HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-10-27, Page 15CROWN THEATRE HARRISTON — Admission Prices — Adults $1.00 Students 76c Children 40c HOME BINGO THIS IS THE SIXTH DRAW OF THIS SERIES. 3 16 31 47 61 4 18 32 ,43 62 5 19 33 49 63 6 20 34 50 64 7 22 35 52 65 ; 8 23 36 53 67 9 24 38 54 69 10 25 39 55 70 11 26 42 56 71 12 27 43 57 72 14 28 44 58 73 15 29 60 74 30 75 FOR TICKETS PHONE 357-1570—FULL HOUSE WINS WINNER PHONE 3574570 Sponsored by the Kinsmen Club of Wingham COST OF TICKETS—S1.00 EACH. PRIZE-4100.00. 501 36 A Winghatn Advance-TIAMLTIltIrscla Oot, 27, 1960' Page CALLAN SHOES YOUR FAMILY SHOE STORE JOSEPHINE STREET PHONE WINGHAM 357-1840 "Shell out" generous ly for the Unicef Hallowe'en Collection OCTOBER SALE -JO DAYS ONLY- THEIRS., OCT. 20 to OCT. 31 YOUR PENNIES, NICKELS AND DIMES WILL BRING HELP TO OTHERS lesmaimmemonomiiiimpia. BELMORE-"Members of the Belmore Squirts hockey team were honored last week at a F gathering for members and their families in the Belmore Games were played by the kids and a hearty lunch served by the mothers. Jack Inglis was the coach of the team, and the man largely responsible for them winning the championship in their league last season. Leland Harkness, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Harkness, was named the most valuable player on the team and was presented with The Robin Hood Oat Trophy. The team members also re- ceived their new jackets -- black and yellow, by the way, so if you see anything black and yellow in our town, it's the lads doing just a bit of bragging SAT. 29 - MON. 31 - TUES. 1 Jerry Lewis is back. Jerry as a self-appointed assistant to a psychiatrist is the living erd in "THREE ON A COUCH" In Technicolor Saturday at '7:15 and 9:15 p.m. Monday and Tuesday at 8 p.m. Squirt Team. Is Honored "Ligging About" was a cute little piece of entertainment. Last week, "Festival" presented an hour of highlights from the hit stage musical which played earlier this year in a Toronto theatre, The title is a sort of English expression meaning 'horsing around' or some such thing. And the only four stars of the revue appeared to be having a ball doing just that! They should have, for seldom do you see a revue that calls on so many of a star's talents. It was probably the best chance many of these people have had to display their versatility. The stars were two gals who have made appearances on the CBC before, Judy Armstrong and Diane Stapley. Judy is the singer of the two with a fabu- lous voice; Diane is no slouch, though, when it comes to warb- ling, and is really cute as a button whether she's in a slinky gown or in rags. Their duet about the two women was flaw- lessly timed; as a team, they seem to complement each oth- er, which is odd among female entertainers. Although Judy's work was mainly as a song- stress, she came through loud and clear as an actress; and as a comedienne in the whistling skit with Paul Soles, which was 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 HARRISTON 011111E11N THEATRE 'Tis Show Biz By Vonni Lee really an excellent piece of entertainment. Paul, whom we are more accustomed to seeing as a host, an interview- er, or an actor, is a very fun- ny revue performer. He can manage almost any dialect with ease and really shines at all kinds of comedy. Brian Crabbe, the other male star of the show, shines in the voice department. He really be- longs in light opera although I imagine that this production gave him more fun and laughs!! The show was written ex- clusively for the talents of these four, and they presented an en- tertaining hour for television, They should bring more stage revues to television, except that some are so poorly written that they would be considered bad taste for cross-Canada TV. Not so "Ligging About", thanks to writer Paul McDowell. 