HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-11-17, Page 6• SELL. R NT • SWAP • HI RE • SOY * S R aNT AP 4,0 • Page 6 T Wingham AdVance,Times, Thursday, NOV. 66 Financial Position Good RAMIFIED ADS GET RESULTS • HIRe • Buy • se u..• RENT SWAT WY* F4eNT. WAi#0 L.,. RENT • Belgrave ReCetit visitors with Mrs. Herb Wheeler were Mr. and \lrs, Goldie Wheeler and fam- ily of London. The next exchange for the Llclgrave. Library will be on No, vculber 30. The librarian, Mrs, :;tanley Cook, requests that all Huron County books be in by November 26. Mr. and Mrs. John Spivey and family of Ingersoll were ,ea-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Procter. ARE YOU INTERESTED in on OPPORTUNITY with an INVESTMENT DEALER? A JOB: We need both experienced and inexperi- enced men and women in Your area to handle bonds, ,,hares and mutual funds. The work involves: the distribu- t on and trading of Govern- ment and Corporation bonds and stocks; the creation of savings plans and Registered Retirement Pension plans; the use of portfolio analysis or financial programs such as the withdrawal plan to mi-;et specific objectives. A full training program is available that can create a career for you with a sub- stantial income. Age is not a factor. The important point is the will- ingness to learn and to ac- cept responsibility. To learn more about the possibilities in the invest- ment field or if you are al- ready in the business and wish to hear our approach simply telephone Jack Wallington for on interview. Call collect, anytime, Office telephone number Toronto 363-8161 — or telephone his residence in Burlington, Ontario, 634-1536. Remembcr, call collect, to arrange an interview in your arca at your convenience. SNOW TIRES STUDDED We are now equipped to stud your snow tires (New Tires Only) for extra traction and win- ter driving safety 'using Keil-Grip Studs 'and Keh- Grip Gun. From $g.4o 4.11 UP PER TIRE KEN' S Alignment Service Wingham - Ph, 357-1230 64.40,..1111..artp,:mbasarei.p0ii•egiss• Opportunities in Banking • • Opening available for young men of Grade 12 or 13 education for challenging careers in banking. Contact: MR, W, M. WARDLEY or, MR, H. J. SHAVER at 392-6831 # TEESVV:!aER id-17-24b Toronto graduate in business ad Ministration and has always been in the insurance business. SOME THOUGHT GIVEN TO CO-OP DRUG STORES Mr, Schofield said that med, ical co-ops have increased since being "kicked out" of the hospital field. He said they have increased nearly 25 per- cent in the past 12 months. He remarked on the new coverage put into effect last year on chiropractic care; there is some success in devel- oping dental programs, he said. There are 31 medical. co- ops in Ontario and all are In- creasing their volume of busi- ness, the provincial secretary said. He also said some of- fices are converting to business accounting machines. Mr. Schofield said some thought has been given to co- op drug stores. He said, "the average mark-up of drugs in Ontario is 40 percent; discount houses work on 1.5 percent."He went on to say that co-ops could operate at less than 40 percent -- or part of the 40 per cent mark-up could be return- ed to shareholders, GAVILLER & COMPANY Chattered Accountants Resident Partner J. E. Kennedy, C.A. Dial 881-3471 Walkerton J. T. GOODALL BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY, Etc. Office — Meyer Block WLVGIfAlif DEAL 357-1990 Crawford, Shepherd & Mill Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Harley Crawford, Q.C, Norman A. Shepherd, M.A., LLB. Man R. Milli B.A, LLB, WINGIIIAM, ONTARIO Dial 357.3630 asu6mayi•••=immeloormilmoinsiowsmo ri. Mrs. Anderson Is Re-elected Director on HCMS Board V MILK FILTERS for sale, plain, rapid flo, 61e"-85e box, Alexander's Hardware. phone 357-3631, Der)) FIVE SNOW TIRES for sale. 700x17, two almost new. Phone 357-33$9, 17* TRY the new Underwood type- writers at The Advance-Times office, Portables at $93.00 and $139.50, All the features of the big standards. rr FOR SALE — Spanish onions, potatoes, beets, cabbage. Phone Anthony Schefter, 357-3465, 17-24* SAVE ON PAINT — 10% off regular prices on Kern Glo Enamel, Super Kern Tone and Martin-Senour. Your headquar- ters for Kern Lines. Alexander's Hardware. 