Solicitors fot the Administrator. 24-1-Sb NEW BINGO Nowick Lions New bingo will be held on Friday, Nov, 25, in Wroxeter Community Hall, at 8:30 p.m., DST. 12 games for $10; 3 "Share the Wealth"; 1 jetelepot of $70 in 54 calls. Adm. $1,00; extra tickets 3 for 50c. or 7 for $1.00. Everyone wel- come, S Two bedroom frame cottage on Carling Terrace; recreation room and laundry in batieraerit; patio and paved drive, new fur- nace and new root, Water soft- enet and plenty of cupboards, P,LT. $52.00 pet month. RECEPTION In Wroxeter Hall for Mr, and Mrs, Davey Edgar (Sandra MacDonald) Friday, November 25, Everyone Welcome. Music by JIM Scott's orchestra. La- dies please bring When. 24b SNOW TIRES STUDDED We are now equipped tb stud your snow tires (New Tires Only) for extra traction and win- ter driving safety Using Ken-Grip Studs and Ken- Grip that. $6.4P PER TIRE KEN'S Alignment Service wirigharn Ph, 3574230 Dead Stock Removal HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for fresh dead, disabled cows and horaes, we pay is per lb. weighing Over 500 pounds. For the Most prompt and nottrteorts service in this district PLEASE CALL 0OLLECt MARLATT EROS. Phone 133 Brusse11, Ont, sottr service-7 days a week ILleerise NO. 396-0-04$ FOR RENT—On Edward St., taro bedroom apartment, living room, kitchen, laundry room and bathroom. Inueediate pos- session, RECEPTION AND DANCE For Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Lamb (Mary Harmon) in Blue- vale Community Hall Friday night, November 25. Allen's or- ohostra, Ladies please bring lunch, Everyone welcome, 24"' ZONE MEETING For Huron arid Perth Coun- ties of the Ontario Egg and Fowl Producers' Marketing Rotird is to be held in the board Rooms of the Dept. of Agriculture Building in Clin- ton On Thursday, Dee, 1, at 8:30 P.m, Mr, Ross Milne of Ontario Hydro, will be- the guest speaker, Current market- ing plans of the Board will also be discussed, Alt Interested egg producers Weldorile, 24b •••1101.1A11./•111110iiamr.w.M.1.11•111111•MMINIIIIMMINI*101, J. T. GOODALL From CARS FOR SALE moionAtseAtaits*InsevAmmoningeiesAinoredeismi.miosoMmi 1965 ENVOY for sate, $1300. Phone 351-2310, 24* 1953 FORD sedan, good tires, eVerything works, $100.00. Ph, 357-17/5. 1/-24* BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY, Cit. Office Meyer Mode WINO tAM DIAL 1574000 RECE PTION AND DANCE In tornoto Community Friday, NoVetriber 25, for Me. and Mrs. Stewart McGill, Tif- fin's orchestra, Ladles please bring lunch, Everyone Wei-, come. 24*