HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-11-24, Page 4TWELVE CLUBS took part in the Achievement Day for the 4-H project, the Supper Club, on Saturday at Wing- ham District High School. Mrs. Irene Priest, of Strat- ford, home economist for Perth County, and Miss Mc- Cormick, of Markdale, home economist for Grey, com- mented on the skits, demonstrations and exhibits. Moth- ers and leaders attended, —Advance-Times Photo. My heart aches for the par- ents of young children. All the parents of all young children. They are like soldiers who have done their basic training, but have never heard a shot fired in anger. The real war lies ahead. I know there are some young mothers with several children who think they are going through a rough time right now. But this is merely purga- tory. Hell comes later, and is hotter. Little kids are lovable. As ba- bies, they are soft and warm and, if changed frequently, smell good. They grin, they creep, they gurgle, and they cheep, and every day, in every way, they grow smarter and smarter. Life is full of landmarks: the first tooth, the first step, the first word, the first fist-fight with the little girl next door, the first day at school, the first big crush on a member of the opposite sex. They're very funny and they're very sweet, And there's always a bit occasion not far away. There are Hallowe'en costumes to make. and the thrill of that first time out in the eerie October night, one hand clutching a huge paper bag, the other clutching firmly the hand of the bigger girl from next door, as the rounds' are made. There's Christmas_ coming, and the growing excitement of carols and the part in the Sun= day School pageant, and rustley paper in closets, and the hair- raising help they give in dec- orating the tree. And there's Valentine's Day, with the great social decisions to be made, about who gets the five-cent one and who gets the 10-cent one. And there's Fire- cracker Day, when they have to stand in a circle and watch their father burning his fingers and scorching his eyebrows while he shows them how care- ful they must be. All in all, little kids are about the greatest single bless- ing we can find in this vale of tears. They're a laugh a day They can make you feel big, and strong, and capable, and honest, and whole, There's only one thing wrong with little kids. Inevitably, inexorably, relentlessly, they become big kids. And as they grow, their parents shrink. Physically, mentally, spiritual- ly. And financially. The tendons of the family body begin to stretch, under constant pressure, The family joints begin to creak, under constant strain. Not to labor the analogy, let's just say that your cherubs have become teenagers. Momma's tolerance thins with the same rapidity as Dad's hair, Daughter's lippiness in- creases at the same rate as son's surliness. What was once merely an ex- ereise in exhaustion — getting them to bed — becomes a su- perhuman effort — staying up till they get in. But this is just the home life, something to be borne, like in , grown toe-nails, or varicose veins, What really grabs you is the influence of the outside world, Everybody, from the prime minister to the local plumber, tells your kids they have to stay in school. It doesn't matter whether they have the brains of a louse. A drop-out, these days, is practically a felon. In fad, don't he surprised if all drop•outs are sent to the Moon. as soon as we have established a colony there. Similarly, your daughter has an irresistible attraction toward hoods. Vainly, you nudge her in the direction of some clean-cut, honor-student son of a wealthy WASP doctor. Her reaction? "That fink!" And she makes a date with some long-locked, Yamaha-rid- ing character who is in his fourth year in the two-year technical course, makes $25 a week in his part-time job at the super-market, probably drinks, and will he rich by the time he's 25. And your son? Same, only moreso. He lonks on LSD with the same interest with which you looked on the Literary, So- cial and Debating clubs when you were his age. He helps himself to a beer with the same nonchalance with which he used to take a banana. But cheer up, parents. There's one satisfaction. If you can hold out physically, you're going to be able to sit around and laugh yourself silly when your kids are bringing up their kids. Bridge Results The Howell system wasplay- •ed on Thursday night with eight couples competing. The top four were: 1. Mrs. C. Hodgins, J. Martin;"2....,Mrs.',1. Martin, B. Ortlieb;...p.,.Haselgrove, G. Montgorrtery;".4. Mrs. F. Parker, Mrs. G; Gannett:4, A short meeting was held following the evening's play, and it was decided that the club would meet on Wednesday night in future instead of Thurs- day. Directors of the Huron Coun- ty Tuberculosis Association were told Wednesday night at a meeting at the Elm Haven Mo- tor Hotel in Clinton that Huron and Perth Counties have the lowest incidence of tuberculo- sis in Ontario. Mrs. Beryl Da- vidson, Stratford, executive secretary of the association said that the current program in Huron includes a survey of the 23 nursing homes in the county, and a retirement and pre-em- ployment