HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-10-27, Page 14JUDY FORSYTH was named best girl athlete and Glen Madill was chosen best boy athlete for the 1965-66 sea- son. Judy is attending St. Joseph's Hospital School of Nursing in London and Glen is attending The University of Windsor. They received their awards at the gradu- ation exercises on Friday night—Stuckey, JIM NASMITH won‘ the Grade XIII General Proficiency award, donated by F. E. Madill. George McWhirter, right, received the W. Clark lsbister Memorial Scholarship in Applied Science and Engineering. Jim is attending the Univerity of Toronto and George is a student at Water- loo. PIONEE 11 Now dependable automatic oiling for longer chain life and friction free cutting. And Pioneer's new muffling system cuts noise right down to make cutting with the Pioneer 11.50 a pleasure. See the super powered Pioneer 11.50 today. RAYMOND SCHMIDT, Bluevale, Ontario .0" PHILCO g":""dih QUALITY 4491a a. New Philco CUSTOM 21 COLOR TV with transistorized solid state signal system brings you brighter, sharper, more true- to-life color pictures . . AUTOMATICALLY Featuring . . . —Bonded Safety Tube —Automatic Degaussing System —Copper Engraved Circuits —New Philco Chroma Control —Beautiful Cabinet Styles PH 1 ELCO A SUOSIOON0y OF (19—)rePktOrW077042/ny, SPECIAL SAR 1hr Ihr 9 EVEN LESS WITH TRADE LILLOW'S TV CENTRE BLUEVALE, ONTARIO TEL. 357-3029 — OPEN EVERY EVENING FOR COLOR TELEVISION VIEWING -- Us. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Keith and family of Oakville visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Keith. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Martin left Sunday for a two weeks' holiday in Florida. Mrs. Roy Simmons returned home Thursday after visiting several days with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wildfang, in Cooksville. Mr. and Mrs. David Schnei- der of Kitchener visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. John Arm- strong and Kevin visited over the week-end with friends in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. John Boonstra and little daughter of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boonstra. Mr. Alfred Jones of Guelph is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sothern. Fordwich Personals Page 6 Wingham Advance-Th BAPTISM FORDWICII-,The rites of Holy Baptism were given on Sunday morning in the United Church by Rev. W, C. Parrott. Those baptized were Greg, ory Allan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Gibson; Kevin Leonard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Rut,. tan; Gregory James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Douglas; Lucy Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl D'Arey; Brenda Di- anne and Wayne John Clarence, children of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mann. Mrs. G. A, Dailey and daughter, Terri, have returned to Halifax, N.S., after spend- ing two weeks at the home Of Mrs. Bailey's parents, Mr. and Mrs, David Kaster. Mr. and Mrs. George Ashton visited several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Everitt Ash- ton at Prescott, and with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Durst at Bay Rid- Mr. and Mrs. John Sinna- mon and family of Seaforth visited Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smith on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bechtel, Brian and Grant of New Dundee ,visited Sunday at Ross Toman's. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Doig are i spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brad Gal- braith, Wingham, while they ,are on a trip to the western (provinces. Sunday guests with Mr. and !Mrs, Ross Coates were Mr. and verett Allen and r. and Mrs. John Lucas, Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gib- ison of Gormley were week-end Iguests with the former's sisters, 'Misses Elsie and Marion Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. George Gib- ison, Murray and Glenis ac- companied by Miss Gertrude Bush and Mrs. W. Weir spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weir and family, Etobi- coke. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Walker were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Walker of Galt. Mr. Terry Clark, Scarbor- ough, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Haugh and Eileen spent Sunday in Hol- stein where they visited Mr. and Mrs. John Adair. Mr. George Young, Deep River, and his sister, Mrs. Jack Spencley of Dundai visited their cousins, Mr. John Hupfer and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hupfer on Thursday. Mrs. Percy Nicholson, Pom- ona, California, visited at the week-end with her cousin, Mrs. J. G. Galbraith and Mr. Gal- braith. Miss Kaye Wright of Kitch- ener was home for the week- end and was a supper guest with her grandmother, Mrs. Marg- aret Wright of Gorrie, on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Coch- rane of Thistletown visited dur- ing the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. George Galbraith. Sympathy is extended to the family of the late Charles Max- well. Misses Leah and Ethyle Ree- don, Tottenham, Mrs. Frank Williams of Arthur and Mrs. Norine Atkinson of Muskoka Falls spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson. Sunday guests at the same home were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCutch- eon, Walton. Mrs. A. Wells, Erin, is visit- Your envelope' should have' cbrreet.Poqtoge 1,11 upper ri9,14"enrfielq 'the name of PeOnn whO shouid receive the letter. street nitinber.t street name,i P°St office box nor rural route number, pfi5o, apartment