HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1966-10-27, Page 3SAVE $ on Bedroom Suites
3 pc. GROUP $149 ,00 10 pc. GROUP $ 229
5 pc. GROUP $201.00 3 pc. GROUP $ 169.oct
finished in American Walnut TERMS $2.19 WEEKLY ON ANY GROUPING
AT ONE MINUTE before 2 p.m., on Sat-
urday afternoon,. merchandise was ar-
ranged neatly on counters which stretched
halfway round the arena's skating surface.
Two minutes later the piles were upside-
Lakelet Personal Notes
down as hordes of eager shoppers tore the
piles apart in a mad hunt for bargains.
Here, two shoppers quickly take advantage
of being early to gather some fine bar-
gains in clothing.—A-T Photo.
Entertainment Needed
For Hospital Patients
MARY SCHWARTZENTRUBER, a Grade 13 student at WO
HS, received no less than five awards and her Secondary
School Graduation Diploma on Friday night. Here she
receives the Stanley-Berry Limited award from FL A.
Fuller, presented for Grade 12 Proficiency in the five-year
W ngham Acivance-Times, Thursday, Oct. 27, 1966 -4 Ps e 3
Toronto Barrie
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kreller
and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Hen-
ry Kreller attended McIntosh
United Church on Sunday and
visited Mrs. Alex Sangster of
Belmore in the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dahms
and children of Mildmay visited)
with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Wright on Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Frame of
Welland and Mrs. Jim Harkley
of Walkerton were Sunday visit-
ors with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ing-
Mr. Stuart Douglas attended
the seminar for school trustees,
held in Toronto on Thursday
and Friday of last week at The
Inn on the Park.
Mrs. Norman Harper is visit-
ing in Toronto this week.
Mr. Stanley Dennis had the
telephone installed at his home
on Friday. The number is 121
Miss Marlene Wylie and La-
verne and Jim Greenley spent
the week-end at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Clarke of
Mrs. Margaret Horsburgh,
who has been staying with Mr.
and Mrs. E. Ferguson, left for
Oshawa last week. She will
visit Mrs. Mary Peddle there
before going south for the win-
ter months.
Masters Bruce and Garth
Dickert spent the week-end
with their aunt and uncle, Mr.
and Mrs. Gerald Hubbard of
H arriston .
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Doug-
las and family visited with Mr.
and Mrs. John Douglas on Sun-
Will Collect
group met in the church base-
ment last Wednesday with Rhon-
da Fear conducting a sing song.
Audrey Coultes led the opening
exercise. The secretary's re-
port was read by Ruth Ann
Pletch and the treasurer's report
by Linda McGee. The group
decided that the prayer would
be said instead of sung.
The clean up crew for the
meeting was Cathy Chandler
and Shirley Pattison. Linda Mc-
Gee will be in charge of worship
for the next meeting and Ruth
Ann Pletch will lead the sing
A motion was passed to
again collect for Unicef on Hal-
lowe'en after school. The girls
also decided to again sell C. G.
I. T. chocolates.
The Bible study, "The Dis-
ciples", was taken by Mrs.John
Gnay and the girls participated
by reading passages of Scrip-
ture and answering questions.
The theme of the worship
service was "Responsibility".
The call to worship was given
by Audrey Coultes and Scripture
lesson was read by Ruth Ann
Pletch. The story, "Angel of
the Common Grass" was read by
Audrey. The offering was re-
ceived by Joyce Taylor and
Donna Walker. Ruth Ann Pletch
read a poem, "Your Mission".
Audrey closed with prayer.
—Miss Wendy Cronkwright
of Waterloo visited on the week-
end with her family and attend-
ed commencement at the high
school Friday evening.
BELGRAVE—The October
meeting of the Women's Insti,-
tute was held in the commun.,
ity centre, with the vice-presi-
dent, Mrs. Ivan Wightman in
A minute of silence was ob-
served in memory of Mrs. Toyn-
bee Lamb, district president of
West Huron. Several members
acknowledged get well cards
and the president thanked all
those who helped with the plow-
ing match. A donation of $10
was voted to the C.N.I.B. Mts.
Stanley Black was named lead-
er for the course, "Hats for
You", to be held in the Salva-
tion Army Sunday School on
October 26 and 27. The London
Area convention was announced
for November 1 and 2 in Knox
Presbyterian Church, Goderich.
Final arrangements were
made for the birthday party to
be held at Huronview on No-
vember 16 at 2 p.m. Mrs.
Herson Irwin and Mrs. Bob Pur-
don are convenors for the lunch
and Mrs. Stanley Cook and Mrs.
Norman Cook are in charge of
the program. Each institute
member is asked to make home
made candy to take that day.
Gifts for the Children's Aid So-
ciety at Goderich are to betak-
en to the November meeting.
Mrs. Norman Coultes was
convenor for this, the health
meeting. The motto was Good
Health is God's Greatest Gift.
Roll call was answered with a
suggestion for keeping physical-
ly and mentally fit.