program. Last week 235 residents at Huronview, Clinton, the county's home for the aged, were x-rayed for TB and other chest conditions by the Beck Sanatorium, London. A survey of all food handlers in the county has just been com- pleted. J. A. Taylor, Drumbo, president of the Oxford County Tuberculosis Association, as guest speaker asked just how ef- ficient is a mass x-ray. He said that there is always a segment of the population which does not respond (Huron's last mass x-ray survey, two years ago, saw 51 per cent of the popula- tion comply). "We should be asking ourselves if research is the answer to the TB problem. Just as the Salk vaccine be- came the answer of the prob- lem of polio, " said Mr. Taylor. He was introduced by Dr. Har- old Voices, Dungannon, and thanked by Miss Eileen O'Brien, Goderich. George Watt, Myth, presi- dent of the association reported that 772 x-rays were taken at the International Plowing Match, Seaforth, last month. He paid tribute to Mrs. David- son for the project which the Huron County TB Association sponsored. He said that it was the first time that the service of a chest x-ray has ever been provided at an International Plowing Match. Last year the county associa- tion donated $1, 000 to the In- ternational Union Against Tu- berculosis; to a special fund of the Ontario TB Association to financially assist needy tubercu- losis associations, and money for research for all chest condi- tions. Huron County's new director for the Huron County Health Unit, Dr. Gerard Evans, attend- ed the meeting. It's No Joque There are times when put- ting out a newspaper is a frusz. trating and exhausting jobsbiut there is always someone elie having a worse time. Take the case of the newsman who mov- ed to a frontier town in Color- ado, unpacked his hand-set type and started his first issue. This is the way it came out: "We begin the publication of the Roccay Mountain Cyc- lone with some phew diphphi- culties in the way. The type phounder phrom whom we bought our outphit phor this pa- per phaled to supply us with any ephs or cays, and it will be phour or phive weexs bephore we can get any. The mistaque was not phound out till a day or 2 ago. We have ordered the missing letters and will have to get along without them until they come. We don't lique the looxs ov this variety ov spelling any better than our readers, but mis- tax will happen in the best reg- ulated phamilies, and iph they ph's and the c's and the x's and the q's hold out, we shall ceep (sound the c hard) the Cyclone whirling aphter a phasion till the shorts arrive. It's no Joque to us -- it's a serious aphair." Remembrance Day is theme for W.A. GORRIE—Fourteen were in attendance at the W.A. meet- ing of St. Stephen's Church at the home of Mrs. Luella San- derson. The ladies sewed on quilt patches, A hymn was sung and for the devotional service Mrs. G. Un- derwood led in the prayers. Mrs. Wm. Austin read Scripture and gave a paper on Remembrance Day, when for one short hour we think of those who gave their lives that we might enjoy the privileges that are curt. She said we must keep the torch burning. Roll call was answered with a verse on "Remembrance". Mrs, R. T. Bennett read the Minutes. A donation was voted to the church expenses. Rev, Harold Jenkins showed slides of Philadelphia, New York City and Toberrnotys He closed with the benediction and the hostess served refresh- ments. If your wife wants to drive home, don't stand in her way. Report 772 chest x-rays taken at plowing match SUGAR AND SPICE by Bill Smiley Kids are great GEORGE McKAY, left, and his son David, both employees of the Corporation of the Town of Wingham, were busy last week installing Christmas lighting ih the town's -less sectiOri.—A-T Photo. This year's nomination meeting in the town of Wingham is One of the most critical and important since the incorpor- ation of the municipality. For the first time public officials will be elected for a two-year term on the town council, There should be a worthwhile list of nominees and there certainly should be an election. If our representatives are to hold office for two years they should have more evi- dence of public confidence than a mere acclamation. As our readers well know, we have always believed that municipal councils are of prime importance in our democratic system. In the selection and election of local councillors and board members we have full opportunity to exercise those principles of self-government which have A couple of weeks ago we invited some suggestions about the uses to which the present post office building might be put after the new federal building has been erected and the present one vacated. We didn't get too much response, but one idea has been put forward by T. E. Moszkowski, which has a good deal of merit. He suggests that the post office building would make an excellent public library. In Wingham, unlike many of the towns in this area, there has never been a sep- arate library building similar to those which were erected under the generous assistance of the Carnegie Foundation. Our library has been housed for many years in the town hall, and although it is