orbusi- nesSbleck,',end suctb:. Aumber. • • 011age, town et: city • , (and. ,postO kroner ft, in 044:. Province, • , • ,'yoqr name and corn . plete nibiresS in UP' per tett c9rner. • 1 A letter with the correct address is delivered right away - A letter with a wrong address takes longer on its way. For postal information see your telephone book Yellow Pages nes, Thursday, Oct, 27, 1966 Jr. Choir Sings Anthem Sunday WROXETER—The intermedi- ate and Junior choirs of the United Church led the Sunday service in song under the direc- tion of Mrs. Edward Martin, The juniors sang the anthem, Jesus, This Thy Earth So Fair" in two part harmony. Rev. R. Sweeney's theme was "Prepare to meet thy God' from Amos 4;12. Amos could see how corrupt the Hebrew people were and knew that in- iquity must be paid for. Every man knows that death is in- evitable and that God will look into his face. "We cannot pre- pare to meet God in a last min- , ute effort," Mr. Sweeney said. Paul says in Corinthians, "If we judge ourselves, then we t need not be judged by God." Mr. Sweeney pointed out that preparation for death must be made through prayer, commun- ion, and grace in a changed life in order to be ready when God says, "This night I require • thee." W.A. Meeting at Trinity Church FORDWICH—Trinity W.A. met in the church basement 'with Mrs. E. Strong presiding. The devotional service was led !by Mrs. Strong and Scripture was read by Mrs. Emerson Fer- Iguson. The roll was answered by ten members and one visitor. Notice of the World Mission ser- vice, to be held in Goderich, ilwas given. The church calen- dars are available from Rev. Jenkins. The bulletins were read. Rev. Harold Jenkins gave two readings, one on Church Collects and the Glorious Revo- lution. Mrs. E. Strong report- ed on the Deanery meeting re- cently held in Brussels. Mrs. S. Forster had the study on Bishop Wm. Bompas, Bishop of Athabaska. An invitation to hear Rev. Geo. Hamilton in Gorrie was accepted. Rev. Hamilton was the Prayer Part- ner while he was at Fort Simp- son in N. W. T. The W. A. bazaar will be held November 19 in the base- ment. Lunch was served by Mrs. Bruce Sothern and Mrs. Ruby Foster. Mrs. E. Ferguson was in charge of a short program. Mr. and. Mrs. Gerald D'Arcy of Huttonville were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earny D'Arey. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Doig were Mr. and. Mrs. Don Doig and girls of Glenn Morris, and Mrs. Howard Toner and four children of Lis- towel. Mr. and Mrs. George Pitten- dreigh and Miss Minnie McEl- wain spent two days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ian Pittendreigh. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wally Gib- son. Mrs. Jessie. O'Gorman re- turned home after spending three weeks in Toronto. Mrs. Jack Keais, Sandra and John of Guelph, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gibson. Friends of Mrs. Lloyd Sim- mermaker will be sorry to hear she is confined at present to Palmerston Hospital. Mr. Earl Ridley and Master John Ridley of London spent the week-end with Mrs. Dora Rid- ley. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Schae- fer spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Schaefer in London. ing her sister, Mrs. A. Wear- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nixon of Winnipeg, spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Griffith. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wil- lis, Jamestown, attended the funeral of the latter's aunt in Mount Forest one day last week. Mrs. Elizabeth Hoffman visited at the home of her , broth- er, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Riley, of Brussels, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Nixon and Howard of Camp Borden and Mr. Norman Nixon, Toron- to, were week-end guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Griffith. Legion Auxiliary Holds Bake Sale FORDWICH— The bazaar and bake sale sponsored by the How- ick Legion Ladies' Auxiliary on Saturday afternoon in the com- munity ball was well attended. They realized $97 for their ef- forts. The draw for three prizes was held at the close, all three going to Gorrie. First prize was won by Mrs. Manford Irwin, a pole lamp; bathroom scales went to Miss Karen Currah and an electric clock to Mrs. Joe Bennett. Final Tournament Held on Friday On Friday the ladies took advantage of fine weather to play their final tournament of the season. The competition was for low gross score. and was divided in- to two classes. Players with handicaps below 36 competed for the Carling Trophy, of which Mrs. A. R. DuVal was the winner. Mrs. D. Rathbun was runner-up. The Dorothy Contort Rose Bowl for the 36 handicappers was won by Mrs. E. S. Camp- bell of Myth, with Mrs. R. H. Lloyd the runner-up. WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Roy Irwin were Sunday, visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Finlay and family of i3elmore. A good start can save you lots of bumps We specialize in giving our policyholders any help they need in choosing insurance for their home . . . car . . . business. We'll be glad to give you a complete property insurance checkup. Call us today. We're independ- ent agents. Call us. W. B. CONRON, all INSURANCE AGENCY Complete Insurance Coverage — Agent for — MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 5 John St. W. - Ph. 357-2636 WINGHAM G.A. WILLIAMS, O.D. Optometrist 9 PATRICK STREET W. WINGHAM Phone 357-1282 ...the super-powered lightweight chain saw with added convenience! Wroxeter News OPEN BOWLING Fordwich Bowling Lanes FRIDAY NIGHT - SATURDAY NIGHT SUNDAY AFTERNOON 2741)