5rrb WHITE ENAMEL Clipper range and shelf for sale, with large coal firebox and water front. Alvin Procter, 357-3159. 17b VACUUM CLEANER SALES. Service for all makes, Filter Queen Sales, Zurich, phone Hensel' 262-5350 collect. My26rrb OLIVE= - UNDERWOOD adding machines are priced as low as $103.50, Add, subtract, multiply, credit balance: 10-11 columns. Try them at The Ad- vance-Times. rr CHRISTMAS SPECIAL — Zig zag portable and cabinet model machines: $45,00 off regular price. Good used machines, very reasonable, Singer Co. of • Canada, phone 357-3730 after 6 p.m, 10-17b REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOUR BEDROOM white brick house with new oil furnace, all modern conveniences and large garage, in Blyth. Complete price $9,500.00 with immediate possession. Contact Roy Mc- Vittie, Blyth, phone 523-4483. 10-17b WILLIAM S. REED Real Estate Broker and General Insurance Dial 357-2174 — Wingham Jee storey house, situated in Whitechurch, large living room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 piece bath, 2 oil stoves and tank, water on pressure from drilled well, workshop, Full price $4,000.00 with terms, Immedi- ate possession. 9-acre farm on highway. 5 room house, built-in cupboards in kitchen, water on pressure from flowing well, small barn, Full price $4,000.00, Also several homes in Wing- ham and Lucknow and several choice farms in the district, ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon B. Elliott, Broker, Edward A. Elliott, Salesman, Phone 357-1590 Two bedroom apartment for rent in the MacDonald Block; immediate possession, Six year old frame home, 2 miles out of Wingham, 2 bed- rooms, oil heat, with very low taxes. An excellent retirement home with lots of garden. Priced below cost, Beautiful immaculate 4-bed- room frame executive home on a large tot, overlooking Sum- mit Drive; two full bathrooms, garage with breezeway and laundry room, full basement. Immediate possession. 12 roam brick veneer home, two bathrooms, two living rooms, fire place, oil fired hot water heat, frame barn now used as garage. While this home needs some decorating and repair it is in excellent con-dition. Two bedroom frame cottage on Carling Terrace; recreation room and laundry in basement; patio and paved drive, new fur- mice and new roof, water soft-ener and plenty of cupboards. P.I.T. $52.00 per month. FOR RENT—Oh Ederard St., two bedroom apartment. living room, kitchen, laundry roam and bathrodne Iminedittte pos- session, Vimssiimessiimrsoorkisrfterametimosioramostosawiraios JOB OPPORTUNITIES Verkeirosasiorearworiamitiviriaiiiiionsio ist FINISH HIGH SCHOOL Home study prepares you to write Ontario provincial extant- !nations; for recognised certifl- tate. Grades 6-13. All hooks and supplies, Low Monthly pay ments, income tax deductable, Vor full information write Ca-nadian Academy, 40 Main 8`...,„ West, Hamilton, Ont. Altrb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PURE - BRED Suffolk ram lambs, Harold Fisher, R. R Harriston, phone 353W. 17* 2-YEAR-OLD Registered Suf- folk ram for sale. George Fish- er, R. R. 3 Wingham, phone 357-2347. 17* ARTICLES FOR RENT RENT our new Dustless floor sanders and make your old floors like new again. We have just purchased the new Dust- less floor sanding machines. You can save over 50% by doing your own sanding. Alex- and e r's Hardware. 24rrb FOR RENT APARTMENT for rent rooms and bath, heated. 357- 2151, 17b SMALL apartment for rent, frig. rangette and oil heater included, Apply Crawford, Shepherd ee- Mill. 17b IMMINIEMA.11.1131.11•1101.1.12121..... SALES HELP WANTED SELL REAL ESTATE Join Ontario's largest Realtor specializing in Farm, Vacation and Town properties. No ex- perience necessary. We will train you. Part or full time basis, excellent commission ar- rangement. Openings in this area, For anpointment call or write Mr. Ross O'Hagan. H. Keith Ltd Realtor. 