a bright and interesting room, it is not large enough by modern standards. Mr. Mosz- kowski's suggestion is that in the post of- fice building there would be ample room, not only for the books demanded by ad- Driving down our main street on Sun- day morning, with no parked cars to block the view we were struck by the depres- sing untidiness of the town which most of us profess to hold in such esteem. The sidewalks and roadways were littered with dead leaves and discarded wrappers. A mashed-up cardboard carton decorated the edge of the pavement and a big piece of plastic was blowing around in a minuet of neglect, We are well aware that this problem is not an easy one to solve. The litter accumulates during the evening hours, after the town workmen have completed their duties for the week—and there it is for a Sunday showpiece. And there it stays for the one day in the week when there are many motorists from other cen- tres passing through. The average pass- One of our fellow-publishers from Montreal has just returned from a trip to Soviet Russia as a member of the team of newsmen which covered the opening of Air Canada's first regular service to that coun- try. They visited Moscow, Leningrad and Kiev. Our friend's deepest and most surpris- ing impression of the Soviet people was their warm reception of Canadians. The visitors were given the finest of treatment wherever they went and were toasted and dined at every turn. He quoted one out- standing example of the good will which appears to exist. Most of the Canadian newsmen had been given supplies of Ca- There is nothing simple, as Canadians are discovering from testimony given the sehate-commons committee on the cost of living, about the price of a can of beans. The cost builds steadily all the way up the road from the farmer who planted the crop to the glossy labelled package sitting in the supermarket. But is the price out of line, and who is the pirate? We frankly don't know. One thing the testimony does seem to be showing. For some reasons or another we pay considerably more in Canada than they do in the United States for products which one might expect to be roughly in always been so important to Canadians of whatever racial origin. True, we do have a chance to cast our ballot in provincial and federal elections, but in those instances we have much less to say about the original nominations of the persons for whom we are asked to vote. It is at our local nomination meet- ing that true expression of our freedom of choice may be used. Sadly enough, public awareness of that privilege seems to have been fading for the past ten or fifteen years. The tiny attendance at most nomination meetings indicate how little attention the ratepayers are willing to devote to democratic rep- resentation. We hope that the town hall will be jammed to the doors tonight, ult readers, but that a separate children's library might then be set up to cater es- specially to the younger readers, There would be room, too, for a quiet reading room in which reference works could be studied at leisure. Finally, he points out that since the building contains two large apartments there is no reason why the rentals would not go a long way toward making the project largely self-sustaining. Of course there is no final word about the federal government's intentions when the time comes to dispose of the building but it is reasonably safe to assume that it will be offered to the town through the Crown Assets Corporation. In other such cases the asking prices have been very low. The establishment of a better library service would, indeed, be a centennial pro- ject of real and lasting worth, not only in our time, but extending its benefit to many generations yet unborn. ing traveller must think this is anything but attractive. We cannot avoid a mental comparison with many towns we saw in southern Pennsylvania this past summer— communities where the visitor's first im- pression was one of extreme tidiness and evident civic pride. it would certainly cost some money to clean up the streets on Saturday night or early Sunday morning, but surely no money could ever be better spent. Those who might hasten to tell us that such an expenditure would benefit only the mer- chants should bear in mind that the mer- chants are not only paying an extra "busi- ness" tax, but they do not benefit from the juicy rebate from the provincial govern- ment which reduces taxes on residential property by many mills every year. nadian maple leaf flags in the form of ad- hesive labels and some of the braver Canucks stuck them up in prominent places in the restaurants they entered. One favorite posting place was on the fronts of the gleaming refrigerators which are in evidence in many Russian bars and eating places. Far from being annoyed by this display of national sentiment, the Russians invari- ably approached the Canadians to shake hands and clap them on the back. The newsmen left the Soviet with the distinct impression that the cold war has warmed up by a good many degrees where Cana- dians are concerned. line, though the reason given by one ex- pert—lack of competition—seems hard to credit. Still, the committee was givers chapter and verse on some costs. Why should the cheapest flour in Can- ada cost 15 tents a five-pound bag more than in the United States? Why does a jar of Sanka coffee cost 96 cents in Washing- ton and $1.17 in Ottawa? explain the cake mix at 39 cents in Washington and 47 cents in Ottawa? Explain, if you can, a net profit of one cent on the dollar by n U.S. food chain and 2.3 cents by its Can- adian subsidiary.