Mrs. Norman Coultes intro-
TB Is Not Licked
—"Must Be Alert"
Secretary Reports
A total of 772 chest x-rays
were taken at the Huron Tuber-
culosis booth at the plowing
Mrs. Beryl Davidson, as-
sociation secretary, told the
regular meeting of the Huron
County Tuberculosis Associa-
tion at Clinton, Wednesday,
that approximately 700 health
educational pamphlets and pos-
ters had been distributed. Per-
sons from New Brunswick, No-
va Scotia, Quebec and Michi-
gan were included in the x-
"This was a wonderful case
finding and educational pro-
ject and had the weather been
better the results would prob-
ably have been more extensive;
she said and added, "The TB
Associations of Huron and Perth
state that we fight TB wherever
it is and this project illustrates
the ecumenical spirit of these
voluntary organizations." Geo.
Watt, association president,
was in charge of the meeting.
The secretary reported that
Beck Memorial Sanatorium has
a Pulmonary Function Machine
in operation there and that a
Pulmonary Function Survey of
a cross section of the country
would he a worthwhile Centen-
nial project.
While at the Sanatorium re-
cently, Mrs. Davidson told the
rneetim she had been shown an
x-ray of a young man with far
advanced pulmonary tubercu-
losis, who had symptoms for
two years before being checked.
"TB is not licked! We must be
alert and continue the fight
against this still number one
public health menace, " she
duced the guest speaker, Basil
Hall, social worker, of Goder-
ich who spoke on mental illness
in Canada. In his address he
emphasized the importance of
early treatment of mental ill-,
ness. All drugs are free and
with the new treatments a great-
er percent are cured than three
years ago.
The Ontario Hospital.is in
need of groups to entertain the
patients with concerts and to
visit them and take them out
for drives. He said that nearly
100 patients are without family
and friends and gifts for these
people would be appreciated.
They can be sent to Mrs. Red-
Mrs, Donald Dow and Mrs.
Sidley Thompson sang two du-
ets, "White Cliffs of Dover"and
Peggy O'Neil".
Lunch was served by Mrs.
Stanley Cook, Mrs. ClarkJohn-
ston and Mrs. Fred Cook.
Bowling News
Your reporter took a holiday;
perhaps for a week or two so
old T.C. will try real hard to
bring all the news to you,
With last week the fourth
night of bowling it appeared
that most of the sore muscles
and early season maladies have
vanished all along the line and
everyone is settling down to
some serious bowling business.
The new members are now
well acquainted with the old
regulars and appear quite hap-
py with the group. It won't
hurt a bit to repeat that we are
glad to have them with us.
Thanks to Edith Walker, Helen
Casemore, Vicki Wild, Ross
Gordon and Mac Ritchie for fill-
ing up the ranks by sparing.
Ruth Lott had the ladies'
high single with 225 while Hel-
en Casemore had the high tri-
ple with 539. Mac Ritchie
wouldn't share the honors so he
took high single and triple with
371 and 812.
I failed to take the names
of the teams, but you will
know your captain: Jack 18;
Don 16; John 15; Harold 14;
George 12; Norm 9.
Mrs. Russel McGuire of
Turnberry and Mrs. Victor Em-
erson, delegates from White-
church Women's Institute, ac-
companied Mrs. Donald Ire-
land of the Teeswater branch
to Wiarton on Thursday to at-
tend the Bruce County Rally.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin,
Mrs. George Tiffin of Lucknow
and Mr. Fred Tiffin, attended
the funeral of the late Mr. Al-
bert Magenty in Stratford on
Tuesday of last week. Wesley
and Fred Tiffin were pall bear-
ers. Burial was in Avondale
Cemetery, Stratford.
—Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie Beirnes on Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs. James McNee-
lands and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Caslick of Kitchener.
—Mr. and Mrs. Ross Forbeck
and Linda of Owen Sound spent
the week-end with her mother,
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Elliott and
on Saturday evening they all
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Al-
bert Porter and family at Luck-
now. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ohm
Jr. also visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Porter on Saturday eve-
—Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bal-
ser of Moncton, N.B., are
visiting with their son, Mr. and
Mrs. L. D. Balser and family.
--Mr. RObert E. Laidlaw re-
turned from his trip to British
Columbia and Alberta last Tues.
Gifts for Every
FREE — Gift Wrapping
Expert Jewellery and
Watch Repairs
—Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Irwin
who have spent the summer at
their cottage at Amberley
Beach, left Tuesday for their
home in Largo, Florida.
—Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Field-
ing were in Toronto on Sunday
attending the centennial servi-
ces at Emo Immanuel Baptist
—Mr. and Mrs. Scotty Ross
spent last week-end in Kitch-
ener when their granddaughter,
Mrs. Bob Queast and Mr.
Queast had their baby baptized.
--Mr. and Mrs. George
Needham and Jimmie of Pinker`
ton were dinner guests on Sun-
day evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Moffat and Heather.
—Mr. and Mrs. Alf Lock-
ridge spent a few days last week
in Batavia, N.Y., and Niagara
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9 authorized investment for all
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6' V 0
Vice - principal, presented
one of the awards at the
Dial 357-3380 - Winghorn