181 Eglin- ton Ave. E.. Toronto 12. Tele- phone 487-3333. 17-24-1-8b MALE HELP WANTED DRIVER SALESMAN wanted for milk route. Apply Box 112. Advance-Times, 17b ammosammyr era. FEMALE HELP WANTED WAITRESS WANTED — Apply in person to Good's Coffee Shop. 17-24b ATTENTION LADIES! ° AVON TERRITORY OPEN* Customers waiting to be served Housewives can qualify. Call 376-9792, 'Owen SOunt ' or write Mrs. 5, Craig, District Manager, P.O. Box 102, Owen Sound, 10-17-24b BOOKKEEPER - STENO- GRAPHER REQUIRED FOR HURON-VIEW Applications will be received by the undersigned for the above position until December 9, 1966. Salary commensurate with experience. For further information, con- tact: B. G, Hanly, Deputy Clerk - Treasurer, County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. 17b TENDERS WANTED OIL TENDER Wingham Public School, Wingham, Ont. Tank capacity, 6,000 gal. Type of fuel, Cana- dian Government Specification CS-12-48 No. 2 fuel oil. All ten- ders to be in the hands of the secretary, Mrs. Alberta Mor- gan, Box 281, Wingham, by noon November 30th, 1966. Any inquiries, contact the chairman of the Property Committee, Roy E. Bennett, This contract to run for a period of two years from date of signing. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 17-24b WANTED WANTED—Roll-top desk, guns and rifles., Cameron's Billiards. 15rrb OLD CLOCKS WANTED, in any Condition. Letters with particulars to k, Sandercott, Twilite MOtel, R. R. 1, Hyde Park, Out., or phone Wingham 357-2399. 23-30-7-14'rrb Dead Stock Removal HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for fresh dean, disabled cows and horses, we pay ic per lb. weighing over 500 pourida. For the most Prompt and cOUrteotis service in tins district PLEASE CALL certtger MARLATT BROS. Phone 133 . Brussels, Ont. 60ur servien4-4 days a week License NO. 890-045 LEGAL seee,....scesook±e10•••••=a41,wern.a......7Y,..M.1 MORRIS TOW7*.ZSECIP MUNICIPAL NOTICE Nomination of a Reeve. Four Councillors and Two School Trustees will be held in the Township Hall FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1966, from 1 to 2 p.m., and en. e4etion, if necessary SATURDAY, DEC. 3, 1966. Helen P. Martin, Returning Officer. 17-24b CARDS OF THANKS. Frank Thompson and family deeply appreciate the kindness and sympathy shown them by their friends and neighbors during their recent bereave- ment of a dear wife, mother and grandmother. Special thanks to Dr. W. A. McKibbon, Rev. Cecil M. Jardine and nurses on second floor of Wingham and District Hos- pital. 17* Mrs. Bryce and family would like to convey their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all their many friends and neigh- bors who helped out so much during their recent sad ber- eavement. Their expressions of sympathy and kindness will al- ways be remembered. Special thanks to Rev, G. L. Fish, Dr, Leahy. Currie's funeral home, the pallbearers and flower bearers, 17* The family of the late Wil- liam Bolt wish to express their sincere thanks and appreci- ation to all friends and rela- tives for the many floral tri- butes. donation of baking and other assistance given follow- ing the passing of a loved hus- band and father. Many thanks to the neighbors and friends who were of so much assist- ance during the recent sale of farm and household effects and on the day of moving from Wroxeter to Wingham. Also a special thanks to Drs. Klahsen and Corrin and the nursing staff at the Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital. 17's I would like to thank my friends and neighbors for all the cards, letters, gifts and visits while I was a patient in Wingham and District Hos- pital. Special thanks to Dr. W. A. McKibbon and nurses on east wing. second floor.