--Orangeville Banner. REMINISCING NOVEMBER 1917 A new creamery will be opened In the very near future in Wingham, Benninger of Grand Valley have leased the basement of the Gurney block, and purpose moving to Wing. ham. Nursing Sister Miss Jessie Wilson who has been for the past eighteen months in a mill- tary hospital in Shornciiffe, Eng., is spending a short fur- lough at the home of her pare ents Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Wil- son, Bluevale Road. Friends of A, C. Williams will be pleased to learn that he has been promoted to Corp- oral, Bert has received his stripes for valiant work done by him in the U.M.C. A. dugouts, where he is a very popular of- ficer. NOVEMBER 1931 The returns from the cen- sus report of June of this year show that the population of Hur on has decreased, the total for the County being 1931,45, 035; 1921, 47,088. In Bruce Coun- ty the population has also de- creased from 44, 285 in 1921 to 42, 262 in 1931 Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Craw- ford and Kenneth left on Wed- nesday of last week for St. Pet- ersburg, Florida, where each year they spend their winters, and incidentally, Alex. wins his share of the bowling prizes. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. C.P. Smith and family left for the same place, Mr. Smith having recently retired from active service in the Canadian Bank of Commerce, and is taking a well-earned holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lock- ridge, of Galt, announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Inzes, to Mr. Edward Krupp, marriage to take place in December. NOVEMBER 1941 Mr. Stan Sibthorpe has pur- chased the Carson house on Vic- toria Street, where Mr. Horace Aitchison now lives. He will take possession as soon as Mr. Aitchison procures a residence. L.A.C. DeWitt Miller was the honored guest at a dinner party held Friday evening in the Queens Coffee shop by the staff of the Walker store of which he was a member prior. to his enlistment. A.G. Charles McKibbon, RCAF, has been transferred from Manitoba to a station near Victoria. In the enlistments in the RCAF for the week ending No- vember 22nd is the name of a Wingham man, Robert Aiken Hickey. Mrs. 0. G. Anderson, of East Wawanosh, was re-elected president of the United Farm Women of Ontario at the an- nual meeting of the women's section of the United Farmers of Ontario at Toronto. Two local firms are doing work on defence orders. C. Lloyd & Son have been build- ing doors for air ports and are now working on an order for the Centralia air port. W. H. Gur- ney & Son have had some or- ders for gloves and last week were awarded another contract. NOVEMBER 1952 Byron Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Adams was a very happy youngster last week when he received a shiny new bicycle, which he won on the Mother Parker radio program. Mary Ellen McPhail, 5-year- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael McPhail of Catherine St., Wingham, ran out from behind a parked car on Patrick Street into the path of a mov- ing auto on Friday afternoon and was seriously injured. The King Department Store, one of the largest and best- known places of business in Wingham, was sold on Monday of this week to Edighoffets of Mitchell and Paisley. For the past nine years the store has been owned by A. Weinberg, of Chatham, and the present man- ager is Lloyd Ellacott, who will continue in this position under the new ownership. The store will be under the direction of Ed. Edighoffer who operates a clothing store in Paisley, at present. A former manager of the Ross Stores in Walkerton, Mr. Edighoffer is a young and energetic businessman, who will be a welcome asset to the community. Uncle GroVer says his wife is ridiculous. Every night she puts oh big globs of cold cream all over her face, pointed dag- gers in her hair, covers her face with a net, then says, "Aren't you going to kiss me good night?" Thorsday, Nov, 24. 196Ci A new phase commences Here's a suggestion Very poor advertising Our Canadian image A watch is needed OOO ,,,,, 064.114. kr 4.1.4 ,,,,, ih.irtfikIrtairii•ifftwo ,,,, ,, ,,, tt I ttt ,, ,,,,,, , kolit , , 111..4 , ,,,, ttttloolY t i IIN111,1111111i 111, 11111 THE WINGI-IAM ADVANCE TIMES Published at Wingham, Ontario, by Wenger Bros. L,Irrilted, W. Barry Wenger, President - Robert 0. Wenger, Secretary-'Treasurer Member. Audit Bureau of Circulation Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. Authorized by the Post Office bepartment as Second Class Mail and for payment bt postage in cash. SUbteription Rate: year, 040; 8- months. $2.76 in advance; U.S.A., $7.00 per yr,; Foreign rate, tf.00 per yr. Advettising gates oil application.