0-0-0 Another fascinating hour of entertainment was provided on Monday night by Lucy, and her one-day tour of London. Natur- ally, you expect to be enter- tained when you hear that Lucy is coming, but oddly enough, except for her efforts at Ma- dame Toussaud's Wax Museum, she did not provide as much fun as did her special guest, An- thony Newley, who served as her tour guide and bombed around London with Lucy in the ' side-cart of his 'cycle'. He is the young star who wrote and starred in "Stop The World, I Want To Get Off', a stage musical that became suc- cessful first on London's West End then on New York's Broad- way. He was hailed then as one of the most sensitive per- formers to grace a stage, with talent to make every star in the business look ridiculous. He has been responsible for such musi- cal hits as "Gonna Build A Mountain", "What Kind ofFool Am I?", "Who Can I Turn To?", and so on and on and on! You need someone great to measure up, beside Lucy, and Tony was the greatest; he almost made you forget it was Lucy's show and not his! 0-0-0 I promised to mention some- thing about the kid's Hallowe'en special next week, so here goes, It's on Wednesday, Oct. 26th at 8 p.m. and stars Charlie Brown and the rest of the Peanuts gang from the comic strip, in an ani- mated cartoon entitled "It's The Great Pumpkin". The Great Pumpkin is part of a leg- end, a person who brings gifts to good boys and girls, sorta like the Christmas Santa Claus. There are plenty of Hallowe'en surprises in the production, so urge the kids to see it. If you know anyone with a color set, land the kids there, cuz' the show is in color! 0--0--0 Out of Beverly Inns, Cali- fornia, came news last week that actor Clifton Webb had died of a heart attack. The 69- year-old actor, who always played a dignified gentleman. is remembered best as Mr. Bel- vedere in "Sitting Pretty" in the mid-40s, and as the father in "Cheaper by the Dozen", an, other Clifton Webb hit. BOWLING CLUB BRIDGE PARTY The Wingham Lawn Bowling Club held a bridge last Wednes- day afternoon in the Council Chambers with 23 tables in play. The prize winners were, first, Mrs. Harvey Fisher; sec- ond, Mrs. O'Bright; and the lucky prize was won by Mrs. B. Bender. MEN'S LEAGUE The schedule is rolling right along in the Men's League and it is still anybody's race. The only team that isn't really roll- ing, at least they weren't Mon- day night, is the Boilermakers. They nabbed off the first game but when they moved over to "mouse hole corner" on alley one they came apart at the seams. Some of the better games rolled on Monday night were Brian O'Hallarn 292; Ross Gor- don 244, 243 and a '710 triple; Mac Ritchie 263 and a 727 tri- ple; Bob Crawford 245; Lorne Archer 245; Bill Hotchkiss 250; Ted English 294 and a 701 tri- ple; Andy Henderson 276; Hap Swatridge 251; Ken Saxton Jr. 273 and a 721 triple; Matt Boyd 259; Gary Storey 289 and a 695 triple; Ivan Gardner 258; Elmer Purdon 252; Gary Tem- pleman 254; and Ian MacLaur- in 296. Team standings: Scotch n' Sodas 28; Velvet Hammers 28; Whiskey Sours 24; Rum n' cokes 23; Screwdrivers 23; Boil- ermakers 21, 0--0--0 THURSDAY NIGHT MIXED LEAGUE Gwen MacLaurin was in good form tonight when she bowled the high tingle, a 311. Gwen also captured the high triple Juveniles Lose Out in Series WHITECHURCH—On Satur- day the Juvenile C softball team played Rostock with a score 5-1 in favor of Rostock. Due to the lateness of the season they decided the series be a 2 out of 3 and on Sunday afternoon the team played again in Wingham with a small crowd in attendance. Jack Tif- fin was base umpire and Wes. Simmons, plate umpire. At the end of the 9th inning they were tied 6-6. In the 10th inn- ing Rostock managed a run which gave them a 7-6 win. This eliminates Whitechurch from the WOAA championship series which had been won by Joe Tiffin, manager, and his team for seven years in suc- cession. Bridge Club The Howell System was played at Bridge Club on Thursday night with eight pairs competing,. The top six were: H. Crawfotd, C. ilodgins; Wharry, B. Ortlieb; Mrs. W. French, Mrs. R. DuVal; Mrs. P. Thompson, Mrs. H. Fisher; Mrs. R. II. Lloyd, J. Martin; Mrs. F, Parker, S. Forbes. with a terrific '754. That's what I call bowling Sis! I It should help the average, too. Ross Gordon bowled well to- night. He won the high single with 295. (Those darn head- pins.) Ross was high man in the triple department with a 720. I'd better mention Bill Edward's single, he rolled a very nice 288. Between Gwen and Bill, they pretty well took care of the Figs. Here are the team standings: Bob's Bananas 20, Stew's Prunes 19, Paul's Plums 22, Bob's Blueberries 19, Frank's Figs 21, and Elwood's Peaches 25. It's nice to have you back again Norma. 