—Mrs. Ken Sinnamon. , 17b We wish to thank all our neighbors and friends for the „ wonderful help they have given us in rebuilding our barn. It would be impossible for us to express in words our gratitude to everyone, the Blyth Fire Brigade who worked so hard during the fire and the neigh- bors who came in to clean up after. Special thanks to George Cook, Walter Scott, Mason Saline and Ernie Snell who ar- ranged for gangs to come and help. Also the manager of Beaver Lumber Ltd., Wingham, and Robert Searson, who so efficiently placed the material at the site so fast. it is won- derful to think that the new stable is so near completion. Our thanks to the neighbors who are looking after our cows, and we hope that we will be in a position to take them back soon, Our sincere thank you to those responsible for putting on the dance and the contribution received f r o in those who attended. — Simon and Maurice Hallahan, 17* IN MEMORIAM SANGSTER—In loving mem- ory of Alexander Sangster, who passed away November 18, 1964, It isn't death, it's glory, It isn't dark, it's light; It isn't stumbling, groping, Or even faith—it's sight. It isn't even praying, It's speaking face to face, —Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by his wife, Lily. 17* SEWERS—In loving memory of our little nephew, Allan Sewers, who was suddenly taken November 14, 1950. Precious memories treasured ever Of days when we were all to- gether, No longer here our lives to share, Hut in our hearts he is always there. —Fondly remembered by Aunt Rrta and Uncle George Drehmarin, 17* TEMPI:F.:MAN — in loving memory of a dear husband and father, who passed away November 22, 1965. 'Tis well he will suffer no more In the loved land of the blest. Pain fled as he trod heaven's shore; It left him at peace and rest. —Ever remembered by wife and family. 17* VINCENT—In loving memory of Mrs. Albert O. Vincent, who passed away One year ago, on the 21st of Novem- ber, 1965. Oh happy hours we once en- joyed How sweet their memory still, But death has left a loneliness 'Mc world can never fill, —Sadly missed by husband and family, 17* BIRTHS KRISTENSEN—Eli and Doris Wickeli) are pleased to an- nounee the birth of Carol Marie in St. Joseph's hos- pital, Londoe, on Wednesday, November 9, 1966, a sister for Karen and Peter, AOKFRT In Wingham and District Hospital, on Thurs. day, November 10, 1966, to Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Ackert, Holyrood, a son. AUCTION SALES AMMON SALE of Holstein cows and heifers will be held for Bert Elliott, lot 30, eon. 10, Huron Town- ship, 1.1,v miles north, and 33?-1 miles west of Ripley on SATURDAY, NOV, 19, 2 p,m, Offering includes 4 cows, fresh, with calf by side; 2 cows due in Jan.; 1 cow due in 'Feb.; 5 cows due in March; 2 cows due in April; 4 cows due in May and June, This is a good herd of young cows and many are still milking heavily, Also offered will be 4 open yearling heifers, 5 two-year-old .heifers, some of which are recently bred. Dairy equipment — Surge 2 unit milker, complete with pump and pipeline; Interna- tional 4 can milk cooler; 9 milk cans, Terms—Cash, Allan MacIntyre, Auct. 17b MISCELLANEOUS GIFT SUGGESTIONS DOES such names as Shick, Philishave, Remington Shavex, Ronson, Sunbeam, Dormeyer, West Bend, Philips, Westing- house, Hoover, Moffat, General Electric, Belair, Korting, Hain- es, Iona, Samson-Dominion, Mc- Brine, Waltham, Royal, Kitch- en-Queen, Waterman's, Corn- ,munity and Roger Brothers ring a bell? Will you try order- ing one of their dramatic new products from Vivian, former- ly of Hanna's Ladies' Wear? If you order now it will make Santa's load 'lighter on Christ- mas Eve. Mrs. James H, Camp- bell, 255 Carling Terrace, li block north of TV station. 17h PAINTING & DECORATING ROBERT E. SEARSON Phone 357-3044 - Wingham 1\71Orrb SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment' used, Alf work guaranteed. Write ouis, Blake, R. R. 2, Brussels, phone 442W6, Brussels. S1-D15* FLOOR SANDING New hardwood floors laid, sanded and finished. Also old floors. New modern equipment. Phone 357-2750, Norman Rin- toul & Sons. 16rrb FOR YOUR Insurance Needs in Automo- bile, Farm Liability, Accident and Sickness Home Protection Call your Co-op Agent.- 53 Maple Street, Wingham LLOYD MONTGOMERY Dial 357-3739. SEE GEORGE BROOKS at Stratford Cemetery Memorials Ltd. for Memorials of Distinction. 38 Avondale Ave. Stratford Phone 271-6736 Collect N17rrb For Sale Wingham — Three bungalows and one two-storey brick home to choose from, all are com- pletely modern throughout and very reasonably priced. ,Terms available, your downpayment can put you in a home of your own right now. Wroxeter brick bungalow, new oil furnace, modern bath- room, 2 bedrooms. Full asking price is only $5,500, or make us an offer, Your terms consid- ered, Highway farm, 157 acres, well built for only $13,000, Full price. An attractive 10 room solid brick home has conven- iences such as modern kitchen and bathroom. Every room is neatly decorated. L shaped barn measures 47'x55' and 20'x 40', hydro and pressure bowls. 7.-= acres of level land is in a high state of fertility, Balance I', wooded, containing a Consid- erable amount of valuable cedar, The owner started on this farm with nothing just a few years ago and has made an extra good living, He has now purchased a higher priced property and has lOwered the price for quick sale. This is trials' a genuine harn'nin and well worth your hilmediate at- tention, DON HOLST REAL ESTATE LIMITED - "Rural Ontario SPeernitsts" - Keith Fitzsinunona• lqatiArget', Phone 357-9g40 Coda Mahood, Representative, Phone t.924962 LIVING FAITH "Ambassadors of Christian Faith" is the theme of the tele- cast over CKNX-TV Saturday, November 19th, 6 to 6:30 p.m. Watch for it! 17* CHRISTMAS TEA AND BAKE SALE On Thursday, November 24, at 3 p.m., in Bluevale Presby- terian Church. Sponsored by the Ladies' Aid, 17b COUNTRY CIECHISTMAS FAIR Sale of country crafts by lo- cal artist craftsmen, Colborne Township Hall, Carlow, Wed- nesday, November 16, and Sat- urday, November 19, 2-9 p.m. 10-17* WHITECHUR.CH W. L Are holding a euchre in Whitechurch Community Mem- orial Hall on Wednesday, Nov. 23, at 8:30 pen. Prizes. Lunch, Everyone welcome, Adm, 50c 17b COME ONE, COME ALL! Dance to the way out music of The Wanderers from Lis- towel this Friday, November 18, 9:30 to 12:30 at the Brussels Legion Hall. Adm, $1.00 single, $1.75 couples, No slacks please. 17b THE CORNER SHOP Hurry! Hurry!! Just this week-end and next left to select tremendous bargains. Specials—A beautiful crib and mattress, a few almost new boys' and men's suits, and many girls' and women's coats and dresses. 171i Gordon Kirkland of R.R. 3 Lucknow, president of the Hur- on Cooperative Medical Servi- ces informed the 200 members at the annual meeting and tur- key banquet in Ontario Street United Church auditorium, Monday Of last week that the board of directors was consider- ing paying claims on the On- tario Medical Association's specialist tariff of fees, rather than the general tariff now cov- ered by contract, The board has already in- structed the HCMS office staff in Clinton to conduct a survey of claims over the next few months, to ascertain just what the cost of current claims would have been if paid on the specialist rates. Approval for the Department of Insurance would have to be approved for this added benefit. The financial position of the medical co-op is good, mainly due to an increase in rates in August, 1965, Members approved the trans- fer of $18, 112 profit for the year ended on July 31, 1966, to the general reserve fund. Frank Thompson of the co-op's auditing firm, explained the financial report to the mem- bers. Four directors were re-elect- ed to the 12-man board by the membership, one of these be- ing Mrs. O. G. Anderson of Belgrave. Also re-elected were Lorne Rodges, R. R. 1 Goderich; Fordyce Clark, R. R. 5 Goder- ich and Kenneth Johns, Exeter. The other directors are Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, Exeter; Hugh B. Smith, R.R. 2 Listowel; Roy Strong, Gorrie; Gordon Kirk- land, Bert Irwin, R.R. 2 Sea- forth; Bertram Klopp, Zurich; Gorcion Richardson, Bruce field and Robert McMillan, R. R. 2 Sea forth. TO NAME PRESIDENT The directors will appoint a president and vice-president at their first meeting. Guests at the dinner includ- ed: Rev. and Mrs. Grant Mills; Mayor and Mrs. Don Symons; Clare Mhgee, former di'anager of HCMS, now manager of Wentworth County medical co- op; John Bowman of the CIA office, Clinton. The guest speaker was Ed- ward Schofield, provincial sec- retary of the Co-operative Med- ical Services Foundation of On- tario. He is a University of REBEKAH BARE SALE In Oddfellows Hall, 3 p.m., Saturday, November 19. 