0--0--0 WEDNESDAY NIGHT MIXED LEAGUE Ken Saxton took all the honors this week with a high single of 393 and a high triple of 825. Betty Hiavach had high single of 224 for ladies and Ver- na Ellis took high triple of 550. Marty's Mice (minus Marty this week) squeezed into first place with 31 points, while close behind with 30 points are Mike's Mules. Ken's Kougers and Joe's Jacks are tied with 20 points each. Bob's Bearcats have 13 points and Rick's Rats have 12 points. 0--0--0 WEDNESDAY NIGHT LADIES' LEAGUE The Violets are out in front with 29 points taking all 7 points. Following close behind are the Hyacinths with 25 points, taking all '7 from their opponents. The Lilies didn't gain any points, but are in third place with 24 followed by the Marigolds in fourth with 19. The Asters didn't gain anything either, so are in fifth place with 17 points. The Daisies gained 2 points but are still in the cellar with 12. Jean King took all the hon- ors this week with a high single of 306 and a triple of 686. THE HURON-PERTH Cross-Country Meet was held at WD HS last week with the Wingham juniors and intermediates in first place and the seniors in third. Other schools rep- resented were Mitchell, St. Marys, Clinton, Seaforth, Go- derich and Exeter. —Photo by Stuckey. LEARN to CURL The Wingham Curling Club is offering FREE instruc- tions for new curlers, women or men, on the evenings of WEDNESDAY, NOV. 2nd; THURSDAY, NOV. 3rd, and FRIDAY, NOV. 4th. interested in becoming a new member, contact: It's easy to do and the cost is reasonable. Anyone LADIES—MRS. H. SPRY, 357-3676. MEN—FREDDIE TEMPLEMAN, 357-2216. NOVEMBER 7—Men's Round Robin opens. NOVEMBER 12--Official Opening; Pot luck supper at 6:30 p.m. LLOYD CASEMORE, 27-3b President. - - • WED. 26 - TIITJR. 27 - FRI. 28 The greatest all-new fright show in town "DRACULA, PRINCE OF DARKNESS" in Bloody Color — Stars Christopher Lee and Barbara Shelley Adult Entertainment — Plus "The Plague of the Zombies" in Color Only the lord of the dead could unleash the Plague of the Zombies (Adult Entertainment) Test your nerve—can you sit through both of the chillers?? WM. and Thurs. at 8:00 p.m. Friday at 7:00 and 8:30 p.m. "BOY, DID I GET A WRONG NUMBER" Colour — Starring: Bob Hope - Phyllis Diller - Elke Sommer In this one Bob Rope dials a wrong number and gets Phyllis Diller . . how wrong can a number be? SATURDAY MATINEE OCTOBER 29 "JOURNEY TO Tilt 7th PLANET" Colour - COMING NEXT— WED..THUIL-FRI.-SAT.-MON..TUES, NOV, 2.3454-8 (6 days) SPECIAL "THE TEN COMMANDMENTS" MinmmmilfitionmnmilimmmiMimUmnwithimimilmimimiimimMmt FRIDAY 28 - SATURDAY 29 "40 ACRE FEUD" in Colour — Stars Ferlin Rushy - Ray Price George Jones - Skeeter Davis — Plus — "The Missouri Traveller" R11111111111111111111111111111111111111M1111111111111R MI111111111111111111111111M11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111X1121111111111111111111111111141M SHOWPLACE OF WINGHAM — PHONE 357-1630 Monday to Thursday at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday-2 shows at 7:15 and 9:15; Sat. Mat. at 2 p.m., unless otherwise noted Prices: Adults $1.00; Students 75c; Children 40e WED.-THUR.-FRI. OCTOBER 26.27-28 "FORTY ACRE FEUD" Colour — Starring Ferlin Husky - Minnie Pearl - Ray Price and many, many more of your country music favorites "Country Music on Broadway" was great, "Second Fiddle to a Steel Guitar" was greater but the greatest is "'Forty Acre Feud." SAT.-MON.-TUES. OCT. 29-31 - NOV. 1 First feature now starting about 8:30 p.m. Operating Week-ends Only Strikes & Spares BIG CASH BINGO MORE GAMES — 15 GAMES AT $10.00 EACH BIGGER SPECIALS — 2 GAMES FOR $25.00 EACH AND 1 SHARE THE WEALTH BIGGER JACKPOTS — 6 CALL LINE FOR $310.00 $1.00 Admittance for 15 Games — Extra Card 7 for $1.00 Special and Jackpot — 25c; 3 for 50c; 7 for $1.00; 15 for $2.00 Every Other Wednesday Night AT THE IMAM LEGION HALL WEDNESDAY, NOV 2 DOORS OPEN AT 7:30 — Auspices Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 180