17b HORTICULTURAL MEETING Next Monday evening, Nov- ember 21, at 8 o'clock in Coun- cil Chambers, Town Hall, Col- ored sides on Christmas dec- orations will be shown, 1All are welcome. 17* CWL WEEKLY EUCHRE On Tuesday, November 22, at 8:30 p.m., in the Sacred Heart Parish Hall. High and low men's prize, high and low ladies' prize, and door prize, Lunch served. N10-,Diachg RECEPTION For Mr. and Mrs. Don Gray in Bluevale Community Hall, Friday, November 18. Tiffin's Orchestra, Ladies bring lunch. 17* RECEPTION For Mr, and lqrs. Tom Rob- inson on Saturday, November 19th, in the Whitechurch Hall. Tiffin's Orchestra. Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone welcome, 17b INSTITUTE MEETING Mrs. D, S, MacNaughton and Mrs. Charles Shiell will be the program conveners for the November meeting of the Wo- Men's Institute to be held in the Council Chambers Thurs- day, November 17, Mrs. Mac- Naughton will address the tnembers "By Worth and Work. We Rise." The hostesses are Mrs. F. Edgar, Mrs, Currie, Mrs. Lapp, Miss M, Simpson. WAYNE HORNER, coach of the Vikings, and Bob Camp- bell, Wingham coach, declared the Mustangs and Vikings co-champions of the Huron-Perth Conference after overtime play on Tuesday.--A-T Photo. • HOW MANY FEET DO YOU DRIVE WITH? Keith McClure If you drive an automatic, it's a case of the less the better, Since we only have two feet, that means one of them. The right foot that both brakes the car and presses the accelerator. One foot can't do both jobs at the same time, which is why it is the best method to drive your car, The electronic measuring machine that tells us every- thing these days, say it takes three quarters of a second to shift from gas to brake with one foot. At 60 mph that amounts to 66 feet. In a critical situation, that could he a very critical distance. But this could be the theory that floundered on the rock of experience. Most drivers can't co-ordinate their feet fast enough to take advantage of the distance saving and their inactive left foot DRAGS on the brake pedal, The slightest pressure on the brake pedal can cause the brake shoes to drag arainst the drums, building up excessive heat, causing the brakes to become Hazed and wear down rapidly. Drivers who make a habit of this often get only half the normal life out of their brakes. If you use your left foot but take it entirely off the pedal, there is little saving in time from using your right foot, Another good habit to get into is to have your brake linings checked at regular intervals so excessive wear doesn't score your brake drums. Business and Professional Directory Pearson, Edwards & CO. Chartered Accountants P. R. PEARSON Trustee in Bankruptcy 306 JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM - Tel. 257.2891 mminwousweemionomehm•W WINGHAM MEMORIALS GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY LETTERING REASONABLE PRICES Buy Direct and Save Bus, Ph. 357-1910 Res. Ph. 357,1015 Frederick F. Honnuth Phm,R., Carol E, 1-10muth, RO Mrs. Viola H. Hotriuth, it0 OPIrONIETKISTS Phone 118 HABRISTON • ONTARIO CARS FOR SALE 1953 FORD sedan, good tires, ; everything works, $100.00. Ph. 357-1775. 17-24" Coming Events .....1ANNIO,111111,11,111q4,,1111",01,•,Iler.MM. FOR SALE 44......P....A.0.1....Mosaoraveyiren,saroz.#1.004e0/440.1. SPACEBEATER for sale, Ph. Brussels 358W6. 17* 24" SELP-PROPEJJ ED snow I thrower, 4 hp motor. Phone ' 028.-e525, Lucknow, 1.7* THE PERFECT sehool portable typewriter. Try the new len,derwood at The Ad- vance-Timee. From $93.00, rr FOR SALE Heathouser for International 13275 with wind- shield, $20. Ph, 357-1098. 17b fi M